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Show 'WEST'-'-- r : ", l l: - - Bulk Rate US Postage ti Paid Postal Patror Local Integrity, Concern For Public Most Important Qualities Permit No. IS West Jordan. Utah By Milt Bissegger Editorial Writer We are fortunate in Utah that most municipal elections are in nature. When a politician runs for office sponsored by a party, his first concern has to be to obtain support of enough of the party leaders to become the candidate of the party for that office. In return for that endowment the candidate has to agree to support the party's All too oftem the platform. platform reflects the ideas and priorities of special interests within the party along with statements on issues of importance, intended to be so general that each voter who reads the party's platform will believe the party favors him and his ideas on particular issues. The most important objective of the party is to elect as many of its candidates as possible. When a candidate runs in a election he does not have to modify his views to obtain the support of any He can. and should, be concerned only party organization. with the public good and be guided by high principles of personal integrity. One of the most important tasks for each of us as voters is to determine how much each candidate meets these qualifications. Each candidate gives a good idea of the extent of his or her dedication to these ideals by the reasons given for being a candidate. The real reasons for a person's candidacy are For not always found in their statements on the subject. instance, there is onc candidate for the West Jordan City Council whose motives must be suspect because he works for a company which has a matter of great importance to it and the city of West Jordan under consideration by the city council. There arc candidates in other cities who are using their candidacy as a forum for expressing their views on subjects which have no relation to the interests of the city where they arc running. Other are seeking publicity for their own peculiar causes. Still others arc candidacy in city And elections as a springboard to "higher" political office. finally other are candidates in order to fight a particular cause of concern to them and, perhaps, others in their city, but they have not developed a concern for the overall welfare of their city. 1 . City and county governments arc closest to the people of all governmental units. They deal with issues which arc of daily concern to all citizens within their jurisdiction. It is imperative that we elect people to city and county govern-ment- s who most closely meet the ideals of concern for the public good and personal integrity. Wr. as citizens, must get to know tic candidates, support tliosc who most nearly exemplify these ideals, and then support them after their election in their efforts to manage our cities properly! Once elected we. have the right to expect that each city official is guided by his personal integrity and is dedicated to the public good in all liix actions. This may sometimes mean that he will vote against the majority view of the citizens, when the voters are influenced against their own best interests by emotional appeals by those intent on gaining their own hv But the key to the election of any means. purposes responsible officials, dedicated to the public good and guided by high standards of personal integrity, lies with each and every citizen. Former Michigan Governor George Romney recently said in Salt Lake City that a relatively small percentage of citizens, organized to work toward identifying and solving our national could turn the country around." problems, Similarly, groups of dedicated, interested and informed citizens in each of our cities and counties could be very effective in bringing to public view the qualifications of each candidate by investigating each candidate's background and sponsoring public meeting where this information can be given to the public and the candidates can be heard and questioned. If we don't actively seek to know each candidate and then vote for the best, we have only ourselves to blame for low quality and unresponsive government. Wccncourage the formation of sych groups of interested citizens, and plead with each citizen to get to know the candidates and vote for those who exemplity the high ideals all candidates should have. West Jordan Council Hopefuls Near Primary. By Scott Rothwell w Editor a Voters from West Jordan will be gathering at their neighborhood voting places Tuesday to narrow the field of candidates seeking the three 4 year councilmen seats in that vt-- r city. The mildly contested primary campaign has not develo-ne- d a definite list of election issues but the final election may push a number of civic administrative decisions into the limelight. Among these decisions and perhaps the most timely will be the highly controversial purchase and proposed rezoning of the West Jordan Elementary School property, 7800 So. 1700 West, the property purchased recently in open bidding by Joseph Behunin, was the subject of a special planning and zoning meeting Sept 14, when Behunin applied for a zoning change to commercial. Candidate John Price, 