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Show 1)1 IS 1 higw a I Feb. 10, 1967 Dugway Proving Ground, Friday. Cagcrs Win Over USD shot limit's Mustangs chalkf(Nirtli victory of the January ,11 hy down- ed up llicir season here ing (lie I'tuli School of lieaf, in Region Five's Jordan Division aetiini. The win ly Walden Gurney's varsity completed a sweep for the Mustang, as the Dugway Jay-vedecision captured a 49-2- 1 in the opener, lipping their record to 6i for the year. Hie victory for Dugwav's varsity lifted their Jordan Division record to while the Utah School of the Deaf is still s 50-3.- 5. into a lead and way was never headed in rolling up the easy win. However, the Eagles, despite a poor first half, 9-- 0 actually outplayed Dngway in the second half. The Mustangs, Iiehind the shooting of Dennis launoreaiix who had eight of the points, rolled to a comfortable 14-- 2 first period lead, as the Eagles could manage only a held goal by Steve Tinlie Miners Down Dugway Mustangs Sale Begins Friday at Western Auto for the rest of the period, as Burry Pierce's jump shot accounted for their only bucket. Meanwhile, the Mustangs were pimr-in- g it on with a outburst lehind the shooting of Lainoreaux, Mark Ceerlings and Lee Critch-loto take a 31-- 7 halftime ad- ht 83-7- 4, ut w vantage. FOR ALL practical purposes, the game was out of USD's reach at that point, but the Eagles Morlock. came on stronger in the second Morlock added a free throw half as Dugway relaxed its presand Raymond Monson sank a Field sing defense. The Eagles outscor-e- d in the second goal to cut the deficit to 14-- 3 Dugway, Come in and See Our in seven games. 2 opening tlie second quarter, but half, including a scoring IN TIIE varsity contest. Dug- - then the Eagles hit a dry spell spurt in the final quarter. Large Furniture Department Steve Morlock led the charge Youll be glad you did! by the Eagles with 18 of his total 19 (joints coining in the final half, 11 iu the fourth quarter. Morlock's total took high game while Randy Sohriski honors, added seven for the losers. Dugway was paced hy a x scoring attack, as and Mark Ceerlings tossed in 13 each and Lee Critchlow added 14. Others reaching the scoring column for Dugway were John McBride with four, Craig Ceerlings with three, Sain and Ted McIntosh with two each, and Ed Whittle with one. CIVILIAN AND MILITARY PERSONNEL DUGWAY SHOT 39.6 per AT DUGWAY ore finding that they can cent from the floor, hitting 21 TRANSCRIPT AND BULLETIN CLASSIFIED AD RATES; of 53 shots, while the Utah School ava tiaM and mflea of driving by banking at 5 cents per word - Regular (light face type) of Deaf hit 15 of 48 for a 31.2 10 cents per word - Business (dark face type) Baae. on the Firat Security Bank facility the percentage. At the free throw cents per issue - Up to one inch (monthly rate) 50 14 fired in of 22 line, Dugway Ita aenaible, too, because all their banking $1 per inch - Over one inch (monthly rate) for a 63.6 percentage, while the needa can be handled in one easy and conven$1.50 five hit 16 per inch - Display ads for 31.2 of Eagles cent. MONTHLY RATES are for consecutive insertions only, with per ient atop. In the junior varsity game, no changes. Except with business firms and individuals who Dick Raton's Mustang juniors maintain open accounts with the Transcript and Bulletin, rolled to an easy victoiy behind pri viImportant alio is the exclusive inter-us- e all classified advertisements are CASH IN AD ANCE. immedi-atelthe shooting of Mike Donnelly AN ERROR in a classified ad should to reported ta available for husbands and wives with a and Phil Lowe, who collared 15 The paper