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Show T Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, Sept. 23, 1966 Airlines Plan New Standby Priority Y, BLADE CUT 1 Can z. Nellie's Chocolate 33 0Q9DCX 12-O- z. Pkgs. Kraft American, Pimento, or Swiu Sims' Both Size Bars ODD Pink Pound Carton HiLand Quality ""Hpur $219 OMUh. t, Random Weight Mild, Madbin or Swiu OC ... O p&rfkg. Kraft MliMMW SARAN WRAP so o C Q-7- Ml 7 French Dressing ft mihui OQC r A Batlfa x(Oe V' leseeMoee: erYeMow OOC Z7 KNORR SOUPS AlVariatiaa Nek if kW 39 liquid Detergent Bottle Value .. (D-Mo-.), concentrated dhampoo 45 gf FINAL TOUCH I Be Oft ype SURF-15c- 33c WISK 79 MMMIMM AMMONIA .39 STA-PU- F Fabric Softener fall CaHoa .... Off family Siie, Colgate! CHIFFON POPCORN 3 Mie. Breed, While ROKA DRESSING (raft OVEN CLEANER Easy Off goo. I.UV Keg. KRAFT CHEESE abe) 80 80' ,0,,fl,KPASffG 0' 33s LIQUID PRELL 7 9 80AIP GoWaejo (Shoooo Qrip CD Reg. 19c Value-- 6c Kraft Dressings Italian it 1000 QQ( NtMtlM Ow 257 Gillatla Deodorant S or White 7 00R BAKER ADC5DP BQGAED Rag. $1 Valua 3C3DGOG AIL FROM 12cOFF up by the Defense Department was scheduled to take part in the New York meeting, along with an observer from the Ichord committee. Earlier, the Ichord subcommittee heard the testimony of OFF Detergent lietHg- -i CQC w7 JEIL'SIEST m WOOUTE $187 A new plan for lervicemen- - on leave has been formulated this month by more than two dozen of the nations commercial airlines. Representatives of the major airlines met in New York to standardize and improve the standby, half-far- e plan for servicemen on leave. of THE CARRIERS agreed for- Stuart G. Tipton, President Association, Air the Transport mally to give servicemen priority comin boarding planes before all which represents the nations airlines. mercial fare groups other standby-reduce- d Tipton said nine million serare seated. Six major airlines also vicemen have used the standby, on a to give priorproposal agreed half-far- e to plan since it started, ity and confirmed reservations servicemen travelling on emer- saving an estimated $180 million in fares. Of this number, he said, gency leave orders. The meeting grew out of con- about 90 per cent got seats on first flight of their choice., gressional hearings, conducted by the TOLD the lawmakTIPTON Ichord Richard Representative which investigated com- ers that cases of discourteous emplaints that servicemen using the ployees were exceptions to airline standby plan have faced discour- - policy anc he suggested that serall to cases such vicemen report tesy, excessive delays, lack of meals and bumping" on U.S. the airlines. He also said that vicemen who are entitled to meals The meeting was requested by nd who (k not receive them American Airlines and the Civil should lie given a chit, good for a Aeronautics Board gave its approv- - free meal at the next airport res-a- l. When proceedings began, ob- - taurant. servers predicted that the airairTipton revealed that the lines would agree to some plan lines are the possibility studying which would allow servicemen to of maopening clearing houses at commerobtain reserved seats oil servicemen that so jor airports cial planes, at considerable div- - inav obtain information at one counts off the standard coach fare, gll flights going in their direction, A SPECIAL committee set b 75 Pkflt m Q far ' jB I V V-nY- - . 7 t - 7 H . vi,: 1 Si?4, . i ' ' j.-'- h - : 1 SWIFT'S PREMIUM FRESH, SLICED 1 a MRS. ROC ELIA THOMAS, wife of SP4 Janies Thomas of the VS. Army Hospital, poses with their new sons, James W. and John J. Thomas. Although the boys are twins, they will always celebrate different birthdays, for they were born 35 minutes apart on August 22 and 23. James weighed 7 ounces and was born August 22 at. pounds, 1 and one-hal- f 11:31 p.m. John weighed exactly 7 pounds and was bom August 23 at 12:06 a.m. DOVI LIQUID Liquid Detergent c Off -or. -22- OUNCE :0QjaCtt (y) I IfwwJtUi1 Rabat RITZ TAYLOR Ends Friday teoUBL RE6.gyrt4or FQUITP1E technkSlok 5nsf&r SR1FI teiTM RITZ - Sat., Sun., Mon. Tuts. ,Eite rtKMIUM ATLQCim WET QUAUTT CHARGE MTTU1ES Sommer . Mb mar LAROOL "girainro Ha MBOlOM EVERY BATTERY ha-h- a ha GUARANTEED! DEBBIE REYNOLDS RICARDO MONTALIAN A6NES MOOREHEAD PANAVISION COLOt a wnodOMnnuMta fterm 1m HIUIBD&. On Sattn at 8 p.m. GREER f!ARCON jniWwll IN THE MBMINGI t H, |