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Show Blurred Padts Thursday. -a- rch 1. 1171 Pope t i ttQm from Kite Heres to Y aw Health ?wi5r By Leland J. Morrison, M.p. Diabetes i approximately' fiyip fimes wore common on theUte fleserystion than in the general province. Ifauae 'of our concern for thin' disease. this article. now appear ii piihotM TicbMk:problcmo(dUbctfuitUlijpt Whist fully vndeatood; the reaponaible for getting augar from fhe blopd to fhe cell ia insulin. and tbe diabetic's inaifHn cannot do the job. Aa food 1 eaten tbe augar entera the blood. Tbe normal individual keepa thin blood level controlled.' but (be diabetic cannot. The cella, unable to get the augar, aend signals to various organa to release more carbohydrates, thus elevating the blood levela even higher. The liver, which normally stores augar at meal time for release between meals, releases all it has. Tjje fat cells mobilize fats which the liver converts to' more sugar. The muscles release protein which is burned for sugar. This ' process continues to fill the blood with sugar and the cells continue to demand more, for they are not able to get that which is flowing passed. The kidneys, which normally filter the blood, are overwhelmed by tbe sugar load and begin to spill carbohydrates into tbe urine. The liver, too, pecomes overwhelmed by the' work of converting fats to sugar, and like the alcoholic, begins to jemlnl . enlarge. Acids are also produced in the conversion' of fats to sugar.' As these acids accumulate the individual feels ill, and progresses to coma and death. This is called acidosis, and results when there js" too much sugar in the system. ' The opposite extreme, called insulin shock, occurs when there is too little sugar. Symptoms of both states are similar. and often cause a problem for a doctor too much or freating a diabetic in coma Both too little sugar. groups exhibit and vomitnausea headache,' weakness, unconsciousness, drowsiness, poma, ing, I ' mmi tm py Laurence Cutler Indian ReaUh Spryice death. Acidosis (too much sugar often has given priority to school fhwn for kept If a perspn fnatos 0 appointment the patient cheats produces fhe sweet smeU of acetone on the dentpl pare. AduH dental care mto been and fails' to hof P patients breath. fnsuUn shock (top little limited almost entirely fo emergency care. someone ese out pf the deUHefs t(m- Although ifldrep fi) remain a priority, Too, adult patients must be fkerp 'af Sugar) often produces ffembiiug, nervousness.' sweating and mental confusion. seryjora to adulto have been broadened to appointment time to afow th J Ike Reaaen Behind the Treatment sufficient time to dp full serymo ' The treatment foe diabetesysrjes as ts patient ana yet not eonflkt yyith that time ' " severity. Increased activity tq purn mpre Indian Rwijth Clinic. preacrlbed fay'schw! in the pptire Phoenix Area we have the W carbohydrate and a fsrefu dief free pf Wn fswpt kpw pn ni o wmmmt mmauU wmm nikA ma. BlAilA A sugar - streets, candy, soda pop, desserts most favorable fatjonf population foden-tistthan at any other qeryfro flnit. Abo, cMnie anyway and aak to bo placed m fee - ia often all fhat needed. largely because the first permanent defr jst. Tbfa Hat f ifopt If this regimen fails, fhe use pf medica' Idedicines mouth tion is staried.' are tist was successful in raising the dental fsftboM people who owbecafed should by widely used- - Thew value fs also widely heaUVleyel of (he school children, som pomeone cancel out. firne a needed jn maintaining So, with these thoughts in mind, we questioned. Insulin can only be given' by wjuit i?Yfl of W?:1' would liho tq encourage the adults of tbe injection. A personv op jnsulin must hie tle!r e careful in the amount he takes.' and must Tribe to yjait the dentist fease' call fop an To fully juctffy the continued be careful To eat regular meals- "a use of dentist, jt must' be shown his appointment. Dentures cap be nude for insulin of many There arp services are' desired by the Tribe and adults with the patient paying haf of fhe type ' NPH. SeiniLente, utilized. Appointments when made by cost - or a fraction thereof. Adults are Lepte, ujtraLente, and adults should be kept j Idle time caused y scheduled for 8 - 9:30 and 3 4;30 Appointcrystalline, protomine zinc, regular each has its specific time of action and missed or cancelled ments can be made by calling the fJ & Q appointments are reduration! Insulin also varies in ito concendeback and ask tor to our headquarters as fndjan Health piinjc - so the dia- flected tration dentist. the of creased productivity the dentist About betic must also be careful to use the correct scale bn the syringe, the' correct concentration, and the correct type. The complications of diabetes are multiple, all resulting from small vesse diseaseeye rptinal problems such as decreasing vision or blindness, loss pf sensation or feeling, kidney disease,' poor heeling such as sores on feet, atherosclerosis which leads to strokes, hefaattocks, and premature aging. yVhy Are fhe Screening punks ffecei-sary- ? t den. WM tym-to-fe-MOf- et fulj-fira- (722-224- U-8- 0, U-4- 0, U-10- Q "The effective detection and treatment of diabetes mellitus' js essential fo avoid the severp complications. We jiave knpwp diabetics on the Ute Reservation wjip ' have not beep in for over five years to refill fhejr medications. Tbe'dlsbetic cannot' be put jn jail and' forced to take medicines; and he must recognize fhe disease and ito complications as being dangerous, and respohd accordingly .ft js with this thought that this article is intended. Diabetes mellitus ft fs is not curesbk.but , i ... , , i treatable! ic i, w f. i .. fc... Diabetes Clinic Slated hYPP: Frances PPrr??o 7 An excellent opportunity for every res- member of the'pte Tfjbe tP be tested for diabetes is eing' ofiewf by fhe Indian Health Clinic. Aprjl jsaue of tie Ufe Bqllefin- diaiu wofhihg closely wjth fheTfibe who wish fo be tcted may fake advantage of theclinics, but participation is ppfrey Charles Wells, Service Unit Director, Stated gt nwtwith the v .T.I; members of8OTjjuiijt 8ectjoh of fnto mountain Regfonal Ifefcal frogfams jaaf ggasgiffia p f Ci i jr said the patients are contwtat fho Ronie.received i Ron-ln-jdenti- al ef 'fhese pewf- Dog The y & P Indian Health Plinic st for animal control on fhe reservation. wftw - !. y i Fftonyy being 5? w-ton- Oe.nwtfiii'W wwb neighborhoods wpi be disp g fsmm n HUiwy wwttos unities each and places is Pr- - mgigBeae: f ft? rmfTsfliffl ft mt ffrea na phases pf fheir PWam. e! and wpeawy m Health. and w of Education, far uwpf to? oj Elliot A. Richardson, now serving as rdes. More than 55 percent of fhe Indflu Secretary of the Deparfment pf pbfense. Heth Serywe stoR fc of Indian doacepf. jmes iiif fl WUSSSi nsuts 6. Jte W Atomafpoutopl pcer. wjy TrhJ Folto U enforefog agency 4 WW' . , p1 m mm. w ptt Julwiw. who asalSt Wli Seaward fito htepwif iwilisUMwpiwwIil mwUhnmKK IH8 Doctor Cited for Dedfoatfon itooforeStionpfh(s' QlSSP', k he responsible aSS54 toWtntt: stray dog numberiT or when a pack pf strays aftocks and mangles a child. |