Show ANVIL MARKS HI his TOMB blackam th fastens implements to marble and awaits death i thoughts of death or of the grave 1 do not oppress john G an angelo el 0 a blacksmith blacksmith smith at pocomoke Poco moke city goa eastern tern shore of maryland who Is hale a and nd hearty at the age of 89 years but realizing that the length ot of his years cannot be much longer extended ba he hasa has amade fiade provis on for the disposal of his remains in a manner at once h unique and in acccia a with his trade with his own hands he has fashioned A a tomb the most notable features ot of it are the anjil anvil and hammer which he lie used during durin his apprenticeship and with which which he haa has corked for over sixty years the hammer and handle are riveted to the agull amil 4 which aich in turn is fastened to a marble base and set up at the spot where he will rest after death 1 |