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Show Thursday, March , lift Ita Ulu anao START HIGHLIGHTS Fort Duchesrie Center MYTON CENTER Friday, Feb. 23, the school was used for the tribal elections. The police were over watching the ballots and they had snack and lunch with us. The children were really excited over the police. Also, Friday we had two visitors. Frances Mountain Lion told us about some of the things she does working in the clinic.' Nettie Perank showed US her beadwork.. Hie children realty enjoyed seeing her beadwork and especially the ties for men. Feb. 28, was Connie RichenS birthday. All the children made birthday Cards for her. She had eaten turnovers once and liked them so much that she wanted turnovers for her birthday rather thah a cake. There was a candle in each one tor all of the children. On Feb. 20, the children started going for schooL The staff bade farewell to Esther Mer-kle- y to the dentist. They are excited about this. Most of our parents are coming to the last week with an afternoon party at center. Keep up the good work. Those the center. Ifni. Merkley, who had been who been coming, please keep havent cook head at the, Center seven years, is the the children really snacks, sending fill Basin mission to a leaving the them. enjoy in Florida. Parents meumted Dr. Lynn Ravsten with the wnys" Of four and five year old WHITEROCKS CENTER The parent meeting which was conducbehavior at apareht'i meeting Feb. 21. ted Feb. 28 was a success. Vera Dudley Dr. Ravsteh explained the behavior patwas here and she said it was one of the tern of that age group after a short busimost successful meetings she has had with ness meeting conducted by parent group the Toy lending program. president; Mrs. James Markey. Mary Wopsoot has been absent for RANDLETT CENTER , quite some time and we welcomed her Parents from the Randlett Head back last week. We made fry bread in the classroom and Start are in the process of making plans to had a it for lunch. Valentines Day, we made to raise sponsor fundraising project money for the children's annual trip to the some ice cream. The tribal workers cleaned our gym up zoo. They have been drawing and painting for us and it is looking very nice. flannel board for Stories at their pictures parent meetings. LAPOINT MISSION CENTER The Toy Lending program mets at 2:00 p.m. on Thursday. There are 16 enrollees (parents). It is being conducted by Vera Dudley and Elizabeth EspKn assists her. Mrs. Dudley says the program is progressing very well and they have a good time, and they are learning many new ways in which to teach their children. Another set of classes began the first of March. Any model a Rapidly becoming program, parent who wants further information Reservation and the Uintah Project about attending the classes can contact Ouray 3 2 or the Head Start Office Head Start was again observed when a director and two teachers from Washing- Ext. 40. We enjoyed having the teachers from . ton state visited last week. Barbara Calabres, director of the Head the Muckleshoot Reservation visit our Start program on the Muskleshoot Reser- center to observe OUr classes; vation (with headquarters at Auburn), was very Impressed with whitt she observed at the U & 0 Head Start Centers. Our program, is the largest. Indian Head Start project under this ICAP ared," Jason Cnch, U ft 0 director, stated, the northwestern. Indian Community Action Program is administered, out of Seattle, Wash:; and InfeltideS Alaska, Washington, Oregon, Nevada and Utah. The visitors; , who also included Head Teacher Tena Kingeotge and Assistant Teacher Sylvia Brown, were also impressed with the magnitute of the Utes hotis ing program. Although a housing program is underway ph their reservation, they stated progress is slow. The group observed Valentines Day by attending an Indian culture program at Todd Elementary School Featured on the Title I sponsored presentation were turkey; bear and social dances, sign language and Indian songs. Two children left the group last month and five were jtddM.witjli a present of 47; Alien Bumgarner moved to Salt Lake City And Blalne.Gardner is now attending the Randlett Head. Start Center. New to the .program are Daniel