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Show A Holiday Morning in Holladay by C. F. Orr With the arrival of robins, spring rains and spring warmth, flowers and new leaves also herald the change from winter to the forthcoming summer. THESE ARE not the only ' Although somewhat fragile, these Mushrooms are a delicacy insigns that proclaim the seasonal are excellent for eating. Many deed. In addition, the Morels e also individuals who discover a loca- - may Ire baked or broiled or change, for mushrooms an appearance. tion that produces the Morel will ped in beaten egg, rolled in On a recent holiday mom- - not tell even their liest friends cnunlis and fried in butter, CIANT (The ing in a grove of mixed trees of the location and prefer to in the Holladay area, I was maintain the secret for as long three large spherical objects at the upper left of the center tray searching for some mushroom as possible. After washing in a fine spray and the smaller round object at signs. Within thirty minutes, the coffers of the gourmet and of water, the Sponge Mushroom the right of the center tray.) The gourmand were well filled. may lie sliced and sauted in but- - largest of these was about eleven Such finds in this area have ter and provides a superb top- - and one-hal- f inches in diameter ' not lieen too frequent in the ping for steaks or prime rib and weighed nearly ten pounds, were found on past in this and other nearby slices. This variety may also lie These Puff-Balareas and are, therefore, descrih- - added to sauces of various sorts open ground near deciduous ed lielow. to lie spread over meats or vege- - trees. This mushroom is one of S PONCE MUSHROOMS or tallies such as asparagus, bnissels the very few that require (In the circular tray sprouts or broccoli. The addition I ing. Only the outer rind need in the lower left foreground.) of various nuts to such sauces lie removed to expose the white, These were found lieneath trees also improves the already delect- - somewhat bread-likspongy of the evergreen type and were aide flavor. Casseroles of layers interior. The peeling should be rather wefl hidden in deep shade, of meat and Sponge done just prior to use. dip-mak- PUFF-BALL- ls e, tid-bi- ts TRANSCRIPT AND BULLETIN CLASSIFIED AD RATES: 5 cents per word Regular (light face type) Business (dark face type) 10 cents per word 50 cents per issue Up to one inch (monthly rate) Over one inch (monthly rate) $1 per inch 11.50 per inch Display ads MONTHLY RATES are fos' consecutive insertions only, with no changes. Except witbusiness firms and individuals who maintain open accounts with the Transcript and Bulletin, all classified advertisements are CASH IN ADVANCE. AN ERROR in a classified ad should be reported immediately. The paper is responsible for one incorrect insertion only. ALL CLASSIFIEDS will be included in the TEST RUN, a newspaper distributed to 1,000 Dugway Proving Ground residents and workers twice monthly, without additional charge. DEADLINE for classified ads is 11 a.m. day of publication. n fritters makes a superb royal Refrigeration will kid keeping this mushroom in proper meal (a Tom Carlin special). edible condition for nearly a However, this variety is also month. Old specimens turn green- good when raw in a green salad ish and finally a brown powder or chopped, lightly and dryly fills the interior of the rind. When fried and scrambled into eggs. kicked or squashed, millions of Any of the other ways of prespores are puffed into the air. paration as with the Morels would It is from thif character that also please the palate and the this mudiroom is named and at stomach. OYSTER MUSHROOM. (The this stage they are quite inedible. One needs not only to collect center tray is filled