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Show r Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, Sept. 23, 1966 my Meteorological Teams lover Continent at 100 Sites I As one new neighbor to another -- Congratulations Beehive State Bank U.S. Meteorological Teams are providing specialized meteorological support to about 60 Army arch, development, test and evaluation sites, located in the U.S. from Alaska to Panama. HEADQUARTERS FOR THE teams is at Fort Huachuca, Arizona, where they are assigned to R&D Activity. Their mission is to provide specialized support services to aid in Army Electronics activities. RDT&E planning Meteorological data thus can be correlated with test projects data. Specials ng. ARMY MET TEAMS have, in the past, manned sites as remote as Northwest Greenland. The sites encompass all types of climatic environment: polar, arctic, temperate, desert and tropical. Varying in, size from the team at Hanover, New Hampshire to operations at Yuma, the 10 teams are comprised of 10 officers, two warrant officers, 300 enlisted men and 13 civilians. At Dugway, the present authorized strength is one offi- cer, 58 enlisted men and one civilian. A separate detachment was organized in 1965 at Deseret Test Center, with an authorized strength of four enlisted personnel. Among the organizations being supported by Army Met Teams are: Electronics Command, Test and Evaluation Command, Mobility Command, Munitions Command, Combat Developments Command, Cold Regions Research and Engineering Laboratory, U.S. Army Natick Laboratories, Missile Command, Ballistics Research Laboratory and the Deseret Test Center. four-ma- n 72-m- METEOROLOGICAL SUPPORT is tailored to fit particular needs of using agencies. Operations of some of the teams are limited while others provide a broad gamut of services, including hourly surface and upper-ai- r observations. Most of the teams take nonstandard observations and measurements, such as solar radiation, ozone, dust, temperature and b wind profiles, wind chill, and globe temperature index. wet-bul- Some of the meteorological data obtained by the observations ate given directly to the user and some are returned to Fort Huachuca for processing. More than 15 million data points per year are put into final useful form by group. DATA PROCESSING and distribution are normally accomplished in 30 to 45 days, from the date of receipt at Fort Huachuca. data-contr- ol In Fiscal Year 1965, the Met Teams participated in 280 RDT&E projects, in support of 60 separate activities. Examples of projects include the firing of missiles, artillery projectiles and rockets; the functioning of chemical and biological warfare weapons systems; the aerial delivery of vehicles and equipment; the effects of climatic environment and extremes of climate on the long-terstorage of various kinds of equipment, materials and munitions; and the mobility of vehicles in jungle and arctic m In RDT&E programs, it is imperative that all of the recorded meteorological data, visual observations and weather forecasts be extremely accurate. The success or failure of many Army tests and experiments depends upon accurate information provided by the Army Meteorological teams. At Dugway, the Met Team not only provides field support for testing activities but also maintains a section in Ditto Technical Area- where meteorological data is provided for the Forecasting Section, manned by the 19th Air Weather Detachment of the 6th Weather Wing. The data furnished assists the Forecasting Section in providing short and e weather forecasts and flight clearances from Dugway. , long-rang- Denial Care Supplement Proposed For DOD Medicare The Catholic women of the Chapel, with the assistance of Father John F. Kenny, have formed the Dugway chapter of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine. Executive officers were elected following the Scptemlter monthly Mass. They are: President - Mis. Bradv Earlewine; 1st Vice President - Mrs. William 2nd Vice President - Mrs. Gerald Gerinuga; Secretary - Mrs. Mrs. Daniel Kolb; Treasurer Lawrence Xygren. Honorary president is Mrs. Joseph J. Fraser, Jr. Attending