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Show -- wwa , . f ;i v mu ..a m . , J tic iJcscrcl Gazette was very ingenious. The costuming was times; there were no dead wher spots on stage no matter was action the of the center Hello Dolly Opens at Promised Valley by Frank and Carrie Connolly Entertainment Writers Halo DeRy is just probably the most professional show you have seen or will see in the Salt Lake Valley for some The sets, the costutime. ming, the choreography, and the overall direction were on a grandiose scale and resulted in a resounding success. Pat Davis as Dolly was in complete control whenever she all eyes stepped on stage; were on her, and the supporting cast did so well that she had to keep on her toes so as Hello not to be upstaged. Dally, a b roadway adaptation of Thornton Wilder's play The Matchmaker", had a long successful run on broad-wa- y and was then made into a very successful movie, so any local production of it is running against stiff competiPromised Valley Playtion. house is to be commended for their "DoHy". Ugh praise The directors of this show Debbie deserve high praise. diSchoonmaker as musical rector did an outstanding job. The chorus was well rehearsed, the soloists each knew how to sell their songs and she did an excellent job on the piano. Everyone in the entire cast knew exactly what he should be doing at all Her last outfit was a knock out; it's a shame she couldn't have worn it longer. Pat Davis, as we have already said, was delightful. She did well in every facet of her role; singing, dancing, acting and she even threw in adlibbing as an extra plus. This is one of the beauties of the stage. Ralph G. Rogers, Jr. as Horace Vandcrgclder was highly entertaining. Our only regret is that he didn't have more songs to sing given his outstanding vocal ability. M. ' Scott Allen was very good as Cornelius Hack). He was slow in starting out but well before the evening is over, he had the audience Todd Davis as captivated. Barnaby Tucker also did well, but his perpetual pose of surprise became a little tiresome as the evening wore on. Gayle Hayes, his counterpart, was perfect in her role- - exuding her own special sort of enthusiasm and coquettishness Hello Dolly at the Promised Valley Playhouse will run nightly with the exception of throSundays and Mondays ugh October II. This is one show you should not miss. Don't think you have seen it if you have only seen the movie. Go to the live stage production for that special magic which it only can provide-an- d the magic is there .1. 1975 Page 3 exce- Trudy DeKorver was in charge of this department. Dolly's clothes were versatile and well suited to her role. llent; located. This is another example of excellent directing. Gilbert Lund was listed as director in the program but no additional information was We wondered given him. since why he was passed over his work showed through as Garth Peay and excellent. Dianna Cuatto were responsible for the choreography and staging and did a super job. Thier work bore professional quality. tirnmarlnm Jab Clif A. Davis, in charge of scenic design, did a tremen-duou- s The sets for the job. play were very versatile. Most scene changes were accomplished by flies which were lowered or raised quietly and quickly allowing for rapid scene changes. Most ingenious was the fly for the Hat Shop which was a unit opening in on itself and providing the complete exterior of' the shop which changed to the interior with a flick of the hand. The orchestra did well for the most part, but had trouble in quality-wis- e and note-wis-e The the Walter's Gallop. choreography also lagged a little here. Perhaps the piece was too long since it became a little tiresome before it ended. There was no change in the basic routine and with everything being firmly anchored to the waiters trays, there was little doubt about the danger of spillage. The choreography depicitng the moving trains, however, October TV SPECIALS FRIDAY October 3 Charlie Bubbles 11:40 (KSL-5- ) starring Albert Finney, Liza Minnelli SATURDAY October 4 Mgjor League Baseball 12:00 (KUTV-2- ) Division Playoff -- double header CBS Sports Spectacular 2:30 (KSL-5- ) Shamus 8:00 (KUTV-2- ) Hellbenders 11:00 (KUTV-2- ) starring Joseph Cotton, Norma Bengali Saturday Late Night Theatre 11:30 (KSL-5- ) SUNDAY October 5 Pro Football 1 :00 (KUTV-2- ) Denver vs. Dallas 1:30 (KTVX-4- ) House of Frankenstein starring Boris