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Show UMiv-r- o- - ': i Bin '. -- 1 v., .. - Utah fjJL rc 1.3 PERICD.CIS DIPT. ZiluGWAY SQDC3 Friday, September 23, 1966 Vol. No. 10 No. 6 Published for Dugway Proving Ground, Dugway, Utah writArmy. Opinions expressed by publisher and ers heroin are their own and are not to be con- sidered an official expression by the Depart- - Published by the Transcript-Bulleti- n Publishing a Company, Tooele, Utah, private firm, in no way connected with the Department of the Army of the products or services advertised. ment of the Army. The appearance of adver- tisements in this publication does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of S :"- -V Awards at Parade TECOM Announces Plan I v5 - r 1 i A new Merit Promotion Plan has recently been announced by the United States Army Test and Evaluation Command. The plan' is the result of a study conducted by a Merit Promotion Task Force which was comprised of appointed representatives from each installation. A sampling of Dugway Ptovt ing Ground supervisory and personnel provided the opportunity to review me plan in draft form last spring, and the resultant comments and suggestions played a huge part in finalizing the plan. The purpose of the new plan is absent on extended military classification error, providing that the incumbent employee meets is to overcome and correct de- - duty and retains all of the the legal requirements and qualiand to combat the lack ard restoration rights, of understanding, acceptance and When a vacancy occurs, all fication standards for promotion. A local dan is currently being trust found to exist in the previous candidates - including those reand will be distributed derationpublished also The consi automatic is new plan design- ceiving plan. ed to more clearly and specifical- - will be furnished with written to all employees. Training and will be given to emly implement Department of the notices of the results of their orientation and Per-o- n Civilian the ployees consideration supervisors at an civilian by Army personnel regulations early date to be announced. merit placement and promo- - sonnel Office, IN ADDITION to the tion. The intent of the USATE- employees who plan is to assure that posi- tion vacancies are filled with the are subject only to the regulations . best qualified applicants and pro- - of career field programs, several vide maximum opportunities for other employment slots have advancement to employees of this special status ratings and are not First Class E-- 7 Walinstallation. DPG Civilian Person- - controlled immediately by the laceSergeant D. Clift of Headquarters and nel representatives claim the plan Merit Placement and Promotion Headquarters Company recently effectively closes loop holes, pro- - Program. For example, the place-vide- s received the U.S. Army Test and a much better plan than ment of Department of Defense Evaluation Command Certificate the one previously in effect and employees in Priority I (i.e., of Achievement for outstanding installations of should accomplish its objectives career employees service as Career Counselor from designated for closure who have very effectively. May, 1965 to September, .1966. take will THE PLAN applies to all had no job offer) preThe award was presented by the al em- - cedence, under the Stability of career or Post Colonel Joseph Commandant, ployers, with the exception erf Employment Program. Moreover, J. Fraser, Jr. those registered in the following certain other placement actions During his assignment as CaDepartment of the Army career MAY BE taken without regard to reer Counselor, SFC Clift was management programs: Civilian competitive procedures. to four different comIn the last instance, the place- - responsible Personnel, Comptroller, Education mands for reenlistment counsels, com-tistwho are and Training, Engineers and Scien- ment of employees ling and administrative support of Specialist, pleting training under a Civil the reenlistment Equipment program. y Intelligence, Procurement, Qual-- Service agreement or apprentice-itThe citation commended the Control and Inspection, Safety ship or wHho complete understudy Sergeants leadership abilities, and Supply. assignments may be promoted noo- - initiative, exemplary dedication their if new USATECOMs Under present to competitively SFC Clift constantly duties, Merit Promotion Plan, vacancies status was originally determined a meticulous attention displayed balds basis, of on a merit will be filled on the competitive to applicable regulations, operaand fitness without regard to race. Competitive procedures are tions, and concern for the welfare of number under a color, religion, national origin, not applicable and morale of all enlisted personlawful political or other affilia-- additional circumstances. For in- nel." filled be ti ons, marital status or sex. Con- stance, a position may Recognition was also given to si deration will be given to out- - without competition when a deClifts contribution to the Sergeant side applicants as well as to in- - cision has been piade to upgrade Board of Governors of die Nonthat position without significant