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Show TEST RUN, Friday, June 21, 1968 THE TIME TO USE YOUR HORN IS a . Lovely miss The win, friendly anile of Cristina Ferraro can be seen in MGMs The Impossible Years. awr.SO Ht WOULDN'T DOM A JUST ism QUALIFY 'in' HWC SIMM AS WELL?" You are eligible to unit! which Freedom Shares interest at the rate of 4.74 per cent if held to maturity of 4V4 the Payyean if you enroll in roll Savings Plan where you th work or the Plan when you bank foe the regular purchase of Savings . Bond-A-Mon- . - . rant officers and enlisted men to apply. This means more opportunities for men to forge ahead in fulfilling their potentials and as individuals and soldiers also in gaining valuable leaderchalthe meet to an Are USCONARC ; r opportunity you HQ, and experience. ; fulfilling your Army potential? lenges, make decisions, lead men ship training Major General Kenneth J. Dont you owe it to yourself and enjoy officer status. In FY 89,' approximately 11,-0- Hodson, the Judge Advocate. and your future to make the best second lieutenants are pro- General, Department of the Army, t, of your abilities? DUE TO increased manpow- grammed to be commissioned recently told an OCS graduating er requirements, US Continental tii rough the k Infantry, Ar- class their commissioning marked the beginning of a challenging and Command (USCONARC) tillery Engineering Officer Army is seeking qualified men and wo- Candidate Schools. Recent changes and fascinating career. For you men for Officer Candidate School lower the education level require- have accepted the basic chalmeasure up to the pro(OCS). More soldiers now have ments to permit more male war- - lenge to fessional standards of officers in the United States Army. . MEETING, THIS challenge ; men like Johnny S. Matthews, are i. officer candidate at an Artillery 1968 Effective 1, June Improvements E Bond interest rate increased from 4.15 per cent to 4.25 percent (the full legal limit) when held to maturity of 7 years. H BOND interest rate increased from 4.15 percent to ' 4.25 percent (the full legal limit) when held to maturity of 10 years Freedom share (U.S. Savings Notes) interest rate increased from 4.74 percent to 5 percent when held to maturity of 4 and Gain Your Full Army Potential Read This Then Take Action U.S. Savings Bonds Freedom Shares . Fort Sill. He enlisted in the Army in 1961 and spent 27 months in Germany, where he was selected as Colonels Orderly 57 times and battalion, brigade and division soldier of the month and soldier of the year. After 14 months as a civilian, Candidate Matthews reentered the Army, received Special Forces training at Fort Bragg, where he was Generals Orderly seven successive times. In Vietnam he earned a Silver Star; three Bronze Stars, four Purple Hearts, an Air Medal, the Vietnamese Campaign Ribbon and the Vietnamese Service Rib- while Infantry OCS is conducted at Fort Banning to include Commissions in the Armor branch and Signal Corps as well. Engineer OCS at Fort Belvoir trains candidates to be officers in Engineer, Ordnance, Quartermaster, Transportation, Adjutant General, Finance and Military Intelligence Corps. Chemical and Military Police Corps officers will also be commissioned at Fort Belvoir if a requirement develops during FY 69. The Womens Army Corps OCS is at Fort McClellen. OCS graduates' are commissioned in tiie US Army Reserve bon. active duty and have a two-yeArtillery officers are trained commitment upon graduation. and commissioned at Fort Sill, Those who rank in the top 10 per ar The contest between the cent of their class may be designated military distinguished graduates and may apply for Regular Army commissions under C&)R EM and the Civilian Team did not turn out so fortunate 'for CBR. The final score was 20-1for the Civilians. ' tiie provisions of AR The game included such UNDER A recent change of amazing occurrances as SP4 BurArmy Regulation 350-5Army ton being knocked cold by a Officer Candidate Schools, apfielded trail ricocheting from', his ' plicants