Karloff. Lon Chaney Major League Baseballs 2:00 (KUTV-2- ) Division Playoffs Lawless Streets 3:00 (KTVX-4- ) starring Randolph Scott, Angela Lansbury NFL Pro Football 4:00 (KSL-5- ) Washington vs. Philadelphia The Laughing Policeman 8:00 (KTVX-4- ) starring Walter Matthau, Bruce Dcrn McCoy 8:00 (KUTV-2- ) starring Tony Curtis Where Love Has Gone 11:30 (KUTV-2- ) starring Susan Hayward, Bette Davis 1 The Monty Python Show 11:30 (KTVX-4ABC Wide World of Entertainment ) MONDAY October 6 Counlerfiet Killer 2:00 (KSL-5- ) starring Jack Lord, Shirley Knight NFL Football 7:00 (KTVX-4- ) Dallas vs. Detroit Cham! 8:00 (KUTV-2- ) starring Elvis Presley TUESDAY October 7 Breakout 2:00 (KSL-5- ) starring James Drury, Kathryn Hays Baseball Division Playoffs 7:00 (KUTV-2- ) Heat of Anger 7:30 (KTVX-4- ) starring Susan Hayward, Lee J. Cobb WEDNESDAY October 8 Wild North 2:00 (KSL-5- ) starring Stewart Granger, Cyd Charisse Baseball Division Playoffs 7:00 (KUTV-2- ) P.J. 8:00 (KSL-5- ) starring George Pcppard Wednesday Movie of the Week 11:30 (KTVX-- 4 No Man of Her THURSDAY October 9 Own 2:00 (KSL-5- ) starring Barbara Stanwyck, John Lund RioConchos 8:00 (KUTV-2- ) starring Richard Boone, Stuart Whitman CBS Thursday Night Movie 8:00 (KSL-5- ) SI ticharUN.. McDaueal Hc7)ougaC West Jordan Mart ary Wont Jardan Mortnary in abundance with Dolly MOBILE HOME SALES 3777 So. Redwood Rd. . 262-335- . ; 1 r ... V HARVEY Largest Selection In The State T xwm HUMDINGER livery day as 1 drive to and work. I listen to a little contraption in my car It finally called a radio. dawned oil me that those disc jockeys sure have it easy. On my way to work it's one guy, and then on my way What I hnmc it's another. mean is Im going to work listening to Tom Bock, and on my way home it's Danny Kramer. Now hero Ive slaved 8 hours and this guy who I listened to in the morning is nut swimming or skiing and there's a new guy driving With hours like with me. that no wonder they have such a good disposition. Well someone set out to change the idea that DJs can work no longer than 4 hours a from . ,0 14 X 70 7 We Don't Meet Competition, We Make It. Easiest Place in Town To Buy a Mobiie Home4 Pat Davii in gown she displays as lead in Hello Dolly playing at the Promised Valley Playhouse. Baby Contest 3275 West 12600 So. FRESH Models start at $8995. DAILY OpaoYiNAJUa. 4PJL Waakdays Baby snapshots will be judged weekly by a panel of judges. Grand Prize winner will be chosen by the public. Weekly winners will be published by Sat. UatHNssa ?TL.3)JS oMcttc 0 RULES 1. Send snapshot Any Six or Ora do 7c Bib. SSc Dsl targe AAMm Sic Dm Valid Until VOTE VOTE Theatre Listings Outer Space c Connection'- - 7&9PM GxzeboN'Wintcrhawk' 'Bootleggers' Avalon- - Alexander's ragtime band' 7:30 Thousands cheer Service Blue Mouse-Roo7& It's 48c Dm. f Smell AA Me Das. I st set set siea t 41c Deia 298-776- 5 fpMEO I Oct 10 VOTE an. fcnjMg AEPLE DUMEUirc TECHNICOLOR 10 in the bag 8:40 Vista- - Apple Dumpling Gang 7:15 &9pm PLAZA AIM I W. 5400 So. Authentic 4861 SO STATE VUi Disney PIxza-'Th- 3. Baby must be under 2 years of age FIRST PRIZE b month supply of baby food 1 month diaper service S25.00 woth of baby clothes and many other prizes!!! Judging will begin this week. Send yours it. low OsAeo AA Luge Gazette Baby Contest 1550 West 7800 South West Jordan, Utah Eggs 5-D- oz. Jonhs ILmmmmmm. lx. Loft AA. A ! 2. SI. 00 entry fee Purchase of day. The longest continuous show by a disc jockey is 506 hours set by Robert Airbright. He age 20. in Scotland. started June 4th, 1971 and played until June 25. 1971. VOTE Valley Fair Opens at 6:30 Beyond the door the Mad House dumpling gang Mr. Super Invisible 1- Gold Wind and the Lion Cameo-SounOf Music lat. Sat. 2Ph d any MEDIUM, or SICILIAN PIZZA. .Also tha PASTA-PA- LARGE I ! K k mi OPEN VOTE SIDNEY LEE HOBB . y No conlHrt of Itlerett Two way communication with the public Ret (ore Investors faith in W.J. Clly Govt Maintain Ileal cctponaHiMHy Experience Law Enforcement Utah State Wildlife Resources Head Start Program Real Estate SID HOBB OCT 7 VOTE m Ml SI, lfZSI A.M. DAILY 1 1 NEUMANS FACTORY SHOWROOM Custom What we Iflwhicml dont build - cunwtatbciwy dhcountpric VOTE Mtr nclmans ' ' , . SESl EXCEPTIONAL BUYS ON UNSHIPPED STOCK!!!! Open Starts 7:15 Also BOOTLEGGERS Adults 3027 W. 7800 So. Evenings WINTKRHAWK No middleman costs 561-77- 52 (i:-I- SI JO Children S.75 Student with card 'Si .00 1 V - i - i' . t . i |