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Show Friday, Much 7, 1952 THE GARFIELD - LEADER - NEWS OF YOUR NEIGHBORS Howard Ridge, Publisher Edith N. Ridge, Editor PublLhed Sinco 1111 Published By Tha Copper Printing Company Issued oach Friday morning at Garfield. Utah Please Dial 3322 and Give Us Your News. Entorad as sacend class mail matter under the act of March 3rd. 1879 at Garfield. Utah Utah Adjudged one of tha best weekly newspapers by tje also honored the birthday anniMagna Couple Wed Stale Press Association, given honorable mention by the National Magna Maid Chooses versary of Mrs. Richardson. Editorial Association. In Pretty Home year March As Wedding Time Mail subscription rates Payable stricny in aavance have Burrell Ellis Mrs. Mr. and Wednesday The Times welcomes contributions from its readers upon any a Mrs. David B. Paine of Long Ceremony must be signed. No The month of March has been returned home after. spending New York, spent the weeksubject of public interest. All communications Island, vacatioeung chosen as the wedding month of, very enjoyable Mention paid to anonymous contributions. end, visiting with her sister-in-la- w Attractive Miss Leslie Ann Miss Janice Jean Kuna, attractive h Lo Angelea, California. They Mr. and and brother-in-lataclud-Josep- h toura of Mrs.1 number a on went only daughter of Mrs. J Gallyer, young daughter of Mr. and Anderson. H. Claude Mrs. L. Gallyer and the late Mr. GallL. Kunz of Magna and ing a boat trip to Catalina bland. Camp To Meet Club To Meet became the bride of William Orval David Bates, son of Daniel' Mrs. Billie Whittaker entertain- yer. Sewing Club Meets Wednes- - Dale Richards, son of Mr. and Member, of the Da.mulrrs of Oquirrh Camp, Daughters of IL Bates of Orem, Utah. a stork showertTMre-Jacat ed of Magna The young couple will be wed Pioneers, P'i nanl C.:v. n Camp Pioneers, will huld their regular k Mrs. Thirza Jenkinson enterMarch 5th. Wednesday, are asked M meet Thursday, monthly meeting and social on on Friday, March 14th in the Salt lunchA Bowers. lovely arranged LDS Temple and a recep- - tained members of her Sewing eon was served to seven ladies. The ceremony was performed at March 13..'. at the home of Mrs., Thursday, March 13th ul the home1 Mre. seven thirty o'clock at the bride's Monroe W.lk.nA. n, 1:30 oclock of Mrs. Lucille Berrett, beginning tion will honor them that evening! Club and special guest, Lake Cousof Salt City, I vine Sawyer Mrs. Dara Voshell will be promptly at 1:30 o'clock. Mrs. in the Magna Wardhouse. Mrs. Mitzi Cameron entertained n bride- - Wednesday evening at her home, Rachel Cirubaugh will be Honoring the members of a Bridge Group Tueswas the social A time by enjoyed will A feature of the afternoon elect, three girlfriends. Misses which meets with Mrs. day evening at her home. The Colleen Steck, Norma Wight and be a paper on the late Mrs. Maude included Mrs. Jaunita AlMrs. Phyllis Sadler entertained Chloe Dangcrfield, are entertain-- 1 Margaret McQuaid on Thursday guestsMrs. Claire Laker, read by M.v Mary Huward. Pullum, Mrs. lan, members of the Creative Club ing at a personal shower this March 13th. Underwood, Mrs. Afton Evelyn home. at her at the evening Wight Wednesday Saturday .evening Mrs. Lyle Pendleton will be Cameron and Mrs. Lola Mae BateCompose Song The subject of Hooked Rugs" home. to members of the BB man. A lovely late luncheon was hostess A was duscussod by the group. The young couple plan to make entitled a ol this Thursday after- served. Club verses Four sewing late luncheon was served. their home in Magna. noon at her home. All ladies are "To Reveal Our History," the A meeting of the Garfield Wowords written by Mesdames HazMrs. T. A. Hansen entertained urged to attend. Club Meets men's Club will be held Wednesel Orr, Faye Isakson and Cora and Club members of her Bridge day, March 19th at the clubhouse. Bouck, all members of the DaughMrs. Harold A. Linke enter- special guest, Mrs. Joe W. Ribotto Anniversary Date All members are urged to attend, Pleasant of Utah Pioneers, ters Friday afternoon at her home. A tained nu mbers of the as important subjects will be disGreen Camp, with the music com- Club and special guest, Mrs. Eva lovely late luncheon was served. Magna Ward Relief Society will cussed. posed by Mrs. Ila M. Pollock and Ludwig, Thursday afternoon at fullowed by tables of cards. Prizes observe the founding of the orarranged by Mrs. Melba Matt- her home in Salt Lake City. A were given to Mrs. B. W. Richard on Tuesday, March A group of Garfield ladies athew!, were sung Monday of last lovely late luncheon was served sun, Mrs. Orem Stewart and Mrs. ganization 11th, beginning at 12:00 o'clock tended a Fashion Show sponsored week at the monthly D of P county George W. Smith. The occasion noon. A lovely dinner will be f jllowcd by a social time. by the Delta Gamma Saturday at meeting. served. the Universiay of Utah Union in the was held The gathering All women of the ward are in- Building. A very enjoyable