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Show TEST RUN, Friday, June 21, 19C8 COMPUTER CORNER By Bud Good - Which U mora important bfttting or pitching? With batting avengei down thU year over laat, and rookie pitch-e- n like Kooeman and Ryan of the Mete retting-- all of the headline, you would think that the batten have been eunk along wnn their avengea. A Not true. Computer Corner poured the current aeaaon batting and pitching ataticticc into the electronic evaluator to meaaure the correlation betewen ERA and the WonLoat record and the Total Runa acored with ERA. . Total Rum wen picked aa a meaiura of offenac, rattier tMB a batting avenge, because it ii mora predictive of a team'a mm-ingrecord the to aeaaon. the end of at keep the However, juat straight, the computer evaluated the correlation between batting avenge and atandingi, alto. Here an the retulta through of May 21: CORRELATION WITH PER CENT W6KLOST ' ' l vgQ 33 n rr -- rvn "I nil l I I 11 V lnea ) American , V UVJUVJ SONUS STl CHIQUITA GOLDEN RIPE ' Nothing tastes better in the summer than golden ripe, delicious bananas. Hurry to your nearest S if iTKSLSS Store and get some today! AG-Fcbdto- wn SALAD BOWL SET, APRICOTS CHERRIES large. Rip, Scuita ftottt. Delicious, Cotorfirfe Utah Dixie's FinMt Qualify. Delicious IB. IB. o II Dove Liquid 32-o- z. Q 1m af a V i CUTSIYIE uu1 Ul I II tf-W- size. b 47 T w wurn ana. KLEEIIEX TISSUES KBIOGG'S 'I Large 2M CowillaR. fteautifwICeleis. i pa? GREEN CUNT Na 303 Cans 18-o-z. Package ASPMJUBSIT i? taI GKEM GLUT Co) TOTAL RUNS BATTING AVERAGE .81 lfue ' National Lmaut J S1 M M The New York Mete, the Dodgera, and Pittsburgh, lead the league in ERA. But they an at the bottom of the list --in the Won Lost standings showing a negative correlation of M between ERA and the standings. What doee the negative correlation mean? For the first 40 games of the aeaaon, at least, the strongest pitch-bi- g teams find themselves weakest in the per cent WonLoat column. Since it still takes one run to win a baseball game, this computer valuation points up the importance of the bitten. Howard, Horten, and Killebrew have not gone off into some great batter's Valhalla in the iky to die. In both leagues the standings an determined more by the batten than the pitchers. Measure batting in terms of total runa or batting average it doeant make any difference. Fete Rose and Curt Flood an leading the league in hits for batten with more than 100 At Bate. And St Louis is leading the League. EDITORIAL Too Hot BONUS SM M i 7c off label. rvrracv rar Ull IVA. i M for Comfort All you have to do to really be sure it's summer is to take a look outside at that clear blue sky and check the thermometer to see how hot it's getting. The weather and the whole personality of summertime make you want to go out and enjoy yourself. Think how great it would be to spend the summer sipping around in a new convertible with the top would be the down or maybe a trim little power-bothing for the not months ahead. There are all sorts of things to do with your money this summer a new color TV, that family vacation. It might be a swell time to add air conditioning to the house or maybe redecorate the place completely. Hold on a minute though. Before you get all carried away with big Ideas for summer, take a good dose look at another the one thermometer that tells you what your "credit temperature" is. The luxuries of life are great and everyone would like to be able to enjoy more of them. But when you start reaching for too many luxuries by way of the no money down, easy payment", route, you're 'asking for trouble. As! your' expenditures each month increase, you come closer and closer to the danger some on your financial thermometer. once youTe in tne danger cone 11 uutes umy a. Bugm increase In financial pressures to burst your credit thermometer and you, along with your economic security and credit standing, are shattered. Before you indulge yourself or your family in too many of life's luxuries, take a Ions, hard look at your credit thermometer. If your credit temperature has gotten to the point vl being a little too warm for comfortable living, don't put any additional fuel on the fire. Let things cool off financially before you throw another tog on the fire. A moderate temperature always makes living more comfortable. (AFPS) at DISHWASHER ALL LUX LIQUID VVUWI ft CANTALOUPES FRESH PLUMS DOVE LIQUID Al&feJ HAL PITCHING ERA uconi BITES' RITZ CMCHRS GO BE PT 1 I ) wbtteeoctt. mm 1 J XUTTtfC 1 "nfr-,.- . ; ' DINNERS ':-.Ca- ns HASH BROWNS CRIVEJCL CRM. PIES SLICED iREEAE) I I eTUPD-120- frosting ever. food! 4 L No frost forms! No space is lost to frost! No dell.fi CU. FT. SIZE. Room for up to 406 lbs. of SHELVES. One adjustable for flexibility. 4 ROOMY' DOOR SHELVES. Keep loads of food packages finiertipandy. ssftfisoi una m talk) is sMntalp w rom |