with fine this variety before they begin to specimens of these and a few to others are at the upper right at change color, but in order before insects, center.) This variety was found snails, get them on stumps and cut logs of cotbirds and small animals do. This mushroom is among the tonwood and elm in a variety of very finest for eating. Slabs sizes and is excellent for eating. smalSmall specimens may be dipmay be fried like steaks or ler slabs may be dipped in beaten ped in beaten egg, rolled in egg, rolled in crumbs and fried crumbs and fried in butter and in butter. Even more enjoyable have a flavor reminiscent of oysters. inch by .Larger specimens are somewhat f are one and four inch strips dipped in batter chewy and are best when chop(as prepared for shrimp, etc.) ped and used in a stew of meat and fried quickly to a golden and ones choice of vegetables. These mushrooms dry well and brown in deep hot fat or oil. DICED AND mixed with ! make an excellent flavoring pow- -. chopped clams and made 'into der when ground. one-hal- : flu ii A - 1964 InternationMUST SELL al Harvester, lVh ton truck.. FURNISHED APARTMENTS 2 and 3 rooms. New kitchens THREE BEDROOM brick rambler and appliances, including elecfull basement, irrigation water. tric ranges, automatic gas heat: 568 Isgreen Circle. Fh Air conditioned. Large recrea18 tion area. Rates start at $75. per month with all utilities FOR SALE - by owner furnished. Rent by day, week, 514 mortgage and pay equity. month or year. Linen service Nice southwest area. Large available. rooms and lots of closet space. WESTERN APARTMENT 9 See 469 Canyon Circle. 515 North Main, Tooele. Ph. ne ipH) BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES -- ' BPOE ELKS NO. 1673 MEETINGS 2nd and 4th TUESDAYS at 8 p.m. at 61 N. MAIN. CRI I; LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE NO. 2031 - FOR RENT large home. Adults. 77 North 4th FOOD DISTRIBUTORSHIP St 882-320- 1. 8 WEDNESDAYS, t'- pjn. - - iir 8$ HAINES REALTY, 191 NORTH MAIN, TOOELE, 116 WEST MAIN, GRANTS-VILLEVENINGS GOME . IN AND SEE OUR LISTINGS. CRI 882-139- 884-663- 5. OFFICE of Dr. James tl f THEBurton, Chiropractor, will ' R. be closed until June 24, 1968. I 882-127- 5. 882-389- 4. WANTED for liquid embroidery. 185 West Center, Bountiful. jjLADIES 3 .P-14-- I' ii WANTED to rent or buy small acreage with three bedroom house, within 15 miles of Jjj i; ; - SALE 1964 Mercury convertible. Excellent condi- 884-332- 1. ly TROPICAL FISH , swordtails, 29$ Silver angels, 39$, black mollies 49$. ' Burts Aquarium. - i TWIRLING 882-228- - Tooele 8820062. 1 - - J. C. Pen- HELP WANTED hy. Dependable lady for stock room and minor alterations. 35 to 45 years old. 40 hour week. Generous company benefits, insurance, discount and thrift and profit sharing funds. Inquire in person, J. C. Penney, 38 So. Main. f start Friday. 2 and 3 bedroom FOR RENT duplex apts. Alsop Realty 882 3689. - HULA STUDIO KEAKAS dances straight THREE BEDROOM brick home Polynesian from Hawaii. Register now till for rent $110. Call deadline June 30. Boys or 4 girls. Call Vermine Haws 884 . TWO BEDROOM APT carpet- eeiO. ing drapes, appliances. $100. monthly. 299 North lst East. REWARD for the return of wal882-192- 5. . let with important Bill Bruce phone like to rent - would house with base- - ment. Will pay Ph gPd 882-021- 7. papers. IWRMEIUIS ISIS AM Call - 882-192- 882-205- 2. WANT ADS Lustre not only carpets of soil but leaves soft and lofty. Shampooer rent. Cordon Furniture BLUE 60 So. Main. ' WANTED Vonnie Classes 8 TRAILER SPACE $20 month. Ideal location. Lots of room. 3 Ph 884-504- 6. ly MAGNA new 2 bedroom duplex, $70, drapes, carpet, will furnish. 