is responsible for one incorret insertion and 11 points respectively. Bruce joint Firat Security checking or savings aconly. McCullough, David Palmer and ALL CLASSIFIEDS will be included in the TEST RUN, a count. The partner working on the Base has Cround Stan Sur added five points each, newspaper distributed to 2,000 Dugway Proving the convenience of the Base Bank, while either additional without while Bill Church had fimr, Mark twice residents and workers, monthly, Earlewine had three and Jim Jefhusband or wife may use the First Security charge. feries added one. DEADLINE for classified ads is 11:00 a.m. day of publication. Bank Office in Tooele. Scott Morlock, a d FOR RENT eager, tossed in 13 to lead the SPECIAL NOTICES Eagle juniors, while John Holt FURNISHED APARTMENTS two had seven and Henry 'Armijo and three rooms. New kitchens Your Account had (Hie. Today Open BPOE ELKS NO. 1673 and appliances, including elec4th and 2nd MEETINGS tric ranges, automatic gas heat, Post Exchange Building DUOWAY OFFICE TUESDAYS at 8 p.m. air conditioned. large recreaCR1 l at 61 V M 11:30 un. to 4:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday tion area. Rates start at 875 10:30 to 6:00 p.m. on Civilian Pay Day per month with all utilities LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE furnished. Rent bv day, week, 2031 other fcO. (Every Friday) month or vear. Linen service MEETINGS WED. 8 p.m. W ell, ita here at last a 8:00 ajn. to 4:00 p.m. on Military Pay Daya available. WESTERN APART2 PHONE place to go to pick up those MENT, 515 North Main. Too(Laat day of Month) necessities that you forgot tc ele Phone get at the Exchange. Yes, a WOULD YOU like to know more CRl Post Exchange Annex, and its about the Church of Jesus TOOUI OFFICE 70 So. Main Ofabove the Housing located Saints Christ of Latter-da-y ROOMS. Singjes and 9:30 am. to 3:00 pm., Monday thru Thursday fice, across the street from the information SLEEPING For (Mormon)? seven Club. doubles. Service $12.50 week. Oasis open Its 6:00 9:30 am. to pm., Friday write P. O. Box 102, Tooele ...a .week frqm 7 p.m. to 1 Ph. Grantsville. Motel, day. Windows Utah, 84074. TWO Drive-U-p Opm Nightly to 9 p.m. P-- T Feb. 14 or P-6:00 pm. Toothpaste, cigarettes, shoe candy, cookies, stationpolish, FOR RENT or sale - two lied-rooery and lighter fluid are but a SPECIAL NOTICES unfurnished house in few of the items stocked. Grantsville. $85. Ph. 882-14AS OF THIS DATE, February 7, CRI or 1967, I will not to responsible The first known production of for any debts contracted to THREE ROOM fumishedtosement alcohol to distillation occurred other than mvself, E. apt. Couple. T in a German monastery in the anyone A. Russell. 12th centurv. ONE BEDROOM furnished apt. $110 per month. 260 North FOUND 1st East. Phone CRI FOUND - binoculars. Call 1462. TWO AND THREE bedroom apt. at Deseret Depot Activities. Partly furnished $65 and $75. HELP WANTED - SALESMAN 882-2528 ext. 3251. es 3-- 4, 28-2- 3, wili-les- 18-1- r 1 Western Auto Mwmg The Dugway High School lost a hard-fougMustangs bout with' the Tintic Miners, cn the winners' home court last Friday evening. The loss the Mustangs dropped record to three wins region and five losses. built up their The Minere winning margin during the first minutes of the second four quarter when they collected 12 ctraight points, turning a 0 deficit into a 4 lead. three-prong- 32-2- 24-2- were only able to The losers come within six points of catching up during the remainder of the contest. The Mustangs were also hampered by foul trouble during the second half of the game. Craig and Mark Geerlings and Dennis Lamoreaux all collected four personal fouls in the first half and sat out most of iTm&S (SG Lam-orean- Posl Exchange Annex Often -- 882-108- 882-006- 2 ' 884-334- 884-552- 5. m FIRST SECURITY BANK 882-075- 7. 