commissioned Officers stallation employees. Open Mess. First consideration for filling change in the duties or the on either instalsibilities involved, will be listed to lation employees only when the basis of a new classification stand- Civilian Personnel Office has de-- ard or as the result of an original llCCOglllZCd termined that recruitment from outside will not serye to locate d significantly Fifteen civilian and military personnel at Dugway Proving THE PLANS provisions state Ground recently received certifithat employees mho wish to be The recently completed Youth cates which recognized their outconsidered far an announced va- - Activities Fund Drive was amaz-canc- y efforts in the 1966 Unitstanding will submit a "Request for ingly successful, according to ed States Savings Bond Drive. ' to Consideration Placement Matt Sims, chairman of the drive. The certificates, presented by Civilian Personnel Office unless y In excess of $1500 was J. Fraser, Jr. considerare already being lected to supplement the fixed Sentamhir!11 ed automatically for the position, funding which youth activities .. . . . Automatic consideration occurs at Duvay receive from the a variety of circumstances, ficen Club, the NCO Club, and jjf th Bond For example, the employee is the Civilian Welfare Fund. considered eligible and need not Monies are spent on projects 1IT submit a form if (1) he occupies iuCh as the summer swimming Stephe,J Germthjohna position similar to the vacant program, the Teen Club, Little . BonitaSanchez tnd Qjmp. one at the next lower grade level i rhrtrtmaa trailer's . the annual Office; Lawrence Nygren and is assigned to the branch or which for are gifts party and Eldon Brooks - Logistical In which the position is chased for more than 700 children-locate1LT Gordon M. RoOperations; (2) the employee is, or and national dues for the Scout-i- s selle Jr., 1SG George & Sur and about to be, classified as sur-ing programs. SSG Chesley A plus because of reduction-in-forcThe fond drive was organized ten and Headquarters CoTsSC has been determined it (3) on office lines, with key men - 65th Military Hawkins under-utilizeBrady d that the employee is located in each division. The drive Police Platoon. in his present assignment or was noncompetitive in nature and Lloyd Snow - Provost Marshals that he has demoted through no was conducted cm a voluntary 2LT Peter B. Harrington Office; personal cause; (4) the employee basis. CBR Weapons Orientation Course; Delano C. Hapgood and Ormand I. Gooch - Management Science and Data Systems Office; ISC Jessie D. Wact or - Meteorological. Team; John E. Roberg s Personnel and Administration stand-ficienci- es pre-CO- Clift Receives TECOM Award viously-mention- career-condition- respon-vacanci- es J5 YA Fund Drive better-qualifie- For Drive Work . Is Successful col-the- Of-und-er f'' b pur-secti- d; Pickel-Headqua- r- e; -- Dugway Senior Wins at Fair Sam McBride, son of Mr. and Mrs. John K. McBride of 70 East Second Avenue, was second-plac- e winner in the amateur sculpturing division at the Utah State Fair last week. Sam, a senior at Dugway High School, submitted a metal and wood creation entitled "Man. The sculpture was the final result of a summer school art course which Sam took at Diablo High School, Concordia, Calif. When asked if his son would pursue a career in art, Mr. McBride indicated that Sam was Interested in both ail and education and that he would probably enroll in the University of Wyoming next year. two-foot-t- prize-winni- six-we- Sam McBride stands with his sculpture, Man. The creation recently was awarded the second place ribbon in the Amateur Sculpturing section of the Fine Arts division at the Utah State Fair. LIEUTENANT COLONEL WILLIAM L. BLACK, Executive Officer of Dugway Proving Ground, accepts a receipt from Headquarters and Headquarters Commandant, First Lieutenant Gordon M. Roadie, Jr., for the television set in the background. The donation was made by HHC to Post Headquarters for the entertainment of the men who serve as Post Duty NCO each night 1968. Dyer Receives Certificate Defense Secretarys Message For Armed Forces Voters Day First Lieutenant James W. Dyer received the Dugway Proving Ground Certificate of Achievement from Colonel Joseph J. Fraser, Jr., in ceremonies on September 20. Lieutenant Dyer of the Signal Corps was awarded the Certificate for his outstanding service as technical assistant to the Chief of ihft SjfOMUH SlolMvl from November, 1965 to September, 1966. The citation stated that LT. Dyer, because of his knowledge and practical experience, primarily in tire field of radio communications, made outstanding contributions to the evolution and advance ment of the DPG Range InAn and eliminate to inconsistencies duplication project in government personnel legislation came to an end recently as strumentation System. President Johnson signed H. R. 10104, and Public' Law 89554 Recognition was also given to the Lieutenants exceptional leadwent into effect THE BIRTH of P . 