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Show Page 4 The Deseret Gazette October 3, 1975 Winter, Brings Pet Care Problems PUBLIC NOTICE WHEREAS The City of West Jordan, Salt Lake County, Utah (the "Gty"). in an incorporated municipality authorized and empowered under the provisions of Chapter 17, $1 et seq. of the Utah Code Annotated, 1953, as (the Act"), to issue its industrial development revenue bonds; and WHEREAS the purpose of the Act are to achieve greater industrial development in the State of Utah and to authorize municipalities and counties in the state to finance, acquire, own, lease or sell projects for the purpose of reducing, abating. or preventing pollution and to protect and promote the health, welfare and safety of the citizens of the state; and WHEREAS, under the terms of the act. in addition to any other powers which it may now have, the Gty has. without any other authority the power to finance or acquire. whether by construction purchase, devise, gift, exchange or lease, or any one or more of such methods, and to construct, reconstruct, improve maintain, equip and furnish one or more projects, which shall be located within this state, and which may be located within or partially within. such municipality or county or within the county within which a state university is located, and to issue revenue bonds for the purpose of defraying the cost of financing, acquiring, constructing, reconstructing. improving, maintaining, equipping or furnishing any project or projects and secure the payment of such bonds, which revenue bonds may be issued in one or more series or issues where deemed advisable, and each such series or issue may contain different maturity dates, interest rates, priorities on securities available for guaranteeing payment thereof, and such other differing terms and conditions as are deemed necessary and are not in conflict with the provisions of the Act; and . Year 1985 2000 Principal Amount $600,000 $2,000,000 Interest Rate Internal 6 authorized to execute and deliver any and all documents papers or elections and to make any'' filings with the Internal Revenue Service necessary to accomplish said election. Junius H. Section 10. Burton. Mayor, is hereby appointed and designated as Authorized Issuer Representative pursuant to Article I of the Lease and is hereby authorized to take all actions and to do all things as Authorized Issuer Representative required or permitted under the terms of the Lease. Prior to the Section II. issuance, sale and delivery of the Bonds, the Mayor and Gerk of the Gty arc hereby authorized to file for publication in the newspaper in .878 The form of the Bonds and the provisions for execution, authentication, issuance, pay ment. registration and redemption shall be as set forth in the Indenture hereinafter authorized. Section 2. The rentals and other payments to be received by the Gty for the use of the Project under the terms of the Lease hereinafter authorized arc determined to be sufficient to pay the principal of. Premium (if any) and interest on the Bonds as the same become due and payable, and all of said rental payments and other payments received under the Lease and all other revenues arising out of or in connection with the ownership of the Project, together with the Lease, are hereby pledged for that purpose and in addition for such other purposes as arc more fully set forth and provided for in the Indenture hereinafter authorized In order to Section 3. secure the payment of the principal of, premium (if any) andinterest on the Bonds, and in order to secure the performance and observance of all the agreements and conditions in the Bonds, the execution and delivery of a Trust Indenture, dated as of September 1, 1975 (the Indenture), by and between the Gty and First Security Bank of Utah, N.A. as Turstce. is hereby authorized. The Indenture shall be in presubstantially the form sented to the Gty at this meeting and filed with its Gcrk, subject to such minor changes, insertions or omissions as may be approved by the Mayor of the Gty and the execution of the Indenture by the Mayor and Gerk of the Gty as hereby authorized shall be conclusive evidence of any such approval. The execution Section 4. and delivery of a Lease Revenue Code of as amended, and the Mayor of the Gty is hereby 