882-130- 6. REAL ESTATE -3 b. Shop Early For Complete Selection Woodward Realty TIRED OF driving long distances on an icy road to get to work? Or do you need a larger home? We are offering 3 todrooin homes at prices to fit any budget, with and without basements, fireplaces, carpeting and drapes. All are landscaped. For more information call Dottie Keysar WANTED - full time grocery stock clerk. Allens Foodtown. Valentine Merchandise C-- HELP WANTED MEN Experienced man with semitractor trailer experience and pay rate after one week training period unless qualified 82.80 per hour. Contact Leonard Elder Vt gal Plastic PITCHER DECANTER 882-137- 0. THREE ROOM furnished apt. 1 baby welcome. No pets, inquire 384 West Vine. Phone 0 bedroom apt. large, Easy access to school and shopping facilitiee. 2051 9080 West, Magna. South 2 WILL DO IRONING. Ph. 882-326- 1. TTlhlFOGDCDlnli Goffidl SERVICES FENDER GUITARS - amps. Salt CERAMIC TILE work new and Lake prices. .As low as $8 remodel. Local licensed condown, and $8 per month. Chau- -' tractor. Free estimates. Call 882-18doin Music, 220 S. Main, Tooo Fell. 3 after 4 p.m. 6 or ele, P-t- 882-333- 882-108- 1. 25 n. MOVING CALL BAILEYS MOVING AND STORACE. (Agents for Allied Van Lines) Free Estimates. Tooele Call Collect Salt Lake City 1 2955592. Cleans Carpet without water. Carpets ready for instant use. Brush rental $1.(X) per dav with cleaner. CORDONS FURNITURE CO. 60 So. Main HOSTS . 882-139- CRI NEW WURLITZER Story and Clark and Sohmer pianos $495 and up. Fred Cunard, 882- - HAINES REALTY 191 North Main 2614. PIANO CRI FOR RENT - 3 room furnished apt. Ph. 882-286- 2. 0 FOR RENT.- - Good hone pasture. Ph. 4. PROPERTY in a business NEW two manual Wurlitzer zone and rent the existing organ. $689. Fred Cunard, ph. house on it to make the payCRI ments. House can to sold or moved to another location la- BE gentle, to kind, to that exter. Both house and property pensive carpet, dean it with ' Blue Lustre. Rent electric list for only $15,500. FOR RENT or sale shainpooer $1. Cordon Furniture Company, 60 S. Main. furnished or unfurnished trailer. One todrooin furnished or unfurnished apart- PILE is soft and lofty . . . colon retain brilliance in carment. $50. pets cleaned with Blue Lustre. INCOME TAX Rent electric shainpooer $1. Fed. and State, p Tooele Merc. IIOcR BLOCK CO. America's largest tax service LAYAWAY VANILLA - Watkins Weekdays 9 a.m.-- 6 p.m. double strength order one After 6 by Appointment save $1.67. Will deliver quart 191 N. Main when you wish. Call Parley 1 Phone CRI Savage. FOR EXPERT IRONING decorative Pillows FURNITURE Call CRI 882-329- 1. HOUSEWORK and ironing. Pick up and delivers. 882-118- 0. P0USH 89 Value 882-401- Call Evenings: 882-139- - 4 882-356- . 882-40- 11 - 8 882-455- CET HOUSEHOLD Rawleigh from Kelvin Hoover, 28 pro-duc- 6 FOR SALE - 2 todrooin house with upstairs apt. in $8000. Call 882-407 after 4:30. 882-379- 7. Only 37 FOR SALE - all brick, split level, 8 rooms, 2 fireplaces. 2 bathrooms, 2 car garage attached, hot water heat, corner property, near schools, fully landscaped. Ph 7 b. girls new. "" VETERANS! BOYS B Bike, 26-iuB Bike. Outgrown. Like Giant Sa 26! 882-473- 1. We can build you a new home or set a moved home anywhere in the county. 100 financing. Hunt and Long Co. CRI 882-473- 1. 884-383- Mon. thru Sot. 882-242- 3. .9 a.m. to 8 p.m. p-- HOLSTEIN Heifer, 1st calf ki November, gentle to milk. calf $200; Will take any black heifer calf $65, other youig calves, bucket loader fit any tractor with power bucket $250. 