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Show Price IOC Blandin Outlook Published tnthejnterest VOLUME 1 of Blanding(and)the Surrounding Oil and Mining Communities BUNDING. UTAH. FRIDAY, DR. AND MRS. VALTER FALLON APRIL 17, 1959 Local Companies Get Important Contracts on School Project NO. lU CITY AWARDS DENVER COMPANY NATURAL GAS FRANCHISE E C Porter, representing local co ms will have theMr Mountain Natural Gas Rocky Important parts in the building Co of Denver, Colorado, was Isnew of Two elementary Blanding's school, upon whloh construction got underway this week Smith Plumbing & Heating Co- sued the option for the instal- ling and servicing of a natural gas distributing system in Blendin last Monday's City mpany, at a bid of $75,60000, was ing, Counoil meeting In a long afawarded the mechanical contraot fair which continued until the for the project Under his co- late hours the Council also listntract Smith Plumbing and Heating ened to the proposition of the will furnish equipment end in- Utah Gas Company, but stall all of the plumbing, heat- after long Service the opdeliberation The ing and Mr was Porter given to new school will have steam heat tion means that the gas firm This with coal being used as fiiel has to Install gas the The equipment will mains and right . necesautomatically bring in outside sary to all equipment properly service the that air when the. room temperature deof as air-condition- ing air-condit- ion Dr and formerly Walter Fallon, of Great Falls, MoMrs ntana, arrived Tuesday afternoon, and Immediately began the long and complicated process of get- ting themselves Installed in new quarters and preparing the office building for use The Fallons are temporarily in the Teek School same of Medicine, year he was and awarded the Honorary Degree and Certificate of Merit by the American Academy of Dental Medicine He FACDM then fulfilled his internship in the Tripler General Hospital in Honolulu, Hawaii from whence he did a year of Surgical residency Indicates the need Besides two main nst people Blandlng they The ordlnanoo servioe sire gas rooms for facilipupils; separate are be to ties provided for the faculty, for the Isolation room, for the principal's pffice and for the kitchen The kinderwill have garten department modern granting this permission further states that all completed that gas every home desires by work must be within two years, and must be available to in Blending who so that date The fran- years miniature chise is of twenty-fiv- e duration From 1951 to 1955 he practiced more permanent can be arranged size fixtures The gas firm has considered The kltohen oablnets will be Dr Fallon comes to us with an general medicine in Sunburst, several souroos for their supply stainless steel co- but excellent background both of ex- Montana In 1955 he moved, to the An eth field seems to bo nstruction Great Falls, Montana to specialperience and training He gradand most promising The eleotrio contract went to the natural uated from the University of ize in Oral --Maxllal --Facial Surchoice They are already negUtah with a BA and MA degree gery which he completed last Northern Eleotric at a $23,750 for Ihe pipeline belongin 1940, and in 1943 he received year A few weeks ago he was bid At that figure Northern was otiating to the Texas Company whloh $20000 below the next bidder ing his DDS from Northwestern U informed of the fact that Blendoil from the Aneth field in Chicago He then served two ing was in need of a Doctor and As eleotrical contractor the com- brought to Aneth the turnoff at the foot years in the Navy Dental Corps, he began investigations which pany will furnish all material Mesa of South and was discharged with the rank terminated in his decision to and labor in the installation of come here to practice . of Lieutenant Commander lighting, controls, buzzer and contractors shall have 160 workeonMrs Fallon will also fire alarm systems ing days In whloh to complete the In 1949 he received his MD The oontraot oontraots that the provided CCKT'D COL. 2 BACK PAGE from the University of Utah Iyman residence until something in Chicago separate restrooms one-pie- Here Kenneth wielding for ceremony Summers, is shown the new Elementary School With him left to right are the shovel at Monday's School Board President, ground-breaki- ng . with ce Don Barton, Bart tendent Crowley, Zenos Don Yet Bradford, Frost Superin- Flaugh, Turner and Robert Jim Blaok, Blaok, Photo by Chan Moulton C H Smith, Lyman, L |