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Show J?'' Muxalitming Carp AiL'n-- a aiX-&iji- li Salt Lake City M- - 3. Utah CIMJJER2K Ike's Appeal Clearly the Republicans must nominate either Eisenhower or Taft. To compromise on a Stasscn or a Warren would be to sidetrack both strong candidates and present one for whom there is slight public sentiment The great appeal of 'Ike" is that more people, regardless of party, want him to be President than they want anyone else. he is the surest winner. With any other nominee, the Republicans are risking another defeat No one appears to dispute Con-ceded- that Under such circumstances, if the convention turns down the opportunity to name the sure winner, the Taft nomination will' seem machine made,' dictated by' the politicians in defiance of pub- lie sentiment reactionary. Old Guard and isolationist. That is the sort of fight that would be made against him. This is lough on Senator Taft an able man of high character, but such is the fact. On the Democratic side, the situation is reversed. Eisenhower as the Republican nominee would make it difficult for the Democrats to find a candidate. Against Eisen- hower, the best the Democrats do would be to name a third-strin- g man for whom there was no real popular support Summing up, the prevailing view of detaclted observers is that if "Ike is not nominated by the Republicans, the Republican nomination is hardly worth the' proverbial plugged nickel! and if he is nominated, the Democratic nomination is not worth that could Old Timer You're an Old Timer if you remember when you had no income taxes to pay. Rest Relax or Die The importance of rest recreation and relaxation cannot be in this day of heart attacks and other forms of sudden death. The average individual, for some reason, looks askance at idleness, either of the mind or body, without realizing that a balanced life must include both. Consequently, we suggest to those who think they are too busy to take any time from their business that they are gambling with death and the odds are against them. The stress of modern civilization has developed astonishing casualties. People go off for unknown reasons. They worry themselves sick because they overlook the vital importance of easing the strain of modern life. We would do nothing to militate against the labor that useful individuals perform. It is true that there are some who have a prejudice against earning their living and this advice is not meant fur them. Those who have the idea that they cannot miss an hour frum appointed tasks, or fear that an economic collapse will follow any idleness on their part, might as well realize that the world will continue to revolve whether they punch the clock on time or not. Consequently, if they wish to live long and enjoy life, they might as well plan an intelligent program of activity to include conscious relaxation from the worries and cares of the day. over-stress- The Seabees have a favorite description of themselves: A Seabee is a soldier in a sailors uniform with Marine training and doing civilian work at WPA wages. The only reason they quit using horses in war is because they get killed too easily. Maybe some day as much consideration may be shown human beings. Community Fund Meet Slated Here March 10 The monthly meeting of the Oquirrh District Community Fund will be held Monday, March 10th. 7:00 p. m. at the Magna Womena Clubrooms. All representatives are requested to be present for discussion of pertinent business. The meetings of this organization are scheduled for the second Monday of each month. The Magna Women's club has kindly that evening to the fund donating the rooms rent-free. Bolter Skating Club Meets Miss Doneen Hardman enter- tained twenty members of the Salt Lake roller skating club at her home Saturday evening honoring the birthday anniversary of her skating partner. Buddy Fox of Salt Lake City. Beth Laura Olsen of Salt Lake, their teacher was also an honored guest. A luncheon was later served and musical program enjoyed by the members. jT. "The Complete Home Newspaper" -- Read It In The Times or Leader Garfield, Utah, Friday, March 7, 1952 Year Thirty-fift- h Answer The Company Of Magna Youth, Killed In Korea War, Commended NumEer38 With Your Heart! Call-Ans- wer SMELTER SMOKE TO BE GREATLY LESSENED WITH NEW ACID UNIT $2,500,000 Addition To TteBuilt To Garfield Acid Plant Parents Find Congratulatory Letter In Personal Effects of Son Mr. and Mrs. George Latham of Magna received the personal effects of their son, Pfc. Glenn Latham, Monday from the War Department, and among them was an uu: standing letter commending the company that num-- i. red Glenn as a member before ! Sal lair Swept By Flames Research Center On U of U Campus n,i death in Kjrea. The letter was addressed to the The University of Utah Board commanding officer of Company of Regents has approved a proC, 31. t Infantry, APO 7, and posal under which Kcnnecott Copas follows: per Corporation will construct a i Company C, 31st Infantry is research center on the university common led far its excellent com- campus. The building and equipment are estimated to cost bat operations on 30 May, 1951. 