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Show W CHATTER ; Garfield, Utah, Friday, May Year Thirty-fift- h Tactics Politicians will not miss an rt uni. y to get more votes. The ban may be lifted on installment buying, they tell us, to stimulate business-a- nd the net results may bo to increase inflationary trends. Vole-Gettin- The Complete Home Newspaper" Read It in The Times or Leader Right With Themselves People who are unselfish and conscientious in everything they do Seldom concern themselves about the opinions of others. g 16, NumEeTSS" 1952 op-po- BROCK BANK SLATES ANNUAL EXERCISES WEDNESDAY NIGHT Magna Trips Funeral Hites Helper In Schools Plan Held For Old Garfield I! oy Special Events Ball Opener will be awarded to grades, next Wednesday evening, Life Is For Courageous Diploma at 7:30 p. m Every age has been a tough age rtudents of Brockbank juniox May 21st. beginning The following program will be for the weak, the fearful, and the high school ninth grade class, preindolent. Fur ihem there never paratory to entrance in senior presented: has been a good time to be alive. THEME: 'OUR AMERICA" v '.ten their luck was in, their Music by Band March of Graduates tears kept them from profiting Invocation by it. Varl Nawbold Introduction of Themo The ci uragruus, on the other School Band Musical Selection hand, have made up their minds Homes Iran Hulsa Our 10-Ye- ar For Children OVER ONE HUNDRED SIXTY TO GRADUATE FROM CYPRUS HIGH Traditional Exercises Thursday Evening, May 22nd. This Numbers Largest Class In History of Institution d baseball Cloward Youth Killed The By entiy of the Utah Industrial Lake Tooele Salt League administered a sound trouncing to Helper Merchants Bus Friday The local annual Commence- with over one hundred and sixty Webster and Brockbank ment in the opening game, Sunday, service for the Cyprus high young men and women receiving played at Helper. school is only six days away, their sheepskins" and departing Funeral service for Leonard Completing Plans For The local squad scored five runs scheduled for Thursday evening. from the portals of their alma in the third inning to cinch their Fowkes Cloward, 10, were con- Field Days American mater for institutions of higher May 22nd. 1 m. at in a ducted the that is life p. that Tuesday fight: early victory. Our American Government Laura Lou Huish This will feature the largest learning and fields of Ward LDS Garfield First truuble is not aco e but chrome, Chapel, Bob Sanders, on the mound for American Prayer Hot lay Toona Everything is in readiness for class in the history of the school. Song and that the only path to salvation the local baseballers, kept six Church by Bishop Wilford S. the annual Field Days of BrockOur American Farm k Industry Burris Mary Carolyn is to bear the bad withaut grumbFrank B. Stillman, Presiding hits well scattered. In the seventh, Wilding. bank and Webster Schools. Both Gloria Angall C:ir American Education The boy. a son of Max L. and are slated for this ling and capitalize on the g ..id. Theme: America Magna added two runs on three Own Mixed Chorus Two Numbers My May Friday. solid base hits, two of which were Blanche Fowkes Cloward, 117 16th. . ... O..I American Culture liana Hulsa Prelude ... . Band was Avenue. 14th East Garfield, Five Sentences doubles. The Webster event will be held March of Graduates S.hoal Song Gradualas . Graduates killed Friday about 7:30 o'clock at the Utah Worth Studying of . John E. Papanikolas Copper Community Invocation Diplomas Awarding . Elaine Mossier when he was struck by a Salt Lake Park Out ot a long, painful experstarting at 10:30 a. m. Garfield Ward Grail.'.jtes include: rheme Song, Solo: Gwen Garrard Class of 1951 near his Tuoele residence, ience, Abraham Lincoln wrote i Ch :..les stage The band will play some selec- 9ur American Wealth i Abirnc.hy, Donald Al- Marilyn Jones, George Katsos, Slates Hunsaker Betty five sentences which all of us Special Roger Kelson, Gerry Kenner, Dav len. Younn Allen. Max Ames. Driver of the bus was William tions and a dance program wiU be Our American Gutter Grant Haber would do well to study: id Kimball, Pauline the Kirkman, Third and Fourth by 45. Jack The stage presented Norman Kinder, Anio.son, Angel, Reverie Sextet Speaker Sunday If I tried to read, much less , Ba.l.'