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Show The Deseret Gazette October 3, 1975 e Distributed to over 25,000 Families Q PROFESSIONAL AND SERVICE DIRECTORY call to our Want Ad department will not only sell your service, it will give you the most effective A WEBSTER'S. INC. iMisto1haiMsM LUMBER 1 HARDWARE PAINT A GLASS rug mum) 1 STEAM EXTRACTIONMETHOO COMPETENT CAIKT 2il. aUNUS ) For fluarantwd wort, fnt sonde plwiio CARL LANCE 255-586- " 5 0 254-392- 127HM.17HW. 255-356- TgiMiTiin 1 1 MOUNTAIN pool refreshments electronic games 7800 So. 3200 W. VIEW CARPETING APPLIANCES Slu S Smpitt West Jordan Phono 255-980- 6 254-072- 9 Bills Bill & Buy- - Lo Shoe Harold CLOUGH'S AUTO McDOUGAL WILLAS BARBER SHOP 1824 W. REALTORS NEM8EE 0FMULT1PLE USTM6S LAM DEVELOPMENT FMANCIM EUYINB CONTMCTB LOTI FAimS INCOME PNOPEBTKI CONSTRUCTNM . . roMMrrm poopeotei SPECIALIZING IN ,12600 So. SELLING YOUR PROPERTIES Riverton. Utah THE 12617 So. 1700 W. aamwaaMrrimm 254-99- 6 ChcveDo Malibu $2000, 7 Hunter's Special Draper 1972 Toyota Kxtra low 1974 Liquid Snowmobile, l.and Cruiser. miles, brand new tires. Sclcc-tr- o hubs, mil bar, radio-stere-o hard top, rear heater, extra fuel. So dean, must see to believe. $3,800 Just in time 1 for the hunt. Call or after 5p.m. winter, CANNON IMPORTS SpanWi Mediterrsln 4 or 255 8744 pi REXS 1414 WEST JORDAN We HALL Care KM ItcaariN. McDM.l And Arcade 909 East 2100 South Salt Lake City, Utah 84106 BARBER SHOP Two Barbers stylist now, Rea Rogers, and Craig Day S2.00 discount on S6.00 hair style 12580 So. 950 E. Draper 2 call fur appt. or Just Watch for our drop in. WnJJutaJjujMr $.50 off Professional Dance lo.liic rock music Clip- this ad every weekend. I TREE out; good games of foosball or $.50 off ihi normal S2.00 admission lo dance lioar. WO SMOKING OR DRINKINr. Ads for as little as $2.00 a week CUSTOM (liiUinp ti it (I (luring 254-008- I 15. 254-398- 7. INSTRUCTIONS 571-035- Leant Guitar $3.50 per lesson. Call Folk. Rock, Classical. 2 Bryan Russell 8073 Smith 1475 East Sandy Utah 1 Hivvrton alltY trnls PETS box call ORDER BLANK (SALESMEN BRIAN COOKE WEST JORDAN RT. NO. 3 Brian Cooke, the son of Gary and Karen Cooke, of 2760 West 7525 South of West Jordan, has been nsmed Carrier ef the Mouth because of his outstsnding efforts on his route. Twelve and half years old and a seventh grader at West n for the Jordan Jr. High, Brian has been a n.Mii. for four and half months. Besides his route, Brian baseball. Contradenjoys bicycle riding, car racing, and Month n the ef Gazette Deseret to the ictions WRITE YOUR AD HERE REAL ESTATE E Horse Horse Horse: We are in desperate need of property zo- POA Maze: green broke, make offer 3 years old. gentle, $75 or 255-21- ned for horses. With or withAll sics and loout homes. cations in Utah. Call AJA.. VXBIMJ Vfcd IkdtfK 561-143- 10. 1 MISCELLANEOUS Saddle, S1MCO, call 561-764- 255-650- 0 1 Ever thought of going into Real Isliite? At Present we h;ic openings for several We will help train to pass test. Call us to learn mote about what is required. Call Miller SALE-TRAD- E ' just like new, 15", been used once 2 Pure Washington Honey, $33.00 fur 60 lbs., $28.00 for 8 48 lbs. call Altai Video Tape recorder for sale. Excellent for sales presentations. home movies, learning and many more things! Includes Video tape recorder, batteries, AC converter, camera, tape, TV monitor also attaches to home TV! Golden 561-069- 561-755- 1. TIRfS - New tread highway ' " caps. $9.88 exchange - same guarantee as new tires. 3 year guaranteed batteries exchange. $19.95 GREAT NORTHERN 325 W. Pierpont (250 So.) S.L.C. 521-05- 561-143- Your Name For Our Record Wst Realtors 1 Address Or Telephone No. 255-650- 0 by owner: I acre lot for sale, shares of water, fenced. 2 West Jordan area, call 561 MAIL TO: 7642 WHY FIGHT IT? Smog, traffic, crowds when you can escape lo a beautiful 5 bdrm. brick rambler on 1 13 acres in peaceful riverton Finished basement, 2 fireplace double garage, completely fenced. A real find! 1550 W. 7800 So. MCDOUGAL Rcaltors 561-428- 05 West Jordan, Utah 84084 4 Owner: $20,500. easy loan assumption on this 3 home with garage, yard. 81, interest $I48.(X) monthly payment. 