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Show GARFIELD LEADER, GARFIELD. UTAH .- SOCIAL EVENTS- - PERSONALS AND CLUB NEWS - First Son Large Crowd Attends Benefit Basketball Came Womens Bowling Mr. and Mrs. Bert Singleton of Magna announce the birth of a fine boy on February 29th. He weighed in at six pounds, 10 ounces. Mr. and Mrs. Singleton ul.io hjvo a daughter, Sherrie Marie. Mr. Singleton A very large crowd attended has been serving in Korea since ' " Arlene Harward had high game Tuesday at the Utah Copper Club, 49-5- 9. I - The event was arranged through the cooperation of Coaches Deb Smith and A1 Mercer of Cyprus. one . . 14 . closely followed by Norma Sain who chalked up 165, Norma Haut- er and Margaret Unsworth, 163. Carol Bertoch also recorded this bracket with 174-15- 8; 156-15- 7; of 160 in the Afternoon League, the Rosehill Creamery-Iow- a Ghost September, game Monday night at Cyprus! gymnasium and enjoyed the anNew Daughter tics of the colored masters on the I hardwood courts. The Creamery quintet. eom.,.,-ut"rvrf.frd posed of several local players and e Mr- Mrs aJ!0 outside talent, defeated the Spud Perk1? of M11- l!! All net proceeds Ghosts, were given to the Cyprus athletic '!.,.hLr anJ new chlld re do,ngi unt- Aftamoon Loaguo game. She was closely followed by Louise Erickson, 175; Elaine Husband, 176; Vera Dea, Norma Minster, 167; Roxic Gillespie, 157; Polly Stocking, 175; Aline Shirley Begent, Romaine Zito Griffith, 168; Babe Wimmer, 151; Sylvia Wimmer, 171. Other high games were Ruby Cushing, 184; Ellen Newbold, 185; LaVon Beth Ahlquist, Pearl Moore, 154; Dea, Ann Tygesen, 159; Dorothy Dea, 162. 158-16- 0; 156-15- 9; 180-15- 7; Ann 150. Demo Ladies Meet GIRL SCOUT The regular meeting of the Democratic Ladiei Study Group will be held thii Thursday evening, March 6th at the Magna Fire-hal- l. Hostesses for the social will NEWS be Elizabeth Jones and Mrs Birthday Party Jenkinson. All interested iad.es are cordially invited to atThe Girl Scout birthday party tend. will be held Sunday, March 9th in the Coliseum at the fairgrounds in Salt Lake City. All leaders. Cookie Sale Scouts, Brownies and parents are to attend. The Girl Scout Cookie Sale will urged The program starts at 3:00 start Monday, March 10th. Scout oclock. leaders will have cookies to disA bus will pick up the Magna tribute to the girls on Sunday at the Magna library at 2:00 girls afternoon, but the girls are asked to not start selling them until' p. m.. and the Garfield girls at the Garfield school, 2:15 p. m. The Mrs. W. II. Ahlquist, Other high games were Villa Williams, 156; Mary Jensen, 155; Bessie Larson, 148; Emma Streb-bl- e, .Auxiliary Meet 143; Ruth Thomas, 139; Rula LaRae Woolley, 133; Garside, 137; A meeting of the American LeD. Rydalch, 132; M. Nelson, 132 gion Auxiliary will be held ThursMonday. and Elaine Bullock, 131. day, March 13th, 8:00 p. m. at the Utah Copper Club. Potluck luncheon will be served. Everyone is invited to attend. 172-15- 7; Jean Hubbard captured high game of 190 in the B" League Tuesday night and series of 464 with other games of 136 and 138. Some of the other fine high games were Dorothy Merrill, 180; Millie Christofferson, 142; Pearl Grow, 156; Lillian Riley, Norma Powell, 149; Patty McDonald, 155; Florence Smith, 141; Mary Brown, 145; Alice Ribotto. Helen Wimmer, Gail PowIrene Tuckey, Mrs. E. G. Paulos entertained members of her Bridge Club and special guest, Mrs. J. W. Richardson, Monday evening at her home. A dainty luncheon was served, METROPOLITAN) LAUNDRY & CLEANING j4 Heal Find in FINE BOURBON Garfield Mr. Carl Larson, 2261 - i 147-17- 5; 169-14- 2; Wool in Edna A" League with a fine 212 the Our last basketball game was held Wednesday, and we were defeated by Valley, in a close encounter. We are now looking forwaiv. an active baseball season. 16-1- 3, Webster School dharilyn Clement Arlene Barker. Reporters The boys and girls in Room 10 are getting ready for the Art Exhibit March 19th. We are drawing posters to put in the store Start a Home LOTS Any Size $550 end up. Down 24 Monthly Payments In Flowing Well District 1096 an at While They Last . . Wash Day Specials! At Wholesale Prices! J j New Horton Deluxe Washer, with pump, origin- ally cost 8179.95. I New Casco Steam Iron F New Metal Ironing Board o New Ironing Board and 7 Cover GET YOUR LAWN MOWER CONDITIONED BEFORE SPRING THE New Tires .3 RUSH! FREE Pickup and Delivery 3 during February ft March DIAL 2129 or 3391 ALL for only 8134.95 original coat, (219J0 MERL'S I Phone YOUR CHOICE GOODYEAR or U. S. ROYALS 100 - "Merl's Specials For This Wools" 4 PLY CONTININTAI - 4 PLY $14.95 PAULOS AUTO COMPANY DISTILLING CO IP. . PH 1 1 A.. PA. i Phone 6371 70 x 15 Plus Excise Tax and Youc Old Tire After buy Planter Club... By any standard, you couldn't buy better! PIOOF Special, for Friday, Saturday, Monday 18 $12.95 (0 6781 x ' , ". , wr v, t' V4H "i:!; Greatest Saving Offer Made! We will meet sales Brand Merchandise. Shop here. Save time and money! any advertised Specials on on all National Cured, (SAIT TOMATO Ready-To-Ea- t, . 