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Show The DESERET SAMPLER, Fri., Aug. 1, 1969 John Wesley Potcell Volume Published collection of papers honorJohn Wesley Powell on the ing of his ex 100th anniversary A ploration of the Colorado Ri1860-190has just been the Ceological published by Survey, Department of the Interior. cloth-bounThe highly- - illustrated publication, prepared by scientists of the U.S. Ceological Survey, recalls the works of this famous and presents highscientist lights of the geology and hydrology of the Colorado River ver, d, region. The first of the papers summarizes the life and scientific-political career of Powell, who not only conquered the Colorado, but shared in the exploration of the West, and helped to establish the U.S. Ceological Survey, the Smithsonian's Bureau of Ethnology, and the National Geographic Society. Considered as "a pioneer statesman of Federal science," Powell is now genas one of erally recognized the nation's earliest proponents of dynamic conservation. His views on the need for orderly development of the public domain and the wise use of its natural resources uttered nearly 100 years ago proved to be an almost uncanny prophecy of some of the mineral and water problems with which the Nation now copes. During his pioneering bout trip through the Grand Canyon in 1869, and in subsequent -- -- explorations of 1871-7- 2, Powell concepts developed geologic from the record of the earth's displayed history along the canyons walls. All about me are interesting geological re-- Safety Zone . Alfred L. Lamb, Safety Officer There are many employees of Deseret Test Center and Dugway Proving Ground who are carpool commuters. If you are one of these employees, you have the responsibility of safe driving to your fellow riders. Several types of carpools are being used in commuting. They are the exchange-rid- e type, and the type, the paid-rid- e carpool owned type. Regardless of what type of car pool you belong to, the responsibility is still there. If you are driving your own personal car on a trade ride basis, you as a car owner and operator, have the responsibility of keeping your vehicle in good mechanical condition, with good brakes, tires, lights, exhaust systems, etc. Further, you are obligated to be a safe and sensible driver, using defensive driving techniques at all times. You, as a driver should also remind all personnel to utilize the seat belts provided. You must realize this responsibility and the fact that many people could be affected if an accident were to occur while you are driving. With a carpool of 5 or 6 people, there could be as high as 20 or more children and 5 or 6 husbands or wives affected, not to mention the financial, legal and moral obligations that could 5 befall you. Automobiles being used to carpool every day, such as car-poowned cars are driven hundreds of miles each week, and require regular maintenance. You cannot afford to let any items go without repair. When you are a passenger in a carpool, you also have the responsibility to yourself and other passengers to monitor die other persons' driving habits and techniques. This is one place where its OK to be back-sea- t drivers. If the driver has foolish or sloppy driving habits, call them to his attention, and insist he observe the speed limits and obeys' traffic rules and regulations. If some drivers cannot take needed criticism then its best to look for another carpool, because, as die old saying goes, The life you save may be your own." ol the liook cords, read as open, run." Another paper traces the evolution of scientific thought concerning the origin and nature of the Grand Canyon. Powell clearly recognized that the features of spectacular the Colorado River reflected the structural history of the mountain liarriers that lay across its path. The clear exposures of the rock strata offered nearly for geologic ideal conditions observations by Powell, and the Grand Canyon is one of the world's HONOR LAWN The best lawn this issue was found in front of the Glenn Goodman dence. SP5 Coodman works for the USA Met Team. finest displays of geological principles and processes. Major Powell's dramatic exploits were more remarkable considering the loss of an arm during the Battle of Shiloh. He had an intense vision of science as a means of progress for the human race. Energy released by lost one pound of the sun would keep a kitchen stove going with all burners on for several hundred years, National Geographic says. DPG Chief Attends OSU Fire Meet session is held each year for the purpose of revising training manuals for the The Stillwater, Oklahoma, July 14 James I. Alcorn of Dugway is here attending the Annual Conference of the International Fire Service Training Association at Oklahoma State University. Chief Alcorn is here as representative of Dugway Proving Ground, DTC, at the Conference. . five-da- y the rookie to the the fire department. officers .of Over 80 men from adopting are in Stillwater this agencies fire service, to validate new week working on these training well as for as publication, niques These men are repreto delete obsolete methods and materials. various agencies includsenting the in that appear equipment State Vocational, University, existing publications. The manuals ing are planned to provide training Inspection and Rating Bureaus, Like the sign says, Its Up to You. material for all firefighters from State Firemens Associations, Fire g Chiefs Associations, and Govern- - g Keep