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Show I TE T RUN, Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, May 27, 1966 Golf Team Wins Region Tille Post Swimming Pool To Open Saturday, May 28 The Dugway High School team won the Region 5 championship Saturday, May 14 as they downed St. Marks of Ogden by 35 strokes on the Dueway course. Danny Bearden led the winners as he shot a 78 for the 18 hole playoff. Other scores for the winning Dugway team included an 84 by Kelly Bearden, an 88 by Eugene McClure and a 95 by Hal Ilude. Last Saturday the linksters participated in the State meet at the Ben Lomond course at Ogden with Ken Bearden had not yet decided which four of his golfers to use in the state meet. golf Saturday 28 May marks the children 10 and under will be held Monday, Wednesday, and opening of this summer's swimming season. The hours of op- ' Fridays from 0900 to 0950. eration for the pool during the Children registering in this class first two weeks, 28 May through must be able to pass a heighth 12 June, will be as follows. m k in the pool. This check Saturdays from 1000 to 1830 v ;11 be made mi registration day (closed from 1200 to 1300 for 10 June, and on the first day of lunch), Sundays from 1300 to class, 15 June. Classes for child1930, and weekdays from 1330 ren ages will also lie on 6 to 1930. The pool will also be Mondays, Wednesdays and Friopen during the Military lunch days and will start at 1000 and hour, 1130 to J230, mi weekdays, end at 1050. Lifesaving classes so persons wishing to do so may in Jr. and Sr. lifesaving will be take a short refreshing swim on held Monday through Friday their lunch hour. The pool hours from 1100 to 1200. On Tuesday on Memorial Day, 30 May, will and Thursday mornings from 0900 be the same as a Saturday, 1000-120- to 1000 there will be an adult 1300 - 1930. womens class. Children particiSwimming instructions will bepating in the 50 Mile Swim may gin on 13 June. There will be use the pool from 1300 to 1330 two five week periods of instrucweekdays and from 0900 to 1000 tion given at the pool this sumon Saturdays for swimming laps. mer. Classes will be given in The hours for recreational swimthe American Red Cross Swim- ming will be from 1330 to 1930 ming and Water safety programs. on weekdays, 1000 to 1930 on Courses offered will range from Saturdays (closed from 1200 to Beginner Swimming to Senior 1300 for lunch), and from 1300 Lifesaving. Red Cross Certifi- to 1930 on Sundays. The evecates will be awarded to children ning swim period (1700-193who successfully complete any will be closed to swimmers under of the courses. The first period of instruction begins on 13 June The pool will be reserved and runs through 15 July. The second 5 week period will begin on Mondays through Friday during 25 July and finish on 29 August. the Military lunch period )1130-123Children will be eligible, to take for persons 16 and over. It lessons in either period. Howis hoped that this will provide ever, to insure that children re- an opportunity for people to gistered in the second period re- take a quids dip during their ceive instruction equal that re- lunch hour. ceived by the children in the first period, children in the first period may not repeat the same course in the same period. They may, however, continue their swimming lessons if they qualify to advance to the next level of instruction. Starting on 13 June the schedule for swimming lessons and recreational swimming will be as follows: Swimming classes for 11-1- l Colonel Joseph J. Fraser LITTLE LEAGUE OPENING DPG commander is shown throwing out the first ball at the opening of the Little League season. The Braves jumped off to an early lead in the race as they downed the Pirates twice by scores of 9 to 5 and 18 to 4 while the Cubs were winning their opener over the Dogers by a 22 to 0 score. 0, BUY U.S. SAYINGS BONDS The DPG Test Run mk Tliyi "t rim -- k star by A "' Uak, mmy J SiiSak Bm 1 fl k Ail ybScstlsa da aal wskn aa iknaaral by bad. AS warn mttm lar yabbraHaa at aawfcaa DaSay raankf Css 4 TEST BUN, Papny, Utah, af a, ariAa aitttaa r baaaaaa Aia yablkalfca - Jg " - Tank, UbA.Mkki a4 Haw af As WMSaal aribn mi As Ikyiifwl af DttZL ri As padacti' AaaM ba aaf la Aa kfanaaMaa OCBcs. liliydiai SSSSSSl. IMa b aat aa affiria' Oft, laaalaaa Anaad Faaaaa Plaa Sanka aad Anay Ns a rayrial aaaaapywHlad AVIS aad ANF awtariai i fiva cMbaa eayfta fuMIdilag Os, SI a Baa MS la ykaa a Mak, Taaak, ar F. AB pkbaad aaa affickl UJL An if Baa af than k aal aadriakd aaaayf la m wbhb Mm yamlidia af Aa Ikpaikaat af Aa A ray Mad. lbs Nad pAII a WIN RECION TITLE The Dugway High School golf team won the Region 5 golf champ ionship as they downed St Marks of Ogden by a total of 35 strokes in the region meet held on the Dugway course. Pictured above are the members of the team with their coach. Coach Kenneth Bearden, Kelly Bearden, Ilal Hude, Dennis Bearden, Craig Gcerlings ) ' and Eugene Me Gure. (L-R- Braves, Cubs Win Openers In Little League Play The Braves and Cubs started the Little League season off with two victories apiece during the first