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Show GIF) WNlVuw!7Y OF UTAH LKaTATJIS Jim 1966 t IzLluctw ISQDC3 Friday, May 27, 1966 Vol. No. 9 No. 22 Published for Dugway Proving Ground, Dugway, Utah Army. Opinions expressed by publisher and writers herein are their own and are not to be considered an official expression by the Depart Published by the Transcript-Bulleti- n Publishing in no a firm, private Company, Tooele, Utah, the of way connected with the Department ment of the Army. The appearance of advertisements in this publication does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of the Army of the products or services advertised. Over $1,000 Given To Red Gross Over Eighty Per-CeOf Post Personnel Contribute nt Military and civilian personnel on Dugway Proving Ground contributed more than $1,000 to the 1968 Red Cross Drive which came to a conclusion May 1.6. A TOTAL of $1051.16 was collected by the more tlu 70 Keymen for the drive. Many divisions and units on the post had 100 per cent of their personnel contribute to the successful drive. Scout Troop Wins Honors Dugway boy scouts of Troop 481 walked off with top honors at the district camporee held INCENTIVE AWARD RECEIPENTS - Cadi awards Cor approved suggestions were awarded to military and civilian personnel in the Test Operations Directorate or Test Design and Analyns office at ceremonies held in Ditto Area. Shown above are (L to R) 1st Row' Robert Jaranullo, Otis Thompson, Betty Johnston, Francis Menalis and Kenneth Worthen. 2nd Row; Sp4 Warren Inskeep, Dee Gardner, Russell Mayes, Ramond Russell and Robert Me CuDough. 7. ht British Officers To Attend School Employees Receive Awards For Approved Suggestions Nine persons assigned to Test Operations Directorate or Test Design and Analysis Office re- ceived cash awards for their suggestion at ceremonies held recently in Ditto area. The award was given May 6-after two days of open competition by sixteen of the districts twenty-eigtroops. His suggestion improved test technology and field test date and is estimated that it will mean saving; of $1,436. Kenneth Worthen, powered ground equipment repairer in the Test Division was awarded Includbd among those receiv- - 145 for his suggestion to have ing monetary awards was Sp4 windleB made t0 fit trucfa the eliminate W.rren Inskeep, of hh chemical division, the first mill- -. ing trailer hitch.. An award 0f $40 was pre-cataiy personnel to be presented a award at Dugway under the Gardner tQ new Army policy of rnihtepr per- - trician in &e Test Division for cash hu sonnd being eligible Mggpslion which will save awards for approved suggestions. approxinulteiy 1720. Several former Dugway military AWARDS OF $25 each peisonnel have had their cash Tcch tQ Rqbert awards forwarded to their new nica, Division Otis Syrtems duty station. Inskeep was award- - Thomps9ni Test Division, Rus-e- d $25 for his uiggestion to paint Division hoods in the Chemical Division lnd Russell also of Raymond white thereby allowing for opti- (he Biological Division mum visibility. Betty Johnston, Chemical Division received $15 for her apFRANCIS Menalis a toxic proved suggestion. material handler in the TechIn addition to the cadi awards nical Systems Division received a $90 award for his suggestion Robert McCullough, Biological to modify the freezing methods Design and Analysis Division reto simplify die arming or dis- ceived 3 Suggestion Certificates arming of munitions during holds. of Appreciation. sh jan British Army, Air Force, Royal Navy, Canadian and Australian officers will attend die CBR Weapons Orientation Course here from May 30 through June 3. INCLUDED among the 36 students who will attend the course are seven General officers of die British Army and two Air Commodores of the Royal Air Force. General Robert A. Major X Bnb mander, Member Sri8!? Washington CHECK PRESENTATION - DPG Commander Colonel Joseph J. Fraser Jr., is shown presenting a check for $1051.16 to Mr. Joe Laurent, Red Cross Field Director for military installations throughout Utah and Southern Idaho, as the amount donated by military and civilian personnel here during the recent Red Cross Drive. Col. Fraser was chairman Cor the drive in which better than 80 per cent of the personnel participated. r Major General Gagwin New USATECOM Commanding General Major General Leland G. has been named as the new commanding of the Army Steffi A Test and vSuation British Defense mand with