12 297-245- 1. ly rids FOR RENT two pile trailer house. Call for Co., bedroom SMALL HOUSE for rent Suitable for bachelor or couple. TREAT rugs right theyll be Telephone a delight if cleaned with Blue Lustre. Shampooer for rent. TWO BEDROOM HOME partly Tooele Mercantile Co. furnished at Grantsville. Ph 882-315- 2. lean, tint, dye, etc. call. Henry Jacob Crantsvflle, 8845063. s . . Ur 59$ LB. PROCESSED. TOOELE ICE AND STORAGE. or EASY TERMS AVAILABLE. . ' 882-280- 1 - 882-117- single bed with mattress .$10, chrome high chair $5; air conditioner SAGE KENNELS boarding $50; crutches $2. Phone 882 cats - small breed dogs. 75 1 0336. cents day. 30 USED FURNITURE - - C-2- 884-505- 5. contractor. Call 30 884-3935- .) ! . LAWN. MOWER TILLER SHARPEN REPAIR - SALES DICKS SALES AND SERVICE R. J. BURRASTON, 136 UTAH AVE. HRS 8 a.m. 10 pjn. -- 31 VISTA LINER CAMPERS; for sale,., buy . at Tooele County Dealer, Tooele Plymouth Shies, North 'Main St. aCRI 87 WE WILL pay you $1.65 for your silver- dollar, or bettei still yet, get $2.25inmerchandisi Bateman Jewelry. "Your Sil ver Store. )CR - Wedding - REPAIR J1 f steros Lawn Mower 'WE Photography radios, black and white or hand powered. Good condition PROFESSIONAL PORcolor TVs. Guaranteed Fast bedroom nice one FOR SALE $15.8824)686. WEDSUMMER TRAITS, Service. Special service to Dughome, double lot, garage, DING ALBUMS. SPECIALS. once each week. AL AND way and shed. See at 271 North SALE artificial trees or CALL I 8824826 NOW. FURNITURE LID & APPLI2nd St $8000. 88243681. FOR SALE 1953 Ford and ROYS PHOTO ; lants, Japanese mings, weep-- g ANCE. CRI 1950 DeSoto. Reasonable. Ph . willows 387 LAKEVIEW AVE. or your choice ' 22-2-5 de to order. 205 Crest Cir-- . LICENSED lftjuly $3 All types wiring and repairPhone 882-12NEW HOUSES FOR SALE under 3 2 plymouths. 58 construction next to East Ele- FOR SALE ing. Air conditioning sales, service and installation. 882 hdt., auto, trans., 6 cyl; mentary School. Special feaMRS. LUCILE J. Sutton ; 59 ture. All utilities are under16 hrdt, auto., trans., AIR CONDITIONER and 55 1628, 8823338. give piano lessons in Toi Call 1 V8, ground. Priced $13,900 and up. Mercury for sale. 8824181 on Thursdays D&D SALVAGE Low down or paint for down, beginning 1 P-6. 1968 at Bernice Von WE BUY SCRAP, FHA and-Vapproved. Phone 4 lers residence, 687 North M 2 or evenings 8824)738. JUNK CARS, BATTERIES, FOR SALE 1959 Volvo, new Street. Call 3 Pedersen-Gibor f Real Estate. BRASS, COPPER, block, paint, uphobtry $135; WOULD LIKE to rent a pasture 2945 for an i RADIATORS CRI appointment, ALUMINUM, for mare and colt. Don H. equity, house with acre, might FREE PICKUP trade for trailer. Pack saddle, Sparks PHONE 8843244 14 MUST SELL 3 bedroom many items. Reasonable. Ph 8824179. basement gar- WILL TEND CHILDREN 882 LEAKING FAUCETS; or faulty EXTRA INCOME BUSINESS 1 age. 3016.. toilets repaired. Call 8822603 ELECTRIC hot water heater, 40 Amazing new idea can start after 5. 25 in business. New method you gal. $15. Phone 8820814 CUSTOMERS need service in . BABY SITTING wanted, experien-ce- d for distributing food item enTooele, foil or part time. Earn FOR day or nigbt. 8824105. joyed by millions. NOT VEND$3 hourly and up. Write Raw- - j ELECTROLUX ING. NO SEL'iNG. To be SALES AND SERVICE leighs 1415 23nl St., Denver 1964 OLDS Jetstar 88; aut, pwr, eligible you iust have car, WANT TO BUY HOMES, 1 Cola 80205. See Louis R. Bell, 8822803 cond. excellent str., pwr. br., references, ' a) to $3,900 cash. LOTS, ACREACE OR 131 South Coleman, Tooelq after 5 p.m. 8820094 $1,000. Excellent income monthly RANCHES ANYWHERE IN like new HOMES FOR SALE from lei'jre hours. For more COUNTY. DORAN HUNT, 3 bedroom brick. Full bath, informa. ion write UNITED PEST CONTROL, 8823516 or 8824967. CRI yards sprayed, family room in basement. STEREO RECORD player; 2 DISTRIBUTING basements CO., 3605 and commercial. $17500 - $2000 below appraispeakers, 850. 