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Show New Pay Scale Effective July 1 flbo feSevMQ SvavI offodiVo My 1( lfM. lack pay Nileo ops OMpocftod pvy ism oiyoctoa to m ettecnve 9mmm!k hflHC Atwu, - - " Iwi 6- -1 6-- omens ... .... .... .... SMMM iim.m IMM IKF.M KRf .M MM.M MM.M MM.M MM.M m mm m!8 M.M M nm IMM MIM M.M M.M m.m m.m mm m M.M M.M M.M W.M MM.M fir?.. 94 AS M.M ST. m.m CM WW CM MM haw n m ma .m m.m ma MM CM 0--1 MM.M - MIHM M4.M M.M MM Mi M M.M M.M 4M.M MM MM S5 mi.m M.M M.M M.M M.M MM ii m MM MN M.M W4 M.N MT.M MM M.M MI.M M.M MM MM TM.M M.M MM MM MM M.M M.M M.M M.M ::r.:: :::::: MM IMM M .M IIMf .M MM mm mm in, MIM IMI.M NI.W M.M IM I M.M IMI.M IMM IM hum nm MM m.m m m M.M M.M MM MM M.M MM M.M IMM n.w IM.M Ml M M.M vm IM.M MM MUM M IIM.M MM M.M M.M :::::: :::::: ::: WITH OVH POUI YEARS OF IMUSTED SHVICE M.M M.M M.M M.M fit M M.M M.M M.M TM.M M.M MM M.M M.M M.M M.M M.M M.M MM MM MM M.M MM MM M.M M.M M.M M.M M.M 07. 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Safety precautions are designed for II M.M , Make sure the guards and safety devices are in working condition and properly adjusted before you operate a machine. Do not operate it otherwise. Do not tie down or otherwise block out guards and devices like Air Force Academy Celebrates 14th Year ! WASHINGTON (AFPS) President Dwfcht D. Eiienhow-- . er signed a congressional bill es- -. tablishing the U.S. Air Force Academy 14 yean ago April 1. This June the Academy will:, graduate its 10th cadet class..-- ' On Aug. 14, 1954, U. Gen. Hubert R. Harmon, Special As-sistant to the Secretary of the Air Force for Academy matters, published General Order" , No. 1, announcing the Academy was established. T.M M.M a 'yfegpf swats 1 KW KBKMSHMESjQ Saving is the key to ' - Start saving today at trie credit union where your money works. You receive generous dividends because credit union members work, loan and save together not tor profit not for charity but for mutual service. 1 1 You ore sura) to be more profitable saving at your Credit Union. Dugway Credit Union - 522-257- 2 Uli5. OdVingS OOnOS 1 r qs u LEX CONNELLY ANNOUNCER Is Beeafsssid On Of The latkn'i Kill 1 Bast When piling materials, have a safe base. If the floor or ground is not level, use dunnage. Barrels should be chocked at the base. Pile to a safe height. The pile should be steady and should be 18 inches from the sprinkler heads. materials. Lock-i- n Cross-ti- e k SH0P-AT-H0M- UNIVERSAL APPEAL ease yaa deal reeonise her. Skaroa Harvey was mm of the lovelies apMsrbg n the Uai-film "P. J." rat cu. una uae m wu Planning a long run in yourj outboard boat? Here's 1 naviga--, tion tip from the authorities at Mercury outboards. Using a large navigation chart can be awkward and keeps your eyes off the water too much. Before starting, go over your intended course 00 the chart and make a checklist of buoys you will pass by type and number, hazards to be avoided and landmarks. A list of this kind is easier to manage and read than a big chart. By glancing at it die steer-- i man can see quickly what he must look for as his boat speeds along. Of course, you should also have' the chart aboard in case vou need complete information but you'll like the checklist method once you try it. 3 IV Service ALWAYS FIRST QUALITY 001 nuncmw wok mW mmV m mmw mm mm m m ages. J V I dipt PO IT RIGHT. SARSe? by Annette GOmore Club of Dugway held a meetThe Silver Candlelights home of Mrs. Kelly McBride, June 5. Miss Roberta Salomon, president, presided over the meeting. Miss Jensen of Tooele County Home Demonstration Agency was special guest at die meeting. Club activities and .gave She talked about important these following dates of coming events: Officers