887 West Vine Street. puts P-- I 884-665- ft. CRI HAY FOR SALE - LaVel Cluff. Lake Point. 297-529- 7. 25-iMOTOROLA TV. and white. $85. Ill. Black 882-219- WHOLESALE MEAT - USDA choice or Cranite's Aristocrat. Halfs or wholes 48 cents II:. Price includes processing. TOO ELE ICE AND COLD STORACE. 14 882-260- 1. CUTE and loveable female collie ' puppv. Make offer. 882-063- FOR SALE condition. - furniture. Good 882-358- 3. b. WE REP 1R all makes of stereos, radios, black and white or color TVs. Guaranteed service. Special service to Dug-wa- y once each week. Al and Lid Furniture and Appliance. CRI 882-096- FOR SALE plus carrypoing case 2 and one-ha- lf wer scope box shells, almost 0 new. $65. 30-0- 6 882-452- FOUR BEDROOM home, three toths, 25 ft. living room, fam- VEHICLES FOR SALE FOR RENT - furnished mobile ily room, double garage, firehome, suitable for couple. Rear place. Southwest area. May 1959 f.llhV hlCaniino Assume 6 of Altortsons. assume 514 per cent loan. tolancc of $ 40 mouth. No down or 374 Mellia Drive, (380 payment. Ph. 28 West). FOR RENT - one small tochclur FOR SALE - 1961 Rambler Sta"- apt. Cooking facilities furnishtiiai Wagon. Ih. 8S2-35ed. Private tolh. Heat. See TOR SALE - new brick home, 3 full liascinent. near 7 liedroom, 365 East Vine or call new Stake House, Grantsville. 2 alter 4:30 p.m. FOR SALF. - 1965 i INxIgc 5 Phone 8. or pickup, radio, heater? long lied. 8 four speed trails. HOME FOR RENT In Magna Call $1800. 2 bedrooms ext. 64. firm, crunfom. M(,BILfc ,,OMfcS 8400 West 2700 Phone 0 South, Magna. ITS NEW - 1967 Raiielm Elrae 1962 FORD Fairlane, FOR RENT - four room fum. travel trailer. 15 ft. sleejis six. stick, cylinder, 22 mpg excellent con2 10x52. Bel 1965 Air. apt dition. Must aell. $750 or best Very nice. All set up. offer. See Bruce Steadman, FOR RENT - partly furnishRaneiiu truck. ( lump19(i7 at Beeline or cell ed basement apt. 3 rooms, ' ers $.395 up. torseiis, 1090 'V. 61 working couple preferred, ph --S F'Oltl) Rancli Wagon. 9 1st North, TixkIc. 0 $450; Luggage carrier for sta4 tion wagon $15: lloinelite THREE ROOM fomished apt. ebaiu saw, $50; 55 Pontiac, 427 So. Coleman. 0 50x10 NASHUA hoiisetrailcr I960 $50: 48 International pick up. ft. furnished, air ennd. New FOR 3 rocm apt. RENT $50; 50 chickens and 28 by 12 furnace. paint job, new gas inquire at .77 England Ave. bait $73: 8 ft. sliding 0 Ralph I laws, glass dour. $50; fire882-243- 882-253- 1. PIANO teacher - college trainAll levels. Mrs. C.Juel ed. son. Call Saturday. Parker's Music. LAWNMOWER and small en- repair -gine sharpening parts, saw service. R. J. 131 Utah Ave. Tooele. Bur-rasto- n, CRI 882-157- b. 882-022- 884-394- P-1- 882-112- 6. Itcd-nxii- 882-219- 0. NOTICE TO RESIDENTS of Grantsville - Erda Lakepoint - Clover St. John Stockton. DAILY SERVICE DUGWAY EVERY Wed. We repair all makes of washers-drve- stoves - TV's - color-blac- k and white - radios - car and home - Stereos - tape or record players - C. B. equip. We sell and install antennas. Tcxicle -- rs SPARKS . APP. T.V. 6c 315 West Peach, Grantsville. Utah. FOR SERVICE CALL: 1 or 864-506- 864-390- 28 h. 882-999- 882-225- 9. DE LUXE Frlgidaire automatic washer. Excellent condition. $85. DRAPERIES Ready Made or Custom Built. All fabrics, modern designs.GORDON FURNITU RE CO. 60 So. Main. CRI 882-157- 0, 882-215- ROUSH CLOTH CRI 882-473- 1. FOR SALE - Bendix automatic ironer. 