8824X194 after (A) OVERLAND, BOISE, State license. M. O. Fones, WANTED small acreage or lot sal. I have homes in most lo5 p.m. 83705. Include phone IDAHO O. P. Write 8820392. cations I have taken as trade vicinity Dugway. number. 30 Box 390, Tooele, Utah. on new homes, I can sell with WESTINCHOUSE Fort. TV 1968 no down payment, no loan' af4 18in. screen. $75. costs, move in like rent Lets 5 p.m. ter CLERK-SteaProfessional rug care. Cardy plan and custom build you a BRANCH GENERAL pets and upholstery cleaned in new home. Call Doran Hunt work, four to five hours . your home. Free estimates. 882 during mid-da- y daily, Monday WEINER PIGS for sale 8883516, 8824967. 8824654. 5 4020. durfull time through Friday; i t..--. . ing vacation reliefs, first half i Eas FOR SALE of January and July each year CLEANINCEST carpet cleaner washer. Like new. plus side relief work. Good you ever TREE TRIMMING and removal. FOR SALE 1 3 bedroom home, pay, excellent working condiFree estimate. Call 2 foil baths, utility room, wall office tions. General 23 experi8821972. or FOR SALE Cas range and carpet, drapes, dottble ence with cash responsibility double bed springs. See at garage. No basement. By appreferred. Contact E. Black, b&. ha 246 East Vine St., 8821875. pointment LITTLE Dude Pet Corral, board1 for S.L.C., 12 380 West . White metal utility cabinet ing dogs and cats, Crooming with 2 glass doors, one shelf, All breeds. Black and cream FOR SALE 3 bedroom brick' 2 metal doors $20. Other asBrandi bank clerk, tiny toy poodles at stud. Tiny home. Fully carpeted, draped, WANTED 8821411. sorted items, tables,-etc- , 379 HAY FOR SALE Tooele. in teller Cashier or toy poodles and Siamese kitand sprinkler landscaped, Lake view. Items on driveway. tens for sale. Must be needed. basein experience unit Rental system. conGood 12 public ment for additional income. . good typist. FOR SALE vibrator reducing tact ability. $395 to $475 per TROPICAL FISH Kissing .All vacant and ready for immachine. Like new. 8821717. Also opening TREE TRIMMING and removal. rami, 98$. Medium silver part mediate occupancy. A beautiwork for branch cleric. Apply veil angels $1.49. Burts Aquari- Free estimate. 0. ful home in good residential Salt Lake City Employment urn. 8821241. CRI 19 area. Phone 8823148 or 882 , FOR SALE 1968 Winchester i wa- Security. Office, 345 South 6th is til j 30-3model 94 8821717. DUQ&fttGS East Call 1221433. WILL DO IRONING, Abo fend cents 4 each. . children. PENNSYLVANIA 1967 Chevdle SS FOR SALE 396. Excellent condition. Factory warranty. Many extras. 5 8824)244 - 882-096- 4. ly ly 882-441- . P-2- A - 882-357- 884-349- b P-J-ul - 884-684- 3. 882-132- 7. . - C-Jt- ly P-2- - - 882-009- (OH 9006) Petunias 2 a flat C-2- 882-387- Bedding Plants Tomatoes 882-052- . 328-466- ly - Peppers 884-386- 9. V Cow-mont- 384 West Vino Phone 882-064- h. 882-311- Alsop Gardens 009 0 IS AN PRINTUM AIT WITH NSI . - 0. C-1- 884-396- 5. 882-311- 0. H AN i IMASONARY WORK j All types, fireplaces, gar-1 age fences, patios. licensed - X 4 i CUSTOM SLAUGHTERING -YOUR CORRAL. CALL US, WE DO THE REST. WHOLESALE MEAT, USDA CHOICE OR GRANITES . ARISTO-CRATE- CRI 882-145- . 882-453- 5. 884-336- 2. V Cl Buy equity, 625 N. Brook Ave. 1 JACOBAWmurto - 882-057- 882-124- 884-383- FRAMING PICTURES ; WALKERS ! 9 PHONE 145 WEST FIRST SOUTH TOOELE. CRI 884-440- : HELP WANTED Beautician, V fr part or full time at Annettes n Hairstyling Salon. Call 882 4471 or 8824)813. i BATON Hiss. CUSTOM KILLING UNDER STATE INSPECTION CHOICE GRADE A GRAIN FED BEEF, 50 CENTS MUTTON, LAMB, S3 CENTS; PORK, 38 CENTS; PRICES INCLUDE PROCESSING. FINANCING AVAILABLE 7 PHONE IVF28 882-108- 1. Et - CRI 882-118- 9. 