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Show TEST HUS, Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, May 27, 1966 Educational Assistance Pamphlet Published by VA Memorial Day 1966 A Day io Remember to Many Vacancies Exist In Recruiting Services critical shortage of Army recruiters exists in the US Army First Recruiting District. Colonel William D. Taylor, First District Commanding Officer, has announced that there are 134 vacancies in key cities in the area of the First District which includes all of New England, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, Ohio, Virginia, West Virginia, Kentucky and part of Indiana. The vacancies are in grades E-- 6 and E-Qualified 's will be considered. Personnel selected for recruiting duty must be mature individuals with a broad knowledge of the Army and the many career opportunities it offers. APPLICATIONS are being accepted from enlisted men and women from all commands of the Army who meet the following minimum requirements: General Technical Aptitude Area (CT) score of 110; at least six years service for enlisted men -3 years service for enlisted women; high school siploma or high school level GED; a valid military or state motor vehicle operators license; conduct and efficiency ratings of excellent; a National Agency check completed and have volunteered for assignment to recruiting duty. Other desirable but not mandatory qualifications are: overseas service; ages 24 through 35 combat service inclusive; years and past experience in personnel management, personnel classification or sales. A 16-sta- 7. E-5- officers desiring assignment to recruiting -- 6, has n 7, 1, 7, Greenfield - E-Medford Springfield (2) - R-- 6 and E-NEW HAMPSHIRE - Keene E-Portsmouth - E-New Jersey - Asbury Park - E-Passaic - E-Plainfield - E-- 6, -6, 7, -6, 7. 7, 6. 6, Red Bank - Somerville - E-- 6, Waldwick (2) New York E-- 6, E-- 7. 21E-199- Albany - - E-- 6, 21E-199- Astoria - E-Bath - E-Bayshore E-Buffalo, Ellicott St. - E-Cortland - E-Crames Square, Flat-busBronx - E-Elmira - E-6, 7, 6, 6, TRY THESES FOR SIZE 6, 6, h, E-- 6, Flushing Gun Hill Rd., Bronx, E-- 6, Jackson Heights, E-Nannet - E-Jamaica - E-Oneonta - E-Poughkeepsie -7, RochestRidgewood - E-er - E-- 6, Times Square - E-Water-tow- n Utica - E-Troy - E-- E-- 7, White Plains - E-- 6. OHIO - Cincinnati, N. ColCincinnati, lege Hill - E-Price Hill - E-Cleveland, Career Counselor - E-Cleveland, Columbus -Detroit Ave. - E-Columbus, 3rd and State St. E-Marion Findlay - E-E-Parma Painesville - E--7, Youngstown (2) E-- 6 and E-Pennsylvania - Aliquippa - E-Altoona - E-Johnstown - E-PhiladelNew Kenington - E-Potts town phia, Market St - E-Brooklyn Ceneva - E-- 6, 6, 6, 6, Lt Colonel George W. Anderson, CBR Weapons Orientation Course Director and SSgt George Oxuma check to see how the new chevrons will look on Oxuma's shirt. Oxuma, chief of a gun section learned of his promotion to SSgt in ceremonies held in Col Anderson's office recently. 7, E-- 6, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 7, 6, 7, 7, 6, 7, 7, 7, 7. 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, E-7. Rhode Island - Pawtucket Providence - E-VERMONT - Rutland - E-Virginia - Richmond, Career Counselor - E-Richmond, N. 8th St. - E--6, DPG Certificate of Achievement is presented to 1st Lt Robert K. Bjerke for his work as Research and Development Program Coordinator, of the Mission Planning Office from August, 1964, to April 1966. The award was presented by Col. Joseph J. Fraser, Jr., DPG commander. A 7. 7. 7, 6. Christopher D. Houghton, son Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Houghton, 118 East Third, was among the candidates for graduation from St. Johns Military School. cereCommencement monies was May 22 at the Episcopal boarding high school. Houghton is the executive officer of the Cadet Corps Battalion with the rank of major. He has Ireen president of the Librarians Club and treasurer of the Kay Clulr, d service group. 