Training School June 14 Leaders Training School June 17 thru 21 ' Club Camp Tooele 12 County July Public Speaking Contest Early August Jr. Demonstration Contest August 12 thru 16 Jr. Style Review August 21 Club Fair Tooele County August 22 thru 23 Utah State Fair September 13 thru 22 were oresented. A demonstration on Two demonstrations machine seams and stitches was given by Miss Annette Gilmore and Miss Lynnette Gilmore. A demonstration on pattern laying was given by Miss Roberta Salomon, Leaders present were Mrs. C. C Sterns, Mrs. Terry Tools and Mrs. Kelly McBride. The next meeting of the Silver Candleat lights will be held at the home of Mrs.. C. C. Sterns, June 21, 1 p.m. All club members are urged to come. 4-- H ing at the 4-- H 4-- H It ill at 11 E I fill IIII - lllLm n"" m rt n M - s&- Iiii M HTKWS MM f if SI u SMni-Oi- Fess Reynolds Ml Ml LIBERTY BULLS T0DGHEST BODED STOCK ! mi CLOWNS 1EM CSg)E0) - J Produced by GOLDEN STATE RODEO CO. CIIUCK IIENSON Parades - Concessions Announcing a great New Decorating Service SH0P-AT-H0M- E 4-- H 4-- H Tap Cowboys m- e 4-- H BUCKlfS M Penneys-Tooel- . TOP PORSE PUIS ENTRY FEES 1 1 882-356- 9 the rate of 76.2 per cent on May 1. Now they have increased to 78.1 per cent. All military units at Dugway met the Department of the Army goal of 74 per cent. Three of the eight directorates for civilians at Dugway made die DA goal of 80 per cent. DA goal for civilians is higher than for the military. Freedom Shares or U.S. Savings Notes have increased in' number since the canvass began. uvi auuw uui una uiwicuc up in die savings bond percent-b- y 4-- H u E Custom Decorating Vfl mm - VllfY MCCRAY Watch for our Associated Drug Specials in the Salt Lake paper ACSEPJA every Friday Rides & Shows Hood Drug 34 So. HUriffi Customized, Just-For-Y- ou Decorating Huuliu DtM MOrcangf ssmtoniid sfloraNRg Mconrag qm ohm mm last about tolori. HMVtd bv kxk of fflhdiML oafund ohoMt nsinilf w ITS TIME TO CALL KNNEY'SI Year col vfl bring oat of ew EX- and prictJ rTdtKNCED Docorator Consonoati ion yoar Woddn't it raaty bo bottor to cbooM, right in yoar bomof from over 2,500 MnpsM of Praptry, SUpcever and itapbobtory fabria? H yoar 'cup of tea' b corpoTf wo bbLmmi nnng tmso ianipnii ohoi mJmhMA We'l help yea in year loUctwn . . . adviie you on cokx . . . suggest xdt-ing new datvoHng desigM and tMLYealbflnefhrreai our neat we offer the tetd servkol You'l find our prices making and instalariM ore roatooohls, ear matorids superb just what you always expect from Penney'sl - - One of Penney's Professionally Trained Home Decorating Consultants wiD be in your Penney Tooele Store to make your appointments shop-at-ho- All me Day Friday, June 21 Penneys Tooele . Check tools for good condition before using. Turn in defective and dull tools. and type Use the right-siz- e tool for the job. Carry tools in tool box, not in pockets or pants belt. Edged or pointed tools especially should not be carried in your pockets. ONLY FOOLS DISREGARD SAFETY RULES. You are not expected to take any unnecessary chances or to work under hazardous conditions. Report unsafe conditions to your supervisor. Your suggestions and recommendations for improving plant conditions are welcome. I Dugway's Club News 5 MAJOR EVENTS AND TROPHY With 100 per cent representation, civilian personnel of the U. S. Army Hospital here lead all others in the bond canvass which ended June 15. Military personnel at the hospital also took the honors with an 81.8 per cent representation, The bond canvass began May . 