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Show Dugway Falla, Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, Sept. 23, 1966 27-- 6 - Wells Mustangs Are Beaten In Opener By ' ' - L- -, Dugway High's Mustangs unopened their 1966 football campaign here recently, as visiting '.Veils High of Nevada took a 27--6 victory. Dugways next game is September 23 here with Grantsville at 2 p.m. This encounter will mark the beginning of conference action in Region Five. successfully FIRST GAME mistakes were evident on both sides at the game and if it hadnt been for the talents of Wells' big, bruising fullback Dave Alexander the outcome might have been a different story. Well-Dugw- Lieutenant Colonel Arnold R. Young receives the Army Aviation Safety Award, given to Army Aviation Division for 749 accident-fre- e from Colonel Joseph J. flight-hourFraser, Jr. at the Safety Awards Ceremony was the "horse for the Leopards, carrying the pigskin most of the afternoon. He scored three of the four Wells touchdowns and accounted for most of the 253 yards gained rushAlexander s, Flying Club The goal of the Club is to provide an equitable opportunity for all personnel to take part in the flying activities to the practical degree. All persons interested in joining the Club should conDugways Flying Club, one of tact either Major Germuga at the sixty or seventy 2416 or Mr. Johnson at 5424. flying clubs in the continental United States, has twenty memTen months ago Dugways Flybers. Mr. A. Bernard Johnson Jr. B 7 is President of the Flying Club ing Club acquired the aira and Major Gerald A. Germuga is Navion, craft which was excess to the rethe Custodian. quirements of the Armys supply THE CLUB has three instnic- - prog1"- - The Navion arrived at completely disassembled tors Jere Kraus, Ray Chapman w Put together b7 the and Major Germuga. Together. ub members- . they have accumulated a total of over fifty years of flying experience. A certified mechanic, licens- OllTTlftV7 ed by the Federal Aviation e on upkeep Agency, works LadiCS and maintenance of the Clubs Approximately 25 ladies from Dugway Proving Ground and Tooele participated in a golf tournament held at the Tooele Golf Course on September 7. Mrs. Kathleen Slater of Tooele was in ' charge of the event. The event ended with double . winners. They were Mrs. Marie Yackman of Dugway and Mrs. Connie Outzen of Tooele. Door prizes were donated by Mrs, Pearl Palmer, with Mrs. Yackman and Mrs. Carol Shields winning diem. chicken luncheon A bar-b-qwas also held. Mrs. Rita Howard was in charge of the social aspects.-Th- e Dugway group plans to hold the seasons last Ladies Day Tournament sometime next week. ing. o;: Seeks Members Dugway received the opening kickoff and after four downs the Mustangs were forced to punt. However, Alexander rushed in and blocked the punt, with Wells recovering. After being penalized back to their own line, the Leopards then moved 52 yards to paydirt in 13 plays, with Alexander plunging over from the three for the score. Jerel Parker booted the extra point for a 0 lead. PHOTOGRAPHER CAl'CHT this action shot during the Dugway Wells football Bill Church, for left, is shown as he is gam played here on September 10. Halfback thrown for a loss by an unidentified Wells tackier. Wells won the game 27-- to spoil Dugways season debut. the 6 Army-authoriz- ed 48-ya- PFC Joe B. Robinson, (coring ace for the tough HI1C basketball (quad, takes a jump shot in a practice game with other members of his team. From left to right team members are Robinson, PFC Howard Jones, PVT Neal J. Carwile Jr, PVT Lorinzo Lovely, SP4 Joe W. Sebastion and PFC Carl Ziegler. to punt, but a bad snap from the center gave the visitors the ball on Dugways line. Four plays later, the Leopards sewed on a three-yar- d plunge by Alexander. Parkers kick was wide, for a 20-- 6 lead at intermission. 