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Show This morning the San Juan High bands from the San Band again took the road to take Emery Division get part .in a band meet This timej The program will be it is a Region 8 affair as the! same as last week's Conrad who Rowley d- together muoh the activities Area Chambers Conrad Rowley Awarded Science Scholarship Juan-Gran- A panel has .been Moab Monday night for the purand Biology pose of discussing ways to at- teaehlng Chemistry at the Boulder City High Sohool tract tourists to this southeast for the past two years was in comer of Utah Participants luck last week Bad luck struck from Blanding were Don Smith on first Lake Eugene While fishing Mead he lost his wallet contain- Porter ing many important cards papers the pictures and $4000 oash luek ocoured on His good dnesday him a when letter We- Soitaoe Foundation Scholarship at Arizona State College in The Institute begins Flagstaff on June 15 and lasts eight Conrad will receive full weeks tuition and a weekly stipend of $7500 The program is one that will aid him in obtaining his Master's Degree New Doc Announces Appointment Policy Dr Fallon has requested that patients phone for appointment before calling at the office He said that he and Mrs Fallon are doing their best to take care of all patients while they set up The New Three-Spe- Dr EN brought out that first contacts that tourists make are with service station was attendants waitresses and motel informed owners had won a National that he Bllokenstaff and It It would With marohing, eon- In Durango oerts solos and mass bands in the roster Mr Rat ol iff oon- sidered last week's trip to the of be wise Colorado City very sueoessfhl Above plaoes counties plan to coin preparing pamphlets Grand of years old C worn and its week dur- praotloe sessions which explains their With which is band is desirous to see better mber Several equipment available of the situation ways rectifying were considered among whioh was the question as to why Sohool Board could not carry that the members the uniforms are nearly twenty or part of the expense ed better as they this paper on 10-- 3 5-- all information motor two weeks ago vehioles is May 15th. WEATHER LOG Spring held a shaky upper hand in Blanding this week as the fruit trees still came out in pretty good shape In spite of low night temperatures have defeat- Crrek twice Dove to the in the deadline on inspection stickers Contrary S. Baseball Team Wins 4, Loses 1 H. much 30 the activity in the offing as the school increases in enrollment the Cha- In Tuesday's regular meeting the Chamber of Comnerce discussed the problem of new uniforms for the San Juan High Band The old and grayed condition of the present uniforms was discussed and were reminded this wilted condition new 3- -0 and one ing The San Juan. High baseball for these people to team has only met with defeat brush up on their knowledge of so far this year Last Satthe area and be able to give once Cortez took the measure friendly and accurate informa- urday In four the Broncos tion about historic sites and of have done San Juan other games the Brones of interest therefore is a ploture of the pleoe group taken Talks Band Uniforms C Discuss Tourist Technique Greeting discussion was held in BAND SCHOOL JUAN HIGH S AN 2) operate o -2 and Moab 10-- 9 for distribution to tourists and Mont ic ell Play in the Moab game last others who request information Wednesday was full of fireworks their facilities in the shortest as both teams hit consistently practical time and to establish after the bottom of the 2nd innregular office hours ing The Red Devils led the game at The Doctor further stated that but the San he is available to take care of several Intervals nine- were finally able to emergencies at any time and in Juan ahead to win by one point such oases patients should not push hesitate to come to the office in the last inning Max Jones or after hours to and young Johnny Nielson hurled immediately for the winners call him at home 5- -- - BLINDING OUTLOOK April 17, 1959 Battery Operated Transistor Radio Phono Combination ed USES 6 FLASHLIGHT BATTERIES See Hear It At Our Store Today t t It Have a Few Openings . Watch tyoi 0h& Mothei'l jbay SfiectcUi i u wr New in Town of Business Rights Sold W. 8. SMITH Box 385 On mm 6 Exclusive Basis CORTEZ, Ph. cots. LO 5-8- 120 |