do not have to be colshoulder to his head, while the lege graduates nor do they have 1 1 J. umpire, LTC Nieto, nearly lost to serve a full year of active - his leg when the batter threfv a duty before applying. In addition bat 'after hitting the ball. to successfully passing the offiThe CBR enlisted men waged from SCT Recently cer candidate selection exams, what amounted to a track meet l0 &SG js promoted jacfc y. Makaukane, male applicants must have at against the CBR Officers in what whiIe SP5 Adrian A. Wolf and least a high school diploma or a was originally intended to be a j. Wood are being passing grade cm this General baseball game. At the end of released from active Both Education Development Test, nine innings the enlisted men SGT Wood and SP5 duty. Wolf 601-10- 0 (1 np IOOP OICS sct Rrt while female applicants must sporting a 24-- 2 victory over reived CBR have completed at least two years the officers and appeared to Ire Achievement of college. service. just beginning to pull away. ire-we- re Certificates j of for meritorious ' . one-ha- ; the counter at banks and other financial institutions, when purchase is ac- - ' lf years. Freedom Shares may now be purchased over companied by a Series E Bond of like or larger denomination. (Freedom Shares were previously available only through a regular, automatic purchase plan, such as Payroll Savings or E Bond: $20,000 LIMITATION ON Holdings (face value) calendar Bond: H calendar $30,000 year; Freedom per year; per Share: $1,350 per calendar year. limitation on Purchases (face value) Freedom Share: $350 per calendar quarter and $1,350 per calendar year. Limitation on Deductions for Payroll Savings (purchase Freedom Share: $20.25 per weekly pay period; $40.50 price) per biweekly or semimonthly pay period; or $81.00 per monthly pay period. E and H Bonds pur- OLD BONDS and Freedom Shares rhamd prior to June 1, 1968, receive comparably higher interest rates for the remaining period to next maturity. Freedom Stares purchased between May 1, 1967, and May 31, 1968, continue to earn at the original rate of 4.74 per-ceto maturity. (Because of the rising scale of interest accruals, most outstanding Shares will earn comparably high returns for their remaining period to maturity.) - I. - A QUICK REFERENCE OF LOCAL BUSINESSES AND SERVICES Bond-a-Mont- Qml! VMiM&ctt GILLESPIE'S EXCEL SERVICE tl North Mala SL Distributors for Phone Hubli 182-31- 35 Oil ft Refining Products Lubrication Tirosj Batteries, Opo&f obb to II pot daily ft Sunday Anti-Tree- se, FURNITURE APPLIANCES Satisfaction Center nt !; (fyuaUKteK & 398 North Main Headquarters Swamp Coolers! THE one to cool the average size home sells for 1 10"l and delivers 4100 cu. ft. per I WESTERN AUTO STORE Marcellas Lewis, Owner 49 North Main 47 East Second North 882-154- 1 Dial 882-32- TIRES AND TIRE REPAIR CLYDE GIBSON TIRE SHOP GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES Full Capbtg Lifetime Unconditional Guarantee Tire Repairing FINE CARPETS Vulcanising Excellent Stock all Passenger, Track Tirei ft Tabes Phene 3 GOOD DEALS SEE US FIRST Open Alleys Every Night Refrigeration and minute. Many others in stock! Residential and Commercial Construction -Build on Your Lot or Ours - Call Iko at 882-340- 1 Notu to Young Mameds Choice Buildbig Lots Available BUY NOW - 1JI1P LAW -- Tooele Bowl We have both Phone We Specialize in Construction Company Air Conditioning n ns vv B 725 Keith Main Satisfaction Center 04 Gordon's Furniture For Pedersen Insurance Real Estate 87 North Main Phone PLUMBING -- MOHAWK CARPETS APPLIANCES SIMMONS MATTRESS ARMSTRONG LINO AND TILE Fh. S. MAIN TOOELE S8L227S 882-357- Worthens HEATING GAS and ELECTRIC Our specialty: Graphiting and Preserving Roofs APPLIANCES Dependable - Reasonable . E. Vine namnna .aw. ISfcKItoa ilEiSD aw 0 mir GBuD Ikmued Painting and Roofing Contractor 15 Qm KELV1NAT0R N Bryan's Plumbing & Heating Sal ei and Service Expert Installation 882-035- - 88242279 Ptone 1 882-405- 5 GBrai CTO fiBEffiEBID iOaQ (iBHsmtiffiftffi fflPMIHKEPlt 1 v |