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Show In some instances service mem- - Viations used on MPVs. The do not receive pay on pay-lowing abbreviations are most corn-daExamples are (1) AWOL sta- - moniy U!ied: tus (2) collection of excessive. ' ABBR, BAS (SR), re-- '. casual or partial Sub-A,WDan ceived in exce (Teamed en- e htins) . P titlements. In some cases indivi- Code: 69, ABBR: BAQ (wde-pa- y duals do not receive all of their on payday. Eampl of this ' pend). Title: Basic Allowance for type are overpayment of leave i Qiarters; Code: 98, ABBR: BAQ rations or travel pay to the new ' (wo depend). Title: Basic station. Small amounts are lowance for Quarters; Code: 51, generally deducted in full. If ABBR: BP, Title: Basic Pay. the ammmt is excessive, the de- Code: 60; ABBR: CMAB; fro pay are prorated over tIe. clothing Maintemmce Allow--a period of several months. ance Basic; ABBR: DLS; Title: Liquidations Schedule; ON THE other hand, an Debt Code: 29; ABBR: F1CA; Title: which a for arise emergency may soldier does not have immediate Federal Insurance Contributions funds. In such a case, with die Act; Code: 95; ABBR: FSA-1- ; Title; Family Separation Allow- approval of his commander, he ance. him due the amount be paid may to that date, even though it is Code: 96; ABBR: not yet the end of This is known as a 971 ment." If he is on leave when Allowance; payday comes around, he doesnt Code: 30; ABBR: CPLD; Title: back have to wait until he gets Government Lost or to his home station to be paid. He Destroyed. Property may go into any Army Finance Code 59; ABBR: and Accounting Office, properly Title: Leave Rations; Code: 23: of a show himself, copy identify his leave orders, establish a need ABBR: USSH; Title: Soldiers Home; Code 59; ABBR: Lv-R- -' for funds, and be paid as much DDALV; Title: Delay en Route; credit as he has accrued to his at the time of payment, This Code: 37; ABBR: Ldry & Title: Government type of payment is known Laundry and Drycleaning Code: 46; ABBR: casual payment. The rate paid for leave raSGLI; Title: Service Croup Life tions. ' Individuals who go on Insurance; Code: 93; ABBR: PP leave have their separate rations and Cas Pay; Title: Partial Pay terminated but are later paid and Casual Pay; Code 79; ABBR: leave rations. SP; Title: Proficiency Pay; Code: ABBR: P-Title: Proficiency -- ay complaints are generated , Bay- abbrewith un the by familiarity TEST RUN, Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, May 13, 1966 fol-be- rs Pay Gill y. How well do you understand the abbreviations and codes on your Military Pay Voucher (DA Form 2139)? Do you report all errors immediately to your military pay section? EACH TIME you are paid you receive a copy of your military pay voucher. This voucher is prepared and computed monthly and is your pay history for that period, showing exactly what you have been paid for (items of entitlement) and deductions from your pay. It is a good record to keep. Until January 1, 1959, military personnel received only their pay without a statement giving their entitlement or deductions. Today a soldier can quickly glance at his MPV to see why he received the amount he was paid. The most modem equipment and techniques available are being used to compute and main- tain records of your pay. Nevertheless, the equipment is operated by human procedures and controls. For this reason, it is to your advantage to check your own pay voucher carefully every month. ' Under the present Military KISS ME QUICK - Port Sergeant Major Alvin Pucek Voucher System, the personPay a carnation lei and farewell kiss from Mrs. officer is responsible for colCeorge nel Sur at a surprise party held for him April 3a Sgt Pucek lecting, recording, and forwardwas honored at the party with a geode desk set presented ing to the finance office all pertiby the Port Commander from the DPG "flcowwiiwinnrd nent pay information for each officers. He left for an assignment in Korea May 5. individual assigned to the unit. (U3. Army Photo) The finance office is responsible