-v- , Sharon Wayne Kunz, DcLoy Larsen. Sha was headed west on 14th Avenue, Grade children, The Dance of J. Knowlden, R. Kennard. P. Nielsen. L Larsen, H. Buskner. answer, all the criticisms made of Baku-- , Viol t jnBaldwin, Vivian include to Joyce Larson, Kaye Lewis, America, Indian, C. Anast and B. Bradley Mr. Rex me and all the attacks leveled of Radio when the accident occurred at Vivian Be 11, David G ant Mansfield, Sarah Martin, Station KSL Campbell Square, Minuet, Charleston and Our American Heritage 112 East street Baldwin, about Giles have office will be this would the me, special against Carol T.! ion Martin, Dee Mecham, Mr. Kinder stated he saw the others. All of the boys and girls Twenty-eightLink in Chain Gilbert Pedersen WaUy Wilding to be closed for all other business. Elackncr, Chirle ll.ac.ford, at the sacrament guest speaker Fern costume. will be in Miller, Faye Aldon il: lic'i a scooter ierick, Presentation of Class Gift 3:adlcy, 1 do the br.;t I know how, the very Jodi Davis meeting of the Garfield Second boy riding Lunch hour will follow the pro- Prase ntstion of Clast Sha: on Buckner, Mary .Miller. Angella Mirabella, Larry Wal'd John W. Fitzgerald away from the curb, going the best I can. I mean to keep on do- iljitn, this May Sunday evening, Irvin and Debs McQuistnn, Principal Philip same direction as the bus. He said gram, Carolyn Burn.., Jimmy Caruso, McCouilough, Frank B. awn- -. Awarding of Diplomas 18th. ing this, down to the very end. Doris Cation, Shir- Val MeCJuivey, Verl Newbold, Jay he swung away from the curb to announces that children may eat John E. Papanikolas If the end brings me out all Sharon Casey, the The sponsored by gathering, Nicholes, Noreen Nielsen, avoid the youth but us he passed with their families or friends. The Lord's Prayer Cheney, Jerry Christensen. Clam wrong, then 10 angels swearing I leyBarbara Games wiU be played by grades Benediction Oliver, Richard Olsen, MIA, will begin at 6:00 p. m. Mr. him heard an impact at the light Colby, Rose Marie KeUy Pateuria had been right would make no will be accompanied by Campbell Norma 1:00 David 2:15 m. to from Perkins, CrosPendleton, p. Carol Lou rear wheel. Music directed by John a special guest soloist. difference. If the end brings me All types of goodies including Irene Veronica Perkins, Karen PeterMr. Kinder said he brought the Speeches directed by Wendell Bowthorpe out all right, then what is said by, Beity Davis, Ire Davis,Darlene Michael son. LaMarr Petersen, Viliicio to a stop within a few feet punch, candy, popcorn, gum and Day, Jerald against me now w.ll not amount unstune, Kay Density, Board Education Dusenberry, Ray P.lcrsen, Ronnie Peterson, Marswinging il to the opposite side of ice cream will be sold by PTA to anything." officials, so all children are re- M. Elmar Christensen the ..trci-- t as he did so. Elder, Ray Fellows, Geraldine ian Powell, Marlene Powell. Dr. Calvin S. Smith Phil Rasmussen, Billy Redman, The accident was investigated minded to bring extra nickels and John E. Fowler, Lanny Frampton, Norma Frank B. nmim Papanikolas dimes. David Reid, Reese, Larry Jerry Fraser, Kenneth Fuller, Robert Still Needed by deputies Weston Haslam of J. Baas Victor Rex CorneRain Should If Robison, Garfield and James Brusatto of Confidence in the fundamental Fyfe, Jo Anne Giles, Benjamin Richards, Jim David Gourley. Superintendent Jackll it should happen to rain. May soundness of American institu- Cloniez, Ernest Gust, Ray Hagen, Shakespear, Gary Simmons, SolMagna. Dow P. Brian. Clerk MonEdith wiU ie until be Snell, HardDay Snell, Shirley postponed Robei ta Frank C. Leland Davey, Building Hampton, Leonard, a fourth grade pupil, tions, a rebirth of the old, clean Supervisor at the Robert omon, 20th, Virginia May Sparks, beginning was bom in Salt Lake City Jan- day, Dr. O. C. England. Secondary Education ideals, a revival of the religion man, David Harkncss, Eugene Supervisor 3, 1942, a son of Max L. and same time. that made men better citizens and Hardy, Diana Haslam. Karen Steck, George Stevenson, Arlene uary Joseph Weslra, Purchasing Agent Brockbank Observance Blanche Fowkes Cloward. He Dr. Melvin Strong, Music Supervisor better human beings, and a re- Hawkins, Eddy Ilayda, Clifford Sudbury, Philip Sutton, Diane The celebration at Brockbank Swensen, Dona Swensen, Doris