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Show v :;.. ' 'v Rifle Fire Cracks, Gas Swirls In Dusty Training Exercise - The DESERET SAMPLER, Fri., Aug. 1, 1969 The sound of withering rifle fire crackled around us. Small puffs of dust arose to swirled away in the breeze, which also kicked up the fine powder nearby, clogging our nostrils and parching our throats. lie A wheezing of group soldiers shuffled by, to ged by exposure gag- gas, to collapse in what meagre shade was offered by the vehicles we had military with us. A lieutenant called to his men, firing from a berm, that their fire was not effective. Not rounds were finding enough their marks, and the officers were concerned. was Then Cease firing! called, and the weary, dusty troops arose from the sandbags from which they were firing. They moved forward slowly, not in caution, but because they were sluggish from the heat. Their purpose? No body count, no prisoners to lie taken. The men who had just qualified on the 4 rifle were going to die target pit to replace their buddies who had been lifting targets for them. Now the pit crew would come forward and fire, proving their skill with their liasie weapon. The gas? Merely CN, a mild tear gas used to annually check the effectiveness of each mans protective mask. Last week saw weapons qualification and familiarization, as well as certification of protective masks for soldiers assigned to Headquarters company and the ment. iectiveness. Qua i ication was conduc e Qualification was also eon- of HHC wrth CPT ducted by pistol range Richard Haley in charge, Fir-r7r for Kvje rifle was done the at post 'ing oned offi mi,itary where a portable gas lice nuigc mA officcn LT Qwjg chandier was drawn up to check w pisJ curge a( e nW' ' range, where he was assisted by Each year army personnel SSC Vincent Madore. are required to qualify with Helping at the ready line at their basic weapon, and if is-- the rifle range was SP6 Doug Ebert, sued a protective mask are re- - SSC Madore and SP6 Eliert are quired to test its continued ef-- assigned to the military training branch which, under the direc- tion of LT Gary Spuhler, was coordinating the annual qualification exercises. The men who qualified had done so before, most of them in US 56429660, SIR! Masked, hooded and gloved, CPT Richard Haley ekes his service number out id SPS Richard Robinson before letting him leave the gas chamber. The gas chamber exercise was conducted as part id an annual protective mask certification. - PFC Frank Rayburn (L) STOP OR ILL SHOOT and SP4 James Todd of the 65th MPs show their form familiarization during annual pistol qualification the pistol range. at non-com- Your School Think and Shop Cornet Needs First For ALL Sale Starts Thurs. Q33 (QQ? STEREO TAPES at 7 p.m. ctoggebd ( 8 Track fldtalihffi Questions SADDLE OXFORD and Fully Lined Answers Both Women Mens Sizes Sale Price Pop Artists & 297 BONDED Reg. 6.98 Value GqQCD mu Oral Antiseptic KNIT fl!S)G For Bock to School Reg. Price 1.99 III' 14 Save aw CEE) CHUB MOUTH WASH iMtheeiiD Sole Price 7T Compare Anywhere tEERocflED full Quart 1 Sale Priced QtoffiT3 yd. a at this Low Price gnasB 6BDOID(30D Reg. 79 SCOTTIES QirrtEnQfl) TISSUE HANKIES (HUB Mennen Anti-Perspira- Box of 60 Two Ply Tissues 9 nt Spray Deodorant SQjj C 2 Per Customer FREE Reg. 64 QESIBCEEB BEACH TOWEL 28 Polaroid GEEed GBn$ x 56 Close out Price 000 2 p.m. 8 Shop COED 1.9S Value are at Your Cornet Store Open Daily 9 a.m.-- 8 p.m. Open Sunday 10 a.m.-- 6 151 No. Main p.m. fouaifuf jooirtlkMiC The first service school of the U.S. Army was established in 1824 at Fortress Monroe, Vs., as the School for Artillery I ii rTWiU.vfcu-wftACEWoRT- Demonstrators FLOOR SAMPLES O SEWING ROOM HEADS EHFIF are the famous Bernina machines that will sew any fabric without thread tension adjustments. New machine guarantee. These ( Back to School Specials Wed. - Sat. Assorted Fabrics 1 54 1 Table - M Smocked Trimming Reg. 39 - 59 yd. 10 - 15 yd. Bonded Knits Table - M" yd. Life Buttons Vi Price Assorted Fabrics 1 Table - 2 yds. $100 Discontinued Butterick Patterns Assorted Fabrics involved. Q. What are the primary weapons used by the Riverine Forces? A. They consist primarily of, but are not limited to, machine-gun- s, mortars and grenade launchers. Where You Always Save More N0 BERNINA Q. Whet affect has the Vietnam War had on the Navys tactics? A. It has brought about an entirely new type of fighting, as far as the Navy concept is concerned. This new type is known as Riverine warfare and has proved effective. Q. My wife, who was the beneficiary of my National Service Life Insurance policy, recently died. Must I now designate my children as the beneficiaries or will they automatically receive the money.. A. Unless so designated in writing the only automatic payment will be to the insureds vice can I finish high school under the G.I. Bill? If so how much money will I draw each month? A. Yes, you can finish high school under the G.I. Bill. If you are single and attending full time you will receive 9130 per month, more if dependents To Be Given at un-wa- ry certify. ser- water-crossin- d range arent the best, and there were several instances of target silhouettes caused by foiling, both a gusty wind and rifle fire. Since the range is seldom used, pilots overflew the area, causing a swift ceasefire. The training session concluded with no casualties, except for several targets which ended the qualification with considerably more holes in them than when they started. Q. How many semester hours are required for full time training in graduate school? A. An accredited graduate course will be considered full time when 14 semester hours or the equivalent are taken unless it is the policy of the school to consider less than 14 hours as full time enrollment, in which case a school official must so get out of safety on points, making the traditional cry of Ready on the right; ready mi the left; ready on the firing line! tome how inappropriate. Facilities on the seldom-ure- benefit of all military personnel. Send questions to: American Fbieee Press File. 1117 N. 19th St., Arlington, Va. 22209. Q. When I Swinger Away Sat. basic training, or on larger in- stallations. The small range here seemed a miniature, arid had its humorous moments. The firing line has five Thi. Question aad Answer department ha. been eitmbliihed tor the Q. Has the new warfare concept facing the Navy in Vietnam caused any ordnance problems? A. Yes, it has required the development of an entirely new family of weapons, or modification of existing ones. for weak swimmers ,. g operations. The flotation piece will prevent a soldiers head from " entering the water and per-m- it him to fire his weapon from the water. Plans call for the device to be light- - " weight, compact, reusable and reinflatable. One model under consideration ! a tube that fits around a soldiers waist where it can be attached to his suspenders or pistol belt. FORT BELVOIR, Va. (ANF) Someday soon combat soldiers may take to water aa easily aa ducks. Currently under study by the U.S. Army Combat DevelopCommand ments (CDC), Fort Belvoir, Va., is a flotation device that will support d a soldier in water wearing 50 pounds of equipment. Responding to requests from soldiers in the field for such an innovation, CDC envisions a means to provide 200-poun- estate. Reg. 15 ( Army Soldiers to Swim Like Ducks? M-1- pne - ON THE R1CHT Members of the US Army Hospital detachment and IIIIC assume the squatting po- familiarization. sit ion during annual rifle qualification READY Vi Price 2 Tables - 20 Discount from Regular Price All Yarns-2- 0 Discount No Returns - All Sales Final |