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Show Meets, Efentp By Lyu A. Ravsten, Hi). fiyfMogai Twenty-fou- r Why We Aet Like People en- f Credit Union- Order of business was (he presentation at nominees to the board of directors amj the credit remittee. Wjllism tyurkmaii and Joseph Clayburn were peqtej to the board of directors for a (wyear term-anMrs. Prudy Daniels, John Rrenn and Max Peatross were ejects, tp one and r terms on the prodit committee A door prize of salt shaker and pepper mill was won by Mro May Rjljrou ' Federal and Tribal empto?! Interested in joining the Credit Union should contact President William Workman at Rwtm e social behavior of people (s (par fled (jirougb imitation; (be tost ja foarnec other wqys. This pppnio (oday presets one way people learn-Th- d e mpst powerful wy to develop pew behayiop is though fejnfprcemeut w learning py consequences. There are (wq tyndsof consequences pr reipforppineiits; ope is pleasant anTje pther'js pjtpfu. There are thousands of popsequepces which people find to he peasant- - AfoooK them are; success, praise, pride, in ones work, money, useful gadgets, eating food, free time, reduction of tension or anxiety! having the joy of play, soqajly rewarding talks, mild electric shocks, paper tokens, badges, uniforms, letter of commendation, being more powerful than another person, being alone, having a trip, smiles, being right, acting like an important person, and two-yea- POHMONTTY PROJECTS - WJU revive the art of quilting in the eoamunities of fUndlet(, WhUeyocks' and Fort Puchene. Senior qtisens wifi seU their quilt and purchase supplies such so beads and more quilting material with the profit. Reo McCoy Doft, nutrition side, assists with the sewing ns Rebecca Cock sad Harriett Tsvespont design pieces hr their quilt at the Fort Puchesne Senior Citiseos Center. It is hoped quilting sessions will soon fm organised at Randlett and jYfoterocks. reinforcers to shape peoples behavior. Painful and negative consequences stop behavior or slow it down. Common negative reinforcers are: loud noise, spanking, criticism, mean looks, failure, loss of freedom, loss of property, rejection, isolation, joss of money, insults, strong fear and anxiety, sickness, frowns, guilt feelings, being sent to bed early, scoldings, and almost any physical pain. Some consequences arc private and personal They are felt deep inside. Others app public and given to us by another person or group of people. In any casp, reinforces do shape pur behavior and they do it every day. These kinds of human behaviors are Play Day Meets Success, Enthusiasm dir-.ect- RECREATION With REX learning patterns?) Drinking Alcohol Drinking is pleasant, gets attention and reduces pain. That is why people get to be alcpholics. Alcohol is a positive reinforcer for drinking.' Going to Wprk Regularjy This gets praise, money, prevents negative criticism and often creates a feeling of prjde. Rebelling Rebelling is fun. friends laugh an j enjoy Rebelling is fun. Ffiepds laugh and enjoy jt with you; it feels good (o be "free and pot controlled by someone else. It is easy and pleasant to blame and atUck others. Fighting For many people fighting has good consequences. It gets rid ( fonsion-- ft gets others to leave us alone, pr get them to pay attention. If we win, we feej good. Fighting, like rebellion, puts (he blame on others and takes jt pff of iis...q very pice consequence. Being Helpless feing helpless pays rewards for all of us. Some rewards arc: Helpless people dont buve to fry as much.4 Helpjess people ht feij because frill not try. they Others who ike to take respowhillfy do their work. This gjvps pptn parties a reward. Weak people generally have Others jisqgjng around (o jjelp. Helplessness gets attehtjpn. W ean quit hard tasks without crjtj-cjsfThere ere special low expectations for people who ft hapless-I- t that most caunpt Re human beings are MMvfor patterns pf and jnajntained hy established Teaching am talking are not in a ygpy gqpd ways fP get a change n. d s. Try Saying ft gu we js Wi yen ne Ra yep ne Ma nu gee ne Nq ya yen pa Na ya cs yap ne Wow fbu W to Su pro to goom su (ye pe Tp gpom an we pe By RexLaRose MULTI PURPOSE BUILDING at THE fort Duchesne passed its inspection and the site for the 1973 Tournament of Tribal Champions js ready for use. The feature of this great facility is the large floor area of the playing court which measures 94 by 50 Painted in the Tribal Teams colors of blue and orange the basketball area will seat twice the capacity of Randlett or White rocks. The fans will appreciate not having their feet steppecj on when the ball is taken out of