1954, fry SMriey Ham aid legal advertisements for the County of Salt Lake, a copy of this resolution set forth in its entirety, in accordance with the provision of the Act. Section 12. From and after the execution and delivery of the documents hereinabove authorized, the proper officers agents and employees of the Gty are hereby authorized, empowered and directed to do all such acts and things and to execute all such documents as may be necessary to carry out and comply with the provisions of said documents as executed and arc further au- thorized to take any and all further action and execute and deliver any and all other documents as may be necessary in the issuance of the Bonds and the execution and delivery of the Indenture, the Lease, the bond Purchase Agreement and the Inducement Letter. All acts and Section 13. doings of the officers of the Gty which arc in conformity with the purposes and intents of this resolution and in the furtherance of the issuance of the Bonds and the execution and delivery of the Indenture, the Lease, the Bond Purchase Agreement and the Induce Agreement, dated as of September 1, 1975 (the Lease) by ment Letter and the acquisiand between the City and .the tion, construction, equipping, . Lessee, is hereby authorized.' leasing and mortgaging of the The Lease shall be in subProject shall be, and the same stantially the form presented hereby arc, in all respects to the Gty at this meeting approved and confirmed. and filed with its Gerk, Section 14. The memorandum of Agreement entered subject to such minor changinto October 1. 1974 by the es, insertions or omissions as may be approved by the Gty and Boise Cascade Corhereby ratified Mayor of the Gty and the poration is execution of the Lease by the and affirmed and extended to the extent necessary to effecMayor and Gerk of the Gty as hereby authorized shall be tuate the purposes set forth in conclusive evidence of any this resolution. such approval. Thereupon, after discussion, First Security Section 5. upon motion duly made by Bank of Utah. N.A., is hereby Dean Gustafson and seconded designated as Trustee under by Lawrence Hunt that the the Indenture and Bond Registrar and Paying Agent for Resolution be adopted and upon the roll being called the the Bonds. following voted: The execution Section 6. whieh Fanwarth Faarify writer With winter approaching, your pets, especially dogs and cats will be spending more and more time inside. Well, 1 know you mothers aren't looking forward to the dog hair, dirty tubs from occasional baths, and accidents on the floor. Relax, here are a few hints to help combat the work ahead. Is your dog a constant shedder? If so, lubricate the coat with olive oil, coconut oil, or lanolin, about every 10 days, this should slow the process and make the animal more liveable. During the winter it's so cold outside to make a regular bath almost out of the question so try rubbing baking soda through his coat and then brushing him out It will deodorize as well as dean. water baths Of course you must give your dog an occasional watc bath during the winter, but you can make the chore run a little more smoothly and a little less hectic by following Put a ball these suggestions. of sfccl wool over the drain. It will catch the dog hairs and prevent the pipes from dog- -' ging. Your dog's coat will --be soft and shinny after his bath if of you add 2 tablespoons baking soda to the wash and But the worst rinse water. part of all is combing out the1 An easy way to tangles. solve the problem is to rinse his coat with a cream rinse. It will be much easier to Also try using the comb. blower part of the vacuum dcancr for a quick dry job. getting the ticks You can remove ticks from a dog's coat by saturating a cotton swab with carbon fluid) and touch it to the head of the tick. Then it can be plucked out easily with tweezers. Veterinarians suggest you dean your dogs teeth with dry baking soda applied with a damp doth. If your dog walks on sidewalks after snow falls, which most dogs do, be sure to wash his feet with a baking soda solution if the sidewalks have been sprinkled with a g chemical. Soda soothes the burning sensation which causes a dog to lick his paws and licking the ciemi-cal- a can cause serious illness. snow-meltin- Do you have a hard time getting your dog to eat