882-335- 0. FOR MAIN STREET commercial pro- perty. A .real bargain. Price home. Large work- shop. Pedersen Realty 882-357- 2. the work- -' DANCE LESSONS FOR RENT OR LEASE - large shop of dance, under the di60 ft. by 100 ft. cement block rection of Mrs. Linda Lee Zent-ne- r, Gas, heat, air conbuilding is now registering for ditioned. Plpity erf office space let and tap. Lessons start July Close in town. Inquire O. T. 2. Call CRI Bonus, phone 882-357- 2. 882-153- 9. 297-245- 1. tqs ,3 NOTICE Holladay. DRAPERIES READY MADE or ELECTRIC IRON repairing All' makes. Steam irons cleaned CUSTOM BUILT. AU fabrics, and repaired. ELMERS,' 38 modem designs. GORDON . WEST VINE. FURNITURE CO., 60 S. Main ;CRI CRI 882-266- 6. . 882-136- 7. ROCKY MOUNTAIN LODGE NO. 11 F&AM MEETS 1st ft 3rd TUESDAYS, 7:30 p.m - 882-351- 6. MAC-ARTHU- - HORSES FOR SALE i 882-022- AMERICAN LEGION POST 17 MEETINGS 2nd and 4th In truth, this is a lovely way to spend, a holiday morning in M'S'W" d tion. Phone 5 UNUSUAL EXTRA INCOME ; can new concept Amazing BATCH: APARTMENTS CookMOTORCYCLE 1947. HD2. put you in business. Restockfacilities. Private bath. i CRI Best offer. ing 44 West 2nd South. from and collecting money ing Heat and air conditioning. $50 ( ' and up. Utilities included. 385 230 ACRE RANCH with ' : East Vine. St., i Ph 7 1967 Chev Impala " room' Some. Will trade and ft- - FOR SALE " No Selling. To be' eligible you . after 4:30 p.m. sport coupe, power nance.Call Doran Hunt 882-- 1 must have car, references, $750 steering, auto, trans., Tinted 4967 or windshield 9,000 miles left to $3,750 cadi. For personal 0NE BEDROOM furnished CRI ant. . on warranty. $2150. Phone interview write CAL-- IDA 280 Nortfa lst S' THREE BEDROOMS, garage, car leo? 9 R afternoon. MFC. CORP., 953 W. 4do7. CRI port, basement. $10,500. Call BLVD., OAKLAND, 28 CALIFORNIA, 94608. Indude ', FOR SALE 1959 International MAGNA $65 one bedroom trailnumber. phone 4 wheel drive ton, Pickup, -' comer home, drapes, carpet, THREE BEDROOM tri level 1 i traction $550. 88243362. posi drawer. pletely furnished. basement with baths 2 28 INSTRUCTION loan. assume' - 4-- e; Puff-Ball- s, 1967 half ton pickFOR SALE HAY FOR SALE 21-2- 5 up, V8 engfne. Custom with . deeper. Total price $2300. See FENDER GUITARS j amps. Salt at 392 South 1st West. Lake As low as $8 prices. ) 1951 FORD fordor excellent . down and $8 per month. CHAUDOIN MUSIC CO., running condition. ' 220 S. Main, Tooele. Fh 882 471 Marvista. 3336 or 882-444- 4 4 10 ly Puff-Ball- ly CRI 882-192- 0. Ink-Ca- , meter - six; Meadow Mushroomsr-threOyster Mushrooms - two; Sponge Mushrooms - one; wild Asparagus - one medium bunch; wild Onions - one medium bundi 882-000- ly TRAILER SPACE for rent with large play grounds. wild rice (or barley) and a pint or two of small provides a meal of delicate flavor good for any table. A trip to the same area approximately one month and several good rains later produced the following bounty: Giant s, 8 pounds - six; smaller 3 to 5 inches in dia-- train., rear; 12x6 steel bed; dump hoist; FIRST CROP HAY for sale. -dual wheels; power brakes; Floyd Walters, Eida. 882 23,000 miles; excellent con1745. 4 or see dition. Call 'HAVE YOUR insurance rates at 40 So. Coleman. Terms CUSTOM CUTTING and baling. gone up? Check our low rates. Contact Stephen Bunn, 882 can be arranged. PEDERSEN INSURANCE 2802. PRI 4 AGENCY. Two-spee- 882-078- 8. 2. INK-CAP- (mimwfy (jRifiSMp HU - 881-006- (The clump of smaller mudirooms at die extreme right center.) This variety was found near the base of a large cottonwood tree. These are edible and should be collected and used before they begin to turn into an inky black liquid. A soup made of meat broth with a small amount of SHINY t X |