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Show EDITORIAL The DTC Deseret Sampler t Ike MilHMy ml dviha iilMl d Tak Cmtm, kdl Lda Cily ml ay tavfa Diym, nay aka aak ky da Tnaariftklrta Hdki tfe. MMa ml amanii aOaad ki da ml adarid naanli ayaaal da ladddid wrian k mmiltml daa d Ike aa ibraadiara a d Aiay. la tka y.NinKa ad mdiwdr aa ndaaaaad ky da Papal Ike adimliad Pdaaa U aad d aniea adla la pddira padeca Uaa dadd ke aad da kdaandaa Oflk Paad Tad Ceata DEMlUT XAMFLEB. Aa fa ad aa dfidd Any Dtfmy. I'lak, alapkm aad Aiay Newa Feaaa ' AVH aad fwi. My ad ada allmaa am d a a Al paldlidiaa pad lid, Ikfdaal am It a Hum a Oa. M Nartk Mala. Taed LI. lad dm d aad aFAdaMh US. n fae leda la Ito Tnaacripl pUea daaafiad ad. Malta Fakkdka adfaiki adaa dkanda - adad. Ha Aiay piikaa aa aBdd Ikaa la ad addled aaeept ia cm MraMaf n far ad f "i akfak Ike daa d paalae.a d lllp.ila.al d da Aiay aad ke d SWIM SAFELY now If vou or any of vour family are is the season to waterproof yourselves. Whether you're a swimmer or not, the lure of the water is ofteii irresistible in summer, making summer mouths the peak perhxls for drosvnings. In recent years most drowning fatalities have iiccured in the early months of summer, with July rating the highest, and June running a close second. Even if you avoid entering the water this summer, there is a chance ecuuse you are a poor or of the thousands one-hathan More of meeting trouble. fatalilalieled are of drownings each vear such from water the fell into spots ties people whii as docks, bridges, shores, and boats. These accidents have contributed to making drownings the fourth leading cause of accidents. 1 EDITORIAL lf WHO ARE YOUR HEIRS? Suppose you were to die while you are in the military service. Do you know who your heirs are? Who will receive any money due you from salary or annual leave? Who wili receive your life insurance? One method for deciding these vital questions is the designation of a lieneficiary on your emergency data form in your personnel file. However, even though it is a requirement, most personnel fail to keep this emergency data form up to date. But the liest way to assure that vour heirs receive their inheritance, according to your desire, is through a properly executed will. Some factors to keep in mind when making a will are the natural heirs of your lxmnty." A man making a will should at least mention his children and the children of a deceased child, especially if he marries after making his will. Where the will does not mention his children, or provide for them by settlement, they are called pretermitted heirs'. What is mention in a will may lie a difficult question for a court to decide, espewill. cially in the case of a self-writt- en - The National Safety Council advises that each person needs to learn: How to hold or row to someone in trouble in the water, how to slay afloat with clothes on, how skills. to swim, and how to use simple like a dog paddle will enable Often a simple stroke a floundering swimmer to reach shore. It has been estiwithin 20 feet mated, that half of all drownings of safelv. That's about the distance from bumper to bumper on vour car. Manv groups such as the YMCA. YWCA, Boy Scouts, ami Bed Cross have classes that can teach you to swim at least 20 feet. Enroll row for the swimming lessons offered bv these groups and lieat crowded summer classes. safe summer Waterproof yourself now for a in the water. (AFPS) life-savi- d, ! Dont Knock Changes No matter where you are stationed in the military 'vou will quite often hear some saying The service just isn't what it used to be. And to this we most heartlv agree. The role of the military man has undergone manv changes during the nearly 200 years of our country's existence as a nation. However, the primary mission of the military man is still to defend this nation against all enemies, Ixilh foreign and domestic." In this, the United States' military forces have no peer. Each soldier, sailor, airman and Marine of tixlay has repeatedly shown he is just as tough, courageous, d and dedicated to the principles of freedom of as the men Valley Forge, Gettysburg, Belleau Wixxl, , Corregidor and the Punch Bowl. tension-fille- d world, the But in today's coinUit-read- y than a Ik much more militarv man must guardian of freedom. He is diplomatic and is lixiked upon bv the countries where he is stationed as a direct representative of the United States. He must also Ik teacher, 'humanitarian, scientist and public relations man in uni-- ; form. In these capacities America's service personnel have proven extremely capable of meeting and accomplishing - the task laid out for them. Whether seeking marauding in disaster stricken medical a care Cong, giving domestic or class in a principles, English '.town, teaching .the military man of tixlav serves his nation well. AIPS) old-time- rs By John W. Barry of One the most interesting and attractive mineral forms in the Southwest is the geode found on the western slopes of the Dugway mountain range of Tooele and Juab Counties, Utah. There are approximately 2(X) varieties and forms of quartz known, and of this numlicr the Dugway geode is considered by many to lie the most spectacular. Geodes are also known as nodules. However, the term geodes is more proper if the form has a hollow center. Solid geodes should lie called nodules. The tenn thunderegg is also in common usage in the Northwest. This designation pmliably came from the alxiri-ginwho undoulitedly were liewildered by the strange, egglike stones lying in the vicinity of volcanic craters. They