Seen-sterJanies Maddox,. LaBie Workman, Frederick Kisslihg add Ahgfe Wright Five year bids who will enter Kidder gar ten next tali have been working. on letter identification and phonics aii well as colors, shapes and names in preparation ht a; . i SIGNING MEMORIES - To a farewell card for Eatkar &rriey seated at Httrat farewell party la bar baaer were freai left Eiri Amts, FISTA Oak, Lais Murray, Karen CasspsSkb, Leaa Berawep, sad Beverly Myrfch, Mrs. Marldey baa warbed with the ladiee, afl cooks for Die Head Start Program, far afcvai years. Sts Id leering Tribal empleyaient ta spead 15 maathe ia Florida on a miseisa. i ; th . Washington Personnel Tour U & 0 Head Start 722-226- 247-353- . . . Blackfeet Receive Largest Recreation Project Grant largest Land and Water Conservation Fund project to date on Indian lands. The $550,000 L&WCF grant is for development of the Blackfeet Indians St. Mary's Lake Recreation Complex in Montana. The Federal monies, matched by the Blackfeet Tribal Council for a total investment of $1.1 million, will be used to provide new campground and outdoor recreation facilities on the Blackfeet Indian Papers May Be in Peril OEO-Fund- ed . The St Mary's Lake Recreation complex, part of a larger development providing complete services for the areas tourists, will include a campground situated on a peninsula, boaring facilities, and a children's fishing pond. Picnic grounds and a par-- golf course are also planned. result of President Nixons Order to dismantle the Office of Economic Opportunity. Some papers Havd bdod funded through community action agencies. For these papers there is no guarantee of continued monies as OEO functions are being transferred to HEW.- 3 White River Singers Honored At State Pow Wow . Ute singers and dancers received a warm welcome last month when they attended the annual Washingtons Birthday Pow Wow at Toppenish, Wash. .... According to Luke Duncan of the White RiVer Singers; the gfbiip WSS hohored at a dinner hlbiig With Miss Yakimi, Patricia UntUch; Miss. Indian America, Lotiise Edmo; and Billy Mills. The dinner Was a community endeavor of White Swan, Wash. Duncan reported the pow wow wrs extremely successful with singers arid danders well representing the northwestern tribes. He contributed the success to the friendly people and the mahy feasts honoring visiting singers ind dancers. Participating frdth the tl & Q Reservation were Adelbert Tapoof, Phil Chimbur-as- , Robert Reyos, Hank LaRose, Paul WyaSket, Aidora Duncan,. Sally Duncan, Amy Cesspooch, Jean Phelps; Mir; and Mrs. William Wyasket; ,and Duncan. . 0WF 500 squire yards el bloi and in the grpen twpted .carpet WeMi installed tribal of building halls and offices the, when the.pte headquarters received a face Hft" last month: Sullivans of Roose: velt was awarded the lodr bjdtd Install the Coiijgbleiini Mdttitdr babbt to cover the tt Park. A number of Indian newspapers around the nation, both tribal and intertribal publications, may now be in jeopardy as a Tribal Building Receives Face 551.56 sqiiaipe jritf W stoteri A new edit ofjight tiirqUrise blue paint Was, alsd, added to. give the .walls a Reservation, which parallels the eastern edge of the Glacier National Park, in northwest Montana. The site - Chewing backbones Campground - will be located on the northeast shore of St. Marys Lake, adjacent to U.S. Highway 89 between the St Mary's and Many Glacier entrances to the park. James G. Watt, Director of the Bureau of Outdoor Recreation which administers the Land and Water Conservation Fund, said, It is gratifying to know that the Blackfeet Indian Tribe is undertaking a project which not only will bolster their own economy, but also will provide the vacationing public with much needed accommodations near Glacier National Secretary of the Interior Rogers C.B. Morton has announced approval of the tjie example retting which led Head Start parent fjtup iioni Dr. Ljmd Ravsten. While Lester td.MrS. Sad. Mrs. Jasotf Coral Dr; left letbhique hty Chapobse explaining IUvsled tdhiiufted g qUestlort and answer session at the February meeting kt the Fort Duchesne Head Start parents. prsldent Mt. Jaips Mdrkey.td receive a itpremand Watck for t ter Dates arid place to He aririonred , |