was a prominent Garfield school kindling of the fires of American Ilcber, Jimmy Herrera. Class Officers of 1952 Junior high will begin with a Louie Hernandez, Sherrie Iler-ro- Thomas, LaRae Thomas, Harley student. patriotism, are among the major Vos-no-s, Public To Invited Attend Jack Davis Posture in Parade the morning, Dorothy Boyd Toune, Lou Turpin, lluish, President Mary Hill, Laura needs of the hour . . . Lucile Wardle, Diane Weeks, Surviving are his parents; a followed by field events in the Max Walcker Vice President Eve Weve been getting away from Ilcne Hulse, Irene Iiulse, Glcnna Program Sunday Diane Burk Doris two brothwith afternoon and a ballgame sister, Cloward; standards that are an integral Hymas, Gloria Jackelta, Jeanine Ted Whittaker. Secretary Norma Wheeler, Bob Wiley, At Wardhouse ers, Gordon and Raymond Clo- Bingham junior high school in the Helen Buckner, Marian Day Cheer Leaders part of our national life. We have Jacketta, Neil Jacketta. Woodwill MitcheU afternoon. Verna and of this All all of Maxine Raymond Wiinmer, ward, Garfield, activity Connie grandDona Jenkins, Jackson, become mockers and questioners Reporter en, Richard parents, Mr. and Mrs. John be held on the junior high school Quo S. Winters The annual commencement and robots of a vicious and Joyce Jenkins, LaRie Jensen, ward, Lucille Worth Sponsor W. John Mae Bobbie Juab and Fowkes, Muni, Wrigley, Fitzgerald County, grounds. of Oquirrh Stake seminary Verllain Jensen, Evelyn Johansen, Wrathall, order of thinking. Principal School Mrs. York. Pay-soTima Garfield Laura Slaheli Cloward, will be held at the Pleasant Green Weve got to check up on a lot Dick Johnson, Varna Johnson, Vcneta The Garfield School is planWard Chapel Sunday evening. of this postwar laxity and work Sincere sympathy is extended ning a Spring Vacation Social at May 18th, beginning promptly at back to the pattern of a better to the bereaved family in their the Magna Park on Thursday, 7:00 o'clock. day. . . CLUB May 22nd. The chief address to the grad- time of sorrow. There are some things that, as The students wiU be taken over made in Payson City Burial was uates will be to LeRoi B. MAGNA must we labor given get by Americans, to the park and participate in a G cemetery. and thrift of berg. back the habits oily time from 10:00 o'clock to Other program numbers will the courage to face new 2:00 p. m. Contests and other include: Work js progressing very well adventure, the serene faith that activities wiU undoubtedly make Public Invited! on the excavation of a sump, a was ours in simpler creeds and in Over 500 Families Receive Flats . Prtluds one. most a Nielsen Ana the day enjoyable 20x27 feet concrete box that will established traditions, the patriotMaroh of Graduates The school wiU supplement the Graduates collect the well water to supply ism that put America first, the Of Small Flowers From Piano Accompaniment Kaye Elldredge youngster's lunches with cold soft old codes of business honor and Civic Magna with - a better culinary . Invocation Group drinks and ice cream. Willard CarreU supply. private decency; the unshaken Welcome Sharon Yancey The newer water, which Is. and unshakable belief that was best one of the Reading Doxford Lucille Undoubtedly much softer than the present kind, ; ours in American institutions and in Colleen Matthews Ray Wilkins Prognostication bargains available anywhere will be pumped directly to the American ideals. Vocal Solo were the $1.00 LaMont Anglesey new 500,000 gallon reservoir on' Weve got to get away from sex the west lat week to Student Response the Magna Barbara Ith 3500 South in permanent cast and filth and vulgarity and flip- members!G. : lues Student Response n Club which enFlower Pedersen Gaylen iron pipe. of allurements from the In pancy, efforts to raise for funds Vocal Solo the distribuannual one titled Rose Kennard The entire project will cost , easy money, the contemporary tion of new Garfield proposed LDS ward of Presentation ome Graduate! Melvin R. Brooks, Principal perennials. pi about $120,000 and the benefits trend to recklessness and excess, a building, dance is startof Presentation community Distribution of ihc plants Diplomas President John D. Hill shown to Magna residents In betthe shallow pose of indifference being sponsored at the Garfield ter Address to