0. The Forces of United States Armed Institute has distributed the pamphlet and VA Form to all education centers at military installations around the world. Active duty personnel may obtain these materials from the education centers at their installations. Education officers can assist interested persons in choosing educational or vocational goals, or determining if the individual should apply for the VGI Bill rather than receiving schooling through such programs as Operation Bootstrap. The pamphlet and VA Form which is to be used by persons not on active duty, may be obtained from VA offices. The pamphlet lists VA Regional Offices located in the Rico US, Philippines, Puerto and Hawaii Islands), (and Virgin Alaska where additional information is available. Local representatives of the various veteran organizations and the American Red Cross also have information and application forms. Eligible persons must know 21E-199- 21E-199- 0, E-7, -- the program of --education for which they wish apply, title of course, date of enrollment, Memorial Day is a somlter occasion for Americana It is a and school in which they will timt to awaken memories of friends, relatives, and thousands of Ire enrolled before submitting young men who have died in the service of the nation. This year, applications. it is also a time to learn to live with the fresh loss of those who have given their lives in the Republic of Vietnam. For the men and women of the armed forces. Memorial Day is all these things and more. John McCrae, in his poem. In FlandHoughton Graduate ers Fields, wrote, If ye break faith with us who dieWe shall Of Military School not sleep, though poppies growIn Flanders fields. Veterans Administration published VA Pamphlet Educational Assistance for Veterans and Inservice Personnel, which outlines the prerequisites for those who wish to apply for educational assistance under the Veterans' Readjustment Benefits Act of 1966. Interested individuals should consult this pamphlet liefore completing either VA Form or The Massachusetts Boston, Boyles-towSt. - E-Brockton - E-Fitchburg - E-Framingham If Ye Break Faith With Kiwanis-spon-sore- Civil Service Vacancy Here The United States Civil Service Commission announces an examination for employment as a Laboratory Worker at Dugway Proving Ground. Full information and applications may lie obtained from the Post Office or from the Executive Secretary, U.S. Civil Service Board of Examiners, Dugway Proving Ground. The first line of the triplet, If ye break faith with us who die, echoing from the liattlefields of World War I, should ring through the thoughts of every inan and woman in uniform. Those who died, not just in World Wars I and II, but through all our nations struggles, including the Cold War, have left Itehind a trust that their sacrifices le given meaning by the continuation and growth of the American nation in' a free world. The serviceman and woman of today carries a heavy part of this trust. It is only through keeping faith, through courage and steadfastness, that those who lie in Flanders fields in Hawaii, at Arlington, Valley Forge aud Cettsburg, and those who have died in the sweating jungles of Vietnam, may sleep. (AFNB). Field Printing Personnel Take duty should initiate their requests through command channels indicating three preferred duty stations within the First Recruiting District on Department of the Army Form 1049. by John Schrier Field Printing personnel reComplete information for submission of applications by per- cently completed a newly develsonnel in CONUS and in over- oped training course on Advance seas commands as contained in Pressmanship, offered by the AR Graphic Arts Technical FoundaSelected individuals should tion. This was a unique course in expect to attend the Recruiting y and Career Counseling Course at that it consisted of Fort Benjamin Harrison, Indian- lessons and on the job training. apolis, Indiana. Upon completion The trainee was assigned one of the course, the graduate will lesson a week for ten weeks which contained specific readreport for recruiting duty. quesing material and FOR FURTHER information, tions to reinforce the new knowpersonnel are encouraged to conledge. tact their reenlistment career The ten lesson assignments counselor at their installations, were completed by the trainee their local US Army recruiter or his off dutythours. Before during address their query to Ihe personeach new lesson assignment the nel management office at USA trainee was required to take a