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Show down the d an up with Tuesday direel Newcomers An eight pound son was born Ethel ine Harlan and children and Mr, and Mrs, George Tuesday night to Mr. and Mrs. Dame visited In the Dale Bader Walter Park at the Monticello hone recently and were Intro- hospital. He is their fourth duced to the latest addition In child and first son, Mrs. Roy Edwards was honored the family Tammle Lynn Bader, at a birthday party at the Ernie en- joyed by the members, and coffee punch were served from a table centered with a Maypole, twined with colorful ribbons. Mrs, Alec Baxter was appointed treasurer to fill out thff term vacated by Mrs. Bob Reines who has moved to Mohall, North D- home of Mrs, hour. After gifts were opened, refreshments of cake, coffee, and were served to the ice-cre- am following: Mrs, Royce Higgs, Mrs. Raymong Taylor, Mrs. LeP.oy Byrn, Mrs. A, 0. Ferguson, Mrs. J. D. Elam, Mrs. Buck Pollard, girls, Patricia Heynan was for the morning group, Mrs. George Rascoe, Mrs, Jim and Sylvia Nielson accompanied Burkhalter, Mrs. Clarence Mrs. A. A. Bradberry, the vocalists in the afternoon, Mrs. Jim Mrs. and Ralph Terrill, Mr, Hafen, grade school princiNoonan. pal, asked Mrs. Velda Nielson to A on , ao-eomp- Tre-gell- as, cookout breakfast the way hostess for the occasion, and to Aneth was enjoyed Wefield with her on the commi. serving ttee were Mrs, Dora Shumway, Mrs, dnesday morning by Mr, and Mrs. and children and Mr, Eloise Mahon, and Mrs, Virginia Aleo Baxter Jack Barter, They visWalker. Refreshments were and Mrs. ited Mrs. Charles Cox who lives served to the appreciative girls at Aneth, and their guests. Leland Redd presented a Mrs, Mrs, Allot Standiferd, who re- humorouspoem and some amusing cently underwent surgery in a "bits of philosophy on old age" released and then readmitted when her Doctor felt that she was not recovering satisfactorily. Her Blending neighbors and friends hope hospital, was attracted from many in the four os, performed Wednesday, and vocalists were in the spotlight on visual aids, was started last weekend for teachers interested in earning three credit hours for renewing certificates. Ruthe nning for five weekends, course is taught by Mr. Tyndall of students corners area including Blending, Cortez, Nuela, Dolores, Silverton, Man-cBloomfield, and Aztee, Speech and dramatics students schools Extension' course in audio- An Thursday, Friday was devoted to instrumented solos and ensembles, The San Juan High School their dlreotcr, Mr, Ratcliff, participated band with Cathmar in band concerts Friday night B.Y.U. and Saturday morning and ap- -j is the peared in a parade in downtown an inspecdeadline for get The tion sticker on your car accord- Durango Saturday afternoon. which included group, ing to Eugene Bliokenstaff . He Blandlng Donna Jack May 15, not Arr . 15, ; ; hopes that no one was inconvenienced by the error. Mrs. Uither Brown of Odessa, Texas was in town last weekend, Crossan, Montella, Kathleen Guymon and Jim Camber-lan- gj elementary school drum- mers, left by bus on Friday and the next day after the called here by the illness of returned . her sister, Mrs. Charley Fra- parade band Mr. Ratoliff and the ncis, Mrs. Francis is ill with leave Utah for Ferron, today pneumonia at the Monticello howhere the regional music festispital. val is being held for both vocal Page 7 IJLANDTXG OUTLOOK - San Diego Fine Arts Festival, held annually in Durango, last week The akota, Wednesday Snyder, Guests played and a social bridge enjoyed be Local Students Attend Durango Festival Refreshments and Mrs afternoon Club. as guest of the decorated boxes were from MILDRED RASGOE Blossoming out in their prettiest spring dresses., the fifth and sixth grade girls held a tea and reoeptlon for their mothers last Fridav morning and afternoon, Mrs, Vlges, school nurse, gave the introduction to two films which were shown, and there were several musical numbers sung by the sixth grade night, April 17, 1959 and Instrumental groups. They will return tomorrow. Watch for an announcement of a concert to be given in Blandlng early in Mav. 1 for speedy improvement . Several square dancers from Blending attended last Saturday night's meeting of the Dolores Whirls and Twirls Club. Driving over for ah evening of fun were Jim Priest, Marilee Sheppard, Mr, and Mrs, Charles Damron and Mr, and Mrs, Chan Moulton, Groundbreaking ceremonies for the new elementary school were held Monday morning in the presence of some of the school board members and a few other people "in the know". Prom there, the school board went to Mexloan Hat, and in the afternoon returned to Bl&ndlng to inspect the high school, Mrs, Glen Black's April birthday was celebrated with a dinner party at the home of her and daughter, Mr, and Mrs, son-in-l- aw Glen Shumway, Also attending were Mr. Blaok. Colleen and Calvin Black, and Mr, and Mrs, Bruoe Blaok and family. Enjoying a Sunday picnic at Cottonwood Wash were Mr, and Mrs, Jim Burkhalter and family, the Jim Terrills, and Mrs, J, D. Elam and two nephews. The Burk-halt- ers will move their trailer tomorrow to the Osage mine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Norman Nielson, fourth her celebrated birthday with a party on Monday, April fourteen guests 13, played games and enjoyed refreshments served by the honoree's mother. Reorganization of the Third Suzanne Ward Nielson, Young Men's and Young L- adies' Mutual took plaoe last Redd and Sunday night. Billy Mrs, LaVell Palmer emerged as presidents, while Wilbur Laws Edith Lloyd are age group counselors and Mr, and Mrs, Kenny Shumway are activity counselors for their respective groups. State director of teacher personnel, Mr, Blaine Winters, was in Blandlng Wednesday to consult with teaohers concerning their farther schooling. plans for Also in town this week was the state director of elementary sohools, who visited the grade MORE POWER TO AMERICAS FARMERS You're doing a great job! We know how sincere you are, how hard you work, and the problems you have. We're happy to bring you quality Texaco products for your costly farm Havoline Motor Oil, for machinery, including Texaco Advanced Custom-Mad- e longer engine life. If were not serving you, we would like to, and offer you our neighborly, dependable deliveries. Call us today ! and sohools in this district. Hurst PHONE 0R8 - 3861 |