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Show Friday, May 16, 1952 GARFIELD LEADER. GARFIELD. UTAH Where The Spirit Of The Lord It, There la Liberty. LEADER THE GARFIELD Howard Ridge. Publisher Edith N. Ridge. Editor Published Sine 111! Published By The Copper Printing Company Issued each Friday morning at Garfield. Utah Entered as second class mail matter under the act of Judicial District in and for Salt March 3rd. 1171 at Garfield. Utsh Lake County, State of Utah Adjudged one of the best weekly newspapers by the Utah State Prasa Association, given honorable mention by the National Order of Publication Editorial Asaoclation. Mail subscription rates Payable strictiy in aovance lt-5- 0 year In the matter of the Adoption of The Times welcomes contributions from its readers upon any DECKER BRADLEY WILLIAMS No must ba All interest. communications of signed. public aubjaet a Minor. h paid to anonymous contributions. Upon reading the Petition of Frederick Alfred Miller and DonPARTICULARS FOR FURTHER na Pearl Miller, his wife, and good CLERK cause COUNTY CONSULT appearing therefor, AND GUARDIANPROBATE IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that SHIP NOTICES. the fullowing notice be published The Magna Times is qualified in the Magna Times, a newspaper as a Newspaper to publish Legal in general circulation in Salt Lake NOTICE Notices, having been approved County, State of Utah, once a la the Third District Court of Balt week for a period of four weeks: Lake County. TO BRADLEY WILLIAMS: In The District Court of The Third You will please take notice, that Frederick Alfred Miller and Dcn-n- a Pearl Miller, his wife, have petitioned the above entitled Court for the adoption of Decker Bradley Williams, a Minor mule child; that the natural mother of said child, Lora Williams, has consented to said adoption. You are hereby required to ap$2500 pear with regard to the above entitled matter within Thirty (30) days after the last publication of OHLY OH YOUR SIGH this Notice. If you fail so to do the Court will proceed in accordance with law to grant the prayer of the Petition filed by the aforesaid Petitioners. Dated this 6th day of May, 1932. Martin M. Larson, Judge Attorneys for Petitioners, Romney, Boyer Sc Bertoch 1409 Walker Bank Bldg. Salt Lake City, Utah FINANCE COMPANY OF UTAH Date of first publication. May 9, .9013 W. 2700 South Phono Magna 6372 MAGNA Phono SALT LAKE CITY U West 2nd So Provo 1045 Phone PtOVO 341 W. Center Sf. - NEWS OF YOUR NEIGHBORS Please Dial 3322 and Give U Your News. Dale of last publication, May 30, ltl.12. n. Borland and family the past week and her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Kom, all of Magna. Mrs. Dolly Leslie of Salt Lake City was also a guest of her niece, Mrs. Borland, during the week. ATOM W. attended a meeting of Eight and Forty Wednesday evening at the home of Mrs. Rose Waters in Salt Lake City. A very enjoyable time was participated in by the entire A group of local ladies group. Tou do aol saw have to bo soasitiva about tho condition ai youz hands. II in youi wotk you got your hand lillhy with grimo, groaso, paints 01 other hard to got oil stains . . . ia goodness sako do your hands a favor, got a can oi tho 4VVWVWWWVWVWVWWMWVWVWVVVVVWVVVVVWVVV The new LAKE Theatre 17 May 16 tfhefftc-Hle- ai I Last Show First Show 7 p. m. it BEWARE with MARTIN k LEWIS SAILOR BOURBON 12 OCLOCK MATINEE Come See The New Theatre ww BEAM And Hang Me Up Gem Theatre Complete Show After Starts 7:00 p. m. 66 SAMUEL j Fire I Life Cell for skSBto Hail Damage Under the Rose Arbor Li. lie MamscUe Swaying Daffodils . t Moon Mist Tango R'verie .... Note Kentucky Straight Bourbon 6 proof 100 proof BARTON DiSTlUING CO. IAROSTOWN, KV 5635 West 3500 South Murray 0120R2 A 3 O-- m Sharilyn Clement Diane Smith Sharon Duckworth Janice Duke RaZell Brown Ann Hunt Thurma Elmer Donna Richards MUSIC OF THE MASTERS Revolutionary Etude Song of India Minuet in G ALWAYS USED .. - Second Walts 65e Ballade Tarantella March Triumphal Fur Elisa Them from 6th Symphony 31.00 $1.65 $2.95 lib. 21b. 3ft lb. 8ft lb. For Sale By Al Morn Deon Eldredgt Carclee Austin Lynn McGill Janice Court Linda Smith Connie Garfield Regir Hutchings Card Bangerter Diane Fouts Marjorie Jones Laurel Christensen Marlene Jones Marjorie Ann Taylor Theme from 2nd Concerto Andante Leibestraum Piano Duet Thurma Elmer and Diane Fouts Garfiold. Utah STANDARD MARKET Gloworm ANIF J atMi tea 2nd Feature Mfl runs h rt uooD-wnu- Hsis. tote iaMU scmMine jokcu "ROUNDUP" STARTS 1 2 NOON When Is Your Birthday? Serial Cartoons Both Feature ThisWeek! Trader Charms Hey Gang! SATURDAY Finishes Everyone Invited Sunday, Monday ROTH May 18 3:40 19 NOTICE THIS WEEK Starts Sunday 5:00 p. m. Siurla Monday 7:00 pi m. Last Show 3:15 p. m. PRESENTS CENTURY-FO- X WITHjs. PR ID V19 HipM w- "rL if iti ask ii jfii I te Tues., Wed., Thura. Starts You can say goodbye to fret- Technicolor CARTOON 7:00 p. m. NEWS A May 20 21 22 Complete Shew After 3 p.m. Value! Spectacular