the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine Institute at Park City were Father Kenny, PFC John Hanley, Mrs. Earlewine, Mrs. Thomas George, Mrs. George Helreigel, Mrs. F. Miguel and Miss Laurie Miguel. CCD classes for teacher training are held each Wednesday morning from 9 to 11 a.m. in the Chapel Conference Room. MAJ Kenny and Sister Pius of St. Marguerite Parish in Tooele are the instructors. The next monthly Mass and breakfast-meetin- g has lieen scheduled for Octolier 14 at 9:30 a.m. in the Chapel. Bil-to- n; Desert Drifts by June Guptill column heartily welcomes author, Mrs. Robert McWe know that Barbara a wonderful job of bringing the news to everyone. Mrs. William Bilton reminds us that the Thrift Shop is again open on Tuesday afternoons and Thursday nights. Volunteers are needed to work on these days, and all are encouraged to take their turn on this worthy project.' This its new Donald. will do DON'T FORGET the Christmas cards which the club is selling. With the merry season approaching, get your cards early and be prepared. Mrs. David Mason is taking orders for the cookbooks on salads and appetizers,' and the recipes look truly delicious. They are just what we need for both company and family. -- Proposed legislation to supplement the Defease Department's medicare bill by including a dental care program for dependents, with the government and the sponsor sharing the cost, has been introduced by Representative Robert Leggett Congressman Leggett said that the purpose of the bill is to provide a program of dental care for dependents of members of the uniformed services similar to the medical program for such personnel enacted by Congress in 1956 in the Dependents Medical Care Act. The medicare bill is a separate measure submitted to Congress earlier this session. Among provisions of the latter bill are inpatient and outpatient care for retired military personnel, their dependents and dependents of active service personnel. This includes care from civilian physicians and admittance to civilian basis. hospitals on a cost-shari- em Out Hand em Head into Barrus Motors where you can cut out a real bargain. During the Barrus Motors Closeout Roundup everyone lassoes a prize deal. steer clear of waiting too long cause the Roundup-Closeois almost over and the new one about to start. BUT ut i i A ; Quick and Plymouth Premier of 67 September 29th See You Soon, Podnerl BARRUS New memners are reminded of the Hobby Club which meets on the second and fourth Mondays of each mouth at 9:30 a.m. Chairman is Mrs. Lothar Salomon. WE WELCOME Mrs. Wil- liarn Black to Dugway. Her ilTC Black, is the new post. Executive Officer. The Blacks are well acquainted with Dugway, hus-lwn- d, having been assigned here previously in 1958. Prior to coming to Dugway the second time, they were stationed with Deseret Test Center in Washington, D.C. They have one daughter, Lindsay, age 11, who Is in the sixth grade. Flo is interested in Imwling and we are happy to have her here at Dugway. The Hospital boasts of two new arrivals, the Robbins and the Dobrys. Mary and Lester Robbins have two children, Sharon, three years old and Lester, three and one half months. Lester is a physician with three years of surgery residency behind him. Dugway is, his first assignment following basic training at Fort Sain Honshu. Mary is from Somerville, New Jersey. She is a graduate of the Helene Fuld School of Nursing. Marsha and Len Dohry have onedependent, Cindy, theirSpring-e- r spaniel. Len, a dentist, has lieen stationed at Fort Sill and at Fort Sam Houston. Marsha is a native of Malin, Oregon and attended Oregon State University. Welcome to the Robbins and the Dobrys. Miss Cinger Gardner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lamont Cartlner of 317D West 4th Avenue, became the bride of Airman Second Class Cary Sayre on Scptemlter 9. the couple exchanged vows in an evening ceremony conducted by Chaplain (LTC) Glenn D. Lauhy in the Post Chapel. The reception was held in the Latter Day Saints Ward Hall. The bride, a 1966 graduate of Dugway High Schixil, and her huslranil will live at Dugway until he has completed his here. Airman Sayre is an Oltscrver with Detachment 19, 6th Weather Wing He is a native of Mesa, Arizona. toiir-of-du- tv Bukk-Plymou- 83 N. Main, Tooele - th 882-287- 4 TRANSISTOR RADIOS 6 Trans. 