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Show i PlusioiaUen- 7Ae Published every Friday at Blanding, Utah I. W. Cox FUBLISKER NEWS EDITOR Kendall Young, Chan Moulton, PHOTOGRAPHER CORRESPONDENTS Anne Porter, East Blending Mildred Rascoe, Plandlng Sue Graves, Downtown Seotlon Hilda Perkins, S. W. Blanding Opel Howell, Bluff NW SUE - 7 E S you were able to take your education If G H A courses would you take instead of the ones you did take? Here's what the INQUIRING PHOTOGRAPHER' found out in her interviews with people on the sidewalks over again what Qj nr- Donna Brown, Mexican Hat Anna Brown,, El Paso Mrs H. E. Blake, Monticello Subscription Rates: San Juan County, one year ...54.00 San Juan County, six months .. 2.25 Elsewhere in U.S.A. 1 year U.50 Elsewhere in U.S.A, 6 months 2.50 Second Class Postage paid at tilanding, Utah Our Part in the Community A tribute was to the community newspapaid recently per by the Forest Service in a bulletin entitled: The Weekly Newspaper . . . Window of the Community. The bulletin emphasized that the weekly newspaper is a hardy institution, and that no one can afford to overlook the weekly as one of the best mediums for reaching most off the people of the community. A hundred years ago the weekly was concerned with interpreting the world to its local community. Now the daily oelwspaper, radio and television have largely taken over that role, and the weekly concerns itself more with its own community. Although various media of communication compete for the audiences time, the weekly newspaper has found a way off telling the local story to local readers. This is borne out by increased circulation and reports of intensive readerTHE MONTEZUMA VALLEY JOURNAL RDB ship. f Mrs. Dolly Hurst --Housewife If I were able to take qy education over I don't believe I would change any of qy courses. I have a diploma from a good business college in which I was al Mr. Chan Moulton of at can if any, into the field of V. as a general or Internal practitioner, medicine. bookkeeping work. If necessary I Pay Day Drug The only change, would be Medicine trained for secretariand - Manager MONTICELLO return any time for a brush-u- p course at no cost so that I feel that I could support qy family if necessary. I News Items By Mrs. H. also have some education in music which I admit I LJlik ladles of the The Community not use but it gives me a deep appreciation for Circle served a Chamber of banquet to sixty-si- x pass on to qy family. ing last Church Mission do and one that I can music starting qy Commerce When Hall. education I planned to be married and J. have a family and I planned qy education with this in mind. M. members Thursday evenweek in the Social Bailey has again been a patient in the San Juan County Hospital . The flu seems to be on the increase in Monticello from the number of empty seats in church ( and school. Mrs. Donald Blake from a week of flu. is Just up Mr. Blake is taking his turn. Victor Schafer suffered a serious accident on the sohool ground Friday xhat required the attention of the Doctor. A truck driver from New Mexico o was Mrs. - Evelyn Mehail day highway and overturned. Sheriff and Mrs. Seth P. Wright and family are enJoying" visit from Mr. Wright's parent from Brigham City. New babies at the San Juan County Hospital are: Mr. and' With the Engineers Limited Pipe Line Co. In the are parents of a son, Curtis L., bom April Mrs. event I had an opportunity, to take ny education over I would not change qy courses. Tty BACK We AUTO-TRANSMISS- ION - BRAKE WORK - TUNE-U- P MWIMG SAfEJV SERVICE St Next to City Hall Ph. 3841 f 1 lege. At summer Specialize in MOTOR OVERHAUL through two years of Harold vacation, Mehail and I met. We were married very shortly after and consequently I did not continue with qy school- ing. Since I have been Mrs. Mehail I have worked quite a bit, all being office, work, mostly which ac- has been counting, possibly considering the math I mastered while attending life has schools. tfy been very fpll, happy and wonderful and I do not wish any changes. Ell erst on weloomed a new Kari, April 3; Mr. and girl, Mrs. Nolan Ortego are parents of a girl, Deonna, bom April 3. C. R. Christensen came up from Moab Saturday to spend the weekend at home among neighbors and home folks man col- this time, during Mrs. Robert Roller a new daughter, Annette, born April 2; Mr. and Mrs. Nor- plans were very definite and qy education continued IN. YOUR MODERN CAR! and have school majors were Math Science in hopes of being a surgical nurse and .eventually a doctor Jfy LET US PUT THE PEP Ray C. Goodwin Mr. 2; and 1925 LOCOMOBILE killed at Devil Canyon Sunwhen his truck left the - W. Shirley Thompson was brought to the San Juan Airport Saturday from a Salt Lake City Mrs. by the National Guard., airplane and on home by Mabel Wright in her station wagon. to Mrs. Bert Warren went Hospital Durango Mrj there . visit her in a hospital Saturday to husband who is ill Tage 2 BLANDING OUTLOOK April 17, 1959 |