2. This company was assailed in $1,250,000. tlie early morning hours by Plans for the structure are two battalions of the practically completed and it is exChine-.-.Army from the north pected that construction can get west and south. Displaying skill under way in the near future. a year will be required to and gallant. y, this splendid unit defended its positions and re- complete the building. Building of the research center pelled the Chinese assault maintaining the integrity of the regi- on the campus will have many mental defensive area. At the con- advantages for the university, acclusion of the attack, 158 enemy cording to Louis Buchman, Vice dead were counted in front of one President of Kennecolt Copper platoon of C Company and it is Corporation, and should enhance estimated that many other Chin- the prestige of the university's ese dead resulted. College of Mines and Mineral In3. I am proud of the accomdustries. Kennecott's research perplishments of Company C, its of- sonnel will be available for stuofficers dent seminars on technical subficers, and soldiers. jects. Company officials added 4. A copy of this commendation that the structure will be of a type will be read to the troops at the that will be in keeping with the first opportunity and a copy will beauty and dignity of the campus. When fully staffed, the research be filed with the next efficiency report of the Company Comman- center will employ approximately 50 people and it is expected that der. Colonel, Infantry Commanding. most of the staff will be Utahns. The new research center will William J. McCaffrey, engage in basic studies relating to mineral recovery problems of all Kennecott's Western Mining Divisions. In addition to the Utah Copper Division, these include operations in Nevada, Arizona and New Mexico. It is also expected that a regular part of the laboratory's work will be investigation of the treatment of ores and minerals Despite this prolonged winter from many parts of the world in and heavy snows, plans are being connection with Kennecott's exmade for the Magna Baseball panded exploration activities. club. J. W. "Jackie Ridd, Jr., has been named manager of the squac'i and the first scheduled practice is set for April 1 weather permitul Jackie Ridd Named Manager Of Ball Club Polio Drive ting, of course. Jackie has several players from last years squad to build around and frum all appearances, a good year can be expected by local hardball fans. Bob Robb, the leading hitter in the league la.--t year, will be batting again f : the local group. Max Pessetto auJ Bruce Bills, two fine chuckers, v ' bp assisted by Jim Total of $5,865.26 Real; ;e and Glen Dug- Brown at 3 j gins and Keith Barton in the out- ized From Magna-Gar-fiel- d field comprise a strong nucleus Area to start the 1952 season. Any interested player is cordially invited to come out. Manager An increase of almost $2,000.00 Ridd asks that you bring shoes, a was realized in the 1952 March of towel and join in the fun. Dimes polio drive over the year of 1951, resulting in a $5,865.26 total, according to a report released Tuesday by Matt W. Broderick, general chairman. Mr. Broderick was assisted in gathering this outstanding sum by Ken Simper of the Refinery; Dee Geddes of the AS&R; Victor Bohne, Arthur Mill; Clifford Beck, This newspaper has received 3 Magna Mill; Mrs. C. R. Moyes, number of requests and sugges- Magna business district; Herman tions on conducting a presidential Nielsen, Granger and Hunter; Mrs. Ann Ahlquist and Mrs. Laura election polL We believe it is an excellent Daniels on the Porchlight Parade. A grand total of $3,697.00 was idea to arouse public interest in the forthcoming election, and are realized from the sale of tickets; therefore sponsoring it in this $414.06 from boxes; $1153.17 week's edition, and forthcoming donations; $601.03, school cards. The total of $804.81 from the issues. We feel that it will be interest- Porchlight Parade, conducted by ing to our readers to obtain a feel- a group of enthusiastic mothers, ing of the "grass roots relative was placed in the donations deto the selection of a man for partment Many Cases Helped President of the United States. A number of local polio cases Would you kindly therefore