1. Dugway civilian employees were taking bonds at the rate of 73.6 per cent at the beginning of the canvass. They ended up Willi i u per 1x111 uu juiic iiii Bonds11 were being purchased the military at Dugway at7 . says I Sharp Tools and Sharp Wits Add Up to Safety and Efficiency Keep Your Job Safe and You'll Keep Your Job or use dunnage between layers to steady the pile. Piles should to insure stabe stepped-bacbility. Maintain aisle space. Dunnage and ends of material should ! All power tools should be' 4 ( grounded. Do not use electrical equip-- ' ment or activate circuits if your hands are wet or if you are standing on wet ground. Do not attempt to' repair defective wiring or other electrical equipment. Keep electrical equipment pro perly oiled, free of grease and dirt. self-closi- Hospital Civilians Lead! Bond Drive With 100 Trte;Credit Union Umbrella Man a controls. d After machine repair or maintenance always replace the guards immediately upon completion. Don't Short Circuit Your Life Solvents and flammable liquids are a major source of fire. Use as little solvent as is necessary to do the job; keep solvents in do not containers; use solvents around sparks, flames, or excessive heat. . Good planned housekeeping is the best protection against fire. Dispose of all scrap, wiping rags, newspapers, rubbish, and old paint and oil cans. When you weld, cut, solder, or use any type of flame or heat, make sure there are no combusti bles in the area. Observe regulations posted throughout the plant Call The race horse, Setts Bello, won the $100,000 Widener Handicap this year with a gnat lata nm alonjf the rail. Ha is named for an express train that runs between Naples and Mi lan, Italy which, of runs on the rails. 5 II verul-lBtematiom- al M.M leta'i two-han- not protrude beyond the face of the pile. j Never Be Haphazard With a Fire Hazard -- Off-Gua- rd ' MM MM Ittneti to prevent the one purpose loss of life, material, and money. Commonly a greed on safe practices are developed as a result of the experiences and suggestions of workers, supervisors, and safety specialists all over the country. Each of these safe practices has proven to be valuable in helping prevent accidents. Mostly, precauthey are common-sens- e tions that all skilled workers naturally take 'because they prevent injuries and are the best-wafor doing the job. But, as each of us goes about our daily routine we are apt to become a bit careless and overlook many of our safety precautions. Now and then it becomes necessary to give our jobs a secwe need to notice ond look Listed below are the a few tips about specific job hazards. Minute Any Can Have an Accident In It. ! MI.M M.M M.M - M.M M.N M.M Don't Work Yourself to Death By Accident Salt Lake City, Utah Ai a result of inquiries concerning the question of tax liability for CI'i who may be killed or die in Vietnam, District Director of Internal Revenue for Utah has made the following announcement. ANY MEMBER of the Armniiui MM.M MM ed Forces who dies on active MM M NM M duty while serving in a combat IM.M IIMI.M zone has his taxes canceled; or, I7T7.M MI.M if already paid, refunded to his estate. IM.M MM.M This applies whether the CI IM.M IM.M M.M M.M is killed in action or whether he dies as the results of wounds, dinm sease, or injury which originated while he was on active duty in a combat zone. Relief from paying income taxes applies to the entire year in which the death occurred. Relief also applies to any prior year ending on or after the first day the deceased served in the combat zone. IF TAXES have been paid, they are credited or refunded. Since January 1, 1964, both TB.N MM North and South Vietnam and MM MM the adjacent waters extending MM M.M M.M M.N MM M.M roughly 100 miles from both, have M.M M been officially designated as a M.M M.N combat zone. M.M ENLISTED ...... Pay No Taxes ou 6iiaM ohbs? thmu naH Viet War Dead ZrJ!1Z |