7:50x14 slick tires. Ph CUSTOM KILLING, under state ' inspection. Choice Grade A beef, 49 cents; grain fed pork, 40 cents; lainlis, 54 cents; mutNEW CE Automatic Washer. ton 26 cents. Prices include Damaged cabinet. $96. Reg. 7 or I ' processing. $149.95. Call ; FOR SALE - three bedroom home with full finished basement, garage, large lot all landscaped. Buy my low equity end I'll haiidle con20 tract. S. Hale, Grantsville, week daya after 5:00 all day Sat. and Sim. p.m. number of Ixiild-ing- s move on your lot. shops, toms or homes. Complete financing. Hunt and Long Co. WE HAVE we can Make good - remodel into 882-172- 2. n. We have a nice. large constructed masonry home. Full liasement. fully iinproved lot. $11,4(K). 100 per cent financing. Hunt and lumg Co. CRI 882-357- 2. CRI 882-060- FOR SALE - home close in. Rental liasement. Buy equity and take contract. 29 So. Hale, Grantsville after 5 p.m. INSURANCE b. 297-272- 1. Scrubo Y'OUR PEDERSENS AGENCY. ts V-- 882-9951- ). 882-436- insurance rates our low rates. Check gone up? HAVE Pine-cany- 26-inc- h . 884-5055- $5-U- 884-663- in iny SAGE KENNELS - Boarding cats, small dogs. 75 cents dav. Heated. .f GRI Two-tod-roo- m 882-994- WILL. TEND children or 1 home. ELECTRIC IRON repairing. All makes. Steam irons cleaned awl repaired. ELMERS, 38 WEST VINE. CRI 882-261- 4. I0 1. p-- BUY' 882-116- 3. - upright bicycles, fuml-nitur- e, misc. rummage. PH. OFFERS VETERANS! 882-289- 0. WANTED orad ly 882-175- 2. RENT - small furnished housekeeping apt. Contact Western Auto. CLEAN, $07.50. 65-5- 882-232- 1. FOR 882-064- of 54-4- Craig Geerlings, 13, and Mark ten points. added Geerlings to get in the Other Mustangs Lamcoring column were with five points, Jdm oreaux Mike Golden and McBride with four points apiece and Ted Mclntort with two. The Mustang Junior Varsity Dick Rnben ran their under to seven wins season record losses agaiiist eight wins against only two defeatsg in region competition by rAlly-in30-2- 7 deficit at a from half-tim- e for a 5648 win over JV team, ns Ted the Miners McIntosh hit for II points. play here toThe Mustangs of night, meeting St Marks Salt Lake. MISCELLANEOUS 882-459- 7. GOOD MAN OVER 40 for short trips surrounding Tooele. Man we want is worth up to $16,-50- 0 in a year. Air mail S. E. Dickerson, President, Southwestern Petroleum Corporation, 534 N. Main Street, Ft. C-- 7 Worth, Texas. 54-3- K1G pint-size- un. 48-3- In addition to Outram, three ether Mustangs scored in double figures as Critchlow got 14 Easy to Place an Ad - Just Come In To 58 N. Main Its - 20-1- 9 'UCflFQiyJGplh dM Ueainif Mc-Ev- the final 16 minutes. The first quarter waa nip n tuck with the lead changing sides sevent imes and the score four timea during the tied ope.iii:& eight minutes, before the Miners scored in the final lead at the second for a close of the quarter. Roger Outram, leading the Mustangs' attack with 22 points for the night, and the Geerlings brothers each tallied five points in the opening quarter. Ray Schow, topping all scorers with 33 points, aid Cliff led the Miners to their Fife 8 half time After the Miners had built 8 lead in the openup a ing minutes of the third quarter, the Mustangs, led by Lee Critchlow cut the winners' ad8 before dropvantage to 4 sccre ping behind with a at the eiid of three quarters. 882-315- 9. SH2-I00- Licnst SALE - three bedroom F'Oli SVI.K - 2 licdrooii! bouse home, good location. 304 trailer' 10v5 fj. $.'1300. Call after 5 land Drive, 1. F'reil at plume SSI-31p.m. FOR 1 I place logs. $13 loud: Dual plug-in- i amp. $25. Phone SS4- M74. Lynn Ellis, iso Hale St. Grantsville. p.jj I FIGURETTES and Fiain-dation- s. Enlarges the small BRAS bust, beautifully supports the larger. No wires, no padding. Phone 882-11for free fitting. Mrs. Adams (ask about a lira party) WANTED - home bldg. lot. 882 1987. 8 1 |