clip out the coupon, mark your choice were aided last year through conand cither mail or bring it to the tributions made by kind neighbors Copper Printing Company office? and friends. The year of 1951 was the worst on polio ever suffered in Utah. BALLOT Mr. Broderick desires to thank My choice fur President of everyone for their contributions the United States is: and help. Shows Increase For Vicinity OUR PRESIDENTIAL POLL EISENHOWER KEFAUVER KERR . ( .. - ( ) ) ) - ( ( ( C ) ) RUSSELL STASSEN TAFT TRUMAN WARREN ) ( ( ) Clip and mail your Ballot to; Copper Printing Company, Box 248, Magna, Utah, or bring it to the Magna Times office. This space may be used for the OBITUARY of som youngster who is likely to lost his lift as a result of catching rides on the bumpers of automobiles. See that it isn't your sonl Smelter smoke, which has plagued citizens and crops in this area for many yeara, will literally soon bo a tiling of the past with the announcement this week that the Garfield Chemical and Manufacturing Company will have addition to its acid plant at Garfield. This improveSalt Lake county firemen from ment will further take the sulMurray and Magna fought a rag- phur dioxide gas. E. McL. Tittman, manager of ing oil fed fire which destroyed the caretaker's home, electric sub- Utah department, American Smelstation and tool shed at Sltir ting & Refining Company, will reFriday night. place XL D. Bradford, former west When interviewed Tuesday era department manager of tht Captain Roy Smith of the local smelting firm. unit said that estimate on the The Garfield Chemical la a joint damage had not been determined subsidiary of A. S. and R. and and cause of the disastrous blaze Kennecott Copper Corporation. was unknown. This addition will increase proCaretaker Dean Hanks dis- duction of vitally needed sulphurcovered the fire at 7 p. m. as he ic acid by 250 tana daily. It will b was punching a time clock on the built by Leonard Construction beach. He dashed into his ALLDREUCE--P. Company. When the new facilhome, just north of the main ities are completed In 1053, total gate and battled the flames with production of sulphuric add will LAKE several fire extinguishers, but amount to 700 tons per day. was driven from the bedroom by This new addition ia an entire the intense heat just as the roof fourth unit in the chemical firms Final Decision Awaits March collapsed. He was struck on the add plant at Garfield. Construcshoulder. tion includes provision for drying 15 Arguments Mr. Hanks said the fire started unit, vanadium pentoxide concenbetween 6:50 p. m. when he left trators and absorbing unit A lawsuit between the builders his quarters to make his rounds The sulphur dioxide gas comes Temporary Judgment of Merton Way in Magna and the The Alldredge brothers asked a and 7 p.m. when he ran back to from A. S. & R. eight converters former owners of the Pleasant judgment. Judge Ellett the building, the entire toot wal which render matte from the reGreen Water Company, was heard $4100.00 ablaze. He said be had only a verberatory furnaces into blister a temporary judgment of gave Monday and Tuesday before the small coal fire in his stove and copper. It is processed, washed $2100 with the final argudistrict court in Salt Lake City. ments to be heard Saturday that his cooking was done by and rendered dustless la the A. Eliott Judge presided. March 151h. electricity. facility. . Mr. Layton AJldredge claimed After the fire started, he was A Basic Ingredient that the farmer owners of the Mrs. Vera Jones, local manager unable to It then travels to the acid plant phone, and ran local water aystem agreed to re- for the former water company at of a to U. & High- when it U converted to H2S03 imburse the builders of the hous- the time of installation, and P. W. way 40, wheremite he flagged down The absorption facility puts H2S03 ing development for the costs in- Seay, chairman of the board of two young men. They summoned in the sulphuric add solution volved on installation of water trustees of the Magna Water Com- the fire department making more sulphuric acid. were subserved official pany, mains to Merton Way on 8750 Mr. Hanks said he lost everyOfficials state that the additionpoenas to appear before the court West. thing he owned only salvaging al production of sulphuric acid as witnesses for the defendants. two quilts and a pair of trousers. will servo intermountain industry Including processing of uranium ores, manufacture of fertilizers oil refining and the like. The add ia a basic ingredient of an industrial society. And It la currently rationed by the government in the II western states. KGC To Construct Friday Nite Say D. ManlS, Wlw, Mn. J. Thwaai GwilRaw, and