Graduates Garden LeRoi B. Groberg to things of the spirit, the parrot- ed Friday morning at the lawns, smaller soap School on Friday evening, May bills water, Song Magna David W. Hatton SucTrio and adequate pressure will Mr. and Mrs. George Latham of 23rd. like readiness to mumble the Club project house, east of the Nielsen, Earline and noon, Phyllis huge Giles, Beverly Bradley by Monday be a most welcome asset, accord- -. Magna are leaving Saturday for a preachments of insidious propaTo Heart Ailment Benediction The event is sponsored by the Grant Hebar greenh juscs were practically emp- cumb to the engineers and trustees. . three month vacation to England, Garfield First and ing ganda. contain- In Second Ward Advancement Ireland and other places of inter' MIA Weve got, in a word, to return ty of tiieir many flats" Hoapital Helped by Note CERTIFICATES OF CREDIT: and a moat organizations, snapThe Magna water project to ha est across the sea. to America again, to the old, ing a variety of petunias, Jim Gourley, Dele McArthur. Kenneth Roberts cordial invitation some is to and extended permarigolds fully completed, will depend Adamson. Barbara L. They wiU travel to New York sturdy, clean, upstanding Amer- dragon. to attend. Attended by hosts of sorrowing and sail on the Queen Elizabeth everyone largely upon the full payment ot ica of the founders, the America ennials. LaMont W. Colleen Matthews. Anglesey. Petty The dance of 8:30 at o'clock Mr. Emil Feulncr, manager begins friends, funeral rites for David W. promissory notes pledged by local that faced disaster unafraid, that May 21st for a sojourn to visit and continues 11:30 Mellor, Doris Bradley, Beverly p. m. A very for $150.00. There is relatives and friends. Mr. Latham went forward with the Bible and the project, which is sponsored Hatton, 65, of 269 Rosewood AveIons Andrs Melva Bruce, Jean Mellor, floor show will be about 20 of the home owners left Pilning, England forty years entertaining the flag, and that built about the jointly by the Kennccott Copper nue, Salt Lake City, former MagNicola, Joyce Marilyn Caldwell, Barbara talof local American presented, consisting were Smelting who have not pledged their cona resident for many years, American home and the Ameri- Corporation, ago and still has two sisters and ent and outside numbers. CarreU, Beth Nielsen, Phyllis M. townsconducted Tuesday noon in the brother there, in addition to can family the faith in God, and & Refining Company and operation and a concerted drive CarreU. WUlard Pedersen, Gaylen Tickets are now one be sold at wiU be launched very shortly being Ivins Ward chapel. Salt Lake City. host of other relatives. to in our institutions that has raised people, said this proved to Pedersen. Donna Gilbert Christensen, $3.00 ever Mr. Hatton died Saturday at 3:25 per couple, and a gay time is obtain full of all local this glorious land of ours into a of the most successful years cooperation They also plan to visit relatives anticipated John Coon, Dean L. Poulsan, for alL a. m. in a Salt Lake hospital. residents. in Ireland, where Mrs. Latham's Crawford. Norine Rasmussen. Bonnie G. place of leadership among the na- sponsored. The plants were of fine variety Hark-nes- s, He had suffered a heart attack W. late the tions of the world. Bishop father, Kenneth G. G. Janet Dial, Ratio, to late the and due and growth, several weeks ago. had relatives. Doxford. Lucille Ramund. Ray He was born in Provo April 27, spring, they will undoubtedly do Honoring their parents, a fam Dale A. Darrell Eldredge, Rydalch. well. 1887, a son of Hyrum Robert and ily dinner was held at the home Fuller, Lorraine Scott, Coral Traveling around the com- Rachael Rosser Hatton. He marMr. and Mrs. Boyd Christoffer-so- n of Laura L. Savorinson, Gager, Virginia munities of Magna and Garfield, ried Vera Ella Booth, who died guests NEW Saturday. Twenty-thre- e Silcox, Zelda Giles, Earline E. MAGNA one can see them planted, adding May 3, 1945. They made their 14 were present Shanna Giles, Smith, Shirley to the attractiveness and beauty home in Magna for many years Hals, Marilyn Smith, Stan of each home. and reared their family here. Hanson. Wayne A number of more new home Spain. Halen When asked about how many Mr. Hatton was a veteran emHarmon. Deon Vorwalter. Charles in Oquirrh Hills