8 Trans. 9 Trans 6 Trans. 9 Trans. NEW EXECUTIVE OFFICERS of the Catholic Women of the Chapel, who will also serve as officers of the newly farmed Dugway Chapter of the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, are Mrs. William Bilton, 1st Vice President; Mrs. Daniel Kolb, Secretary; Mrs. Lawrence Nygren, Treasurer; and Mrs. Brady Earlewine, President. Sales of U.S. Savings Bonds Fort Hiiuchuca, Arizona has averaRe investment of for the fiscal year ending June 30, established a U.S. Army Electronic U S- - Savings Bonds persons buying 1966 totaled $4,650 million, con- - Varfare school. The first class through the Payroll Savings Plan trasted to $4,543 million during convened on August 1. is $24 per month, the previous fiscal year. -- 882-114- Golfer $1 7.95 (1 Only) Realtone $ 14.95 (3 Only) Bathe II Glow 49 Tooele Dreg Co. 215 North ISain (Next to Abwtsons) Call REAL ESTATE TRANSCRIPT AND BULLETIN CLASSIFIED AD RATES: 5 cents per word - Regular (light her type) 10 cents per word - Burinea (dark free type) 50 cents per iaue - Up to one inch (monthly rate) $1 per inch - Over one inch (monthly rate) $L50 per inch Dhpby ads if R FENDER GUITARS - Marie Chau-doiAmps & supplies; Salt Lake prices. 220 S. Main. Call CONGRATULATIONS! to 6 or their new neighlrors Beehive o Sept. 25 Bank! We invite your business in real estate problems. SEE ME for your piano and or1 4 gan needs. Wurlitzer, Story and Clark, Sohmer and other pianos 6 Evenings: $400 and up. New Wuriitzers and Conn Organs starting at $800. Representing Hart Bros. FOR SALE comfortable Music Co., Call F. G. Cunard, home, double lot, CRI fruit trees and garage. 271 N. 2nd St. 1964 GAY WAY CAMPER with stove and refrigerator. Excellent condition. $425. 347 So. THREE BEDROOM brick home, 400 W. 3 years old; with finished daybasement. light Landscaped yard. Nice location. Close to AUTUMN SPECIAL - Permanent grade school. 511 Upland Dr. 30 Wpves - Reg $10. Now onl) $8.50 including hair cut. Effective August 25 through Sep$1,000 DN - Split level home at tember. Caroline, Susan, Sha626 No. Brook Av. Built-inair ron and Elaine invite you to conditioned, intercom - cartry their personalized service. pets, chain link fence, and Russells Beauty Salon. 7 No. or conlandscaped. 882-11tact at 166 E. Brook Ave., Main. 23 Tooele, Utah. o FOR SALE - 1965 Vista Liner Oct. 16 holiday 10 Sleeps six. Heater. 882-108- 1. P-t- - 882-310- 5. s, W FOR RENT - 2 bedroom, unfur-- n idled apt. Wall to wall carpet, drapes, frig, and stove. - 260 No. 7 $100. Ph. 882-223- 9. P-t- 882-459- East Woodward Realty FOR RENT - Small batch, apts. Monthly rentals. 365 East Vine. FEMALE HELP - dinner cook, Call Lewis Pannun-zi- o full time, with some experience. CRIfor particulars. Under new management. Apply at Delle Cafe, Delle, Utah. SIX TRAILER SPACES - Reasonable rates. Your own light meMALE HELP - service station ex7 ter. perienced. full time. Immediately. Apply at Delle Service, BACHELOR APT for rent. Call Delle, Utah. 882-022- 7. - 882-192- 0. 882-238- 3. WANTED - experienced mechanic health benefits, vacation and SMALL HOUSE Ph. other fringes. Bonneville Motors FOR RENT -- CRJ 882-315- 1 WANTED - Top benefits. Bonneville Motors C-2- 8 TWO , ROOM APT for rent. Couple or single woman. -- HOUSE FOR RENT room apt. $100. - two bed- 882-192- 5. HELP WANTED at Als Drive Inn 882-016- 4. P-2- 3 882-215- 4. 10 . THIS 3 lied room beauty will appeal to the most discriminating. Cleaner than new, luxurious carpeting and draperies, a dream kitchen and surrounded by a lovely fenced yard. Owner transferred. Priced to sell. For more information call Dottie Keysar 882-432- 1. HOME in Grantsville, IK baths, carpeting foil basement, fencing Make offer. 112 McMichael Av CRI 884-347- BEDROOM 7. 