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Show OVERHEAD FOR RENT apartment coiutruction. Raasonabla prictt. modern. Inquire at 0012 Wait 3100 guaranteed work. Plaasa dial 2000 c;v. ,u ,B .ppUcaUon 30 lor 2057, Ben Jonaa A Vera llabin Bouth, phono 2421. Write box 240. 2700 0104 Wet! aon, 40. phona. South. DOORS , For garagac, old ar.d nr Complaio and IndslltJ $47.50 WANT ADS AG--D- T SALE--Breakfa- RENT BUY 4 LINES or leu 50c SELL e. 2121 So. 0050 West. 2211. 9001 West 2700 So. 00. DISTINCTIVE" SerCatering WE BUY-Scr- ap iron. metaL bat- - vice for MAN OR WOMAN weddings, showers, teas WANTED leriea, old cars and all kinds of or dinner parlies. Call Bertha District manager will select a Newton, phone Murray 0206R2 or liaila person fr.i.i l:.j area to I?' j1! up. Phone 5502. 00. inquire at 5207 West 3500 South, service vending machines part or i M lull lima. No Selliruv. AnnlirAnli Sill lalkl Ciifi FOR SALE-Stewi- ng hens. 35c must have 5600 cash (which is se- lb. also fresh eggs at Tomato MAGNA SHEET METAL WORKS cured) and an honest desire to de- Ridge Farm. Please dial 7715. 00. We do any typo of sheet metal wb a few hours per week to a 30 R FOR able hardwood wheelchair with rubber tires: also Apex washer with pump. in psrfect condition. Phone 0533 or see at 0701 West 3500 South. chickens. A ride to Salt Lake FOR SALE-vms- ed slewing hens and fresh Iran Magna between 0 and 0:30 roastert. au m. Mrs. Dick Robison, phone 39 We wraP chickens fer your 7724 or inquire at 2992 So. 0350 l3ckr 4Dc lb- - Nelson Poultry a Form. 3127 So. 8400 Wart, phone ey I WANTED 6414. SALE-Adju- st 1 00. No Finer Rich, Full Bodied I lb. Q i 30 . C APPLE SAUCE Quality and Flavorful lb. pkg. BERRIES I at Crf SJif-- T LUNCH Taste 1 1 fnfiZoiTAf These Meat Buys! ?.!?, 23, c,r t 39 DirSilire IWlwilVnO Shoulder, LUNCH MEAT a HALIBUT Froth Froztn Slices, Raady for Hit Pan Sale Prica J ti. f ib. U. S. Goad Heinz Tomato Soup 9 Vegetable Hostess Delight $ cans 2 cans Beets $' No. 212 3 cans No. 2 7 cans 27 f Delicious Fruit FLOUR ESC?-DRESS- '""i?., ING OrAUnClII 25 lbs. qt. 47c Cascade Salad BREAD Mrs. Wright's Enriched lV&lb. loaf MARGARINE &.TUwTb MARGARINE cl7.ru'"V TISSUE Northern Toilat 2 9 " 23' SMd&HdOffff ran BLEACH CAIT wHLI White Magic Sno White, SOAP White Magic 26 ox. Ig. pkg. LIGHT GLOBES 32. rnnifICC VvvIilCj 25c CRACKERS I., Mid West, Chocolate and and Vanilla Sandwich Ib. Ovan Glo 2 Ib. boz con Ilf 7' LL 26' Florida Grapefruit Are Best For Juice .. ib. 1.00 CORN Gardenside Cream Style, White No. 303 10 cans $ PINK, Ib. 10 3 nosh bag i Radishes & Green Onions 3 bunches 10y THIS WEEK'S OUTSTANDING VALUE PEAS Gardenside, Tender, Sweet 303 $ 10 cans Highway. Cut Green, 203 Jmlr 46 oz. Ib. U. S. No. 1, Iceberg S. No. 1, Solid Green 8' b. 5C cans Tomato Juice Del Monte or Sunny 8' can 7 27' 72' Ib. LETTUCE HEW CABBAGE, BEANS 10 CARROTS U. S. No. 1, Snap Top 9-2- 5c qt. Plain or Iodized 12 cans BnyA,Dn tSSK KELLOGG'S SSKS?"1 JELL-WE- Whole or Sliced CLEANSER o 'r&vi . V" RIPE OLIVES Standard CRArilCTTI end Mini Bait, ISUn. No. PEANUT BUTTER 1? ' . Baby Feed 1 03 SUZANNA Garnet Cocktail$' ' 9 l.'ainz Assorted 63 GROUND BEEF Ib. P Chopped 59 lb. 69 Fina Assortment rof 1 Strained 391 lb. Valuo cr f.'ciiird Juica Ta .vr.!i3i'.::3 29c CUA 33 CHUCK ROASTS y lb. Big son-in-la- w GRAPEFRUIT E i Small, Smokad, : ?t iv. J Uiiobbiiii biiiull IliF v lUUiill 49' 1". ST. Lmb Rit Picnic Stylo 30. fOT MEATS';:,... 1.00 TUNA 1.00 SAI.MOM PINEAPPLE KITS'. KRAUT 29' No. 303 Ballard's Highway, A Treat For Q Any Meal, No. 303 can O Return From Trip I including!' Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Silcox and daughter, Leola, have returned from a very enjoyable ten-da- y Ci P crip to California where they Wm1 3200 ou"? visited their daughter, Mr. and Mrs Max Buckner and small son, Craig at Huntington Corn-feFOR SALE Park, and other former Magna 2Sc lb. dressed. Phona Magna residents, Mr. and Mrs. Blame 2481. ST. Buckner and small son and Mr., and Mrs. Douglas Bateman, all of EALT-.CmCalifornia. They also See M. D. Hymas. 6809 West 3500 Glendale, saw Lynn Hales, former local aa Sculh. resident, at the International Airport. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs TAX RETURNS Prenared in it. . Hales ot Magna. Reasonable. you, home or Please dial 6624 or 6474. , RENT-A-MAY- HELP WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED HAVE IT REPAIRED. "intevl.w upholalary. clean o 40. ad in your homa like now. Reason- . your own able prices. Satisfaction guaran- - washing. Use a wonderful, of fie-- 1 FOR set in good lead. For prompt service, call ! labor saving condition, nawly painted, reason-- ! Jacobs Cleaners, 130 3rd Avenue. Maytag, ouly 03.50 per month. O M able. Please dial 0007 or inquire Salt Lake City. 42. C. Finley Sales and Service, dial! PORK RUGS-Carpe- ta. 2 Edwards 12 Friday, March 7, GARFIELD LEADER, GARFIELD. UTAH Dawn 4 E $ cans 43c veilings Till PRICES SUBJECT TO DAILY MARKET CHANGES. These Prices Effective in Our Magna Store |