Performer A Wonderful this Come In and On the open road, youre in Cruising Rang? so smooth and quiet It s almost like coasting. In Cruising Range you actually reduce engine remlutions as much as 30 per cent! No wonder you save gasoline every hour you drive. let behind the wheel of a Pontiac and watch new uuui-Ranall your driving trouble fade away! In traffic Range youll ease through the toughest traffic so nimbly, so easily, so smoothly youll hardly know there's another car around. ge see great, new Pontiac America's lowest priced the lowest priced car straight-eigh- t; Drive. Let us show with llydra-Mati- c you the wonderful deal wc can make that will put you behind the wheel of your own new Pontiac! Hollar for Hollar you eniTt boat n erterriag o VINCENT PRICE Double Attraction Mijr &YottL Fmk iiM nr an, a. PAGE MOTOR COMPANY 733 West 3700 South. Magna I JONES INSURANCE Night and Day Donna Richards and Certlae Austin IN A HAPPY MOOD Auto Resident Glass Arlene Evans Ronna Hepworlh Kaye Hardy Chari ona Brown Betty Beck Ruth Sadler . ... Rj:!is Danes Magna. Utah 11111111 INSURANCE SECTION II Plano Duel LBR. k HDWE. CO. Magna Utah GARFIELD TRADING CO. 1p.m. J . . Valsa Novelette EK Danube Three B's Swiii Low Sweet Chariot CENTRAL 17 May 16 Friday, Saturday Charlene Richards Brent Thomas Ronald Larson David Christensen Richard Sadler Sh'.rsln Bread KHEMO-KLEA- Tube Indiana, North and South Carolina are Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Robison of Magna, who recently returned home. . PRICED Of CONVENIENT SEES Cut Mo Out es Ruth and Richard Sadlar FAIRY STORY Betty Jean Sisemora Fairies Harp .. Francee Simmons Swans on the Lake . Sherrie Sizemore Funny Bunny . Dina Bouck Tiresome Woodpecker .. Saundra Spain Fox Hunt Judy Ludwig Fairy Court Carol Haneg Starlight Walls Judy R batlo in Fairyland Swinging Pamela Cromar Wood Nymphs Harp Diana Duckworth Frolicky Roelicky Wind OUR COUNTRY Trip Now reliving wundcrful mt'in-oriof a three-week- s trip to SECTION X March of llio Wooden Soldiers Piano Duet is the aalislied that lines! hand cleaner you over used, tho return can to your daalen ho is authorized to rotund tho purchase price. 35c Soulhorn PROGRAM Londonderry Air Irom your doalor to day. Uso as dio! tho content; ii not rected one-ha- ll ONCE TRIED ' e ... HAND CLEANER A show for the whole family! That Mg Paramount special 3 Cartoon Comedies Also a 3 Stooges Comedy Friends of the young artists are cordially invited to attend. : i MUSICAL FRIENDS NEW IMPROVED GARFIELD Friday, Saturday i MEN 4 S80 Phono Tooolo 13 S. Main Street p. m. Dixit Columbia Marines Hymn .... Boy Scouts March American Patrol . NATIONAL 53 ' Piano students of Mrs. Eva L. Spencer of Magna will present a recital at the Pleasant Green Ward Chapel Friday evening, May 16th in two groups. The first will perform at 7:00 oclock and the second at 8:00 Mrs. Jennie Kone of Salt Lake City visited her daughter, Mrs. Up to I At P. G. Ward the Democratic Thursday at the Firehall and attended by a large group of members. Mrs. M. F. Orr and Mr. N. F. Pehrson were in charge of a social that was later conducted and also made for games at which prizes were given to Mrs. Agnes Williams and Mrs. Emily Petters-soA late luncheon was served. W. ..i An.i Nii-Li-- A meeting of LadiiM was held I Piano Recital tion from a t.io C-iBi'wiiy Bradley, Connie residents were The Magna of Mrs. Robison's relatives gi.esls Rose KetinarJ, avvor.'p..nii,d by end visited family plantations. Mothers Day was observed iPryllis t.ip donee. Ka.hv Many socials were given in their and JoAnn Wednesday evening by members Il.i sor.j, honor by a number of "southern of the Magna Womens Club and Srn.l:a P.ttrrss-n- ; pi.ino solo, kinfolk. with an selecappropriate n: accordion special guests Jody Husnu1 Donicls. program. tions, Coll-e- n Lovely Party of the dob j Mr. Dora Vosholl, president, Trove elderly folthe w:th J corsages. introduced elite and e.'ie pv. presided The annual Spring Party of "Giandnu" Mar F'l lowing numbers: flag presenta- O v Camp, Daughters of Utah Oquirrh clue "Amerto t a'dend, io", was ni tion, Mrs. Allie Gee; song, was held Thursday at l.'.neer4, of lilness. Two other, M:s. Fannie the home of Mrs. Maude ica, the Beautiful, address Coon welcome, Mrs. Voshell; tribute to Ldtie ur.d Mrs. Lottie Lambstin, w.t'i Mrs. Eiinina Taone as we'-Williams; Mrs. Joey Mothers, Mrs. Inez Bailey presentSixty-thre- e ladies were present ed the lesson, "liuiuo: violin solo, Miss Carol Jensen, acous S lories Mrs. served and enjoyed refreshments companied by her mother, of the Pioneers, and Mrs. Amy Thelma Jensen; Mothers Day by the elub officers. Gaurley gave the history of her story, Mrs. N. F. Pehrson; selec life. Mother's Day Observed Planned Friday MAGNA NOTES NOTICE TOOELE - ting over no hot water when you want it . . . if you put an automatic electric hot water M heater to work. Clean, safe hot water is always there at the turn of the tap. And hot water electrically is so low in cost, too. |