561 4387 See Rate Information in Box Below By THINK OR THW1M IrcstiKiou- - ""V- - 4 bdrm- I 34 bath home. Luxurious up and down, nicely landscaped, garage door opener , quiet taylarovillc SWIM CI.UB WITHIN WALKING DISTANCE. Fun without pool care. 140.000.00. A real value fin-plac- e MCDOUGAL D-HS- Ol 56M414IIM,T0,S FOR MUMVWWkMVMAAMAMAMAAMM 561-428- Golden Carrier-Salesma- for the Deseret Gazelle have the opportunity to win many prises and cash awards along wiih the valuable experience oi having a newspaper route. They learn to be responsible, dependable, diplomatic, and how lo earn their own money. These arc all invaluable experiences to learn as they become adults. If your son or daughter would like to be one or our fine carriers, you can get all the details quickly by calling the Deseret Gaxcttc. Circulation Department. j CHECK YOUR AD Classified and legal advertisers should read their ad the tint day it appears and report errors rot later than 10:00am Mondaj. The Gazette will be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion and then only to the extent of a make good insertion or credit. for that om line. The Gazette reserves the right to properly classify, edit or refuse any advertising. n-- Marnakn Realtors 0 Gazette Real Estate Ads Sell TIGHT SHOES HURT! So docs living in a small houand se. Give yourself a bn-abuy this lovely 3 bdrm. brick West home with full hsmt. jordan area with beautiful landscaping for only 128,5000. k 1 MCDOUGAL 4 KKALIORS m flfl- - GMcdD Service Hums Wst 1 4 asstfkxl Ahotising 561-75- 561-755- Classified ad must he to our office by 12:00 noon, thursduy to he in weekend issue. Closed Saturdays, Sundays, and Holidays 561-428- 51 4 19. SPECIAL SERVICES j 2 j to 5 Child Care years old. varied activities, full or half day. Draper. Alteration is what Call Maria I do best. 255-918- 8. rates Typing - Fast, reasonable 6 experienced. Fur all your rental needs. Contractor equipment, vara louts, pailv. wedding, sickroom. automotive equipment. Visit Taylor Rental. 9315 So. 700 Fast. Sandy. You'll Find It Right legal Notices 2 Boats 3 Business Opportunities 4 Cars-Truek- 5 Cyeles-Scoote- s 6 Help Wanted 7 Instructions 8 Livestock-Poultr- y 9 Lost and Found 10 11 Misc. Misc. Wauled Sale-Tra- 12 Here In lb Hace Yore Qasffied Ad or MAIL Oasafkd Index rf Mjor Qassiffcaticns 1 1 Placing Classifieds 8:30a.m. - 5:30p.m. Monday thru Friday Tor corrections or cancelations 8:00 am to 10:00 am Monday 1 Free appraisal on your home. tVMRYONE Carrier-Salesma- wMa 0 ID - 11101 .Til 2) 561-H3- 521-05- T 1 7 17; GREAT NORTHERN 325 W. Pierpont (250 So.) S.L.C. n BANK" N Sliaima 571-254- 5 FRUIT DRYERS, slicers, juicers, wheat grinders, apple parers, deep freezers, wheat. Stones to make your own electric wheat grinders, ready to mount on your motor. Carrier-Salesme- PERSON-TO-PERSO- Doe Rabbits, have excellent Prices depend on doe call 255-437- BRIAN COOKE. contact "YOUR Hill- Free cute cuddly kittens, trained, in sandy area, New metal Detector Rayscopc Latest model $125 or best offer 2 Call I Manufac- 7h W.. 571-314- Maiya Halrbender: Opening for beauty operator with some clicntcl if possible, full or part 6 time, Call Randy at , S. Kcetcli 571-302- sffcTkiujal lke to Open 9 am to 6 pm weekdays letters. -- 0 window. p Open till 9:00 Monday thru Friday WANTED turing. I (125 ing to pay. decor le Price Drivc-u- 5 Need Ride HELP WANTED Champ only used one excellent condition, MISCELLANEOUS n. I 8523 South 255-986- cool 440 $750 call 561-459- MICE fr 72 Whole 255-795- 272-270- 5 tegular $20.95 Sale $15.95 Sandy, Utah SQEoit 9727 South NAAMANWWMWWVWMNMWNI Broken Cookies, Save 23 cost great for nursery school, churches, or your own kids. Get your 3 month supply now lOlbs. $3.50. Little Dutch Boy 12349 So. 970 F.. Bakery 561-755- Quality REPAIR Wrecker Service visit p.m., MISCELLANEOUS 10 CKS o 71 uttoS ,,,r,,M'ul Gibson every Saturday night CARS-TRU- 66 Ram-her$450, 60 Chev. 6 cyl. Fishing truck $250, .1934 Country Squire Drive, after 3 942-331- E cr TRUST Free Checking No Minimun Balance required 561-75- 51 give us a call today. 4 foosball DRAPER ex- pert Want Ad writers will quickly help you with your Ad. For your best spent advertising dollar minim DIAMOND MIKES FbotbJ tourney wrruEt C 266-830- 2 results and the coverage you want. Careful, PIMNIM TWO LOCATIONS low cod AL MARK 1 Mobile Homes r.u.i Iris r Homes Campcrs-MotoMobile Homes I3B Mobile Home with lid 14 Money 15 Pets 16 Real Estate Rentals e 17 Real Estate 18 Real Estate Open Houses 19 Special Services 20 Work Wanted l.?B 13 Sale-Trad- Qxn Rotes Issue $.10 per word 2 inuF 8.08 per word 3 Issues $.07 per word 4 or more Issue $.05 per word $1.00 Mlu. per week 1 Commercial Classified Open Rate $.25 per Hae For Contract Rale Information call 561-75- L |