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Show Friday, May 16, 1952 GARFIELD LEADER, GARFIELD. UTAH umm FOR SALE 1937 Pontiac coup, healer, Mat covers, good lira. la good cone it Ion. Phona 202S or cm at 29 East 19th Ava Garfield. 49. CURTAINS Washed uid itntch-- 1 ad. No Bin holes. Fraa oickuo and WVWAW-WW00k delivery. Please dial 9474. FOR SALE llxll Army with stakes. Dial 3382. FOR SALE Flowara tor all oc- 41. casion. Pleese call Mrs. Floraaco FOR SALE -- All kind of flower Harmon at 9927 West 3200 South bedding pleats, also tomato and 0& pepper plant. Phone 3300 or inir dial 3388. SELL RENT quire Mrs. Harmon, 1927 West BUY ANTED W SITUATIONS HELP WANTED WE BUY Scrap iron, metal, bat- 3200 So. 49. 50c 4 LINES or lew teries, old cart and all kinds of HAVE IT REPAIRED. . nk, also hides and pells. Will FOR SALE Wolverine comfortable call and pick upy Phone 5502. 00. Martin. 60 motor, trailer and ac1949 Sty la master FOR SALE-Mode- rn. FOR SALE MAGNA SHEET METAL-Heat-l- ug, home. Price includes! cessories. So Don Coon, dial 1320 sadan in good condi.i. coodidoning, ventilated Chev. Reasonable or inquire at 2714 So. 700 West. ii.mtwiim awnings, general aheet tion. Radio and heater, very dean. all floor coverings, curtains, ai: DAY NURSERY 40. t.i work. Reaaonable prices, See Eugene Caiten. phone 6010. conditioner, gas heat, water heat- fees, daytime hours. For informa9961 or come in at 2700 49. er. Roper gas range. Norge refrig- tion, phone Mrs. David Bad ham, plane dial 00. erator. House charting all done. 2265. 49. IDEAL Apartment for rent loath 9194 West. Phone 9614. 41. FOR Information concerning Tele. 6570 or tee at 2742 So. 9100 49. YOUR VOICE IN rental of the Magna Women's West OLOR1FY free ESTIMATES-F- or painting WILL TRADE-- 1! ton SONG OR SPEECH. CLASS OH Club, please coil 3352 or inquire k Nice pattern to pickup bod MEN'S AND BOYS' choose from. All work guaranteed. tor W ton stake bod. Please phona PRIVATE LESSONS. PHONE Mrs. E. C. Mecham. 2909 So. 9000 51. 0595. 4A West. See Evan Jonas. 27ir3 So. 0500 W, 2079. Warren Worthen at 79 WORK SHOES 48. 00. 18th Ava- - Garfield. Guaranteed Quality. $5.95 and up. phone 2355. own RUGS Carpets, upholstery dean-a- d your FOR SALE-Go- od Dannys Shoe Shop la your hone like new. Reason- washing. Use a wonderful, efficused General labor saving Phona 2211 able. Satisfaction guaranteed. For ient 9081 W. 2700 So. electric refrigerator. Pleas phone 00. 51. 7715. prompt service write nr phone Maytag, only 13.50 per month. O. Jacobs Cleaners. 139 3rd C. Finlay Sales and Service, did 00. 2211. 9001 West 2700 South. 00. At Stud Avenue, Salt Lake City. Purebred, registered STARTED Leghorn pullets. 2 to Arabian stallion. "Naraihk No. 0 weeks old. For prices so Feul-ner- s BEE Ua about remodeling or FOR SALE '37 Ford V-- 9 motor, 4170", producer of fine colls which Hatchery, 0800 West 3500 building a garage to YOUR spec- complete, A-- l condition. 36 Ford can bo registered in the Arabian South, Magna, phone Mur. 0312R5. ifications. No down payment. 3 chassis, 5 good 600x11 tires and Stud Book. Before you bread your 00. look him ovor. Vem Nel- years to pay. Seal Right Lumber wheels. Abo square tub aluminum Kentucky Straight Company. Open evenings and Maytag washsr. Phona 6160, Vir- - eon. 3127 South 0400 West, phone TELEVISION k RADIO REPAIR 4 Wee 100 presf 1414. 