dry dog food? I think most prefer hamburger and steaks. Well, next feeding time try this: Mix a bouillon cube with hot water and pour over dry food. He'll love it. ' Also if your dog wpn't eat, to the degree that he's undernourished, try feeding him stale beer. Its been known to wet the appetite. Scp-tmeb- ture), between the Gty horized. aut- The Bonds shall be dated September 1, 1975, shall be in the aggregate principal amount of $2,650,000 may be issued as coupon bonds in the denomination of $5,000 each, numbered con from I to 530, inclusive, in order of maturity. The Bonds shall bear interest from date at the rates per annum shown below, payable semiannually on March 1 and September 1 of each year until paid and shall mature on September 1 in the years and principal amounts set forth below; and delivery of a Bond Purchase Agreement and an Inducement Letter, each dated September 23, 1975, with respect to the Bonds among the Gty, the Lessee and the Underwriters is hereby authoSaid Bond Purchase rized. Agreement and Inducement Letter shall be in substantially the form presented to the Gty at this meeting and filed with its Clerk, subject to such minor changes, insertions and omissions as may be approved by the Mayor of the Gty and the execution of said Bond Purchase Agreement and Inducement Letter by the Mayor of the Gty and the Gerk of the Gty as hereby authorized shall be conclusive evidence of any such approval. The execution Section 7. and delivery of an Official Statement, dated September 23, 1975. with respect to the Bonds is hereby authorized. Said Official Statcmnct shall be in substantially the form presented to the Gty at this meeting and filed with its Gerk, subject to such minor changcs, insertions and omissions as may be approved by the Mayor of the Gty and the execution of said Official Statement by the Mayor of the City as hereby authorized shall be conclusive evidence of any such approval. Section 8. The Bonds shall be executed in the manner provided in the Indenture and shall be delivered to the Trustee for proper authentication and delivery to the purinchasers thereof with structions to that cfTcct as provided in the Indenture. Section 9. The Gty hereby elects to issue the Bonds pursuant to the provisions of Section 103 (c) (6) (D) of the PH OMAN MIGHTY WURUTZBt THEATTW Try our FATTY ARBUCKLE Lunch Includes Salad and 6 inch Pizza Sl-3- 5 SERVING SANDY AREA OPEN NOW Newest Modern Medical Facility MMWW If a golden eagle can eat one jackrabbit per day (which it can), and if eight jackrabbits will eat as much grain as one 800 pound steer (which they will), docs it then follow that when somebody illegally shoots an eagle, he saves the lives of 365 rabbits and starves 45 head of cattle in a single year? Outdoor Oklahoma wmwmmmimmIiimmmimimmmmmmmmmmmmwmmm pftnnnwwD ytoEDICAIVHAEMACT -- 880 East MMMMMMUWMWIWMMMMMMMAMMAAAM 9400 South Sandy KNOW YOUR RELIGION Phonei BOOK OF MORMON Date: Beginning October 8. 1975 Place:6976 South Redwood Road Instructor: George S. Pemberton Time: 8:00 to. 10:00 pm Tuition : $10.00 0 Mark Akagi Prescription Delivery Service SYSTEMATIC GOSPEL LIVING Date: October 9, 1975 Place: 6976 South Redwood Road . Instructor: Geaorgc S. Pemberton Time: 8:00 to 10:00 pm Tuition: $15.00 per person or $20.00 per couple For more information call Dr. I cith Taylor 571-034- Professional Pharmacy Dale Bain Hospital Supplies Patient Record Systems Approved Charge Accounts Specializing in Prescription Comp -- WHEREAS, after careful study and investigation, the Gty, in furtherance of the public purposes as set forth in the Act, proposes to enter into a Lease Agreement (the lease), dated as of September 1, 1975, with Boise Cascade Corporation (the Lessee), a Delaware corporation qualified to do business in Utah, under the terms of which the City will agree to acquire, construct and equip an equip an industrial manufacturing facility in the City of West Jordan, Salt Lake County, Utah (the Project), as is more fully set forth in the Lease, for the exclusive occupancy and use of the Lessee and the Lessee will agree to pay the Gty specified rental payments and other payments; and WHEREAS, after careful investigation by the City, the Gty has found and does hereby declare that said undertaking is a lawful and valid public purpose in that it