3M Wtst VIm FOR SALE - Like new, drum set 3 drums, high boy and cymbils Very reasonable. Must sell. 6 Call or see at 239 Millcreek Way. & TR 882-068- BUY YOUR Brothers fall and spring orchard planting and nursery stock now. Fully guaranteed. o Oct. 12 Stark 884-668- 5. FOR SALE - old home tin lot 80x x 160. Good buy - new 3 bedroom home, full basement, bath tt, carport. Reasonable. 5 or FOR SALE - Underwood portable typewriter. Good condition. Alscf two bunk beds. Ph. 884-332- 1. 882-460- CRI ' AGENCY. 882-357- 2. T-C- WE BUY DIAMONDS - Watches -Old Cold or trade them in on purchase of new items. Bate--, man Jewelry, 5 North Main. o Swt. 16 C-t- KILLING under State Inspection. Also available meat ready for freezer. Whole or half. Beef 49t; pork 42?; lamb 53$. Tooele Valley Meats Phone 3USTOM GIFT means more to the receiver when love goes into the making Come to the Wishing Well Ceramics, 40 West Vine for your Christmas gifts. Hours: - 10 a.m. to 6 Tues.-Fri.- -' 10 a.m. to 9 p.m.; 20 p.m. Mon.-Thur.-S- at 882-498- 1. PIANO TUNING. Guaranteed. 882-418- 3. RUSSELLS BEAUTY SALON will be closed Monday Sept. 26 - For State Convention. C-2- TWO SNOW TIRES 780x15. one reg 800x15. Good condition. Ph. 3 REWARD REWARD for recovery of boys MOBILE HOMES bikes taken green sting-ra- y - 548 FDR SALE - 1960 Great Lakes FOR SALE - Hotpoint eletric 9 3 Phone Sept. mobile home. 10x55 cook stove. Electric water Ave. Pioneer rooms, furnished. Excellent heater. Coleman oil heater. condition. Ph. after L3ST AND FOUND 5 p.m. 9 IOST - a diamond drop of a WELL kept carpets show the renecklace, full carate. Reward. TRIANGLE S Trailer Court -sults of regular Blue Lustre Excellent view and play yard. - Lost between clinic 3 spot pteaning. Rent electric Two spaces available. Lots 90 3 and downtown. $1. Sprouse. Reitf. thampooer ft. long 301 West 9th South. 30 IF carpets look dull and drear, reFOUND keys in front of Post move the spots as they appear INSTRUCTION Office. Claim at the Bulletin with Blue Lustre. Rent electric Office. shampoocr $1. Tooele Merc. DANCING - tap jazz - Iwllnxmi. OPPORTUNITIES classes BUSINESS New starting Saturday WANTED TO BUY - a few head 24th. Crade school age: 10:30; of feeder sl(x-k- . Tel. 7 to 6: 1 1:15; FOR RENT or lease - large or ages 4 and one-hateen age: 1:45. Register Friday manufacturing or storage buildbetween 4 and 6 p.m. at the FOR SALE - Hotpoint washer' ing with more than IXXX) sq. ft. of flour space at 81 North and drver. Good condition. $70. Dorothy Searle Dance Studio. Main St., Tooele, Utah. Rear, 47 West 1st North. Ph. 3 with all modern facilities, gas heat, air conditioning hot and MUSTANG MARE ready to foal, cold water, ladies and gents PETS black, small 3 vrs. old. Reward. rest rooms, three private offices. after 5:30. 2 FREE. KITTENS Inquire at Barrus Motor Co., 4 83 North Main St. Ph. FOR SALE AKC registered Gcr- - CLKAN l',rP ,s wi,h,, wulcr - Salt Lake No. 1 "P- ,l'sc "r ,,os man Shepherd puppies. 882- ; CRI r Use brush. .nr .istai 0188 ly. Rent a machin FOR RENT - 25x50 feet Imsiness 56 PLYMOUTH 4 dr. sed., origiGordon FiiniuniL' v location. ... Excellent day. property. nal owner. $125. 4K9 Ganvon (X) S. Main, Tixiclc. 112 West Main St., Grantsville Circle. Utah. Gall 88f '809. 882-206- 7. P-2- 882-226- 882-015- 882-075- lf WANTED - ride to Salt Lake . 882- Trade Tech. 8:30-3:15- 1347. 882-111- 9. 882-142- 7. 882-0:11- 8. 3 CHILD CARE WILL TEND children my home. 882-328- 882-103- 8. 882-460- 5. WILL BABY SIT in my home. 882-151- 9. 882-287- children. In my 3 3 WANT late appointments? See Russells Beauty Salon. Appointments from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. Monday thru Friday. Regular hours Saturday. o Oct. 18 C-t- VEHICLES 1963 Rambler Classic SW only 9 31,000 miles immaculate 7 or Sail Lake City. 882-055- 847-046- C-2- 3 Sunflite 200 hp inboard outboard only 16 hours. Many extras. Better than wholesale. 7 or Salt Lake City. 'P-2- 3 1966 882-055- 0. 487-046- FOR SALE - 1963 Rambler. - 882-083- 5. p.23 1955 Monterey Mercury. Excellent condition. Ph 882-354- 8. Reasonable offer. P --23-30 POR SALE - 1957 Fairlane 5(A) 2 door hardtop. 