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Show Friday, March 7, 1952 MAGNA TIMES, MAGNA. UTAH dletta (jfiutcli Whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith. Mark 11:23 Kacli Social Security No. Jehovah's Witnesses Assembly Hall at 3019 So. 8950 Has Ledger Acct. West plus bushels of extra space in this new 94 cu ft. Very few people realize that the Weekly Schedule Watchtower Study, Sunday at Social Seeurity Administration has on file a record of total wages 7:30 o'clock. Bible Study, Wednesday at 7:30 paid every employee in the United States who works under social seorlock. Friday Service meeting at 7:30 curity. p. m. Every person who has a social Everyone is invited and wel- security number has a special accome to attend. count set up for him in the ReC' ords division of the Administra1 tion. Just like a bank keeps a Community Church ledger shed for each depositor Sunday School is conducted the Souul Security Administraeach Sunday at 10 a. m. with tion keeps one for each person classes for all. Morning worship who has a social security number begins at 11 oclock. When an employee works and is Missionary meeting is slated at paid wages, his employer reports the home of Mrs. F. L. Hibier his wages at the end of the calon- Tuesday, March 11th. Luncheon is j"r quarter. Th employer "also to be served at 1:00 p. m., and the reports the employee's name and special speaker will be Mrs. M. social security number. This reHuckleberry of Lark, Utah. Mrs. port is processed by the Records Huckleberry is the state vice pres- Division and the wages are posted ident of the Baptist organization. to the social security accounts. The minister and Mrs. Halliwell An employee may get a record wish to thank everyone who aid- of the wages posted' to his social ed in preparing and sponsoring account by sending a post the annual birthday party of Rev-- 1 security ard avuiiablc without charge at erend Halliwell February 26th. jtny social security office to the The annual meeting will bo Er.fHrds Divisjin held on Sunday, March 16th and received will be missionary gifts Pleasures lie thickest where no March 30th. seem. pleasures Albert Halliwell, pastor. Lynn Blanchard Almost alone this passage can revolutionize your life and change defeat into victory. What does it tell you? That your 'mountain," that great rock-lik- e obstruction, that tremendous barrier, can be broken down and ousted from your life. You must not doubt in your heart." Allow no negative thoughts to exist In your subconscious mind. Pray that your mountainous difficulty shall be removed and si you pray believe that it is being done then and now. Dont have the hazy idea that "this mountain" may be removed sometime in the future, but believe that God is removing it for you now. Dr. Norman Vincent Peale under . . . That this nation, God, shall have a new birth of freedom, that government of the people, by the people, far the people, shall not perish from the -- Abraham Lincoln earth. 2 pee. bedFOR SALE-Blon- da room sot, bed k vanity, good condition. (IS. Phone Garfield 7723. 31 vwvwwwvwuswvwwwuwwwww Another Ford First! Hew Ultra-Moder- n Low-Frictio- n FORD TRUCK for only 94 Engines ! cu. ft. development in automatic Newest, fastest, lowest-codefrosting is Admirals Flash Defrosting! Its the only e automatic method known . . . keeps frozen foods from sticking together. Just push a button. . . st ice-fre- the whole jobs done in a flash. Here you get this wonderful new feature in a refrigerator that yout choose regardless of defrosting methods. Thats because it gives you two bushels of extra space at no extra cost . . . V ' combines all the latest deluxe features with unsurpassed beauty of line and color. fr Better hurry right in to see it v COMPRESSION Flash Automatic Defrosting Butter Keeper Door Shelves Inwall lra WN Mf txlra feed al Full-Widt- World Ncwi with Bob Trout" Sunday 5:30 PM, GST over CDS. Subacriplion to "Smart Living". See your Admiral dealer. EASY TERMS! h Full-Lrng- lh BAMOt Flili FIVE . . . . . Freezer Cold Glacier Llue Interior GENEROUS TRADE-IN- S! ' great Ford Track Engines West 2700 South Dial 67(1 w friction design gas! Your running caste get trimmed still non, with new Food completely new Trucks for 62! overhMd valve Ford Thick ahortetzoke engines deliver more power per cubic inch! New save can yon tp to one power-wastcute friction design Add gallon of go in moent No other truck fine in the o gives you so many power ckoicet, sense for aerial, in trucks! See the new Ford Tracks now! to O Tran ultra-modsr- e, iis-h.wa- :x us-h- . iis-h.- e. 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