subdivision, beflats of the flowers were given, ploye of Kennecott Capper Walters. Kenneth C. Haber. Grant R. ing built by Mr. Feulner laughingly said the having worked for 43 Herron. Nyla A. Wardle, Mary Alice Construction Company, are going Almost fourteen tons of scrap figures would astound anyone 35, He was one of the main years. White, David A. Hiskey, Maxine metal was realized in the annual but did comment that the results officers of the Independent Union up, and excavation has been atari- -' Wilkins. F. Ray Ith. Barbara ed on another group. drive staged by Webster School more than justified the efforts in for in instrumental was and years, Rosa Willmore, Ollia Jean Kennard, last week, according to Principal providing beauty to homes and They include the defense homes Kenfor procuring many benefits Kuna, Annette Yancey. Sharon A. which sell for $8,000.00, five brick Philip Debs. hobbies for residents. in this area. necott employees The school will realize about homes that have a selling tag .of Mr. Hatton was a member of Requiem mass for Monroe Earl Stake Board of Education An "extravaganza" golf tourn10,000 containing 4 $279.00 from the sale of the scrap rooms and Idaho, of as Pocatello, 35, presiLDS Arrington, the serving church, ament it aet for the ensuing weeks full basement and three bedroom D. and they are hoping that Granite President J. Hill John Frank Peel died who as former Ward man, of MIA, Magna the dent Magna anGolf the Utah at Club, District Board will match this Copper Omar E. Hall Edwin K. Winder frame homes that will be sold at well as other organizations. Sunday in a Salt Lake City hos- nounces officials. Maurecs A. Tuttle Alvin Barker $13,950.00. money, as they have done in form19, 1949, he married pital after a year's illness, was On August er years. Qualifying rounds of 18 holes Glen Olsen The firm plans to complete 80 celebrated Wednesday m St. AnOlsen in Tacoma, Washing- Reed F. Arnold Lois will homes in School Purchases M. R. Brooks. Evan Jonas Magna during the balCatholic church in Poca- for the Spring Tournament ton. thonys be played until May 18th. Other ance of 1952, The school realized $412.86 from Officer according to Mr.' his widow; a tello, Idaho. include Survivors Seminary Cala events include stuwill big the tales of rags which the John E. Papanikolas. Mr. Arrington was working as Kent David Magna; Hatton, Pedersen son, Gaylen President cutta and dinner May 24th, the dents collected and brought to an accountant for W. L. Grayson two daughters, Virginia Ball, San Ann Nielsen Vice President the school. iU remainder of the tournament, 27 until Pocatello at Iris Company was Sharon Amundsen, of Cal.; F. Ilawkcs Francisco, Harold Magna Yancey holes of medal play, is scheduled Secretory From the receipts of the two health forced his retirement. of the Kirkland, Wash.; three stepsons, for early June. collections, they plan to buy large elected president 1917, was October 26, born He Lions Club Thursday Duane Olsen, New York; Harry A great deal of interest was S. ot maps in cases mounted for easy and son Bruce a in Magna, cere- Olsen, Chicago, and Lynn Olsen, Mothers of shown in this event last summer, Council use and larger globes that will be evening at annual election Kindergarten resiCommunity Bessie Emerson Arrington, three stepdaughters, monies. Ray D. Merrill of Gar- Granger; and with larger prizes and more extensively used in geography dents of Shields Addition. Mrs. DeAun Nicastro, Mrs. June Children To Be Feted Opens Offices In field is the retiring prexy. players participating, the comand history classes. Maxine Mr. married of all Arrington Nola Miss and to Olsen, direct Shupet Other chosen officers petition promises to be the outBoth of these items are expen1947 Poca in Cooper Marchetti 5, Building 17 January inand Salt Lake City, grand Mothers of kindergarten stustanding feature of the season. sive and will take considerable of activities of the organization . tello. dents who will enter Garfield the funds. The school will also clude John E. Papanikolas, first children. hill are hit widow; Surviving Mr. Hatton was known and school next fall for the first time, vice president; O. J. McDonald, Offices of the executive secrc parents, Idaho Falls; a daughter, E. W. Myers, e Salt Lake City purchase rhythm band instru' second vice