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Show Page 2 The Deseret Gazette October 3. 1975 SANDY- - The Sandy City Council turned down several requests for annexations to the city at the last city council meeting. Calvin Hall's request to annex two lots were turned down because it would have created an island. His request for 21 acres to annexed was tabled until the water study is completed. Beck Turner's request to annex property was turned down because a change from Azoning was asked for to accommodate a slaughter house. -l SANDY- - Crossing guards at four locations were approved by the Sandy City Council to escort school children across streets. The locations were 9400 South. 1000 East. 9800 South, 700 East. WEST JORDAN- - Dean T. Bawdcn an orthodontia, is opening his office in the the West Jordan Dental Plaza on 2500 West 7800 South in West Jordan. WEST JORDAN- - A Sandy woman was wounded and held hostage Wednesday after a fight with her former husband at 3055 West 8600 South. West Jordan Police Chief Lance E. Foster said Linda Abctya.30 2083 Platinum Dr., Sandy, suffered a scalp wound bullet. She was treated and on her head from a released at Cottonwood Hospital. Raymond J. Abctya, 35, 3055 West 8600 South was booked in Salt Lake Jail for investigation of aggravated assault with intent to commit homicide. City-Coun- ty The First Baptist Church in Midvale will hold a revival effort October 3. 4, and 5. Services will be held each evening at 7:30 at the church, 25 North Main in Midvale. MIDVALE- - three-da- y WEST JORDAN PHARMACY 1691 West 7800 So. plays which will be presented Sail Lake County youth was dead on arrival at Cottonwood Hospital Tuesday after he and a friend inhaled aerosol deodorant they had sprayed into a cellophane bag. Blake Feathcrstonc, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Feather stone. 6243 South 1250 East, became unconscious after inhaling the fumes for a couple of minutes. The companion was treated at Cottonwood Hospital and released. A WEST JORDAN- - The Grecn-Brja- r Theatre, 8261 South wood Road, held auditions last Tuesday and Wednesday Red- for during the COTTONWOOD- - Power was disrupted for about three hours last Sunday following an early morning accident in which a car struck a power pole. in Utah Power and Light uid the accident knocked power out the Cottonwood area for about three hours. Constitution Seminar Set For Bluffdale Center Cleon Skousen will host a course entitled Constitutional Seminar" beginning Oct. 2 in Bluffdale. The class will be held at the Bluffdale Community Center, 14400 So. 1700 West, each Thursday at 7:00p.m. Skousen will show the history of the Constitution from its grass roots stage in England to its inception in the The course United States. - SANDY- - MIDVALE- - Friday September 28, bids were opened for the construction of the aerated lagoons for the expansion of the Midvale Sewer Treatment Plant. Low bidder for earthwork on the expansion project was Van Staveren Construction, In., with a bid of $730,374.00. scveral different coming season. will study how the interpretation of the Constitution has been changed since its writing. Cost for the course is $35.00 per person or $60.00 per couple. The cost will include books and all other material needed for the course Those interested in registering should contact Jack at McDougal Realtors Open Sandy Branch Knock on Wood to the Editor a liberated women's viewpoint by Laurie Wood First let me say hats off to the Deseret Gazette and Mr. Rod Chapman of the Chamber of Commerce, for sponsoring Meet Your Candidate Night on Wednesday, September 24, 1975. Unfortunately, it was very poorly attended probably due to two factors. One, a special planning and zoning meeting was being held at the same hour, the other. I'm afraid was lack of publicity. I feel in fairness to all those who were present 1 should correct two statements that were made at the meeting: First, one candidate stated that when the public hearing was held to consider a pay raise for the city council, he was the only citizen there other than the city council themselves NOT SO. lwas there and had no personal aze to grind, as I was not a member of the council and at the time had no aspirations to become a member and there were also several others there. I'm sure a search of the minutes will bear this out. Second, a statement was made that the Slate Legislature had appropriated money for the construction of .side walks along state roads or highways and the question was raised as to why West Jordan didn't get some of the money. What the legislature did was pass an Again - not so. enabling act, making it legal or possible for cities to take money out of their road funds that had previously been allocated or budgeted for other purposes, for sidewalks. There was absolutely no funds appropriated in this act. I strongly feel that when