14-ya- rd 7-- DUGWAYS next drive bogged down after four plays and they were forced to kick again. Wells ran the punt back to Dugways line and five plays later the Leopards were on the score-boar- d run by again. A tailback Joe Patterson set up the touchdown with Alexander carrying it over from the one. Parker 14-again kicked the point for a 0 advantage; Homemade Car Catches Ey es of DPG Residents 38-ya- rd 24-ya- rd by PVT Ballard If you've been driving around on DPGi streets during the past couple of weeks and spotted a vehicle which looks like an t, over-size-d youve probably seen .a miniature sportster belonging to PVT Terry Grady of Headquarters and Headquarters On the following kickoff, DugCompany. little vehicle is that The odd thing about the ways Bob Goates cut loose for a return to the Wells d Grady and a friend back in his hometown of Phoenix, Arizona made the entire car from scratch. He built the car about a year line, displaying some beautiful footwork to shake off would-b- e agp and brought it to Dugway during the Labor Day weekend. THE CAR is called an Em pi tacklers. The Mustangs, wjth the was clocked at 105 miles per Volkswagon Sportster and, accordhelp of a penalty, moved ball down to the seven yard the ing to Grady, the Volkswagen hour. Grady has a total of about line before Wells took over on Company manufactures them for invested in the auto- downs. $800-990-0 about 12,000. However, Grady However, Dugway end and mobile $400 of that amount Gene McClure had his own ideas for building recovered a fumble for the engine, which on the visitors one; so he merely ordered blue- was spent line to hC core- prints to give him some guidelines P Grady and his friend O'1 he first for his construction project. play from and vvee McClu8 eback Grady started building the approximately vehicle in his backyard in Phoe- about 500 hours to complete he with a pass in the left flat of the nix. He began with a 1963 Volks- Cr. c zone the touchdown. The foiled to click for the wagen frame and shortened it by pair a extra uch 16 inches. The transmission and planned for the car, point attempt and the score rear axle are from a 1965 Volks- - paint job, a different exhaust sys- ,tood trans- - tern, new seats and perhaps a d wagen It is a doors. Grady also hopes 'The next time Dugway got mission, synchronized in all gears. couple of of the rough spots their hands on the ball, only 2:15 some take to A 1964 VW supplied the front - before he sets remained in the half. Four plays axle, while the engine is a 1965 out of the car one. another build to out later, the Mustangs were fenced model with 56 horsepower. The body, similar to that of a small pickup truck, was formed from two sheets of 4x8, sheet metal. Grady has added 8.20xl5-inc- h tires on nine-inc- h rims to give the car a racer-lik- e appearance. . GRADY CLAIMS he gets about 38 miles per gallon with his Empi Sportster. He said that just after it was completed, the car go-kar- 45-ya- rd Heading the defensive lineup for the Mustangs were ends and Ken Bixby, tackles Foote Out-ra- and Dennis Madsen, center Johnson, linebackers, Neilson, Palmer and Mike Golden, halfbacks Goates and Tom Reeder and safety THE FOLLOWING half, Dugways defensive efforts tightened considerably and they were able to contain the Leopard attack. However, late in the third quarter, a pass from Patterson to Score by quarters: Alexander set up the Leopards 7 13 7 Wells. . final score. Patterson then ran 0 06 Digway around right end for 12 yards and the touchdown. He also ran the same route for the extra point Wells The Yardstick! T 0 67 06 THE EVENT; open only to Club members, will be a affair with 18 holes being played each Day. The tourney will be played in four flights - championship, A, B and C. Entry fee for the tourney is $3 per participant. The entrance deadline is 6 p.m. on September 29. Every player who enters will be given two new golf balls prior to the start of the tourney. Tee off time for the event is 8 a.m. on both days. Individual tee off times will be posted by 4 p.m. September 30, at the Pro 36-ho- le Shop. PERHAPS THE most dazzling play of the game was an touchdown gallop by on the second half kickoff, but Scoring Summary: 3 plunge a clipping penalty nullified the (prker kick) 1, plunge 1 Dugway offensive (Plrker Leading Kc) lineup wereends Roger Outram 13pusto McClure , tackles V.r- and failed) (Pmi gil Johnson and Lloyde Neilson, Alexander, 3, guards David Palmer and Jess W actor, center Duane Clarke, halfbacks Mark Earlewine and Bill Church, fullback Terry Foote and quarterback Bob Goates. 