pounds by the players as there is plenty of space between the court and the bleachers. ROLLER SKATING Plans are being made to take the 5 to groups tq Vernal for a roller skating party pn lfaroh 17. All kids are td sign-b- p rth $imr fqwnunity recreation leader or (lie yuiveriify of y(sh social wqfto-- TranbPprtawn will to provided fo? attending tod leqns wffl be arranged for those who want (o (earn. Wp T6e PWN PPff UP? VmQ TWP t ptanoww to Hh ft .w fPiiRtoJ 6. (Continued from Rag The program was sponsored by the Ute Tribal Recreation Department and by the University of Utah Social Work Center. Instrumental in the planning were graduate students Mike Jack-so- n and Bob Angle, who commented, The ;day was a success because of the cooperation of all tribal agencies to accept and follow through with their delegated responsibilities. We hope for a similar type program in the spring. We thank the parents for supporting the activities, for sending their children, and we hope for continued support for future activities." frequently positively reinforced and, therefore, are seen often. (Which of them do you use to shape another persons Cpnse-quppfe- 722-240- Indian-Oriente- d being looked at with affection. All of these can be used and are used as oyer-emphasixe- members and spouses joyed the Friday evenjugsraorgasbord Feb. 23 at Rottle Hollow ftosort prior to fWeral the annual meeting of (lie . bop m Ww- - 2) aimed specifically toward improving education for Indian students in the Uintah Rasin public schools.' That same social worker was instrumental in developing the Toy Lending Libreceived also which Title III funds in rary the amount of $15,000. The psychologist has worked with six Indian students and some teachers in the Puchesne schools, the result being a complete about face in the progress of the students. newly-implement- Non-attendan- have been reand and amazwith attendance regular placed ing academic achievement. The psychologist has also been instrumental n initiating a leadership training program at West Jr. High which is already proving successful for Ute students.' Much more is going on in foe area of social work on this Re8ef vatiop (ban I can begin to describe in one letter. Your editorial criticized social workers for not being where the action is, and for not reaching out to people with problems. This is another dilemma in which the social worker continuously finds himself and he is damned if he does and dapined if he doesnt. Yes, we havp thought of reaching out and we do reach out in many cases. I am sure bur efforts have prevented some social problems, but here again the product cannot be measured. We have also been severely cfiticized for bur outreach efforts wpich many peple view as unwelcome interference in the lives of people. Sociqj workers qan only move at the rate allowed by the client. Your editorial also implied that social among Sroblems were (o the advent of social workers. Surely no one can be (hat naive. Even in (he old days, Vwheri fife was so piire and simple, when game was plen(iful," Indian peopje had social problems. Indian leaders WMM Hfu Ml 1 Vtuyc frUCKll various ways. The prpbjemajrero dif-ferent, pbvfously, but (bey were cause for concern. Social problems have ajwqys and always will exjst, 'pot bply for Indians but for all people wl attempt to nt noq-exis(e- nt r Px-ist- ed iy aide fo the wprld.r "top? Incidentally, social workers do no( pro-fto lye probleuw' for people. TTwy W Hff PWffe Mwtowf Wjii ?? to!P P0?1 Ifod totter ways' pwn problems: The rate 5 soye (hew Pham- persops bebqyiw- - fo fact both jmjtspon phange, then, depends entirely on (he to? fto qpd rejpforfement are 'ipore pqwprfo ' wjiq experience (he problem- pwle qtrpng wj(h mqny annqql (ppftomeni to Much is luppening in sqcial work on the ways ffe( pew jeafpipg qpd to pW lhn(ah and Pursy Reservation. Many If totowN ftojw- - Plana for new soc(tj service effortsare forotiy to to y to wp Mto? a jnxje( and pato ff fo to gto? T?ito TO W'8 mature- - If ypw (yant your jppwrP to Morgqp Ukpfs fropn Fannington, Rew Mexico, Rddies falcons from Tpye Pprm-jtor-y rod yourself and bto Ut get together ao4 Wk about eped-fi-c 7 iii paljup. Rwybto,' Hv. flioenix, ead. If ypp want ypqr ph(fo (p PP f social problems. Then we can (ell yon apofogetfo, helpless person, model (hat fucks! and ftot ?W) Rookiea. pther what is being done or begin new programs and each a conseif teams are day it responding styfo, feward and btfog pegqtjve necessary to deal with problems. Ours is selection of other entrants Wpl be made oq quences bn prjde, self ssserfveness, adeMarch (4. quacy and experjmentotion. 8 imh jmM tew m m m |