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Show Dugway Teachers Mra. Irma Hinojosa has been teaching the 2nd grade at Dugway Elementary School since January, 1966. She is originally from Washington State near Spokane. She graduated from Eastern . Washington State in 1963 with a B.A... in Education. MRS. HINOJOSA taught the 4th grade for 18 months in Federal Way, Washington. Her husband Sp5 Rich Hinojosa is in the Army stationed here at Dugway Proving Ground and works at the Dugway Hospital. His home state is Texas. Mrs. Hinojosa enjoys sewing in her leisure time and is looking forward to the summer months in hopes die will have an opportunity to see the State of Utah. have ..THE HINOJOSAS one son, Rodney, one year old. ' - Mr. Glade Hales has been teaching the 6th grade at Dugway Elementary School since October 1965. Mr. Hales and his wife. Fanes, have five children Michael, 11, Sheri, 10, Robert, 8, Russell, 5, and Deanna, 4. Their home is in Springville, Utah. BEFORE beginning his teaching career, Mr. Hales worked at Geneva Steel in Provo for thirteen years. While in Provo, he was also going to school at BYU. He received his B.S. in Elementary and Secondary Education from BYU in 1964 - Mr. Hales remains on base at) the Bachelors Quarters during the week and returns during the week and returns home to his family on the week end. The Hales are looking forward to living here at Dugway next vear. MRS. ELAINE Lewis is the former Miss Elaine Clark and . has been teaching the first grade at Dugway Elementary School since March 14. 1966 . She received her B.S. in Po- litical Science from Utah State in 1959, later in 1966 she obtained her teaching certificate from die University of Utah. Proficiency Pay tested Proficiency Pay - What is it? Who is eligible? What is its value? WHAT IS Proficiency Pay? It is pay awarded to enlisted members designated as possessing special proficiency in a military skill. This pay is in addition to any other pay, allowances, special pay or incentive pay to which an individual is entitled. There are two categories of Proficiency Pay Specialty and Superior Performance. However, only one type can be paid at rme time. Proficiency Pay (Specialty) is designed as a pay incentive for keeping in the Army those members with military specialties requiring long and costly training. Proficiency Pay (Superior Performance) provides recognition for members not otherwise receiving proficiency pay and is paid to those who demonstrate superior performance on the job. Who is eligible? There are several basic eligibility requirements that must be met in order to be awarded either category of proficiency pay. Basic qualifications are as follows: (1) BE ON active duty, other than active duty for training as a member of a reserve component, and be entitled to basic - oaoo A GROWN! RIGHT HERE g G jSjT00ELEv PDDOIl WHOLE L a py- - (2) Be in pay grade E 3 or higjier. (3) Be properly classified in MOS designated for a primary orr nroficiencv pav. (4) BE' IN appointable - SEWS e) status. An individual is not in appointable status when AWOL, in confinement, under court-marticharges or sentence, undergoing punishment imposed by Article 15, under proceedings which may result in dis- charge under other than honorable conditions, pending reclassinary reasons, or within 60 days of voluntary retirement. (5) Have completed at least 24 months active duty, other than active duty for training. (6) Have six months continuous active duty immediately prior to date of award.' . (7) BE recommended by unit commander. 0 GP al BWgb. a IMH11' 'ro: & o lPaBOUOALADO - Mrs. Lewis and her husband, Sp4 Marshall Lewis, were married this past April. Sp4 Lewis is assigned to the Met Team here at Dugway.- In addition to the basic eligibility rules, there are specific requirements for each category of proficiency pay. To be awarded Proficiency Pay (Specialty) the individual must be assigned Mrs. Lewis enjoys reading to duties requiring the skills of in her leisure time and is look- the primary MOS in which quali- ing forward to using the Dug- fied and must be in a career way swimming pool this summer. status; that is, serving in a second or subsequent term of active duty enlisted service or serving Series H Savings Bonds are rein a first enlistment or extension commended for absolute protecof enlistment which will total 6 tion of principal and good interest. or more years of active service. Available in denominations of $500, To be eligible for Proficiency $1,000, $5,000 and $10,000 H Pay (Superior Performance), the Bond earns 4. 15 percent when held individual soldier must' have atto maturity. tained or exceeded the superior , performance qualifications score announced by the Army for the primary MOS and skill level in which he is evaluated. - KILLOGG'8 DRIAKFAST COCA COLA CIRIAL8 lltt ltsi f. Com Flakee Km Criipws KINS SIZE BOTTLES' 2Ctns. Of Six QQc 3, and $50. Proficiency Pay (Superior Performance) is authorized at a fixed rate of $30 per month. P-- 2, Servicing for Lee Durr ants State Farm Customers ' Can now be handled by Lm Hansen 49 S . 1 st East 8t I $75; GtodD Etsu DdSBOl C33G0D DECORATED -J- UMBO , COTTON MAID SPRAY ex. Blue Bonnet 99 &tyrean324fe Siae Reg. 2.49- -. CREME RINSE Lanolin Plua r Rag. 99c Value.., jLitr $1I EGG SHAMPOO LanoRnPlus Reg. 9fc Value., o far HAIRSPRAY tnnolin Plm Reg. Hard la Hold tl 'I Whipped.2cOff Pound Pkg. HM...M DEVILED Pdbbuiy.Or.MjiS, Caramel or Roii in 45c eepaeee or CHICKEN 4V4-O- ..43cl can DEVILED 2V4-o- cam DIET Sega liquid 10 or. Cam -- 21c FOOD ...... J Off RE White for I CUPS Anto S I .88cl StRagit Pkg. of 1 00 ZEE Heinz Quolilyi. TISSUE -12 ,89c - eL Jora mm TANG--6- c 11 Saiod NoHey'i Dreiiing OFF iOC t....nO Charcoal Lighter Con 3fer$l ,Wt HAVE deuacnoN Ceofclei mom QOC O 7 O CARNATIONS O PEONIES O GLADS Insect Bomb 41 Wizard Brand 32-a- 3far$l 3far$1 Cfcsc. Chip Ceekias 3 far $1 1K Lena Ctmm! far $1 RELISHES PRICE . Oat- -el 3091 Pitted No.1 Com. Precut Mild, .Ved tom Nippy or Swite PAPER HAM Underwood 1 KRAFT CHEESE HAM ' FiilarUk STUMP Ipe. .39 MEMORIAL DAY PINT BOTTLE. Danish Rolls P--L In addition to the increased income there are other related benefits such as greater probability of selection for promotion and the personal satisfaction of being proficient on the job. One of the goals of every soldier should be qualification for award of proficiency pay. Greater job knowledge will result in a better Army. Begin preparing NOW for the next proficiency pay testl LIQUID STARCH 3 for 09 SpJalK-10- 14 10-ye- ar WHAT. IS its value? The monthly rate of Proficiency Pay (Specialty) which may be awarded varies by MOS, with die highest rate being authorized for those MOS's requiring the most skill. In this category die monthly rates payable are: P-$100; SCOTT TOWELS BLACK FLAG 12 ox. Can See Size Ian .99 CAMAY 2far43c ZESTBAR lack Flog. irS0AP..2far37 Can -- .99c K2t (ranffe&fcat . . . 3w37c SQUITO SPRAY 12-a- I SAFEGUARD SPIC 4 Sli TOP JOE DOWNY i. . . FLYDED an 69e MR. COMET CLEAN INSECT KILLER REGL Black Flag far HaueeS Garden . QQc 1244 --ax. canI eaneeeeee SIZE CANS 3fa45c 13c OFF 28-O- BOTTLE CCC RIGU SJfor3f |