8793 So. 2700 West, incumbent since his appointment to the council July 1, to fill the seat vacated by Howard Barben, who left to serve an LDS mission, feels that other candidates will have an unfair advantage should he take a stand on the property issuc.r Price and other councilmen will make their zoning decision on Oct. 21, just three weeks before the final election. Price did feel, "it was unfortunate that the city(West Jordan) wasn't in the (financial) position to bid competitively on the property at the time. Price said he would have liked to, have seen the property used as a civic women vying for a council seat. Ms. Gillete has lived in the West Jordan area with her two sons for three years. The Salt Lake native studied Business Adr.ihiktration and UniSpeech Pathology Ms. Gillcte versity of Utah. is running for office to show "her sincere interest in community affairs, her , personal environment and that of her atbc childrcm. Sidney L. Hobb A walk and talk" campaign, put on by candidate Sidney L. Hobb has found citizen complaints span a wide range, from lawlessness to maintenance of city property.. Hobb insists "two-wa- y with the public should be actively pursued. and that "An awareness of public thought and response is basic to representation of the people." Hobb is a realtor with Market Realtors and has worked with the Head Start Program. He has also spent nine years with the state Division of Wildlife Resources and four center. Price has served on the planning and zoning commisof the sion, as steering committee and helped coiii..i-unicatio- the city's master plan. Price is currently a board member of the Midvale Sewage Treatment Plant and n Solid Waste the and Garbage Dump. organize Trans-Jorda- Lynda H. Glllete Lynda H. Gillcte, 6887 So. 1520 West, is one of two Sanpie Ballot School Zone years in the law enforcement fields. goals Among Mr. Hobb's arc to "help restore investor's faith in West Jordan City This will bring government. a desired balance of revenues from commercial sources and residents. Jack F. Stout Originally from Indiana. Candidate Jack F. Stout, 3129 W. 7325 South, moved to West Jordan from California in 1973. Stout is a member of the West Jordan Lions Gub and is president of the Jordan Valley Riding Gub. Max A. Finlayson Max A. Finlayson. a lifelong resident of West Jordan, will also be contending for a council scat this month. 8829 Hearing Upcoming In Mr. John Price VOTE TUESDAY OCT. 7 Official Ballot For City of West Jordan,. Utah October 7, 1975 f Dispute , 41 If k' - ( 4-- .4 J Rtcardar TO VOTERS: Place a cross in the square following the name of the person you favor as candidate for the respective positions. Tuesday night the West Jordan City Council passed a a public motion to hold hearing concerning the rezoning of the West Jordan elementary school property on the corner of Redwood Road and 7800 South. Last week the application for rezoning was denied by the planning and zoning Behunin and commission. Allen had gone before the commission in an effort to get the property rezoned to commercial. The application was denied because it went the city's master plan. October 21 was set by the council as the date of the public hearing to change the to a comzoning from 0 mercial zone. In the upcoming issues, the Gazette will provide more information on the main points of the rezoning application and how it pertains to the City of West Jordan's master' plan. FOR COUNCILMAN 4 Year Term Insurance Vote For Three Group Praises JAY DUDLEY ALDER ROBERT MAX A. FINLAYSON LYNDA SIDNEY H. GILLETTE LEE HOBB MARK D. KORKINS JUDD L. PARR L. HELEN PEARSON JOHN WJ Utilities M. ALIBI L PRICE JACK F. STOUT The West Jordan Gly Council has received a letter praising the city on the excellent condition of the Utility system. The letter stales the company is 'delighted with improvement of income and expense as relates to the utility system, and please express my appreciation to the mayor, council and other administrative officers for developing such a favorable financial picture'. The letter further states, 'The insurance companies, and in particular Allstate Life Insurance Company, will be most pleased to receive this new report'. - L. Mr. Mark Hopkins Hobh Robert M. Allen Robert M. Allen, a four-ye- ar resident of West Jordan,' in an says he is running attempt to help update West Jordan. Allen is the owner of Allen's Spray Tcxlurc and the I.ay A. Farms and is active in raising, breeding and racing quarter bourses. Mark Hopkins Mark Hopkins, the final candidate in a long list of Finlayson is self employed, as owner of Filin' Enterprises, he is interested in and being part of the growth and development of our town." feels he "has the necessary time to devote to this cause. As a suhdivider and home builder. Finlayson says "Residential communities cannot We need sup)iori themselves. industrial and commercial development to compensate the tax structure." Road improvement and more road equipment was also stressed by Finlayson as sjs ' Ms. Lynda Gillcte' primary hopefuls, tccls public safely should be unc of West Jordan's strongest and most immediate concerns. Hopkins is concerned with the safety of children walking to and front school along busy highways without sidewalks, light, or crossing guards. Hopkins feels that if sufficient funds could not be made available to provide safety equipment and improvements, the citizens of West Jordan start should fund raising drives to raise the money. 