4 ; ership abilities when supervising J the activities of the Division in marks the demise as-- ' Vdividual I0CC1V6 the absence of the Chief. He was laws of such personpJidmarks commended for his diligence and as the Civil Service Act of 1883, the Retirement, Training and important contributions to the mission at Dugway. Classification Acts, the Hatch Specialist Five Jess D. Keeler testing Act, the Leave Act and many was recently awarded the Dug- other venerable monument's in the way Proving Ground Certificate history of the U.S. Federal Civil of Achievement by Colonel Ex-DP- G seph J. Fraser, Jr. for his out- Henceforth, these many acts standing performance of duty from will be officially known by their September, 1964 to September, new designations under the U.S. 1966. Code. Unofficially, they will likely During this period, Specialist be referred to for years to come Keeler served as Senior Medical Staff Sergeant John Evanoff by their original, and more des-- Airman, assigned to the Outpatient received the Bronze recently Clinic at the United States Army criptive, titles. with The codification of government Hospital here. He received the Star (First Oak Leaf Cluster) acfor heroic V for the valor, personnel laws stems from a re- - Certificate in recognition of both SSG Evanoff had commendation made in 1955 by his exceptional knowledge in his tion in Vietnam. at Dugway from 1962 to the Hoover Commission that field fend his demonstrated inia-the-y served mid-196While here, he became be brought into a single, five in the accomplishment of his NCO in charge of Publications the duties with minimum supervision, logical, after spending almost a year with code. The citation stated, in part, in Ditto Area. AT THE signing ceremony, that Specialist Keelers ability Munitions On 2, 1965, SSG EvanAugust President Johnson praised the to adhere to professional instruc-wor- k was serving as a member of off and sound with of the many dedicated tions together Team 86 in the Republic Civil Service Commis- - ment and professional knowledge Advisory Vietnam. A group of Vietnaof sion employees who worked on have earned him the confidence near the and respect of intermediate sub-- mese refugees appeared the project. similar to command looking post, President Johnson described ordinates and superior officers. erf refugees that In addition, he was commended the many groups the bill as a milestone in Fed- from North Vieteral personnel administration. It for his competence, which contri-- . had emmigrated nam. clear-cthe success-lato a is buted substantially single package of As the Vietnamese moved that is vital to efficient gov- - ful accomplishment of the mission toward Sergeant Evanoff s posia reflected of the hospital and emment operations. It is also noticed that this particuhe tion, document of personal concern to "great credit upon himself, the was different. The sixth lar group our government employees and Army Medical Service and the erf a soldier in combat told sense United States Army." .. their families. him to watch closely and, just as they moved to a position within 200 meters of his camp, he saw a number of Viet Cong burst from training at Camp San Luis Obispo among the refugees. in May of that year. Sergeant Evanoff immediately World War II he ser- gave the alarm and, with complete During Pucek Alvin Sergeant Major ved in Europe with the combat disregard for his own safety, began became the top noncommission45th Infantry to return fire. Thus, the element ed officer , of the Eighth U.S. engineers of the Division and participated in the of surprise was' gone from the VC Army Support Command recently. invasions of Sicily and southern attack and before the enemy He assumed the duties of France. could gain momentum, they were EASCOM sergeant major from SerCOMMENTING on his new forced to escape to the flanks, who Uhl geant Major Gordon W. Sergeant Major Pucek using women and children as departed Korea for an assignment position. I to visit the subordi- shields. said,' plan at Fort Knox, Kentucky. Sergeant as soon as possible so nate units Because of this quick reaction Major Uhl had served in the post that I can meet all of the demonstrated ability in a and sergeant since February of this year. understand- - combat situation, SSG Evanoff reSERGEANT Major Pucek majors and get a better ceived his Bronze Star. The award problem arrived in Korea on May 6 after . lnSf ma-- was sergeant presented by Major General sera assignment as post is a member of the Association jor Lassetter, Roy Commanding Genat Proving Dugway geant major of the U.S. Army, American Le- eral, U.S. Army, Hawaii. Sergeant Ground. He served as sergeant and the Fraternal Order of Evanoff is currently assigned to major for the EASCOM Comp- gion Elks. Ilis wife, Pearl, and their the USARI1AW Range Marksmantroller before coming to his predaughter Joan are ship and Rescue Team at Schosent job. field Barracks. currently residing at Dugway. A veteran of over 25 years of military service. Sergeant Ma Casting a ballot at election time is the duty and privilege of every free American. In the coming general elections, therefore, I urge all eligible members of the Armed Forces to vote for the candidates of their choice. Most of you, however, must send for absentee ballots, so I strongly recommend that