laavat V. till an. Answer the your heart! That is the appeal which is spearheading the American Red Cross Chapters of Utah in their 1952 fund raising activities, according to Mr. Ray Merrill, chairman of the district. The chapters have joined forces to establish and operate a regional blood center which will serve not only military needs but civilians. The regional blood center is scheduled to open at chapter headquarters in Salt Lake City March 17th, according to Mr. Merrill, and mobile units will travel to cities on their mission. One of the:e units will be in Garfield March 13th from 10 a. m. call-answ- er Magna-Garfie- G. WATER SUIT HEARD IN SALT COURT ld life-savi- three-quarte- to 2 p. m. Further information on the Red Cross drive will be given in next week's paper. Will You Give A Just Starting For Cyprus Girls! ar Blood March 13? ating. Well-Know- n Designated as Champions, Champions the Utah CopClub Talent Show winner per were selected Saturday evening. The participating young artists showed that this community and outlaying district has many gifted entertainers. Despite the blizzard, bad roads and heavy snow, a crowd of about three hundred people attended and enjoyed the evening's gaiety. Trophies were presented to the first prize winners and gifts to the other contestants. First place winners in their age divisions were: 1 to 8 een Anderson for her acrobatic skilL 9 to 12 years Joey Ribotto, who demonstrated proficiency and unusual playing on the aocordian. 13 to 17 years Doneen Hardman and Buddy Fox for a skillfully maneuvered roller skate years-Kathl- Memberships Now Open At Duck-Fis- h Penney Medallion Designed C Famous By Sculptor Club dance. To cotebrato its Golden Jubilee, J. C. Penney Company 18 and up-JSadler, for her commissioned Julio KilenyL famous sculptor, to design a medalversatile piano playing. Other participants were Corky lion symbolising the department store chain's place in the American scene. Above, Mr. Kitenyi puts the finishing touches on his Chamberlain and Jolynne Brown "Soldier and Windup Doll; Rich design, which is distinguished by its simplicity end warmth. Ono aide of the medallion (left) shows the Penney Company, ard Nielsen, song and dance; Billie which this year celebrates its 50ih anniversary, represented by Rydalch and Trudy Clark, Apache Janet Taylor, Cora Jean a old oak tree. Beneath the sturdy oak is the inscrip-tions- : Dance; Ycates, Lands Kay Davis, Can-Can- .; Growing with the Nation. On the medallion's reverse Merann Ahlquist and Janside (right) ere depicted three generations of Americans who ice Court, piano duet; Karen have been and are being served by J. C. Penney Company. Mr. Breeze, Ronald Paige, tap dance; KilenyL many of whoso works art on permanent exhibition In Gayle Powell, accordian; Verl the Metropolitan Museum of Art and other museums, considers Miner, marimba. the Penney medallion on of his finest examples of this form of creative art. All old members arc urged to now join the Utah Copper Duck and Fish Club and new ones may now procure memberships from Matt W. Broderick, secretary. The early drive is being made for the club roster, in order to give officials a better indication of how many fish to order and plant for the grand opening in the spring. oey 50-ye- State Official To Speak At Cyprus PTA Dr. Magna Safeway William P. Miller, assistant; superintendent of public Store Closes state education, will talk on 'Commun- ity Central School," at a meeting of the Cyprus Parent-TeachAssociation this Thursday evening, March 6th at the school. Special Musical Numbers Unusual piano numbers will be presented by Frank Van West and Miss Carol Jensen of Magna will present violin selections at the program which begins at 7:30 er j I I ftp nPItinflPlllltir WUUUCUHq j Merchants Asked From Sidewalks All Magna merchants are urged and asked to remove all snow The dance will be a dress-u-p completely from sidewalks, placoccasion and the decorations will ing it in the gutter, where it will be built around a theme of Deep be taken out in the middle of the Sea Fantasy, replete with mer- street by a reverse plow as soon maids, nets, etc. as the weather breaks. Jac Carscy and group will furnBy this method, the snow will ish the music for the evening's melt more quirkly or else be trod- entertainment rs Talent Show Will you help the Red Cross in their many Christian endeavors and donate a pint of your blood? This is the plea being voiced by the Garfield Womens Club to everyone in this vicinity, for the Blood Mobile will be in Garfield at the Girl Scout House on Thursday, March 13th, from the hours of 10:00 a. m. to 2:00 p. m. Blood is vitally needed for our fighting men in Korea, as well a3 in case of