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Show Friday, May 16, 1952 Elected To Office GARFIELD LEADER. GARFIELD. UTAH PLANS COMPLETED FOR POPPY DAY K. Leslie Kirk, ion of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L. Kirk of 3029 South Memorial poppies to be worn in 83J0 We;:, Magna, has been elected commander of Company H, honor of Americas war dead will 6th Regiment of the National be offered to everyone in Magna on Poppy Day, May Society of Pershing Rifles, honor- and Garfield to plans comary ROTC organization at the 24th, according at a meeting of Cyprus Post pleted of Utah. University An education major at the Uni- No. 38 Auxiliary held in the Utah Club. versity, Mr. Kirk graduated from Copper The poppies, made of red crepe Cyprus high school in 1047. paper by disabled veterans of both World Wars at Veterans' Father Succumbs loipital in Salt Lake, will be dison the streets throughout tributed Funeral services for Henry Thomas Brown, 84, of Ogden, were the day by Auxiliary volunteers conducted Tuesday in Ogden. He working under the direction of died Thursday night of causes in- Mrs. L.llian Haws, Poppy Chairman. cident to age. Cent: ibutions for the American Included in his survivors is a daughter, Mrs. R. M. Woolley of Legion and Auxiliary rehabilitaMagna, and a brother, Joseph E. tion and child welfare funds will he received by the workers. Brown, also of this community. Poster Contest Winners Sincere sympathy is extended. Lions Our Lady of Lourdes Church The fullju-inweekly program carried out. in addition to special evint, which will be announced from time to time by Kalier C. E. Fi regard. 8.30, 10:30 a. m. Sunday I'ui.-rs-: is wife and Staff Sergeant James R. Moyes and wife, who have been popular visitors here, Mrs. Floyd Farnsworth entertained at a family dinner Thursday evening at her home. Fifteen guests attended. Sergeant and Mrs. Moyes are returning in about a week to Clovis, New Mexico and Airman and Mrs. Moyes have departed for San Antonio, Texas. Sister Succumbs and 8:00 p. m. Mrs. Margaret Gilgen Hymns, Weekdays, 7:00 a. m. No vena Service, Friday, 7:30 41, of Montpelier, Idaho, died Friday in a hospital after a lingering p. in. Confcssiuns, Saturday, 4:30 and illness. She was the sister of Karl Gil7:00 p. in. gen, manager of the Magna Utah Honoring her nephews Airman Power & Light Company office. Sincere sympathy is extended. Third Cijsi Russell Mayes and Poppy Poster contest winners at the Cyprus high school include Marie Goodfellow, first and Shir- Name Lady New Officers At ley Rumels, second. In the Brockbank junior high, Joyce Jenkins was first and Sarah Prettily Planned Party Martin, second. Posters will be sent on to the elected president of the Lady American Legion district and Lions Wednesday evening at a thence to national to compete for meeting held in the Meadow-broo- k $100.00 award if they are declared Mrs. J. Ledingham W. was Club, Salt Lake City. The winners. was also a Mothers-Daughte- occasion rs THOUGHT social. Other elected officers are Mrs. Orr, first vice president; Mrs.' Ted Lambert, second vice president; Mrs. Vera Jones, secre-tarMrs. Roland Reid, treasurer and Mrs. Katherine Papanikolas, spizzerinktress. Director are; Mm. Rex Dusen-bentwo years; Sirs. Harold F. Hawkes, one year and Mrs. C. G. Harris, director. The new officers will be install-a- d at a tea to be held at the home of Mrs. Harris on the Magna Row the first Wednesday evening in June, and appointive officers will be given at that time. CONDITIONERS M. F. y; y, io A mothers affection cannot be weaned from her child, because the mother-lov- e includes purity and constancy, both of which are immortal When ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any. Mark 11:25 If you ore not getting answers to your prayers, check yourself very thoroughly and honestly as to whether you have resentments in your mind. Spiritual power cannot pass through a personality where resentment exists. Hate is a nonconductor of spiritual energy. I suggest that every time you The EXIMYEARS enhance the great Bourbon Taste of pray add this phrase, "Lord take from my thought all ill will, grudges, hates, jealousies." Then practice casting these things from your thoughts. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale limiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiMMiumHmH The Ideal Gradation Cift See our fine display of watches, cos- E E tume jewelry, beautiful rings and other love- ly gifts. Huffaker Furniture Co. Dial 4411 Magna. Utah lllfllllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllll,llllllllll,lll,ll I Brown Floral Companys SPRING GARDENING SPECIALS I I I I I Peat Moss, bale, only $4.35 Garden Insurance Fertilizer, 100 lb $4.95 Lawn Insurance Fertilizer, 100 lb . $6.95 Lawn Seed, The Very Best for Less Emereld Green (contains 10 clover) lib, $1.10 10 lb, $10.00 Green Vista (without clover) lib, $1.20 10 lb, $11.00 Blue Grass . . 1 lb, $1.10; 10 lb, $10.00 Giant Pansies, . . 75c doz., 100 for $5.00 Pacific hybrid Delphinium, 40 ea., 3 $1 Pacific Pink Delphinium, 40c ea., 3 for $1 Perennial Plants 40c ea., 3 for $1 ! e I e I e I e I e e e Our Rose Bush Collection The Largest and Most Complete COOL, COLORFUL, SO EASY TO CARE FOR! Who wants to. iron, when the temperature soars? Our g rrinLIe nylons never take more than the flick of an iron . . and if you hang them carefully, they may not need that! It's a handsome fabric, too . . just a bit sheer, interesting in texture . T . yours in navy, vivid tones or pastels. 12 to 20, 9 to 15. easy-washin- g, I I I Visit Oar Crowing Nurseries or Order by Telephone with Confidence FREE DELIVERY I Brown Floral Company I 10lh Watt and 5th South e I Do hours of work in minutes on your farm . . . with dcctric milkers, water system, convcygrs and many other elec- trie helpers. fast-dryin- u .... bigger and better yPRESS CARNIVAL' It pays so many ways to use tricity on the farm! BUY FROM YOUR DEALER s.w j ' elec- I j ! |