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Show Feb. 10 I Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, KSTWAY ... Corner Chaplains William A. Zorichak special YOUR REMODELING by Chaplain (MAJ) Enemy .No. 1 Capsule Scrutiny I have destroyed many more people tlian all the weapons of war. nations and ruined Empires and Kingdoms. I have under-mine- d I have rohlted religious leaders of their proper influences. 1 have made hated exiles of the most patriotic citizens. I have made outcasts of the most devoted friends. I have penetrated the most secret conferences. I have corrupted the most sacred contracts. Yes, even blood relatives have keen my easy victims. GOSSIP. My name is Is it Your Civil Service Retirement System THIS MONTH ONLY JONES Prefinished DON'T MOVE . . Botbrooa, Kitchc, ywr Ruua r Garaful hi REMODEL NOW... JMPAOVE OLO'IOOKIM WAitS MAHOGANY PANELING . WITH BSAVTtPUL PAEFINISHED PANELS. 47 Otti, JOKJES Pro Finished Mahogany 0t&t4 3 pg, NHGiCri DOISE CASCADE PRE FINISHED WALL FINISHED PANELS Your choice oF 3 Finishes ANTIQUE Dont x, $ LAUAM, CHE CRY-TON- E OR BIRCH T? OtWjr just think about ft... Do it I This is the twelfth of a series of Question and Answer" articles on the Federal Civil Service Retirement System. Questions answered are those most frequently asked about the System. Any other questions you may have will lie answered liy the Civilian Personnel Division, Employee Services Branch. Q. May an employee make deposits to the Federal Civil Service retirement fund in addition to the regular 6 and one-ha- lf per cent deduction from salary? A. YES. Such deposits, commonly known as voluntary are made for the express purpose of increasing the annuity at the time of retirement. These contributions must lie made in multiples of $25 (i.e., $25, $50, $125, $200, etc.) and the total may not exceed 10 per cent of the total basic civilian pay received since August 1, 1920. Q. Ls the privilege of making such contributions open to all employees? A. It is open to any employee who is a memlier of the retirement system, provided he does not owe any deposit or redeposit covering prior service. Q. DO THESE contributions earn interest? A. Yes. The amounts deposited earn interest at 3 tier cent compounded annually. No interest Ls earned after an employee's membership in the retirement system terminates. However, if a former employee is eligible for deferred retirement and does not withdraw his voluntary contribution, interest continues until the beginning date of annuity, or until date of death, whichever is earlier. The contributions, plus interest, constitute the voluntary contrilmtion account. Q. How are payments made? A. THEY ARE MADE directly to the Civil Service Commission. An employee who wishes to make voluntary contributions files application on Standard Fonn 2804 with the Commission, and the Commission Issues the necessary instructions for making deposit. Q. May an employee make voluntary contriliutions after separation from the Service? A. These contributions may lie made only while the employee is in the Service, or at the time when his annuity claim is actually being adjudicated by the Civil Service Commission. Q. MAY AN EMPLOYEE on leave without pay or on military furlough from his civilian position make voluntary contributions? A. lie may make voluntary contriliutions based on civilian salary received between August 1, 1920, and the lieginning date of leave without pay or military furlough- - SPECIALIST FIVE Donald Doting, Deseret Test Center, and Specialist Six Joseph Richard, U. S. Army Hospital Detachment, take the oath CPT Ronald E. Mitchell and reenlist for periods of six and three fr. years, respectively. Extended Aid For Taxpayers For the convenience of tax- payers in the Salt Lake City area, the Internal Revenue Service will provide taxpayer assistance services on Saturdays as well as weekdays from now until the deadline for filing 1906 tax re- turns. The IRS office at the Post Office and Courthouse Building, 4th South and Main Streets in Salt Lake City, will lie kept open Saturdays from 8:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. to answer questions local residents have on their Federal tax returns. Previous experience indicates that most questions can be answered over the phone. District Director Roland V. Wise said the Salt Lake City office will also schedule Saturday appointments for those who find it difficult to come in during the week for an examination of their returns or to pay bills. The telephone numlier to call for assistance is This is the same numlier taxpayers should use during the week, Mr. Wise 524-587- said. The Saturday hours are being implemented this year as part of the IRS program to improve its services to the public. He tHM h repair Hllfht PPtTIS fm $U cNlihjs . SIS (JUTE CEILING THE A AU&A1 l$Q BEST WAY HNS AH STACK SPSPBMDEP CSH.IN6 6&IO SYSTEM NATEPUU FSatPeSSIMY CSlUYPt. PL IMT KOTtt o)(o TILE SPECIAL ZO NO LITE poise im IHSULOTI0U I SPECIALIST FIVE Herbert Hardie, a member of the motor pool crew, receives congratulations from 1LT Maurice Wilkinson for his six-ye- ar reenlistment. ARMSTRONG . . . THE SAFE Give Her A TIRE Lacy Valentine! BfPttSg CH00t jfc Baby PATTdSMt WWW. me NGYU BACH SfrU. PT. OAfr. 3.98 to 6.95 on any road Dob . Waltz TRUCKLOAD drive SALE 20 Gal. 3.98 you to 6.95 . GARBAGE CANS WBH&y $ jl 90 SWEET HEART BLOUSES by Donokanny 3.98 to 6.98 324 North Main NOW Mon-F- ri REMODEL NOW! Free Delivery Best Prices Open All Day Sat. Free Estimating 8:00 fo 5:30 Clydo Gibson Tiro Shop GivoHorA Gift Caitifkate (f eane riy Bed J i) 725 North Mala Strati Tooele, Utah .ft 882-363- 0 j BROWNS V |