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Show ana aown me street HILDA PERKINS The Primary Children's dance SaVt Lake for medical treatment Albert Holt of Enterprise-Utawill be held this week at the LDS Church was an overnight guest ofvM recreation hall at with reereation hall of the Cub was on the Mesa Sunday. the picnlclng Floyd and Fern Newport were in Seouts banquet Blending The Tuesday evening, boys to get Fern's Thursday flasses and fixed, Shirley uniform, which made Elloulse Feree tended to the ooeaslen very colorful, store while they were gone. eating, the boys had an Hr. and Mrs. Dal e Steerman all in raoe, with first prize be- ing won by Steven Tremble, Joe Gatewood was admitted to made a hurry-u- p trip Sunday, on business to Dolores Harlin Harrison spent the week in Salt end at Dennehotso, Arizona, Lake either Friday or Saturday lamb their father helping his evening for an operation on his the Veterans Hospital sheep. baok, Janet list for a better few now. days, has Arsdale, Jr, the sick about'.phworn out the scooter he much but Thompson was on is brought Van home last week, came into camp Ethrlg Gray Linda Lennlnger Arohle and last week with his truck and new drove to Montlcello Saturday to visit Maxine who is in the ho- trailer. Hr, and Mrs, Bill Kollseh spital there. Let's let her know drove to Durango Thursday to we think of her and send some take the boys to the dentist. cards. The spent Frank Laimbook family the weekend in Fruita They returned Friday. Hr. and Mrs, Morris Brown and boys were In Blending Friday, ' The Athol Foulke family spent Hr. and Mrs, Bill Oakes and the weekend in Grand Junction. Hr. and Mrs, Oval Wilhite went Hr. and Mrs. Bill Oakes were r All ohildren are 3:30 and 6:30, invited to attend, entertained last Sat, in honor of her son Jimmy's Movies were fourth birthday. Mrs. Jim Hunt refreshments of hot root beer were served and and shown dogs to the small guests. Mrs, Addle Black had members this week, and their son Jim Hunt took Mrs, Jeffrey to Salt Lake to the optometrist Sunday, City Rosooe and Mrs. Duane Jaeger took the members of the Be --hoppers Club on a picnic to Cottonwood Wed, afternoon. Each member brought a covered Mrs, dish. For Heyman entertainment played baseball. those the attending testimonial given in honor of last Keele Tomny his Sunday evening grandfather, Mr.. Frank Keele, an unde Max Keele, .aunts Mrs. Belle Johnson and Mrs, Cleo Gayle, cousins, Elaine, Louise and Ralph Gayle all of Provo, Utah. returned They at evening his mother Lake City home Sunday which time the Mission Tommy and also left for Salt where Tonqy home on Monday, and attending to bustown over the weekend. iness in Mr. Riley Walker made a busi- visiting Mr, trip to turned and home almost EVERYONE NEEDS HOMEOWNER INSURANCE COULD YOU AFFORD TO REBUILD j Williams aiwrtrs Hunt left Thurs. morning Myrtle for a ten day vacation ii Pheonlx, Arizona, Mrs. Ed Nielson is on the sick; list. Wed. from Freda Hunt is in Sal this week on business Mrs. Lake City flew to Johnson Roy small little Cortetj hiti he? business taking Carol and daughter, on Wed, friend Steven Ekstedt fofJ a sightseeing trip, over whlc) they were very thrilled. Subscribe to BLANDING OUTLOOK liNeifw11 :: :: their K 'j '.to Attention URANIUM ORE :: :: :: PRODUCERS We will verify your ore Shipment dale at . :: ANY MILL :: ANY Mine thru Mill Representation ! trading post in Arizona. Mr. Walker is suffering from a heart ailment and is bedfast at this time. 359 APR 59 Form 33 p! reuni oiyj Trena Mrs Cortez last Tues. Mrs. Jess Walker re- last Adams in charge, which will hpheld this summer at Enterprise f entered Mrs. Belva Nielson and Charles Arizona were Gallagher from ness week, Mr a cousin of Mrs. Hunt they the Aribl Trading Post on the Hopl reservation for the past two weeks while the regular manager was on vacation. Among last will have the and Nielson has been managing Joe were is Hunt . of her family in to a quilting Mr. Ozro Mrs, Holt Mrs. Trena Williams returned after spending a week in Wed, Friday evening supper guests at the home of Frank Finch, then MINING BUREAU OF ANALYSIS 2509 Thomas Durango, Colorado Phone CHerry 12 they and Mrs. Finch drove to Montlcello to attend the concert. YOUR HOME? . . . Fire, flood, wind storms any one of these could demolish your home. Protect your investment with adequate insurance. See us today for a program suited to your needs. ASK ABOUT OUR CONTACT LELAND SHUMWAY LOW COST PLAN! Basin Realty & Ins. Phone qsaBGBgBll OR 8-2- 016 PH. 0R8-25- 16 3 Blocks West of Church mti - ivm - m. "M Monk GtMMkd A |