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Show LTG Miley Chaplain's Corner By Chaplain (MAJ) Edward Us Gales To R&D Posl sion of the U. S. Army Communications Zone, Europe; and ComAdvanced Officer, manding Command, Weapons Support Germany. Other key assignments include: Lieutenant General Henry A. Comptroller and Works Manager, Miley, Jr., 'who was named Army Frankford Arsenal, Philadelphia; Materiel Command Deputy Comand faculty member of the Ordmanding General by President nance School, Aberdeen, Md. Nixon, has received his third star During World War 11 he from Army Chief of Staff, Gen. served in combat, both in New William C. Westmoreland in a Guinea and the Philippines. He is a 1940 graduate of the Pentagon ceremony. Previously serving as Anny As- U. S. Military Academy, West sistant Deputy Chief of Staff for Point, N.Y., and received his master's degree in business adminisLogistics for Programs and Budget, LTC Milev reported to AMC on tration from Northwestern UniJuly 1. versity in 1949. LTC Miley is also Formerly AMC Director of a graduate of the Army War ColProcurement and Production from lege. LTC Miley has served He is married to the former in ODCSLOG for the past two Margaret E. Gadsden of Philadelyears. phia; thev have three children, An experienced logistician, Henry A. Ill, Philip G., and MeLTG Miley has held many key lissa G. The Mileys reside in Alexpositions in the Army's materiel andria, Va. structure both here and abroad. He served as procurement chief for four years for the Anny's Chief of Ordnance; as Ordnance Officer, U. S. Army divi- Europe; in the supply (G-- Receives j. Hart Third Star Four - No More The following prayer of one man we heard alxxit reveals in short lines part of the explanation of why the world is topsy- it four turvy today: "God bless ine and my wife, My son John and his wife, Us four, No more." It's a small world, but, contrary to this gentleman's idea, there arc lots of people in it besides "us four." It may well lie that the world situation which keeps hundreds of millions enslavedunhappy and the rest of mankind in continual fear is more the result of what good people are not doing than of the enterprise shown by the enemies of humanity. While the good people are taking care of themselves, the evildoers are taking care of everybody else. It is far too easy to blame evildoers for the tragedy and confusion in the world. Anyone who would lie a Christ-lnsarshould be aware that the Christlike formula is not a smug "Cod and invself ' approach, but "God, myself, and everybody else." Once that fullness of Christ an everyday habit of all who claim to be His followers, then and then only - shall we lie on the high road to peace. "Vm " e law is fulfilled in one word: Thou shalt love thv neighbour at thyself." (Galatians 5:14). O Lord, spur me to carry Thy love to all men, as far as I can. er es -- n. Brityilier (Jeneral Mahlon E. Gates, former Commanding Geu-era- l, I'.S. Army Safeguard Logistics Command, Huntsville, Ala., has lieeu reassigned to headquarters. Army Materiel Command. Washington. a Deputy Director for Operations of Research, Development, and Engineering. He assumes his new position today. BC Gates joined AMC in January im as Director, Sentinel Materiel Support Planning Task Force. He subsequently assumed his command and moved to Alabama in August 1968. A 1942 graduate of the U.S. Military Academy, be was commissioned a second lieutenant in the Corps of Engineers. 1964-196- During World War II he also a graduate of the Anny War' commanded the 236th Engineer College, Carlisle Barracks, Pa., Comliat Battalion, while it was and the Advanced Management attached to Merrill's Marauders Program, Harvard University. BG Cates wife is the former during the Myitkyina Campaign in northern Burma in 1944. After Patricia Lawrence of New Can-naathe war, BC Gates was assigned Conn. They have two chilto the Manhattan District in dren, Pamela and Lawrence. Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Later he Among his citations and dec- -' served at SHAPE Headquarters orations are the Distinguished Ser-- I in Paris, returning for sulisequent vice Medal, the Bronze Star Me-- . duty as Military Assistant to the dal, the Air Medal, Distinguished ' Director, Joint Staff, Office of Unit Citation, Meritorious Service , the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Citation with two oak leaf clusSince that time BC Gates has ters. Parachutist's Badge, and' served in various engineering as- the Republic of Vietnam Army's' signments in the United States Distinguished Service Order, first and Iran. In September 1966 he class. assumed duty as Commanding General, U.S. Army Support ComKoreans mastered the art' of. mand, Cam Ranh Bay, Vietnam, movable metal type as early aa and in May 1967 became Director 1403 half a century before of Construction, U.S. Johann Gutenberg used the tame technique to print hla' Command, Vietnam. BC dates received his Master famous Bible in Mains, GerNational Geographic of Science degree from the Uni- many, say. versity of Illinois, in 1M4S. He is Military-Assistanc- BRIG CEN M. E. GATES WESTERN UMM 4) Two Dugway STRAW HATS Youths Enlist - EXEMPLARY . . SERVICE An Electronics Command certificate of achievement is awarded to SSG Frederick Baney of the Met Team by the Met Team commander, LT Sherman Williams. amount of the insurance is based upon the amount the memlier has on deposit Get on the Savings Band Wagon now and help establish a nest egg for your future. Complete details and allotment forms are available at the Credit Union Office, " By George Hdriegel located in Building 5234, diabove the Post Nursery. things have recent- rectly Most civilian lending instimake occurred which it ly; easier to save. First, civilian tutions have recently boosted rates on loans. employees are now eligible for their interest credit At union, the rate your civilian allotments to savings institutions in the same manner is still the same, 1 per month " as '.. military ' personnel.. Secondly, on the unpaid talance of the loan, and there is no' charge for was ; substantial raise paylife insurance on the loan. At granted to all military and cithe current rate of 1 per month vilian personnel. What better way to invest on the unpaid balance, you that pay raise than an allot- repay $106.50 per year for each ment to your Federal Credit $100.00 borrowed, a total cost Union. Do it now and it will to you of $6.50 per $100.00 per year. be.' much easier to accomplish. are All loans carefully Your credit union is currently considered by an impartial cre5 a cent year interest, paying per dit committee of three members, compounded one of whom is a military memnonis credit a union ;I;Your ber. One of the other members profit savings institution, own' ed by the individual members. is a retired military member, made to It is operated by a board of now civilian. Loans are civilian and members, military directors, elected by the meminbers at annual general meetings. impartially, based upon the borrower. of the merits dividual The credit union provides life Rememlier - we are in busiinsurance for all memliers up not for profit, not for charness to; a maximum of $2(XX).