1 am concerned that a city that constructs a sidewalk in front of eitv hall and then lets it get buried under dirt, gravel and weeds, cannot provide safe sidewalks for school children. This is to notify all qualified electors that registration agents In the citlef of Midvale, Sandy, and West Jordan will be at their office, on the dates listed below, to register all persona the above cities. applying who are entitled to vote at the primary and municipal election ef keys to community growth. Helen Hales Pearson The second woman in the running is Helen Hales Pearson. Mrs Pearson is a Magna native and a Political Science graduate from the University of Utah. The mother of five is employed as a Spanish teacher at Valley Jr. She is an High School. acme member of her prof essional organization, the Granite Teachers Association ami was active in the fight to Merger defeat the Saturday, October 4, 1975 Tuesday, October 14, 1975 Tuesday, October 28, 1975 y pronsul. Judd L. Parr Candidate Judd L. Parr, is a member of a long standing Parr's grand area family. father formed in Riverton and in 1948 his father was one of the first to develop the Ganger area. Parr attended the Univer sity of Utah and Weber Stale He is presently College. sales manager of Deseret Hook's Audio Visual Division and has also been involved in industry, real estate, invest nicnl. and sales. J. Dudley Alder .1. Dudley Alder, a West .Ionian carpenter, has lived in the city for over four years. Abler feels that representation is most important and to stay in touch with the people, so that they will know what is being done inside of Alder sites the our city." police force as one area of concern. "I would like to see one officer for each 1.000 citizens," and he says "Chcif Foster feels Ihc same. We could "arrive at this goal, possibly by setting the budget to hire three to four officers a year. -- In Sooth Registration days for city and town municipal election Jordan and Riverton are: Tuesday, October 14, 1975 Tuesday, October 28, 1975 Between the boors of 8:00 a.m. and o.nn n.m. each day. -- -- INSTRUCTIONS ' Mr. Sydney Mr. Jay I). Aider electors may register witn the County Clerk during regular office hours, y period immediately except Saturdays. Sundays, holidays, regular registration days and preceding any election. Voter registration forms submitted by mail will be accepted until the v Registration assistants may accept registrations until period preceding the election. October 19. 1975. 7 dcrosa Drive, West 1800 South. WEST JORDAN -- Shauna Crosby 520 E. 4612 So. -12654 Franz 3620 Utahna 3865 1240 Caroline Phillips 3 700 North. 8 I7IXI West. West 4990 South. 298-2- 3 -- Barbara Eatchel 802 E. 4614 1660 Newman 3630 6806 Shirley 1402 Barbara stevens 7 8375 South. West 13400 South, South 2700 West. d -- Louise Smith 22 4620 Sti. 6925 1404 -- Gail Blcazard 3 Drive. MIDVALE 3 1700 West. Geo L. Jensen 82 4622 4502 Mary Brkljacich 61 1412 -'- Norecn Chapman 7498 3 Slate Street, North 9 Fifth Ave.. South 2700 West. Louise Fairbourn 364 4624 343 n Wencrstrom Jewel 4505 Christoffcr--1414 -- Colleen H. North 200 East. 9 Uk'UsI Street. 2558-W- . 7800 South ' 4506 4628 -- Sandra Lee Olsen 1388 Vivian Hawkins 100 Granada Drive. Bireh Street. 1416 -- Myrtle Bateman 1454 Mvrtle Wright 380 4632 151 E. -Uliharri Ann 4520 9 West 7800 South. 200 East. South Wasalcli St.. 1420 Luwana Webb 8760 -- Glenda A. Butler 8731 4634 221 Helen 4522 Bobcrg Welbv Road. 9 Vaqucro Drive, 7 Oak Street. Lillian King 8175 So. 1422 4640 --Gloria Ostler 830 South 197 Jensen Leone 4524 . 4 700 West. 200 Fast, Loii Ann Barlow 2798 1424 Olympus Street, 4642 -- Ruth Hardcastle 831 e 41 Fursc Jean 4526 9 West 8870 South. South 400 East. 255-43St reel,. 255-0- 6 1426 Sally Ashworth 8935 Carol Lee Jenkins 413 4650 -- Jiylanc Murphy 286 4530 Smith 1700 West. 7 East 9585 South. 9 Ivy Drive. Nola Hanson 570 East 4652 436 Olson 4532 JORDAN Evelyn SOUTH 3 9400 South, 5 Hoover. 1510 -- Alla Oukcson 9524 So. 4660 - Norecn Samowitz 105-6- 0 624 Christensen 4534 2 Kay I7IXI West. 7 South 510 East, Monroe Street. Fine 10282 So. .1520 -- Judy Bullock 568 4662 Joyce 1300 West. 4 East 9900 South, SANDY 1530 -- Phyllis Green 11555 So. Kathleen Carlson 2236 43 2700 West. 2 4536 Margaret L. Gayton Creek Road. 3540 Margaret Kafer 10887 Gertrude Menssen 4736 6 Street. 606 8 Coolidgc South 1700 West. 2809 Mt. Jordan Road, 4602 -- Kay McAllister 8094 5 RIVERTON Bryce Drive, 4604 Bjornn 770 Pon- 3610 Gertrude Eastman2345 In addition qualified ten-da- Icn-da- 255-741- 254-318- 5 1 - 254-496- - -- 255-810- 254-352- 4 255-629- 4 Tiny-woo- 255-419- - 255-378- - 255-363- 255-924- 9 255-112- 4 - 255-02- 255-341- 255-468- 5 - 255-546- - 255-347- 255-31- 255-603- 3 255-001- 4 255-306- 255-200- 255-894- 0 254-382- - 255-085- 255-780- 255-024- 9 255-293- 5 Coo-lidg- 571-125- 561-028- - 255-067- 255-708- -- 571-424- 255-878- 8 - 254-478- 4 254-420- 9 - - 255-314- 254-361- 255-864- r.- - 571-052- 255-743- |