headquartcn at Aber Ground. Proving be the senior the class. Genthe CB, DSO, Academy. He served with the 25th Infantry Division in World War H and again during the Ko- War. He was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross for heroism on Guadalcanal and was senior adviser with the Third Turkish Brigade in Korea when it won the U.S. Distinguished Unit Citation in the defense of tire Imjin River crossings. His most recent assignments have taken him to Ethiopia to head the Military Assistance Ad- visory Group, to the U.S. Strike Command in Florida, the 82nd Airborne Division at Fort Bragg N.C., and to Supreme Head- quarters, Allied Powers, Europe, in Paris where he was special assistant to SHAPES chief of Cagwin Com-Mdite- iy lute, were rendered by the post s will Guard and the 324th student attending eral Fyffe holds OBE and the MC. Three other Major Generals of die British Army Major General John N. Thomas, Director of Combat Development, Major General lan A. Robertson, Director of British Army Equipment Policy and Major General Antronic Proving Ground, Fort thony H. G. Dobson, Chief EnAriz., who has been gineer Hq NORTHAG and BAOR acting commander since Decern-will also attend the week course.' her. THE THREE British Army GEN. CAGWIN is a 1940 Brigadiers who will be here are graduate of the U.S. Military staff. Philip K. Rooke, Commander, Royal Arty 2 Division; John M.D. Assistant Commandant of the British Staff College and Brigadier Jack W; Harman, Commander of the 11 InfBde. Air Commodore Christopher J. Mount, Director of Operations Air Defense and Overseas and GENERAL CAGWIN was Air Commodore Cresswell M. welcomed in colorful ceremonies dementi. Director of Air Pluis at Aberdeen May 17 upon his will be among seven Royal Air assuming command. The general was greeted at See British Page 7 The troops were judged according to camp safety and sanitation, conduct and ability in the six different skill events. The Dugway troop set the pace in the drill events with 3 firsts and 1 second. The "fusts came in first-aifirebuilding and log rolling the second in the knot relay. The totals for the 1968 drive was slightly under the amount contributed during the 1965 drive but well over the amount collected in both the 1964 and 1963 Red Cross Drives here.' However the percentage of military and civilian peisonnel contributing to the 1966 fond raising drive showed an increase of eight percent over a year ago as more than eighty per cent of the persons contacted donated to the drive this year. DUGWAY Commander, Col. Joseph J. Fraser, Jr., chairman of the 1968 drive stated that though the total collected this year was slightly less than in 1965 he was pleased that the percentage id personnel participating in the 1966 Red Cross Drive had shown a definite increase over last year. Colonel Fraser give the check for $1051.16 to Joe Lorent, Red Cross Field Service Officer for ' this area in ceremonies held in the Colonel's office this past Troop 481 now travels to Salt Lake City where it will represent Stansbury district at a, the annual June week. 2-There it will compete for Among the divisions and units honors with troops from all over on the post showing 100 percent the state. Troop 481 also plans participation by their personnel an indoor display on wildlife of included Command and Staff, Mission the Dugway area. The Scout-o-rea- n MS&DSO, Planning rama features skill competition HHC, USA Met Team, Test Opand displays of boy scout craft, erations. ALSO USA Hospital, 65th It is the only officially sanction-Honed boy scout proMilitary Police Platoon, and all ject and all money goes to the four divisions of Personnel and boy scout movement. Tickets Administration. In addition many other of are $1.00 and everybody is encouraged to buy one. Tickets the drive keymen reported 100 are available from any boy scout percent participation for the or contact John Lewis 3188. tion of the division that contacted. who participated The portions of divisions rewere: Gordon White, Scott full participation includporting Langdorf, Monte Rudd, Rory ed four in the Consol Division, Mari Jarvis, Gary Collough, two in' the Facilities Division Nelson, Forrest Riggs, Ron I vie, Tom McClure, Jesse Taylor, and one each in the Biological, Shane Duncan, Donald Young and Technical Systems and Test Mike Lefevre. Scout-o-ram- 3. or fund-raisi- Ward-Henderso- n, Four To Be Honored At Parade This Evening the Army of Occupation