associated the stones with objects licing thrown out liv erupting volcanoes and it stones with objects lieing thrown out by erupting volcanoes and it is even possible that they oliserved volcanoes shooting nut volcanic lmmlis. Geodes develop after the volcanic lava flow has ceased. Geodes from the west side of the Dugway mountain range are widely known as Dugway Geodes. The name Dugway came from the adjacent mountain range where the pioneers dug a roadway or dugway for wagon crossing. While geodes are numerous in this locality, they should be considered rare because no locality in the world can claim this type of geode. Geodes are often plentiful in areas of recent volcanic activity and certain areas of extensive limestone formations. Brazil is known for its lieautiful amethyst crystal-line- d geodes. Oregon for solid deep blue agate-fille- d nodules, and Iowa for calcite crystal-line- d geodes. Oil geodes have lieen found in the vicinity of N'iota, Illinois, which in addition to crystals have lieen found to contain up to one quart of viscous bitumen oil. The origin of these geodes is another unsolved puzzle of the earth's geology. An analogy can lie made lie tween a geode and a large cavern such as that type found at Mammoth Cave, Kentucky. Here one d can see glistening white and stalagmites and stalactites es y, . - Dig deep and the geodes get larger, say sources who should know. A sample is this one, 27 inches in girth, unearthed by SSG Larry Lowell and SP8 Robert Pierce in a recent trip to the geode beds. IIl'CE GEODE ( Packard Bell Color GfSDS: ) UC1CATIC.5M created numerous wave-cu- t terraces and shorelines areound the Dugway Range, Keg mountains, and Thomas Range. The Great Salt Lake is all that remains of Lake Bonneville which covered over 200,000 square miles. West of the geode area, the Bonneville salt flats glisten in the sun like freshly fallen snow, and again one can see the contrast in the towering Deep Creek mountains which are d most of the year. .As a person gazes upon these salt flats the Iieautv is tempered somewhat by visions of pioneer man and oxen straggling to cross this area with heavily laden wagons and by thoughts of stagecoaches lxiuncing down the trail carrying travelers and mail to California. The Thomas Range, predominately made up of Tertiary-ag- e rhyolite rock (a type of igneous rock which forms uxiliug of molten silicious lava) lies south of the Dugway Pass, while the Dugway Range to the north is composed primarily of Palezoic era sedimentary rock. Because of the relative hardness of the sedimentary rock and its shorelines resistance to erosion, the old Lake Bonneville wave-cu- t stand out layers of a many layered cake. Rhyolite rock weathers rapidly and the shorelines are almost indiscernible. In a northwesterly direction from Dugway Pass, rhyolite foothills reveal that Tertiary lava flowed over the entire area west of the Dugway Range. In this area ancient Lake Bonneville deposits overlay much of the rhyolite rock. For this reason, and also liecause the rhyolite ridges 'and buttes are well eroded and rounded, it is assumed that the MOT frill m The Army Commendation Medal has lieen awarded to SSG VinP. fCikb During the middle Tertiary Period of geologic time (40 million ao) volcanic activity was a common occurrence in western North America. Las a flows wen plentiful and many inactive volcanoes threatened eruption from day to day. One needs only to look alxiut the Western states today to see ample evidence of past volcanic lava activity. Many of the associated lava flows produced acid type flows which upon cooling created rhyolite rock. Rhyolite has the greatest silica content of the normally encountered lavas. The silica content is the first clue to the origin of these particular geodes. Xumcroug gas or steam cavities (called "vugs) formed in the lava flows due to large amounts of water vapor, carbon dioxide, and oilier gases present in the molten rock. With the cooling of the lava, cavities remained in the rhyolite. This is the first stage in the formation of a geode. (It should he noted that the theory concerning the formation of a geode or any other geological phenomenon is often a reasonable guess, subject to change.) As the lava cools, it shrinks and cracks; at this point tlie cavity is ready for solutions (made of ground and normal, percolating, silican-bcarinjuvenile water) to percolate through the cracks into the hollow center, depositing silica, tlie constituent of quartz. (Continued on Page 8) years g 3 Madore Receives cent TO Madore, HHC, by the United States Army, Hawaii to which he was assigned prior to reporting to Deseret Test Center. The medal was presented in a ceremony in the commanding officer's office by COL Charles M. Shadle, post commander. The citation accompanying the medal commends SSG Madore for distinguishing himself by meritorious service while serving successively as Assistant Operations Sergeant, Operations and Training Branch, Operations and Training Division, and Operations Sergeant, Operations Branch, Plans and Operations Division, Office of the Assistant Chief of Staff, G-- 3, U.S. Army, Hawaii. According to the citation, SSG Madore demoncontinuously flu cll.n Qffl nij JlnflifTilO. flao CJQED Oft oaO QeD fla? bed flD (ftaura fftnrB (fep wEm? Ceisb geiD wnaH. GQfc Shell No Pest Strip 1 Garden Wheel Barrows strated exceptional administrative ability to identify problems, coordinate actions and provide sound and logical solutions. The presentation of the medal was witnesses by Mrs. Madore as well as CPT Richard Haley, HHC commanding