882-23- 2 1.P-2- J -- d,rte 297-503- : 882-075- 6. lOUR insurance rates gone up? Check our low rates. PEDERSENS INSURANCE HAVE 882-434- 5. WOULD LIKE RIDE to Salt Lake 1 City LDS business school. home. 16 884-394- 8. P-2- WANTED WILL TEND 882-022- 3. P-t- 884-554- 7. repairs (foil time)., Englands Construction. PAINTING - INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR. DRAPERIES Ready Made or Custom Build. All fabrics; modem designs. Cordon Furniture Co; CRT ,6q South Main. Alsop Gardens 882-414- 3. HEAVY DUTY mechanic for gas and diesel. Also miscellaneous 882-112- 4. ELECTRIC IRON repairing All makes. Steam irons cleaned fand repaired. ELMERS: 38 W. Vine. CRI Tomatos Randies Homes. Cell Dorothy Keysar Phone 2321. 884-663- 23 HELP WANTED - MALE - Industrial nurse with safety training 6 days a week. Must live on property. A house and all utilities furnished. Contact Personnel IS&R Co., PAINTING - Interior and Exterior. Fall special. For free estimates call P-- 882-057- 2. CRI Firms THREE 882-176- 9. 882-336- 4. SALESMAN 882-139- 4 884-665- 882-184- 8. APT FOR RENT - To park a trail- 882-447- 882-191- Salt Lake City 2955592 882-115- 5 882-147- 5. 882-006- 2. WANTED - Beauty Operator. Call or 1 Connie Brown - MOVING CALL BAILEYS MOVING AND STORACE (Agents for Allied Van Lines) Free Estimates Tooele Call Collect 882-368- 1. e. Dex-A-Di- et er. Call 0. m 882-108- CRI K-to- n. 882-269- 882-401- 882-356- crt 882-057- 2. FORD PICKUP 4 speed Good shape. $400. n. 882-333- RENT 1st 1958 884-505- 5. offer FURNISHED APARTMENTS two and three rooms. New kitchens TUESDAYS-a- t 8 pjn. and appliances, including electric ranges, automatic gas hefit, at 6i n. Main air conditioned. Large roefea- LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE . tion area. Rates start it $75 . NO. 2031 per month with all utilities MEETINGS WED. 8 p.m. furnished. Rent by day, week, PHONE' 2 month or year. Linen service available. WESTERN APARTLOSE WEIGHT safely with MENT, 515 North Main, Too-aelPhone Tablets. Only 98 cents CRI o Dec. 1 .at Hood Drugs. MECHANIC WANTED - Must have at least five years experience. All shop benefits. See Ernie at Paulos Used Car Lot. CRI 882-040- 2. SERVICES 191 North Main BPOE ELKS NO. 1673 MEETINGS 2nd and 4th HELP WANTED FOR SALE - 1966 MG Midget. 882-277- 2. 882-261- 4. P-t- 8 NEW WURLITZER Spinet Pianos SACE KENNELS - Boarding cats, small dogs, 75c day, larger from $495 Parkers Music Co. 1 CRI 56 N. Main. dogs $1. REALTY 882-139- 882-356- ITJant Ads MISCELLANEOUS HAINES MONTHLY RATES are far consecutive insertions only, with no Except with business films and individuals who maintain ell classified adopen accounts with the Transcript aid Bulletin, vertisements are CASH IN ADVANCE. AN ERROR in a classified ad dmild be reported fanmedietcly. The paper is respomihle far one incorrect insertion only. ALL CLASSIFIEDS wfl be included in die TEST RUN, newsresidents and paper distributed to ROOO Dugway Proving Ground workers, twice monthly, without additional charge. ads if 11 a.m. day of publication. DEADLINE far SPECIAL NOTICES 9.95(1 Only) Am-Fm- $l FOR SALE - 1965 Impala sports FOR SALE C,hevell; P and Pl,-- J P sPrt: PS sleedJtraf ' and Air. Corn! 4 spd ape. aztec bronze. $500 and take Call 88243434. over payments or best offer. DONT merely brighten your car- ubhty trader 5x12 tuidemaxe as eliminate rapid resoilings Rent 5 $250 or best offer. Ph Gor dons Furniture, 60 S. Main. FOR SALE $3.98 (4 Only) 6.95 (4 Only) lest Harvest Bargains Are The 882-139- 7. Chapel Wedding For DPG Couple Co. Staff oj Tooele Drug Meteorological service to Army RDT&E activities was initiated in 1951 by the Meteorological Branch of the Signal Corps Engineering Laboratories (since redesignated). Fort Monmouth, New Jersey. As a result of demands by Army agencies for meteorological assistance, the first Army Meteorological Team was established at Yuma Test Station and Fort Huachuca became the headquarters in 1954. I As requests for meteorological support came from various other teams were organized. By 1957, the number Army activities, of teams had increased to seven and 10 teams are currently operati- t- rn I 1962 CHEV BUS 3 seat. Make offer. 11 882-384- TAKE OVER payments 64 Fore Falcon Conv. $60 month. 882 2 20-2.4210, 882-189- 3 |