Dugway Safe mental Agencies. :j gj The I.F.S.T.A. is a clearing house for the improvement of fire fighting methods and techniques, procedures and fire prevention measures, and it is govern- ed by an Executive Board with rVi rn-IEmmett T. Cox serving as the X JL CULIX C&l : Chairman. G. L. Sartain, Head of the Seven new Job Corpsmen three will be Fire Protection Department, Ok- general auto melahoina State University, is the have arrived to begin a cycle chanics. AH but the cooks, of Conference Coordinator. training at Dug- will work for the Equipment way Proving Ground. Pool Motor Maintenance Branch. The Corpsmen have com- The cooks will be assigned to vjnicers currently being pleted up to a year of the Troop Mess and to the Ofheld on active duty training in their chosen field ficers' Open Mess. untarily are advised to at the Clearfield Job Corps UrNo expense is incurred by the municate with the Center. The Center realizes use of the Corpsmen, who receive ban Personnel Services Branch the necessity for experience, their pay in tenns of valuable exregarding application for re-and makes arrangehowever, Room and lxiard costs lease in accordance with a perience. ments for the Corpsmen to lie are defrayed by the Clearfield Cen- released se newly policy trained at local industries and ter. $10 lective retention. Federal installations. to a According A normal train- The' current seven are the from TECOM, local ' s second be to fog cycle lasts six weeks. s assigned V group to is authorized at 1600 hours EDT 17 July 1969 within the Dugway. The first group of five Corpsmen completed trainfollowing context: . The Department of the ing and returned to the Center for placement counseling earliArmy announced. . . that er this month. Regular Army officers, Of the seven, two will lie who have been involuntarily retained on active duty, wiil cooks, one will lie a machinist, will specialize in front le released lietween Decem- another end alignment and brakes, and Vine ber 1969 and March 1970. Applications for release under provisions of the new policy must lie made liefore 15 December 1969. tech- Special Table! 1U JLX I Odds n Ends J Pottery and Ceramic ss 10 to M" Values to Nr r Open Friday till 8:00 p.m. Ednas Floral 22 West Severance Pay Regs nan tuns hub (3ES? SECURITY BankAmericard IF YOU DRIVE IF YOU FLY IF EXTRA CASH IS NEEDED U.S. Civil Scrx a rental car, your BankAmericard entitles you to a cash advance. Scrvicnnarkf owned and lirrnwd by BankAmcrira Service Corporation to tune color TV. Get Sylvania with REMOTE CONTROL has changed regulations governing severance pay to avoid hardships to employees occasioned by an curlier amendment to its severance pav regulations. The new amendment will allow severance pay for employees separated from the service in connection with a transfer of function or reduction in force when they decline reassignment to a position in another commuting area, even if the agency offers to pay transportation and household moving exCommission Full function, wireless, color TV Remote Control Onoff Volume Channel selection The earlier amendment to the regulations prohibited pay if the employee declined to accept a position like seniority, tenure, and p,iV in another commuting urea when the agency offered to p;,v and houschuhl transportation or cancel the amendment because it worked a hardship on employees, especially those in tl,e lower grades. They contended that the provision created a hardship liccause it operated to deny severance pay to emplosees who were not free to move of economic, like reasons. family, and Color Tint Pushbutton . . . Easy . . . Automatic Fine tuning Control (AFC), the all transistor automatic circuit that will always sehet the best signal at the touch of a button. Sharpest picture of any color TV. Newest Sylvania Color Bright 85 picture tube. 2 Year Warranty on tube plus full year on all other parts. picture Top performance Gibraltar Chassis. Automatic Color Level Monitor. Deluxe DC video couFine Tuning. Convenient nopling. Pre-Sguesswork color tuning controls. The industry's best combination of the best features penses. moving expenses in cornier lion with a transfer of function. Memlier of Congress and several Federal agencies petitioned the Commission to mrxlifv you can charge gas, oil, tires, meals, motels, hotels, etc. you can charge air transportation, meals, motels, hotels, etc. The dfemfti Sylvania CF521W Contemporary styling. Deluxe overhang top. Walnut veneers and solids. 295 sq. In. viewable picture. Full feature Remote Control et optional. SYLVANIA NAnSNir. Sylnaia Mrrwiti it, calif talaniiiaa racaiwr I Hw frill il Iflfil aarehawr MImh: Sytuwia. at it, afdaa. will wtkff iffair ar prawda a raplacaaiaat part tar any Hit. auaat kaltann an raawta awdali. whick taila n a raw It at a Salad ia aiatarial and arkiaamkia wtkia ana (1) par dm 12) nan tar Ika pictaia taka) tiaai W data tf parckna. ftaalacaawat aarviea and dafactna ratan traaaaertatiaa charm ara cat iacladad. Saalacaraaat carta nil ka ararrMtad tar tha aafiairaS partiaa at tka awlicatla ana ar twa n't Come in today. .. In k mm wbjMtetf to to. ton altnd at win wt i5d apply il Ika or acciriMt aail ar ay part af il i ar JJ Ito wrial mm- - 53 antiia oklilillaa aad S-Z a, i. I Mittonlikility and lilaaw. ara yim. lkii dM.ndi u. ywr paittow tola a ad Miliay la Sylnan Ika cardintkia lira (5) daya altar data af wreJtaf " yMr daalar ar aa aattoruto Sytwma w MtoTSElArT make your home the most exciting place in town! mil? resi- |