Fort 1st Recruiting District, review examinacomprehensive George G. Meade, Maryland. tion in the Field Printing Plant, in exist Currently, vacancies after which there was a question the following recruiting stations: and answer period, and the grad-New Haven Connecticut ing papers submitted. Tbe avenge home study time CaKENTUCKY Ashland, for each trainee was 63 hours reer Counselor, E-- 7, Louisville, and a total of 33 hours of Paducah - E-VA Bldg - E-training. E-Somerset The individuals who successReister-to- n Baltimore; Maryland fully completed the course were: Rd - E-Baltimore, BaltiSp5 Raympnd A. Storey, PFC Bel Air - E-more St. - E-Harold J. Mayer and Richard N. E-Hagerstown Bate. Special Course 601-27- A QUICK REFERENCE OF LOCAL BUSINESSES AND SERVICES 5. AUTO REPAIR - PARTS Glass Installation - Front End Alignment - Safety Inspection Wheel Balancing Phone 64 East 882-037- 1 (a 2.25 1 Phone 475 So. 50 West 882-260- or 1 882-117- 9 0 Gal. of Gas or more Gillespie's Excel Service Satisfaction Center MONTHLY SPECIAL Value!) with MEAT-CUTTIN- G Vine Phone 398 North Main WASH JOB FOR 1.50 . CUSTOM TOOELE ICE ft COLD STORAGE CO. Ph. 1824278 M S. MAIN TOOELE GASr FOR LESS A" FREEZER LOCKER RENTALS MOHAWK CARPETS APPLIANCES SIMMONS MATTRESS ARMSTRONG LINO AND TILE KELVINATOR GENERATORS AND REGULATORS REBUIL1 self-che- We Arrange Financingl Gordon's Furniture For: CLARS AUTO CENTER self-stud- WHOLESALE HEAT PRICES FURNITURE APPLIANCES 882-15- 5 Phone Products Distributors lor Humble Oil Refining Lubrication Tires. Batteries, A 10 0 to can .Open pm dally Sunday 80 North Main SL We Specialize in . Anti-Freei- e, GENERAL ELECTRIC APPLIANCES PREMIUM OIL CO. S91 N. Main, Too T 882-303- A 41 from leedlaf IN HmMi Mwerire E-7 Jerrys Freshly Baked Pizza ob 195 North Main St., Tooele Pizza to go Also Sandwiches Phone 882-334- 4 7, 6, 7. 7, 7, 7, Shrubs Tooele Bowl Renta! 21 Wert let North 882-059- Daily Schedules from Tooele to Tooele Army Depot And Tooele Smelter Dial 002-130- and 0 002-12- he a 33 COAL NEED Can COAL 4 p.m.-- 8 p.m. (ico) DUNN Roofing & Sales 882-34- 270 Maple 21 Open Saturday 9 a.m.-- 6 p.m. E. L Gillespie Oil Co. Fuel Oils Prompt Delivery 1001 If. Main. Tooele 7 Phene Alter 5 pm A 002-301- UPHOLSTERING - 002-30- 3S RE-STYLI- PLUMBING- - Bryan's Plumbing BlackTandiWhite & ORECOVERING Heating SUP GAS and ELECTRIC AFPLIANCES Sale and Service Expert Installation i. . ZIONS UPHOLSTERY QlDHBQIiEH ColorTand Moving to a new poet can mean many incidental expenses not covered by your allowance. If that means a money problem, see Household Finance now. Get money for every moving cost small or large. Then repay HFC conveniently. Wherever you go one of HFC 1400 office is nearby. You canborrow con- Umasuai Call 18 X Main 882-00- JL t CUSTOM MADE RESTYLING REPAIRING COVERS DRAPERIES th Leave Name aad Address VP 882-22- 79 PHILLIPS PETROLEUM PRODUCTS FRIENDLY EFFICIENT SERVICE White Brother's Oil Co. a ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING licensed Electrical Contractor Small or Large Jobs 328-42- sS V McGreggor Spalding Open Weekday 160 South Main St. PHONE; t.k FURNACE FUELS Residential and Commercial Construction -Build on Your Let or Ours - Call Ikn at 882-340- 1 Note to Young Marrieds - Choice Building Lots Available BUY NOW - BUILD LATER -- Get extra money for them extra expenses from HFC i 002-035- Charter Service Anywhere Golf Equipment Wilson Full Caping Lifetime Unconditional Guarantee Tire Bepairing Vulcanising Excellent Slock ajl Passenger, Track Tires & Tubes 3 Phene Tooele Workman's Bus Co. Class Lessons $1.75 per hour Construction Company CAU. BOB HC PHIE UTAH 882-320- 4 Tooele Golf Course (fyu4tet4et & COVOMRON Of Dial X. TRANSPORTATION Air Conditioned East Second North MOW HOUSC HOU) PMANCI 725 North Main Open Alleys Every Night 5 .47 "CoyouScrt RED JONES TIRE SHOP PARTICIPATING SPORTS OPEN NOW! ittew tiynmtl imfhtJl principal and charm pnaidlntaMpmpanmart SwieWa. GOOD DEALS Satisfaction Center Trees fidently for any gpod purpose at HFC. TIRES AND TIRE REPAIR SEE US FIRST 7. 1 FINE CARPETS i Wholesale Distributor m NORTH MAIN A 4. Retail Service CALL V. Kr V S83-I4- I2 MAY IS NATIONAL Pedersen Insurance. Real 10 North Main t Estate Phone 902-35- 71 81 t |