31 tb Varney's, bottle JUUGE TflUWA FLAKES TBEEIF 46c 24c 21c 42c 60c 34c 75c Bisquick, large pkg Soap, Sweetheart, 4 for Waxpaper, 125 foot roll . . . . Salad Dressing, quart jar ... Wesson Oil, pints 31c, quarts Cove Oysters, can Cheese Food, Swifts, 2 lb . . . .... i' week-en- d m m Pierces, 46 oz. White, can Bananas, No. 1, tb New Potatoes, No. Fresh. Lean, lb Florida, tb 1 No. Calif., lb Lettuce, Carrots, fresh, 3 bunches for Cabbage, No. 1 green, lb Avocados, large, 35 size, each Grapefruit, 8 1b bag 1 23c 2.87 57c 41c 43c 32c 26c Orange Juice, Shavers, 46 oz Shrimps, 5 lb pkg Peanut Butter, Swifts, 20 oz. jar Mor Luncheon Meat, can Crackers, Saltines, 2 lb Tuna, White Star Solid, 34c, Grated Peaches, 2 can 'MEATS 8c 23c 6c 10c 43c wilh a touch of your tea Most cars lead a double life. good part of the time, they're running errands, taking children to school, taking women to stores, taking men to work, taking A added miles more than twice as fast as your watch can tick off the seconds. 'Bus is an experience you certainly should know firsthand. You should also know how Buick's Power slow-motiSteering provides a helping hand in maneuvers -l- ets you keep the feeT of the car in straightaway driving. times when youll want what this years - 15c 7c Reserves family and friends to clubs and social functions. It doesn't call for a very great output of horsepower for duties like these. But there are times when you want a car that can do vastly more, and these are the CHOICE FROZENfFQODS- Gall out the Pot Roast, Lean, tb Sausage, fresh, lb Sausage, Swifts Brookfield, lb Lamb Stew, While It Lasts!, lb Hams, Butt Piece, lb 53c, Shank Piece, tb Round Steaks, A Grade, tb Rib Steaks, A Grade, lb . . . 68c 43c 55c 37c 49c 95c 79c Roadmaster has to offer. Beneath its proud hood, theres a Fireball 8 d that can let loose 170 Engine a valve-in-hea- lively horsepower when needed. And alongside this engine theres also an Airpower carburetor which thriftily feeds fuel barrels and air through two smallcr-than-usufor normal driving which means that you now use less gas at 40 than youd formerly use at 30. But there ore two barrels in reserve-waiti- ng for you to call them into action and they let loose a soaring rush of power that sinks your shoulders back into the scat cushion, swoops of a tight spot up a hill you past a truck-o-ut sets your speedometer needle to registering al on And just for good measure, this '52 Roadmaster also has the biggest brakes of any postwar Buick the greatest trunk space since spare tires moved off the front fenders a warning light that glows when the parking brake is set and to top it all, the smartest interior fabrics that Buick has ever offered. When are you coming in to look this distinguished performer over? We urge you to make it soon. fffcraf mN Sure is true for '52 ADAMS MOTOR COMPANY 8792 West 2700 South Dial 2041 etter automo I e ! 5835 West 3500 South Phone Murray 01I4-R- 2 I. mar I e Jones Insurance Agency Marl's Specials For This Week" 3! AVOID 8916 West 2700 South SCHOOL NEWS 153-15- 3; Leave call or bundles at the Garfield Barber Shop "Bud" Gardner school. The Webster School Traffic Patrol were guests of the Salt Lake county sheriffs office Thursday at the wrestling matches. This event was held at the state fair ground in Salt Lake City. Mr. George Smith of the Gem Theatre has been very kind to the traffic patrol, contributing free show tickets every month. Thank you, Mr. Smith. followed by tables of bridge. Prizes were given to Mrs. H. T. Dyches and Mrs. George Duckworth. The group will hold their next meeting on Monday, March 17th at the home of Mrs. Marlow ell, 149; La Verne Empey, 142; Vi Turpin. Nola Farnsworth, Walker, 145. Selfish men may possess the took 4 points. No. 2, earth; it is the meek only who inTeams high game of 692 and series of herit it from the Heavenly Father 2038. free from all defilements and perplexities of unrighteousness. j "A" League Meyer captured honor FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY In Magna, Phone j popular one to remain at our Thank You 142-15- 3; 142-14- 6; round tup xre is ldc Brockbank Jr. High All girls must have permission Carole Evans, Reporter from their parents to go, as well as a signed acknowledgement Brockbank students have been Girls who do not have a uniform may wear a white blouse and voting the past week for their choice of seven pictures--th-e Jark skirt most |