anyone, whether he be candidate for office, news reporter or whatever should state facts and know whereof he speaks. As a candidate I intend to do just that. If 1 don't know the answer to a question, and obviously we don't have all the answers to all the questions, I feel there is no harm in saying, "I don't know but I'll find out. As a candidate for City Councilman, 1 intend to do just that. Hoping to merit your support and vote October 7th. - BOl ALPHA KERI 50 UQUIPRM Bath Oil t49VMue 2 13.69 VMue Save 1.50 12 Oa. 30c. VICKS Nasal Spny ,. Vf 157 Value Save 641 Fbrmula 9WWIiyifiP 159Vblue Save 93 !99a sot 5 Or. 14 Oz. jh1 n99k7 Beby Powder 165 Value Save 99 Film and L.D. I Photo-finishi- "Being Single It's certainly great to be a woman in this day and age -and I wouldn't trade it for the alternative. However, there are times when it's not exactly an asset to be a female especially a single one; either divorced, widowed or single It's not a sin to be single. To many people, by choice. 'single is a math problem that when the correct formula is Not so. applied-th- c problem is resolved by marriage. .Marriage is iiM for everyone, and being single is a positive way of life. Let's explore the "Suddenly Single syndrome. Whether by choice or accident you find you are there. Your life is going to take a different turn. To begin with you are now for yourself and family if the provider the money maker; you have small people. How are you going to cope with a new job, budget, and establishing new credit on your own? It's a new social world too. New friends, romances, and New goals still the old dating games of making impressions. and directions have to be determined, and a new life begun. take advantage. Being single is a great way of life Explore all the fields. You are a whole person and do not need a counterpart to be complete. Enjoy the meaning of a new word - Independent-sel- f reliant. This column is designed to explore the experiences and obstacles of the single woman and hopefully some advice and viewpoints from someone who has been there. Let me hear from you. Rap with Wood. Write to Deseret Gazette, 1550 West 7800 South, co Laurie Wood. Next week: Credit and the single woman. The male chauvinist's bumper sticker: Work for Women's Liberation. ..Leave Your Wife. - The success McDougal Realtors is having means one They are thing.. ..Expansion! opening a new branch office at 1270 East 8600 South, a key location in Sandy. Chosen as the new branch manager is Van A. Ncilson. Van's qualifications are many and he brings to his staff a He new ray of enthusiasm. received his Bachelor of arts degree from Brigham Young University in the field of Business Management and Marketing. He has been an Associate Realtor of McDougal Realty the past four and a half years. Specializing in commercial and investment real estate, Van is currently attending study courses through the Realtor's National Marketing Van also is a Institute. member of the Education Co mmittee of the Salt Lake Board of Realtors and has completed the state Brokers Along with licensing course. his accomplishments he is presently serving as a staff sergeant in the Utah National ' Guard where he has been enlisted for the past five years. Van is a success in his field and finds his work exHis citing and fulfilling. new position offers him many responsibilities in managing the affairs of. an office, . besides maintaining contact , waith his clients. Honesty in all of his dealings is of utmost importance to Van. He looks forward to his new position and the opportunities it will bring. The Gazette congratulates Van and welcomes this new business to the Sandy area. - SENA'S FINE FABRICS ng John L. Price West Jordan City Books Ceneobgical Supplies REDWOOD JV-S6I02- FURNITURE RBTYlfl) Famiy Restaurant and recovered PICK UP A DELIVERY FREE ESTIMATES 7777 South Redwood 7753 SouHi 1700 West 12738 So. 1700 WMt Mvorton 8I 254-334- 5 While STOCKS LAST- -- Chris Owner, Manager RIB TEA SHOUT cur " Where Good Friends Meet fo Eat iTBOHE VICU BONELESS sirloin tip TRIMMED Quick Service, ' SKn! fine food L. WHOLE-O- ft VNJF INFLATION BEATER A family $9.00 family atmosphere of five can eqj my a meal fit for a king for under ROact jjj? GROUND VfEUr 1059 ocur LEAN GROUND Furl. Chops S2.50 Breaded Veal Cutlet TRIMMED BEEP EXTRA UaAN GROUND BEEP Q& 89 $2.50 Fish an Chips $1.00 Shrimp $1.50 Chicken $1.00 Dinners include Red, Butler, Soft Drink and Pc erl Total Soup, Salad, Mashed Potatoes, $8.50 demand a aew Hem will be faMHMLMMureueeafljmn Realty' 254-426- WEST JORDAN- - Schools will be closed in the Jordan School District October 9 and 10 when teachers, principals, counselors and other personnel gather at the Salt Palace for the Utah Education Association Convention. This Weeks Mail Van Ncilson will act as branch manager for McDougl new Sandy office at 1270 East 8600 South. Breakfast Lunch Dinners |