officer, and 1SG Donald Cude of HIIC. Floor Tile Closeout! Sale Price 12 Each Reg. 15 honey-colore- well-traine- hurry-scurr- DUGWA.V an ARCOM Dugway Color In many contested cases the courts have held that a will referring to children, relatives, or other heirs served well enough to show that the testator had his children in mind. If the testator gives these persons a nominal amount, even one dollar, or intentionally disinherits them, as a rule they will have no claim to the estate. A will need not necessarily leave property to a child, though to do so may prevent lawsuits. Some persons draft their own wills. These "holographic wills are often contested liecause a homemade will often is deficient in complying with laws regarding the mention of children. In one case the testator failed to i mention a child, but said that anyone who may contest this will w'ould receive one dollar. Tiki general and vague, the court held. The will did not mention children or spouse, directly or indirectly, or show intent to disinherit them. : Only when there is no other means available should vou write vour own will, but it is lietter to w'rite vour own than to die intestate. So, if you plan on drawing a will, which should lie a must for evervone whether married or not, see vour legal officer. Don't cause problems for your heirs. Make 'out vour will properly. o snow-cappe- fun-fille- ; times. This period is called rhvolite had its origin in Tertiarv Bonneville time is Quaternary. Numerous pebbles of limestone lie in the geode area, both on and Mow the surface. This pros ides a clue to the geological history of this area. The limestone ridges three miles to the north of the action of Lake geode deposits have been eroded hv the hydnilylec Bonneville and by heavy rains. The eroded material has been brought down to the geode locality which is about 1,000 feet lower in elevation. Drainage in the area is from the northeast to the west where the white salt flats strickenly mark the lowest elevations. The manner in which these geodes were formed is one id the volcanic activity. many unsolved problems surrounding ot calcium cartMuiate protruding trom the walls ot the caverns which resemble the quartz crystals of the Dugway geode. Some of the mechanics in the formation of these geodes are similar to the formation of stalagmites and stalactites which are found in manv caverns. The Dugway geode collecting area is mainly concent wated some five miles northwest of Dugway Pass. The digging area is reached from the east traveling on the Simpson Spring-- Callao Road (the old Pony Express and Overland Stage route) to Dugway Pass, a prominent landmark in Juab County. Approximately 4.2 miles west from the crest, a small jeep trail leads northward from the Simpson Road to the main collecting area. spring-callaThe jeep trail is followed alxiut one mile traversing three small waslies and one dry stream lied to the main collecting area. Ceudes occur throughout this entire area and there is ample digging space for large parties even though there are a few individual mineral claims in the area. Some very successful collecting trips have resulted when groups have begun digging in new locations withiu this area. To understand the origin of the Dugway goede a brief sketch of the geologic history is necessary. The Great Basin exhibits some of the most unusual features to lie found in North America. The Basin could lie called a basin of extremes with cacti and alpine rock and recent lava flows; fossil trilohiies flowers; and modem scorpions; cool mountain meadows and blistering sands; majestic elk and lizards; and salt marshes and fresh water lakes. The Great Basin exhibits almost every geologic feature commonly known, and within these features there is a written history spanning a half billion years. Lake Bonneville, one of the Pleistocene lakes of tlie Great Basin, TV and Stereo Sale Stereos Car Buying Pit Falls Lawn Seed What are some considerations in achieving a satisfactory car deal and avoiding economic and legal troubles? First, lie cautious. Do not appear too anxious. Many dealers exaggerate the worth of their product. Shop around. Get the facts by pinning down the dealer's statements. Not only will you gain knowledge, but you may encourage a salesman to meet or lieat another dealer's price. Most new car models offer from white-wa- ll numerous extras tires to electrically operated radio aerials. Consider only those options which you truly want and can afford. Before liming a car on credit, find out the finance charge as well as the total cost per month. Again, shop around. Dealing directly with a Ixank or credit union may yield substantial savings in finance charges especially cm a new car. Be sure the finance agency I .endcomplies with the Truth in where applicable, ing Law, bv stating the interest rate in actual dollars. Be certain you understand what will happen if vou default or make late payments. Once you settle mi price, make sure you can afford the monthly payments. Missing a lie very expensive, payment can in the car living result could t repossessed. dotBefore signing on the ted line." carefully read the con- Sparks TV Repair 20 No. Garden ditional sales contract. If confused. bring the contract, filled l in but unsigned, to your ask and bis Officer Assistance la-ga- help , Bv William C. C. Barnes Captain. JAGC Spreaders Linoleum 35 sq. ft. Rugged Vinyl Garden Hose Get Acquainted Sale Priced at: - 50 ft. roll - 5.50 2 58 - 50 ft. roll - 7.10 Red Hot Special - While they Last! Black and Decker Reversible and . J Hand Drills - oo Chuck |