for computing foe amount on the vouchers and verifying die subMythical Aggressor Training Is Given stantiating documents received from the unit personnel officer, anto, the Aggressor Language, FM MPV Stem 1st LL Frank Messmann J. by 2 The sol-and FM built-i- n checks and controls. - The many training for battle that USC T but the individual soldier is real- most soldiers receive is of miniFM 3 can use nyother. audjtor He unless it is realistic. mal value handbook or order of n(xu:a typical vouchel, To make the training of his men battle book on foreign forces. tf wit IKp0ft my realistic, a commander must know At Fort Holabird, die process section. Inaccuracies military pay how the potential enemy is orof compiling information on Ag-rf snowballing- - knd ganized and equipped and what i continuous. A mnor errors groW into assotof this reevaluation tactics he will employ. In war, duct process tomrow, pljctSd prob handbooks and order of battle has been the simplification books provides most of the ans(hanging Private Doe into wers. But where can this knowfa. Iritotog ledge be obtained in peace time? dwtwid from Morning Until June, 1963 the answer putTui was: At the U.S. Army Aggrespeonnd records, sped- adapter ridge on his helmet liner, sor Center at Fort Riley, Kansas. tums his fofigue jacket inside out, d emen ( Here order of battle books were leaving the diirt tail outside the trousen, pins on Aggressor insigNomwiUy. compiled on the mythical aggres- nia, and drop. over sor whose country extended from his shmlder than the 11th of the month, the eastern Europe to the Pacific. unit payroll is submitted to die The new Aggressor concept is finance The Aggressor jCeriter also assisted CONUS units in converting flexible enough to be applied to Why, if you are promoted at all types of training from large- en(j of the month, do you resome of their troops into Aggresscale field exercises to small, in- increase on the ve the sor soldiers for training purposes. voucher? Simply When the Aggressor Center dividual unit training problems. Since the Aggremor concept is was deactivated, the Office of occurring in pay Doctrine and literature at the designed primarily to prepare BCCOunts after the cutoff date war, the troops for a d month) are not Intelligence School at Fort Ilola-birSchool is (llth Army Intelligence months voucher, flected Maryland was given the also a training manual For example, if Sergeant John preparing of 'and upresponsibility revising for operations. Smith ras authorized separate dating all information ' on the Herecounterinsurgency too, the emphasis will be rations on 16 November, and the FM Hand mythical enemy. on realism, with the Aggressor cutoff date for his book on Aggressor Military Forces particular port employing insurgency tactics by WM Noveniber, this setion and FM Order Aggressor of Battle Bode, were recently irregular units organized specifi- wouid not be recorded on his for guerrilla warfare. November pay voucher. The rewritten and will be distributed cally worksheet copy of his November early in May. They depict the would be ported on that coder of When President Johnson an- organization, tactics, would be made battle, and employment of Agnoimced a new 4.15 per cent in- December. The same applies terest rate on U.S. Savings Bonds, gressor forces. Once published. er credits and deductions information pertaining to Aggies- - he called them The most impor- - OT sor will be contained in three tant investment that promotions, reductions, Ameriany leave rations, charge sales and Esper- - can can make. publications: FM 30-10- - Al-du- ty SJS; ahJ; sft Mr, ARMED CHINOOK - A CH-47- A CHINOOK helicopter armed with machine guns, rockets and grenade launcher is ready lag field testing by the 10th Aviation Croup at Fort Benning Ga. The M5 grenade subsystem, installed under the fuselage forward of the code-pi- t, delivers a 40mm grenade at the rate of 200 rounds per minute. Mounted over die forward landing gear are 2.75 inch rocket pods and 20mra machine guns M24A1; two M60, 7.62mm machine guns protrude from apertures on both sides of the fuselage. The twin turbine helicopter, produced by Boeing Companys Vertol Division, has a cruising range of more than 150 miles at a qieed of 130 knots. The unarmed CHINOOK can cany 33 combat-equippetroops or 24 litter patients. dq d 1; 30-10- 3. 