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Show Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, Feb. 10, 1967 . Universities Offer Degrees For Retirees Suggestion Newsletter lU'tini'K may qualify for As training under the provi-si)- ii tin i'A Kill at the iinivrr-siti- fi of Tennessee and Oklahoma. THE UNIVERSITY of Ten nessee offers an academic year of leather-trainin- g in welding, maelectronics iir drafting chining, design. Credit will lie awarded lizard a Iwchclor of science degree in industrial education. Tn qualify fur admission to the Tennessee program, applicant must have some previous experi-enc- e in the fields of instruction. They must also meet college entrance requirements. Those interested in this trainVocational-Techning should write to the ical Teacher Institute. P. 0. Box Y, Oak Kidge. Tenn. 37830 for further information. 's THE UNIVERSITY of Iiachelor of lilieral studies pnigram allows retirees to enroll in any of four major study areas social sciences, humanities, natural sciences and inter-areThis student earns the BLS studies degree thnnigh anil short term residential seminars. He can complete the independent study portions of the program in hours, as his work or location may prevent his attending evening college or residence irf gP n VfeslBP' jT BsWseSailBBBBBF you all know, an Army-wid- e promotional effort is Iteing . made during the period from January 1 - March 31. 1H67, to promote the Army Suggestion g Program. Special emphasis is placed on military participation in the pnigram. YOUR HELP IS NEEDED! Please submit your ideas today. We would also appreciate receiving any ideas you may have for use as promotional material, such as posters, etc. e The Incentive Awards is making every possible effort to eliminate the Im-kloof suggestions and to bring the program up to date. At the meeting held on January 2H, 52 suggestions were considered and recommendations were made. The committee met for alxiut six hours on that day and plans to meet at least once a month until the suggestion program is operating (Mi a current basis. Keep the suggestions coming! AN IDEA IS ONLY A DAYDREAM UNLESS IT IS PUT TO Si AT STOKIS fiejJ GIVEN lie-in- . Omi-initte- Okal-lioma- -- a. POMS USE. -- Civil Service off-du- ty programs. UNDER THE (II Bill, students would receive $25 a month rate, support, a quarter-tim- e from the Veteran's Administration, for 12 months for each of the four areas, with only three months charged against their en-- . titlement. A veteran would use only 12 months of his entitlement for the entire degree pnigram at OU. The Beauty Shop Grand Opening . P tnturancal Cotrtaat (T V rf j JnSf I & LEONARD HANSEN 49 S 1st East M2-J80- STATE 5 2 Mwwmm.t m awVBsiw s 'ssssw: av aa svbhsji aass a. mmm ROAST 98' im ombbs top mum STEAK 90'I 1 til Be he whole family anti-pover- ty dryers. J Ms Civil Service Commission has announced a new e career examination for fields. several in opportunities The test will lie given oo Saturday, March 25, in fifteen locations throughout Utah, including Dug-wa- y and Tooele. This new announcement is specifically designed to provide opportunities for people with two years of successful academic train-fu- g beyond the high school level, or two years of appropriate responsible experience in administrative. . technical and clerical fields, or a combination of experience and schixiling. Equivalent training received under the manpower development and programs will also receive credit. People currently enrolled in school who expect to complete the necessary training bv Novemlier 20, 1H67, may also take the test. he rated eliThese people successful complegible pending tion of their schooling. Some of the openings will lie in such fields as general administration, automatic data processing, finance, accounting, library, statistics and supply. Openings in other fields may also he filled thnnigh this examination. ever, summer and temporary positions, science and engineering technicians and aides, post office jolis, trades and craft jobs, firefighters, guards, typists and grapher positions will not lie filled from this register. The starting salary will he $92 per week at grade CS--4 with for advancement opportunity capable, people. Individuals who are ed may obtain applications or further information by asking for the "Junior Federal Assistant" announcement number 406 at most post offices, or Federal personnel offices. Applications must lie postmarked no later than Febniary 20, 1967. U. S. full-tim- th Mr. Harold Halter, Pott Exannounced change manager, plana for the grand opening of the poat Beauty Shop. The event, will take place on Saturday, February 11 between a.m. and 2 p.m. The Beauty Shop is located on the aecond floor of building 5234, just above the nursery. Cecil Tucker will be Mrs. hostess for the event. Cookies, coffee and tea will be served The Beauty Shop to visiters. bouts S15Q0 in new equipment, 16 pieces ranging including from a manicure table to four IEEF Exams Slated j'jjjjjjj ' Hills Iras. Mae, Drlm t UDBY PINIAPPLI JUf. No. 211 HAWAIIAN PUNCH Rid, Orange or Grape Chunk, Tidbits Coni-Crw- hsd, t " Oz. Pack of Bottlf- t-. FRENCH'S VAHDILILA 2-- Heart Shape (SAKE 10-o- z. Pkg.-ue- PANS 25' Conversation giS CACJDY E1EAQTS 224z. jjgJ5MBigB C O light-Qu- ft Premium, dtad, pwri 3 British Sterling I I tUik AikUi RmiM-- i Mth erawra VfrVCEy PlfMic Fmnn. HxWysuckkBrond2 pound il The exciting new after shave and cologne Speidel Watch Bands Watches pir flAMMEP FOR HIM: 25 mmktZJ. Can Slza. Sturdy Golvanlzadlran-- Y with lid I . II Pockatsf cookies fLaTl I I mm II LL J OuMCtuM W Fl R 1 i at $2.88 i Just received . . . Beartiful new Jewel Boxes Watches Watch Bands Pendants from $9.95 up Pierced Earrings 14k $2.00 for the gift you give with pride let Bateman Jewelry be your guide Uaffoman Jewelry Tho Gift Store Main- - i. : y SWEET PEAS .Pblades RfS. Radios FOR HER: Jr 5 StMl-2Se- Off r?....2picfl.89c TTT" : LK5r 67cBfe. 4fioe II Nubiieo Idaol rNut UU1 T chiffon .cog aO tin " HofiaLMi v..03 art SriTT II " " BOUILLON Tie Tacks 5 N. 'i hard-worki- KARO SYRUP Billfold $5 Value 464s. Can 'i VA5 Value ' oy ' |