will achieve greater industrial development in the State of Utah; and WHEREAS, a general description of the Project has been prepared by the Lessee, and it is estimated that the cost of the Project will be $2,488,020 (said description has been approved by the Lessee and the City and is on file and of record in the office of the Gerk of the Gty); and WHEREAS, the most feasible method of financing the Project is by the issuance of Gty of West Jordan Industrial Development Revenue Bonds (Boise Cascade Corporation Project). Scries A, in the aggregate principal amount of $2,650,000 (the Bonds), which Bonds will be issued under and secured by a Trust Indenture, dated as of Inden1. 1975 (the tftt 328-032- 8 t tfMWMMAP i till ling Poe Trilogy Set jut. 7401 South 1700 Wort P. O. Box 200 Wort Jordan, Utah 04004 t 255-808- 1 For Whitmore Halloweens mood of shock and horror will be set Oct. 7 at Whitmore Libraiy with the film presentation, Tales of Terror". The film is a trilogy of Foes classic horror stories including Morelia", The Black Cat" and The Case of M. Valdemar. Showtime is 7p.m. in the Whitmore Auditorium, 2197 E. TOOOSouth. For further information on d this and other free films, call SPECIAL NEW GARAGE Aye: Dean Gustafson Lawrence Hunt Grandalc Finlayson John Price Glen Moosman library-sponsore- 943-761- 4. NO DOWN PAYMENT 100 Nay: None The mayor thereupon declared the foregoing Resolution duly adopted. CLERK'S CERTIFICATE I, Murial E. Andersen, Clerk of the Gty of West Jordan. DO HEREBY CERTIFY that the foregoing pages or typewritten matter constitute a true and correct copy of excerpts from the minutes of a special public meeting of the City Council held on September , 1975; that I have compared said ropy with the original minute hook record of said meeting in my official custody; and that said copy is a true, correct and complete transcript of excerpts from said original minute hook record insofar as said original record relates to a Resolution authorizing the issuance of certain Industrial Development Revenue Bonds of the City and the execution of the Lease Agreement, Trust Indenture, Bond Purchase Agreement, Inducement Letter and Offical Statement in connection with the financing of a manufacturing plant for Boise Cascade Corporation to be located in the City of west Jordan, Salt Lake County, Utah. Given Under my hand and the seal of said Gty this 23rd day of September, 1975. Two Day Construction Financing Available Self-Denfen- se The Navys 200th birthday be celebrated at Whit more Library, 2197 E. 7000 South, throughout the month of October. Oct. 13 commemorates le gislxtion passed by the Se cond Continental Congress 200 years ago, authorizing the acquisition of ships and the establishment of a navy. To celebrate this bicentennial, a wide variety of naval items from the University of Utah's Naval Science Department will be on display in the library's locked display case. The public can view the display in the case located immediately within the library's main doors. Library hours are: Mon-Fr- i, 10a.m.-9p.- m. and Saturday, 10a.m. 5:30p.m. Karate Coarses Folks of all ages and both exes are invited to enroll in Karate courses at Whitmore Library. Offered through the Jordan Community School, the cour-e- s begin Oct. 8 and will be held every Wednesday, 6:30 8:30p.m through Dec. 3. Tuition is S7.00. Preregistration is recommended and may be done at the information center. will Low Monthly Payments up to 7 years Every Garage Features: ' Navy, Two Days Construction 4 Insulated Walls Side Door and Windows Dry Wall Interior High Quality Exterior Overhead Door Lighting and Electrical Asphalt Shingle Roof 12x20 $179500 20x20 $229500 24x24 $249500 Constructed on your foundation. Fully Guaranteed Wa will design and build foundation for extra charge. ADD $ $ $ TO YOUR HOME VALUE Protect Your Car Custom Sizes Forget Frozen Windows and Cold Seats Insulated Food Storage Family Room Addition Models on Display --- Jude Tsunuucnt DON'T WAIT ANOTHER DAY! Inquire today for further information concerning your individual needs. Gerk. City of West Jordan, Utah (SEAL) 255-M- Fans of the oriental defensive arts are invited to attend judo tournaments at Whitmore Libraiy, Oct. 4 at noon. The tournaments are sponi-ore- d by the Cottonwood Spa and are free to the public. f I w |