Medal (Germany), American Defense, Good Conduct, American Medal National Defense Smvice Medal, Armed Force Re-serve Medal and World War II hours. THE FOUR who will be Victory Medal honored are Lt Colonel James Sgt. Mahoney first entered ' T. Waters, Chief of Staff for the service in February 1941 and Guadalcanal at the out- Dugway Proving Ground, Lt. Col. was at Arthur Neumann, Finance and break of World War II. He also near the Accounting Officer and Deputy served in Germany, war. the E-- 8 of close 1st George Sgt. Comptroller, F. Mahoney, CBR Troop DetachHE RETURNED to the 7 ment and SFC Henry R. Wheeler Assistant Secretary of Army in 1949 and has served in the Dugway Officers Open Mess. Korea and Vietnam returning to Colonel Waters who will re- Dugway in 1962. His award! and decorations include the Korean tire at the end of June has been nd United Nations Service Me- since to July Dugway assigned Republic of Korea Presi-1964 and has been Chief of dential Unit Citation, Distinguish1965. was He Staff since August ed Unit Citation, Good Conduct Post Inspector, Deputy Director Medal with three clasps. Armed of Test Operations and Assistant Forces Medal, Expeditionary before here of Staff Chief the to American Campaign Medal Naassuming his present position. tional Defense Service Medal and A veteran of 25 yean service American Campaign Medal Colonel Waters holds the Korean Sgt. Wheeler, a veteran of Nations United Service Medal 21 yean in the service has been Medal. Army of Occupation (Ja- to Dugway Proving mm) medal AF Reserve Medal Ground since June 1964. WW II Victory Medal, American has served overseas in He Defen.se. Campaign and American t n, Korea, and in Vietnam LT COLONEL Neumann, he was awarded the Com- where who will also retire the end of bat Infantiy Badge. His other to been Dugassigned June, has awards and decorations include Medal with 5 h! the Four Dugway Proving Ground military personnel who will retire at either the end of May or last of June will be honored at parade ceremonies today at 1645 El-- X hprerenl1!!.1 Gocdurt Serv,ce M duty to April 1941. Among his decorations are active and World W" 11 Thirty-on- e Dugway seniors received hig)i school diplomas at School DPCr Exhibits i Ull tUlSDiaV fhir com- - mencement exercises held last evening at 7 pm. in the Dugway Post Chapel. The principal speaker for the was commencement exercises Donald Halladay, English teacher in the Dugway High School. Linda Hatch, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Hayes was the class valedictorian and there were two salutatorians as the grade average of Richard Broome, son of Lt. Colonel Earl B. Broome and Jane Kleve, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H. Edward Kleve were jo nearly the same that the faculty were unable to select only one. Baccalaureate services for the seventeen girls and fourteen lxiys Dugway Proving Ground provided displays at two Utah cities on Saturday, May 21 in honor of Armed Forces Day. The Armed Forces static display which included slides and tape recordings concerning Dugway along with a manequin dressed in protective clothing was on display Saturday at the Cottonwood Mall in Salt Lake City. Many of the Utah military installations had displays in the Tue,day evening also in the Chapel with Paul Skyles, former Ujj at the high school here Dugway also sent a Decon principal truck and several enlisted person and now principal at Tooele High nel to Orem to participate in School as the principal speaker. Scholarships were also awardtheir Armed Forcej Day celebration. The personnel provided ed at the commencement exer' a demonstration of how the cises and other outstanding awards presented. equipment is used. . K their diplomas at graduation DUGWAY HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES Thirty one Dugway High School seniors received Lane Ivie, V.kH Irby, Linda 1st row are above Outrun, ) exercises held last evening in the Post Chapel. Pictured (L-R- Anderson and JanfeCleeve. 2nd Linda Hatch, Audry McClure, Terri. Meyers, Cinger Gardner, Jackie Kendall, Korothy Althea Yackman, Judy Alg, Marcene Minard, Dennis Baxter row: Deborah McCullough, Bonnie Olsen, Patricia Woods, Dan Andrus, Mike Danny Olsen, Densil Snow, Shirl Clarke, Shawn Hal Norton, Hude, and Tom Brothers. 3rd rowi Lee. and Rassmussen Missing when the picture was taken are Maria Rich Cary Lamareaux, Broome, Jerry Gary Langdorf, Ryan and Russell Riggs- - |