85-ya- rd fn. T Gene-McCltue- -- BYRD STATED that he expected approximately 40 of the 100 eligible members to participate in the tourney. Entrants must belong to the Club as either monthly, quarterly or annual members. The tournament will be strictly a trophy affair, with tokens presented for low gross and low net i each flight. Presentation . of awards will be held at the Officers Open Mess at 4 p.m. on October 2. Cocktails and a snack will be served at 3 p.m. for the participants and their wives. These shoes H: JUST ARRIVED New shipment of Knit Suits and Dresses from Nardis of Dallas Byrd also announced that the Pro 9iop would begin its year-en- d clow-osale on October 1. All items in the store will be marked down for a complete clearance sale. Fabulous Fall Shades ut wt&Qtfane Held by full-tim- Hok four-spee- - 48-ya- rd 13-ya- rd J L-1- highly-sophisticat- Golf Club championship tournament will be held the weekend of October 1 and 2, according to club pro Charlie (Chuck) Byrd. 15-ya- rd S DPG Golf Club Tourney Slated The Dugway Proving Ground 40-yai- fr m ANNS SHOP 7 N. MAM (WJoit because every Jarman style is "wear-teste- d' Get in on the .. . Red Teg Sole Chenge-the-nam- e USING AN ELECTRIC RAZOR CORD, SP4 Clayton R. Kyte of the Ecology and Epidemiology Biranch amuses the bobcats which the E&E Branch has raised since the kittys were 19 days old. ld Windshield Cracked? Watch for all the merchandise with Red Tag and Extra Special HERE, KITTY, KITTY! by SP4 Boyd It all beean last February in the cat inside. After removing the the foothills of Cedar Mountain, snarl!i fcllM headed for the here on Dugway. SP4 Terry Me- - office. While the bobcat was Trevor William and living First Aid and a penicillin COMPLETE STOCK FT0" ande members of shot for its paw, the guys discover-th- e Ecology Epidemiology d that it was a she and she INSTALLED Branch in Ditto Area, were en- -. rf things - was pregnant, At .Your Convenience gaged in a routine check of a line On March 31, mama gave birth of traps used to snare large mam-t- o three, bushy, baby bobcats. ma Mother and family were kept to- Excitement meed through the gether until the kittens were 19 fellas as they maneuvered their day, old. Then mama was releas-truc- k down the row of traps -- ed, after she had killed one of AUTO PARTS there, just ahead, in one of the her kittens, 50 N. Main, Tooele large steel traps was a snarling Donning a mama bobcats 1 (Lynx rufus). The cat had apron-strin. wasnt exactly what caugfit one of its paws in the the E & E Branch had in mind, firm jaws of the snare. Playing mother just wasnt in THEY UNLOADED a steel the SOPs. So, without knowing cage from the truck and, with ex- - the first thing about tender lov-pe-rt handling, managed to get care (as far as baby bobcats were concerned), the entire staff assumed the duties of Motherhood. MICE, RABBITS, birds, beef kidneys, dog food and even a baby formula called "Similac were used as nourishment for the two little gluttons. Today, almost six months of age, the "kittens show signs of rood "raisin. They are the friendliest little rascals, mischevi-ou- s as any house cat and, believe it or not, they have been house-broke- n to a sandbox. Congratulations to you, E&E Braih' .far Prving Aat Indians Remember "Saving is the key to the ren l on y ne future. 'F cn Dugway Federal Credit the wy ,he Wh,te Man. Union 2 WELL MAKE IT FACTORY NEW Price, aii Gaffes Tires and Recaps 10 discount during the re-S- "" jj No. No. 4125-Braw- n 4225-Bkx- k 3 aay sale 522-257- ,rn Order now. size BRADSHAW ig - EXCISE TAX 6.1DL5 Cushion heel A9.5 .5017 extra thaction Sure Footed Track Tire On Hard, Soft, Slippery Roads up to Jarman's high standards of comfort and fit. The classic moccasin blucher here is a p pair 24 North Mata 112-141- 8 .... Commercial Truck! Tires "SPECIAL Root Beer wear-testin- your bonus"). Come try 3.75 4.73 5.66 5.05 1A7.5 Wear-tested- ? The Jarman shoes you try on in our store have not been worn, of course. But every original model is worn extensively and alteredand adjusted until it finally comes long-weari- 3.74 3.39 4.34 717.5 (iwmmteed to ouhrear the life of the sole! g (with pleasant result of Jarman as heel rubber Tread Cushion $2.82 2.95 3.33 6.50L6 7.0015 7.00L5 7.0015 7.5016 Clyde Gibson tire Shop Jones Formerly Red BUn :i |