president: D. S. Walk- liked for many attributes of char- will be special guests at a proments and new games for the of the tary officer, suffered critical ina and Magna police Diane Community brother, Arrington an was He E. M. acter. amiable, agree' gram and tea to be given this Council will er. third vice president; be in the Falls. playground. Woodrow Idaho opened Tuesday afternoon in a juries held and Arrington, person, Thursday afternoon. May 15th, Cooper Building next Monday The amount received in the (Ted) Lambert, treasurer; Rex able, motorcycle accident two miles by a wide circle states Principal C. L. Bennett. utmost in by Sam respect Matz, secretary; John Rokieh, who was recently CAR HITS BRIDGE west of Garfield on U. 6. Highway scrap drive is $60 more than the Dusenberry, Verl A. The entertainment begins at Haws, lion of friends. J 1931 funds. The students worked tail twister; to this position. sa appointed Wasatch in was made two-yedirBurial 2:00 o'clock and features theme lamer; C. A. Keyes, Due to unforseen circumstances, MOTORIST C. I Wright of the to RAILING; very hard to get this money as ector According Lake Salt Memorial WelLawn Park, of "A Good Start For Your Child Mr. Rokieh will have his office and L. O. Larson and the charity golf tournament ori- Utah Highway Patrol, Mr. Myaffe practically everything consisted dir- City. one-yeat School." Arrangements are be- open for Council work from 3:00 SUFFERS INJURIES of amallcr items. Very few large don C. Matthews, ginally planned for Sunday, May was driving west on U. S. Highr ing completed by Miss Pinckney, to 3:00 oclock Monday through 18th at the Utah Copper Golf way 50 when a dog ran in front cl items aueh as old, discarded coal ectors. C. G. Harris is a carry-oveThanks of Card Mrs. Gill Mrs. and Lee Smith. director. Friday, and anyone who wishes D. E. Fish of Hunter suffered course, has been postponed until the motorcycle and was struck. stoves, etc., are now available. welcome. Ail are information or help on commun- injuries that necessitated a trip a later time, announces Jay W. All of the officials, together Officer Myers suffered a braif Wo wish to sincerely thank The sweet and sacred sense of ity problems may contact him to the Salt Lake County Hospital Richardson, president and was ta'ien by amconcussion with the many students at WebBehold the fowls of the air: for there. If anyone desires to write of man's everyone for their many kindAll proceeds were to be donated bulance for emergency treatment Monday when the vehicle he was ster, wish to extend their sincere the permanence can illumineunity CX' and to floral sow do our neither the nesses, offerings his Maker not, the with Council, they they post office box driving hit the bridge railing at to the Cerebral Palsy Foundation. at Salt Lake General Hospit. thanks to the townspeople for continual pressions of sympathy at the re reap, nor gather into barns; yet number is 275. The definite playing dates wiU later transferred to the IDS i 3500 South and 8400 West near their usual generous aid and co- present being with a husHe our beloved death of cent and power of good, openyour heavenly Father feedeth graduated this spring from Bacchus. be given at a later time. A hand- pital, where he was operation that makes the purchase presence father and brother. them. Are ye not much better the University of Utah law school. He is reported recovering nice' some trophy wiU be awarded to fair." ing wide the portal from death band, of these items possible. -- The W. B. Haymond Family. than they? -- Christ Jesus -- Mary Baker Eddy into Life. the winner. ly. Mugna-Garfiel- 7-- 1, ' Yu-lc- eh h four-whe- el Cos-'.un- rd, Stake Seminary Slates Annual Commencement n, . n. self-deni- PROJECT GIVES GARDEN OUT THOUSANDS OF PLANTS SUMP BEING DUG FOR NEW, BETTER WATER SUPPLY o . Garfield Wards Plan Building Funeral Rites Conducted For Former Resident Couple Fund Dance Leaves For England Sat. - . . . home-owne- rs EXCAVATION STARTED ON MORE HOMES IN AREA Webster Collects Tons Of Scrap Metal In Drive n, Former Magna Man, Dies In Hospital Qualifying Dates For Spring Golf Tournament Set Cannon-Papanikol- as Harold F. Hawkcs Elected President Of Magna Lions Magna-Garf:c- Police Officer ld Injured In Garfield Accident fair-mind- ar ar Charity Golf Event Postponed |