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Show Friday, May 16, 1952 GARFIELD LEADER, GARFIELD. UTAH COPPER CLUB GIVES PROGRAM FOR MAY SERVICE Reports For Duty The Utah Copper Club May program haa been given to include: Saturday, May 10, bingo, 8:00 p. m. For members and partners. Saturday, May 17, Square Dance Jamboree, 9:00 p. m. Ray Johnson is the caller. Saturday, May 24, Ball room dancing, beginning at 9:30 p. m. with music to be furnished by Harold Geertsen's orchestra. Club officials announce that effective May 1st the club will be open from 11:00 a. m. to 11:00 p. m. Monday through Saturday. The club will be closed all day on Sundays. P!i t .. V.jlt:T K. Inkiey will tj Camp Carson, Colorado re-p- assignment and duties, after f y furlough visitpending a ing h.s father, Mr. William Inkiey in Uni field. 30-da- Ki Inkiey spent 10 months in with the 25th Division, 90th Artillery Battalion. He was t truck driver and ammo handler, servicing the 155 howitzers with ammunition. Pfc. Inkiey graduated from Cyprus high school in 1937, worked ttiree years at the Arthur Mill, Ki nnecott Copper Corporation prior to his draft in the army. K. rie! i assi.-t.m- Receives Discharge Moihar Succumbs SCHOOL NEWS NEWS New Address Ivan Catten, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas W. Burke, son of Mr. William Catten of Garfield, was and Mrs. T. E. Burke of Magna, is recently discharged from the Navy now located in the service at after four years service. He has Parks Airforce Base, California. been stationed on the eastern He enlisted May 1st coast Evans Webstar School Arlene Barker, Sharilyn Clement, Reporters Small damage of a few scorched telephone poles was caused Tuesday by a blaze just west of the Garfield American Smelting St Refining Company slag dump. The poles were by the Union Pacific railroad, and the local call was answered by firemen of Suit Lake County department No. 2. On Saturday, the Junior Traffic Patrolmen of Salt Lake County were guests of sheriff George Beckstead. They visited the Salt Lake county jail and later enjoyed a feast of hot dogs, soda Participate On Program pop and ice cream. Our group was then escorted by Three local young ladies will police sirens to the Villa Theatre present numbers at the D. V. O. to see a m.)vie. School at 35 East 1st Arts-Mus- JOHNNY ; f.'l.vtion. i xGoocf... IBetter. . . Best r In whiskey. to., there Is good. ..batter. ..and 0 Uourbcn at jts'Rstr KENTUCKY STRAICIfT ECURBON WHISKEY THE HILL ANO HILL COMPANY. 8 PROOF try that thrilling "Rocket Ride"! OFF May Mrs. Edna Crowther Ririe, in- M:ss Doneen Hardman of the structar, extends a most cordial senior group will sing three num- - invi. alien to all friends to attend. ben and play two piano svlec- of gladness ring from tions. Miss Jolyn Simmons and, Carol Miss Pamela Paulas, bulb of the every tree. Frances Anne Kemble junior class, will cai-- sing two lSSS3 MO LUCiLlLOUiaulHlrt LOUISVILLE. KENTUCKY mm ...Take the Wheel ME tn ic singing sweethearts, invite you to Take the Key City 17th. Mrs. Margret Estella Mayne Rushton, 67, of American Fork, Brockbank Jr. News died residence Sunday at There will be a posture psrade 8:10 at m.her of a heart ailment. p. on Friday, May 16th with all girls She was the mother of Mrs. participating. Ribbons will be awarded for Angus Langford of Magna. WedFuneral rites were held best marching, posture and good nesday. Sincere sympathy is excontest in whieli the appearance tended to members of the bebegins at 10:00 oclock. reaved family. folActivities of Field Day will low with the feature event being Small Fire Damage a baseball game with Bingham. -- Carole :,i! ih in Salt Lake 1 "How big is a dollar? That ftptnds an what H can buy. Whan prices ara high, tha dollar Is small, when prices are low, tha dollar Is big. I want bigger dollars, so hart's what I'm doing. Pm making a rsal effort to product mart without raising costs. That's tha way to boat inflation and maka dollars grow." .CfA-I- - nmd ... t'f Ton hear it cvcrywhaM people raving about OLLmoliilei new "Rocket"! Now you can lean for yourself what ad the excitement ie about. Now you can drive OUsmobile's special "Rocket" bate earl Test the Sashing action of the new "Rocket" Engine! Try the awift, smooth Hydra-Mali- c of Soper Drive! Find out about effort Icm CM lesponaa To get the facta, get Hydraulic Steering and the amazing Autmnie-Eye- ! ea Super "88"! The keya are waitiag Car you! MAY l "SSMTY. CHICK" MONTH ! ON 5gpiF IVIirCW HrdrmnJir Steering, AntrenirKya white tide mV dm (m4m mrmt M4e) at wfii rasa, I, wriw end trial saJtfecf te cAmmjr anffcoM inm. OLDSMOBILE . . . PAUL0S AUTO COMPANY DIAL 6611 MAGNA. UTAH THE KEYS ARE WAITING I DRIVE OUR SPECIAL "ROCKET" SHOW CAR TODAY! - for tt happier vacation, go UNION PACIFIC r- j - "M jr odor of smoke, the crackle of The Step oboord o Union Pacific train and your vacation fun begins! It's luxurious and economical . . . you roam or rest obout as you please . . . dine leisurely comfortably in the accommodations of your choice: Pullmans, with sections, roomettes, bedrooms, drawing rooms, compartments. Coaches, with reserved reclining seats. ... burning wood. Your the telephone. and refreshed. If an automobile is needed, it's convenient and inexpensive to rent one on arrival. Wherever your vocation takes you North, South, East or West make it a happier vacation by going Union Pacific. naorail Uniaa Pacific Railraad ticket ugant. - Soy U I M . you pay your telephone bill, you're buying everyday convenience. there Jvery minute, every hour, at a cost of only a if you want few cents a day. k it so for Dependable Passenger and Freight Transportation B. call When dtlaih and rat arvatiaas laa yaur Tar What I v In Just one such emergency may well be worth the cost of the service for a lifetime. But your telephone is net fer emergencies telephone alone. are no driving worries as you glide along your own smooth highway of steel, and you arrive rested There first thsvht PACIFIC else gives little? The Mountain it's you so muoh fer f States Telephone and Telegraph Co. |