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Show vt mi. Safety Division The safety police ofDugway is to reduce Proving Ground and keep to a minimum accidental manpower and monetary losses thus providing more efficient utiliistion of resources and advancing the combat effectiveness of the Army. OF SAFETY DIVISIONS functions is to maintain a large-scal- e safety campaign throughout the installation. How much larger than this ONE can you get? Mr. Robert Alg. Dugways safety director is responsible for advising the commsnder all safety matters concerning and for administering a comprehensive accident program throughout the installation. He provides general administration and technical supervision over our posts Safety Division, which is divided into 2 main groups - the Industrial Safety Office and the Range and Agent Office. When asked what he frit was the most import snt element in Dugways safety prostated that gram, Mr. Alg Although the safety officers of the different units on post are the backbone of our safety program, the individuaual is the mcst important element. It ia the duty of the Safety Divisions officers to advise post personnel concerning safety. But advice alone is not enough. You must have action! And this action must be initiated and maintained by each individual. f 4 4 . MR. PAUL WILLIAMS, Range and Agent Control officer, talks directly with his safety personnel out on field tests. This link-u- p aids the office in doing a more effective job. 4 4 Mr. John Yackman serves the Industrial Safety Officer. He is responsible for the development and implementation of a safety manageirrrt program for industrial, trur-paviation and mctor vehicle safety within the installation. He conducts the post-wid- e safety survey and inspection program covering industrial shops, administrative buildings, meand electrical equip-- , chanical ment, etc. u . Mr. Yackman also distributes safety guidance to all areas of the installation via all available forms of communication and provides technical training for military and civilian drivers in the areas of new driver and remedial driver training training. He conducts technical inspections of buildings safety and field test areas and, on occasion, serves as a test safety officer during field trials. Mr. Walter Cooper is chief of the Munition Safety Branch, which is a part of the Industrial Safety Office. EVERY YEAR, the Safety Division holds its annual gas mask check within this building and most of us are familiar with the procedure. The Range and Agent Control Office is an integral part of the Safety Division. The chief of this section is Mr. Paul D. Williams. The Range and Agent Office is divided into Control two main subdivisions, dealing with chemical safety and bioThe chiefs of logical safety. these sections are Mr. Howard Brickey and Mr. Richard Hansen, respectively. The Rsnge and Agent Control Office is further divided into two smaller segments - the Airspace Office and Range Control. Mr. Harold England is the assistant officer and SSG airspace George R. Crasper is in charge of the range control unit Mr. Paul Williams is the airspace officer. It is his responsibility to coordinate Dugways activities with these of Hill Air Force Base, with respect to testing times and air space restrictions over both the proving ground and the Rfendover Bombing Range. The Range and Agent Control Office coordinates safety aspects of all test operations. For example, the office advises division chiefs about the safety hazards involved in conducting a field test If the test is hazthe Range and Agent ardous, Control officers assist in the field by monitoring the MR. JOHN YACKMAN, industrial safety officer for the installation, is responsible for advising division directors on all safety matters. The Range and Agent Control Office is also responsible new personnel for orienting concerning the wearing of protective clothing and safety procedures in the field. Each year the office conducta a mask test. All post personnel who are issued masks receive a realistic check-ou- t to insure the effective operation of their masks. t MR. BOB ALG is the director of the Safety Division. Here, he is shown at his desk coordinating safety procedures with one of his test officers. THIS IS a gas detection kit. It is used to determine the toxic condition of the air. This kit is one of many used by the Safety Division in their field operations. K S3 ZWf I iI I I I I I I I I I 2 'j MR. HOWARD BRICKEY, chief of Biological Safety, . shows off the protective clothing used by mcst test' personnel while theyre in the field. HERE YOU SEE the small radiological badges worn by personnel to detect the presence of radiological material. This is just another safety feature to insure the over-a- ll success of our safety program. FIYE James Kurkcske, clerk for Safety Division, displays the safety wear distributed to all personnel who work in a hazardous area. |