2741 South 1100 West Magna .03 lAITON (MSTIUING Sundays, CO, SAIDSTOWN, ST Phone 6830 40. - the gift that gathers more gifts HER tent ,1L GRADUATION For WANT ADS r WWWAWWWi W WWWWMWWWMMMWM'M V I VMW VWvVvl j GIVE HER LANE CEDAR CHEST A j - r. - paper-hangin- ti Ml for e, as Aovumsto While Otk. Hu stiioauuc risiee irir. LIFE IIUFFAKER FURNITURE CO. MAGNA, UTAH WAVMVMWWVWWWWAWWrtV.. VAVhWWWAWWVVVWWWVWWVWVYS costs ! capacity-light-du- ty Big-truc-k nrM Gas savings up to 14 NEW POWER In the Ford Truck Tee get capacity of eknoal 2if tone in thie Ford light-dut- y u F-- 4 Stekel All-neV-- & 101-h.- p. Six, or 106-h.- p ! groat 239 cu. in. V-- 8 gets new power ... new 106-h.performance! Now advanced to crowd in more hustle loads, big Helpa you trips per day! p. Juic GDirsiimffoe MAL BOLL Swifts, boneless, lb IFtyeirs fc KcnkStyl Manor House A Grade CutUp Ready for the Pan Graded, Good and Choice, Tender U. S. lb. lb. Gold Coin i SWANSONS CLEANSER JELL-WEL- L CORN STARCH SHRIMPS ZZZ? 37 2ie 4 ea. SS S3 cm 85 59 33 a . 26c 49 10 1.00 rnrrrr lUrrtE 12 ZLT&. ioc FJ.A.F. US TODAYI EE AvfrMhlity of aulpamt. low height, jwt Chou-ciifoul- uid tiu, u IttuAnMd U drvriHlnii ua miurtul wind nwdlUuM. Ford Trucks for '52 cost still less to run! HARRIS -- FORD. INC. PHONE S221 PuhHi.afcT 8952 WEST MAIN ST Ceffee at e Sevlage AIRWAY Nhm fte 84 NekSOScaa 10 hi CoNti Hl-- C BEETS SmSDM affirsbv PINEAPPLE CHEESE Itch Amtficii PEAS ktk Aiv, froth CHEESE Forty Pride 1.00 glk .49 COOKIES, AiiL, pkg. 9 pkg. m. 65 FLAVORADE TEA Ceatrikeiy Wadi ICE CREAM 10 wm. SWaK. Marshmallows ROYAL SATIN great pkg. Fancy, Full Flavored - 1 Worm Free Bantam Marih Seedless, wh., 8 lb bag egpiwpwp in i, i auu-- yi ypj 11 1 ug.i PEAS 12c Tender, Full Pods GRAPEFRUIT 43 SWIFTNING ' U.S.No.1, J lb. S5c CAMAY CUP VBM '$&&' C CORN U. S. No. 1, 5c JF. JUHr MMk p7 12 a--" a ak. 10 IN-S- F- -l Strawberries 1 51c 55c 2-1- SOAP 33c GUM COME New Ferd owr 2 ft. lowifd, make, load handling aacfcrt Hubcap, ehown(addedouit). Farm Fresh Produce ng. u.i Z&Zr1 KREMEL lew.. Pimit Min Praia it, gloat pkg. VEL Low-Frictio- n, n, OQ O r glow pkg. goto Shi 25 37 IfeM, LAC AtlX SLICED BACON (S3 com- . . . more engine cuts friction power-wast- e of the developed power becomes hauling power. And you can save aa much as one gallon of gas in seven! Famous Truck V--9 now upped to 106 h.p. Proved in over 2,000,000 trucks. Fords 3 for F Hostess Delight Delicious Asstd. Tasty Fruits No. 2 can PORK & BEANS fT. TOMATOES SKT-i-- ei ROUND STEAKS with Forda Cost Clipper Six! The Short Tiston Stroke of this new SALMON 35 noue-div- e overhead-valv- e PICKLES OiHt BABY FOOD PORK ROASTS &:r COST CLIPPER SIX. Running p. take a pletely new LUNCH BOX 69 101-h.- coat TISSUE Guaranteed Meats SOAP SOAP New (Codkta Fo'aDoft lb. light duty line! Only FORD offers you a choice of V-- 8 or SIX! lb. ORANGES Florida, lb Q andf&et wfr t. Owh9i M sldenral free (if available) lOibinatiaa Mialrad optimal of antra ail I BEVERAGES 15 Cragmont, An't trial ewbiacf It "Test Drive" the Flavors bottle, no deposit These Prices Effective in Our Magna Store We Are Opes Friday PRICES SVZ:ZCT TO DAILY MARKET CHANGES. hmm Till S 2t your Ford Dealer's! Onfy Ford ofTor you eo much car for ao little. Only Ford in its livid give you a choice of 8 or Six. Only Ford d oflum 18 mwdi-b- . And only Ford of all the cam lets you choune from 3 great drives Furdomatic, Overdrive and Conventional! V-- CHOICE OF TWO GREAT ENGINES . . .Whichever power-hou- se V-- 8 or the 101-h.you pick, Ihe 110 h.p. St.ato-Sta- r performance Mileage Maker Six you gat and Ihe gat-tavinof Ford's Automatic Fewer Pilot. ... AUTOMATIC SIDE CONTROL New ride features like lower center of gravity, wider front tread, diagonally mounted rear shock absorbers and taikxed-to-weigfront prings help lake the bounce out of bumps, the tilt out of turns. a HARRIS -- FORD, INC. MAGNA, UTAH PHONE 6221 |