you mail a Federal Post Card Application to your local election officials without delay, certainly no later than Armed Fences Voters Day on September 28. It is the responsibility of your commanding officer to see to it that you are given a Post Card. wfcral your bajlot arrivaa,'lSad yarn. mar) i it return it promptly, ytm will have the satisfaction of having done your duty as a good jfeitizen, and of directly supporting our precious heritage of freely elected government. ROBERT S. McNAMARA iridi-MM-a- I CSC Personnel Rules Codified 11-ye- ar i . Sergeant Roy S. Jones was awarded the Army Commendation Medal at the Noncommissioned Officers Parade Friday. SCT Jones received the medal for die performance of exceptionalBatly meritorious service while working with Battery C, 8th from Vietnam 1st the of talion, 6th Artillery Infantry Division, July, 1965 to May, 1966. THE CITATION stated that SCT Jones set an example that inspired his associates to strive for maximum achievement. The loyalty, initiative and will to succeed that he demonstrated . . . materially contributed to the successful accomplishment of the mission of his command. Sergeant First Class David L. Woodin received the Certificate of Achievement of the U.S. Army Area Command, U. S. Army, Europe for outstanding performance of duty while serving as Food supervisor. Quartermaster Division, Frankfurt Field Office, Germany from August, 1963 to August, 1968. Sergeant Woodin was commended for his detailed background knowledge and its practical application in the formulation of the policies which developed high standards for the food service program. The citation noted that SFC Woodins outstanding performance consistently exceeded that normally expected from a person of his grade and experience. SERGEANT FIRST CLASS Etoise Blackwell was awarded a Certificate of Achievement from Special Services Sports Section, Headquarters I Corps, for his service as noncommissioned officer in charge of the sports program from June, 1966 to June, For Merit Promotion Y- IzHugway Sergeant Blackwells citation noted that he willingly accepted additional responsibilities and duties and that he managed a complex and diversified sports program which involved individual, company and major level sports in an exceptionally professional manner. Recognition was also given to SFC Blackwell's broad experience, sincere devotion to duty and extraordinary flexibility, as well as to the outstanding manner in which he fulfilled his responsibilities. THE DUCWAY Proving Ground Certificate of Achievement was presented to CW3 Grant P. Wilson, U.S. Army Aviation Division for his outstanding performance of duty from May, 1966 to September, 1966. During this period, CW3 Wilson served as Contract Officer Representative, Supply Officer, Maintenance Officer and Rotary Wing Aviator. The citation stated that, through CW3 Wilsons tireless efforts, a Military Quality Control System was established which greatly enhanced the maintenance effort of the Army Aviation r mmtutmMnrv mJsslm--i ni,aj'VtMriniMiIi-Uisupport of the test program and contributed greatly to the Aviation Divisions accident-fre- e accomplishment of its mission. Staff Sergeant Ceorge R. Crapser received the Certificate of Achievement from the U. S. Army in the Dominican Republic for his meritorious service as noncommissioned officer in charge of the Chemical Decontamination Detachment, Headquarters and Headquarters Company, 627th Supply and Service Battalion from May, 1965 to May, 1966. The citation on SSG Crapsers Certificate stated that, acthrough his devotion to duty, personal conduct and desire to merihimself the his by mission, sergeant distinguished complish torious achievement. 89-55- K0CI6r Certificate Soldier Awarded Bronze Star for Valor Annual NCO Parade Friday Thq monthly formal retreat parade on September 23 is the annual Noncommissioned Officers Parade. MSG Albert Cato is the Troop Commander, and his staff, headed by Adjutant SSG Andrew B. Currier, includes SFC Ronald E. Loring of the CBR Weapons' Orientation Course and SSG Maurice C. Adams of the U.S. Army Hospital. . Other noncommissioned officers participating in the parade as Company Commanders are SFC Elden D. McKee, SFC Don ald Franzen, SFC Donald L. SFC Leon T. Miller and SFC Frank J. Fredericks. Following the review of the Dugway Proving Ground Troops, Sergeant Major Dois H. Childress will announce the retirement of Chie Warrant Officer Grant P. Wilson and Specialist 8 "Walter E. Gill. After the retirement formality, SMAJ Childress will present awards and decorations. SCT Roy S. Jones will receive the Army Commendation Medal, while SFC Entoise Blackwell, SSG George R. Crapser and SFC David L. Woodin will receive Certificate of Achievement Awards. Bal-leng- 4. judg-talent- ut w Pucek Assigned SGM For EASCOM -- six-ye- ar CAPTAIN JACK E. HYMAN receives the Dugway Proving C round Certificate of Achievement from Colonel Joseph J. Fraser, Jr. Captain Hyman, stationed at Dugway with the U.S. Army Hospital, received the Certificate far recognition of his outstanding and meritorious services as Preventive Medicine Officer from July, 1965 to July, 1966. |