time Salt Lake Memorial Building. vited to attend, and a special in- was held by the group. City, and attended by a large vitation is extended to former ladies. of local group members of the group to attend Club Entertained this function. Club Ladies of the Group To Meet were entertained at a delightful Members of the Oquirih Slake party Tuesday by Mrs. Dewey Watkins at her home in Salt Lake Young Ladies MIA Board will be entertained next Monday evening City. Following a one o'clock March 10th at the home of Mrs. luncheon, cards were played and L. 6. Hunt. All ladies are invited prizes awarded to Mrs. Watkins to attend. and Mrs. 1 L. Pullum. The group OH YOUR SIGNATURE ONLY . will meet March 19th with Mrs. Garfield News - home in the presence of family members and a few close friends with Bishop Elmer Thomas of the Spencer Ward officiating. The bride was lovely in a pink model. An informal social followed the wedding ceremony. Honoring Mrs. Frances Ridge, retiring president, members of the Womens Benefit Association ore entertaining at a social Wednesday evening, March 12th at the Magna Women's Clubrooms. All members are asked to attend. Mrs. F. L. Hibler and Mrs. Har- Hononng the demure bride, sev- - M Hughef were holtuMS to eral socials will members of the Community Bap- week by family members nej Aid Xueldiy chureh cl fr,endi- afternoon in the churchrooma. to make The young couple plan Lundwon was served to seven- their home in Magna. teen ladies, followed by a social V and sewing. well-know- rP ii ll when the bites you . . . Just-A-Me- re Zfloor cMats ONE-VISI- SERVICE. T Our Price Price Reg. NATIONAL COMPANY FINANCE I 4.15 FORD VI iAl FORD 4J5 2.45 1941-4- 7 4.95 245 MERCURY 1937-4- 0 FORD VI 4JS 245 1240 CHEVROLET US 2.45 THESE ARE MATS. ALREADY CUT 1935-3- 1 1941-4- 7 OF UTAH Phono Magna 6372 9013 W. 2700 South MAGNA SALT LAKE CITY .... 22 West 2nd So. Than Our Coat Leas COME IN AND GET ITI Phono 53 PROVO 341 W. Center St. Phono Provo TOOELE 13 S. Main Stroot Phono Tooolo FORM-FITTE- 1045 180 Paulos Auto Co. DIAL SOU And Cut Me Out Hrnnq Ms Wallace Williams. Twin Boys Major and Sirs. Lewis Klekas of Washington, D. C. are the happy and proud parents of twin sons who arrived March 2nd at a hospital there. They also have a son, John and a daughter, Stephanie. Mr. and Mrs. John Klekas of Magna are. the happy paternal THE LOW COST grandparents. GDP MAGNA. UTAH Up Gem Theatre Starts RHY OR USED CAR Theres lots more fun in owning and driving a new car when its financed thru Timeway. For, as everyone knows. Timeway means low bank interest rates, convenient terms, and prompt service. Ask for Timeway financing at your dealers or see the Timeway Department of this bank. March 7 8 Friday, Saturday Complete Show Alter 7:00 p. m. NEW YOUR Let me not to the marriage of true minds admit impediments. William Shakespeare WAY TO BUY 0 p.m. YEARS iriTO THE FUTURE! Double Attraction k ouireoNT-urreoN- Ti is&i Ija t-- at 44 u la rn 3 LANG-FORD w A ha um - Aj COWOA WCTV EKmBa SATURDAY "ROUNDUP" ST ARTS 1 2 NOON When Is Your Birthday? Hey Gang! You Get the Kings Thie Time! A3 Stooge Com-nrl- y Cartoons Both Features and a Preview of the New Serial! Finishes Everyone Invited Sunday, Monday March 9 Sunday 5:30 p. m. Last Show Monday 7:00 p. m. Starts Start 3:15 10 I p. m. MOTICT ky Baf- Youasap amiMl XKhlM Ifllim e Pmmmilm An VM HaMr...lti aa- - Pontiac new power train" of big, e engine, new and new Ilydra-Matiadds axle up to economy hlgh-compreaal- on Dual-Rang- c, mom iJaa. caai mat. REWARD YOUtSaP IRAY I GARTER-MARLOW- 4WIDIM-- TUCKER E MM Wi CARTOON 7:00 p. March 11 Complete Show After 12 Dual-Ran- performance-autom- atic ge driving at it best. Eager, responsive power for all MUM Millie m. Artak... ae n araak at aaara tkt mar nal ta rake iwr ataaAtow lUIDIIicUK WET OBi'RR i WIKI NEWS NOVELTY Tues., Wed., Thurs. Starts ri tU FORREST HUGH HELENA MUM (kk Btop-and-g- o AUTOMATIC OAS WATIB NIATfai 13 as right oweyl tp.ni. fTnhr UU deaeottratieel atarttiag iWsiht Into Your Heart I j mam 4 Pontiac's amazing reaponao to the accelerator gets you away In a Saab. INSTANT SURGING POWER-Y- ou have plenty of surplua power, Instantly ready for any emergency. TOP ECONOMY By reducing engine revolution in relation to apeed, Pontiac gives maximum economy. QUIET CRUISING Pontiac cruises ao quietly, imooi hly and effortlessly you almost feal you're coaiting. driving! Smooth, hushed, performance for the open road! YOU drive it . . . and seel Come In today. extra-economic- IE FLASHING ACCELERATION tOnlwal al ntrm cost. nOLL.Ul FOR DOLLAR YOU t'.l.YT BEAT A Sad OalyA. dies Penoogfea - MAGNA MOTOR MAGNA, UTAH gad Feature Varieties On Parade Central Lumber A Musical Comedy for the Whole Family. and 7JextT,!sIlvej5ity!i,:benTTh!veS11ALL THE OTHER "JAPANESE WAR BRIDE" ONES. & AND BIG Hardware Co. Dial 6384 iitmiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiii vim spectacular jfcgifsZrJSasuNi Lierioiniaiicc Page Motor Company 733 West 2700 South Dial 7777 |