(X) at for service. but ity, memlicr. The no; charge to the Know Your Credit Union a-- semi-annuall- Sergeant James Bobo, Army recruiter in Salt Lake City, recently announced the enlistment of Clifford Ray West and Ronald Jay Ivie, two dependents of civilian employees at Dugway Proving Ground. Clifford West, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert West. 293 A West Fourth Street, Dugway, and Aiald Ivie, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Ivie, of G- -l East Fries Park, Dugway, lioth enlisted in the Army for the Security Agency (ASA) Option. The ASA has the mission of providing electronic communication security in support of the Field Armies and the National defense effort of the United States. They will both take basic training at Fort Ord, California and then will take further training by direction of ASA Headquarters at Arlington Hall, Va. Dennis Wootan, HHC, has lieen promoted to Specialist Five. SP5 Wootan works at the Information Office, and has just written this article, SP4 Eugene Cox, formerly with the 65th MP Platoon, has been reassigned to Headquar- ters Company with duty in the Photographic Branch as a photographer. WESm GYM SHOES 1 7 25 SAVE I SHOES rmous Converse "Chudc Taylor" ALL ht factory blemU, thai look. all ,;ZM from 314 to 12 rrtJZ ... BALLS CHAIN STRINGER Reg. 60c SADDLE SALE tMrENNIS1! 5 . SADDLE BLANKETS S7ci 27c J SOCKS ej 10 mU M a. I 25 "Wei "YEU0WJT0NE," rawhide covered free, select ninet leather in plain finish. MM Wm 15f.50. ROD 99 HOLDERS For beach or boat 47c Melvin Tearle, HHC, has been promoted to Private First Class. PFC Tearle works for Photo Branch. RAIN- - 5 Reg. 1.00 $ COATS i Reg. 17c T P "NATIONAL" SADDLE WITH IAWHI0E Tiff. Vk double rigging, glow leather covrrtd foam stot, wool skin lined rounded skirts. full leather covered stir rups. Your choico WKto or block In Man's and boys K Reg. 3.00 DACRON B. Bee. 291 .f 0. mm u. m m m m wmtm 13495 GYM SHOES Jesus Martinez, HHC, has been promoted to Private First Class. PFC Martinez works for the Chemical Assay Branch. 99 f SHELLS Rei. 3.00 wech yJ UL'JIIH.tfi ANNUAL SUMMER I '88' I BAG FuH JJ sizi Tough Cover Allen R. Sutton, HHC, has lieen promoted to Specialist Four. SP4 Sutton is assigned for duties to the Housing Division. FLYS Reg. 3 7 1 Reg. 27.95 NOW j9s WIDE SELECTION OF ROD-REE- OUTFITS! L M Mtajn DAVE MARR t V&OFF f BILLY CASPER ttf J 5 89 DAREDEVIL n WOBBELURES Many sizes one1 Buy Now Set of 7, rag. Pay Later l NO must S g ALUMI- "2S00 N AO97 J m if99 Reg. 96.00 LEFT HAND AUTO- - Netliiiif Dewe Zj TYPE SETS '788 NUM SETS, CAROL MANN Your Choico MANN tog. 84.50 SHIRTS Open foci spin reel end 12.95 Vduo I CAROL 2 woodi, S irons, gkw red. with (ini. 3 GRAPH SETS, c .. 2 woodi and 5 irons, rag. 94.00 GQiQ99 BOB G0ALBY eniuikJiiu GOLF 7-P- C. SET Reg. 96.00 CHI CHI 7-P- C SET Reg. 80.00 -- A9g "V GOLF PUTTERS 82 SNELLED HOOKS MEN'S GRAND PRIX or LADIES' FANTASY Reg. 83.50 te C. SETS 4 Cerd O" 7 SPALDING BOB GOALBY GOLF BALLS 10.00 TVeei 99 5 RODRIGUEZ lUg. BankAmericard. art' Your choico of styles DRY FLYS (L-R- soft wtavt, washable, quick drying. Ret, s.oo. 30x60. Meet! 292, a price so low wi con not use the namt of this famous manufacturer. leielir 110.00. 50 9 snaps 46 inches long will hold entire catch 4-L- - to 70 DURING SUNSET'S HHC, has been promoted to Private First Class. PFC Brimfield works for Photo Branch. Loading their gear before departing for the Boy Scout National JAMBOREE BOUND and Richard White. Jamboree at Farragut, Idaho are ) Cordon White, Charles Shadle, I LOW CUT Michael W. Baynes, HHC, has Ik? en promoted to Private First Class. PFC Baynes works with electronics. "Have you seen a lot of people dressed like us march past here?" Mtn'i G01F 5 5 HACK OR WHITE Alan Brimfield, CPT Maxwell H. Ware, HHC, has arrived for duties as the assistant Chief of Personnel Services Branch, in the of Personnel, Directorate Training and Administration. 99 CONVERSE Calbe Hall has been promoted to captain. CPT Hall is assigned to the Met Division. David E. Erickson, HHC, has been promoted to Private First Class. PFC Erickson works with the electronics unit. Up to 5.00 Value Your Choico SPORT CENTERS 99 Golf Tubes 6 |