disaster. Will you help? To Remove Snow Arrangements are being completed by 11a Jean Larsen and Connie Anast, and Kelly Patsuris, chairman of decor- m Winners Selected For Copper Club Pint Of The Magna Safeway store will be closed from Monday, March 10th to a tentative March 21st date for extensive remodeling and modernization, announces Steve Havrilo, manager. The grand and gala opening o'clock. will be held March 22nd, accordTeacher consultation will be ing to present expectations, furheld following the regular meet- ther states Mr. Havrilo. It'i only the beginning, folks ing. Employes at the local establishonly the beginning, might well be ment will work at other stores said for young ladies at Cyprus during the time of shutdown. high school, when the first event of Leap-YeAdvantages" will Better Garbage be held this Friday evening in the form of a Girls' Preference Dance. Handling1 Promised Leap Year two-roo- den down in a uniform manner. By County Officials Due to a number of complaints made by housewives and business men, a promise was made this week by Gil Sweeten, head of the Salt Lake county garbage disposal, that collection and handling of garbage cans will be effected in a more efficient manner. Complaints have been made that garbage cans are considerably damaged after they have been emptied and put back on Taxpayers Given Leeway Council, C of C Seek Semaphore 2-D- ay Magna Couple Wed 50 Years Open House Wednesday Mr. and Mrs. James Hirst Jenand regarded kins, well-knoMagna couple, will celebrate their Golden Wedding anniversary Wednesday, March 12th. Honoring them, open bouse will be held at the home of a daughter Mr. and Mrs. and Vinol & Turner, 3654 South 5400 West in Magna, from the hours of 2 to 8 p. m. Mr. and Mrs. Jenkins were married March 12, 1902 In the Salt son-in-la- ' Lata IDS Temple. bora June 30, in Pleasant Green and has lived here all his life, being a member of one of Magnas first pioneer families. Mia. Jenkins was bora September 24, 1881 in Sweden, and came to Utah in 1887 with her parents as converts to the church. They are the parents of nine children. Five daughters are sti ' living. They are: Mrs. Adri (Lorens) Klima, Mia. Vinol (Elv.. Turner of Magna; Mrs. Lvn (Thelma) Rushton of Hunter; Mrs. Jay (Ellen) Williams, Cedar City, Utah, Mrs. Ray (Evelyn) Jensen of Carson City, Nevada and fifteen grandchildren. Friends and relatives are cordially invited to call and renew friendship with the esteemed couple. No gifts, please. Mr. Jenkins waa 1880 On Filing Returns European Gardens" To Due to March 15th, 1952 Form Topic of Talk falling on Saturday, federal At Garden Club Meet On Magna Street offices are closed, and state offices stop work at 1:00 oclock, the deadline for filing state and federal Income taxes is Monday, March 17th, according to announcement made by authorities. This two-da- y leeway will undoubtedly aid many Letters have been written to D. H. Wittenberger, Chairman of the State Road Commission, by the Magna Community Council and the Magna Chamber of Commerce, advocating and recommending a regulating semaphore at the intersection of 9200 West and 2400 South. There is now a stop sign at this A meeting of the Magna Garden Club will be held March 12th, l:0C p. m. at the Magna FirehalL Mr. Blaine Taylor of Salt Lata City, an officer of the Associated Garden Clubs of Utah, will show a motion picture and lecture on European Gardens. site. Leaders of both organizations believe that a semaphore would be more effective, safer and provide a better flow of traffic than is possible by the stop sign. IMPORTANT of C Group To Meet With Kcnnecott Head On New Industry C MEET ON COUNTY LICENSES TUESDAY IN S. L Arrangements are now being pany. made for a meeting to be held with the Magna Chamber of Commerce representatives and Mr. Louis Buchman, vice president An important meeting relative and general manager of Kenneto the proposed county licenses of cott Copper Corporation. a number of local institutions will be held Tuesday night, March Principal topic of discussion, ac11th, 7:30 o'clock in the Tribune-Telegracording to Mr. P. A. Cammans chairman of the C of C committee, building. Pertinent information relative will be the proposed location in to the licenses will be released at Magna of a fabrication plant by that time. the Chase Brass and Copper Com m members of the Aggressive Chamber feel that this vicinity would be an Ideal site tor the plant as mines, mills, smelter, refinery are located here. The next logical step would be a fabrication plant Such a new industry would manufacture wire, electrical equipment plumbing supplies; switch-bar- s, etc., all embracing practically every Industry directly or otiwrwiN, |