week of play to tie for the league lead which was settled last week when the two top teams met each other twice. The Braves won their opener over the Pirates by a 8 to 5 score and then defeated the Pirates again Wednesday night by an 18 to 4 count. In the opening game Marty Sherer was the big offensive star for the winners as he hit two homeruns. to drive in a total of seven runs. His first came with the bases full and the Braves behind by a 3 to 2 score and his second accounted for the winners last three runs. Pat O'Hanlon accounted for the losers first three runs with the first homer of the 1966 season. The Braves made it two in a row over the Pirates as they sewed up the game with 11 runs in the third inning. The Cubs meanwhile were getting excellent pitching as they shut out the Dodgers twice. Recreational Safety It has been determined from and informal interrogations that many accidents suffered by personnel exposed to recreational activities were unbeating them 20 to 0 on Tuesnecessary. Findings by the saday night and then winning 7 to fety personnel reveal that many 0 on Thursday evening of the accidentsinjuries were caused by unsafe acts, improper physical conditioning horse day and many times a lack of' adherence to safety rules. THROUGH MAXIMUM participation by military 1. How many times did Ty Cobb Mj jn recreational sports is lead the League in bat- couraged, each individual should ting? 2. Sam Snead has finished hisure himself that every practi-amon- g the top 10 in the U.S., cable precaution to reduce pen tournament 11 times. How' juries, is taken. The advent of summer will many times has he won the title? 3. How many consecutive times cause increased exposure to re- studies v Vv. in-C- D blfrgiSJate out'fleS'wfo1 ot cretioMl 'Yf sonne are encouraged to partici-ru- n crown? pate in the use of on --post faro 4. Who won the National Invi- - cilities and tation Tournament basketball creational programs, championships in 1965? When participating in sports alI perjonnci be m5' ?KunZfny Mley runs batting both of aware fact of the one the that righthanded and lefthanded in one primary deterants to injury is game? ANSWERS physical conditioning. One should, before active participation 'IU 'S in s.uqof is any athletic endeavor, flex his I) muscles by exercising bending -- BM MDUMDOl B3AM B UAAOJ3 ao tuMA jumping This allows the musiifl mj pan janix 'g or nado 'S'fl cles to loosen up, graduidly miniam nun MAan ssq pvang 'Z mizing sprains, strains, or injuaaA3AAX 'I ries that otherwise occur. THERE ARE a variety of sports in which an individual may participate. Regardless, all personnel should be SAFETY conscious at all times. Each sport has its own special techniques. It is everyones responsibility to learn how to participate in a manner best calculated to avoid tie for the National League home Army-sponsor- timhs - The Cubs Little League baseball team started off the season with a bang as they won two over the Dodgers by scores of 20-- 0 and 6 to 0 during the first week of Little League play. Last week they were to meet the only other undefeated team, the Braves in two games for the league lead. Pictured above are (L to R) first TIED FOR LEAGUE LEAD row: Delmar Honga, Bradley Lindsay, David Griffith, Dana Jefferies,. Richard Jefferies and Michael Eldard. Second row: Calvin Griffith, Lionel Tippets, Ronald Edgeman, Rodney Benjamin, Richard White, Bruce Hooley and Manager William Kane. Not present when the picture was taken: John Haves, Dee Shirts, Donald Dunks and Coach L. L. Kelly. (3S-9V6- gsm mm wcm void ran mm Km mmm Freezer to store the cotclh eand sa Washer to & injury. 9 0 0 Horseplay in recreational activities, as was previously mentioned, is an source of injury. Horseplay decreases as interest in. the play increases and adequate outlet for energies is provided. Super-visa- s, therefore, should aim to increase the quality of activities, with direct attention given to horseplay as the need arises. Safety is essential to a satisfactory recreational program. Whether an individual participates in swimming baseball, tennis, softball, etc., he should foforiwtr equipmraLkeepin wash grimy fishing togs V good 52 phJK condition and adhere to all safety mlM and nractices. YES, YOU can be a million- aire-b- y wisely and strfely protect- from injury through- yourself ing out the year. Do not let SAFETY take a recess. REPRESENTATIVES g?bfk i"lh P,n& lhelr firs - Shown above with their manager and coach are the UHle League baseball team The Pirates hoped to ,ast week the Dodgers twice after drop- .th,ck two games of the season to wJcnthey Braves. (L to R) 1st row: Billv Roberts. 2 !? Mik " Bob Coggm Pat An,rX GET IN ON THE ACTION Buy your new Pontiac or Cadillac now During Our Stock Reduction Sale. We have a huge stock of most model! and colors. See us for the best possible deals. Stoker Motor rh"" 9,urcVIar?Iun TW J J,m ? Anderso,, and Coach ?" (;wKe Jn r' Byrd, J" Fid- - 1M m Buy a new car or truck from us and you will be eligible to win a new G.E. Portable Color Television set worth $250. 44 Efwt 1st North Phone 882-10- 66 |