30-10- , by-pr- . iStoply I I ,5 m lcho full-sca- Jth le re-U.- d, REAL ESTATE TRANSCRIPT AND BULLETINCLASSIFIED AD RATES: 5 cents per word - Regular (light face type) 10 cents per word - Business (dark face type) 50 cents per issue Up to one inch (monthly rate) $1 per inch - Over one inch (monthly rate) Olio per inch Display ads i THREE BEDROOM house for sale with acreage. $12,500. n R 1, court-marti- Get away from it all y . Get an HFC Traveloan Need a change of acene? Get itl A Traveloan from Household Finance will pay foe the whole package: transportation, lodging, food, entertainment, clothes, sports equipment, even a cash reserve. Repay HFC when you return. Over 150,000 servicemen a year borrow with confidence from Household Finance. May we eerve you? f SIN UN r 'Coyicl&ticn, HOUIfKXO FMANCI COffOWBH Of UTAH al fines. Continued From Front Page The soldier can either mail or telephone his request and will receive an immediate final decision or temporary asristance and advice as to what additional information is needed. For example, a Sergeant who was en route from Fort Benning to Korea called concerning this emergency hospitalization of his child who had been in a minor accident; he was due to report to the port of embarkation die next day. The sergeant was immediately given a mort leave extension and instructed to contact die nearest American Red Cross Chapter for verification of the situation and a determination of how much leave would be needed, or if a deferment or attachment would be required. It was determined that a ten day leave extension would alleviate his immediate problem and the necessary instructions were sent by telegram. A similar procedure is followed in each case. If a greater amount of time beyond a five day extension is required, an application substantiated by medical, or other statements, must be submitted by the soldier to the Department of the Army. ONLY REQUESTS from the soldier himself can be considered. Inquiries by wives, parents, other relatives or friends cannot be acted upon. Should a soldier be confronted with a compassionate problem while en route to a new duty assignment or on emergency leave from an overseas command, he should contact OPO by mail, telegram, or telephone as fol- aDVANCE. Mdn St.-PH- ONE: 328-42- 81 882-108- 1. ,N ERROR in a class fied ad should be reported inune-iadThe paper is responsible for one incorrect inser-tfp- ii only. ALL CLASSIFIEDS will be included in die TEST RUN, a newspaper distributed to 2300 Dugway Proving Ground readents and workers, twice monthly, without additional charge. DEADLINE for classified ads is 1J ajn. day of publication. THE LAST choice lot in an ex- clusive residential area of Tooele. All offsite improvements completed. Lot sixe 98 feet by 101.37 feet. See at No. 180 W. Millcreek Way. - . CRI Call Wayne 882-041- 13,500 THREE BEDROOM fiill- basement, brick veneer ramb- RENT FURNISHED APARTMENTS two BPOE EI.KS NO. 1673 and three rooms. New kitchens MEETINGS 2nd and 4th TUESDAYS at 8 pm. and appliances, including elecCRI at 61 N. MAIN tric ranges, automatic gas heat, air conditioned. Large recreaLOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE tion area. Rates start at $75 NO. 2031 per month with all utilities. ; furnished. Rent by day, week, MEETINGS WED. 8 p.m. 2 month or year. Linen service PHONE available. WESTERN APARTROCKY MOUNTAIN LODGE MENT, 515 North Main, Tooele. Phone NO. 11, FfcAM CRI MEETS 1st and 3rd TUES. OF EACH MONTH, 7:30 pjn. AT THE FRATERNAL HALL FOR RENT - 2 bedroom apt. furnished or unfurnished, wall to LOSE WEIGHT safely with Dex-wall carpet, drapes, $105 unTablets. Only 98c at furnished, $130 furnished. Ph o Hood Drug 260 N. 1st East.CRl May 28 ler. Call 882-153- 5. May 25. ELECTROLUX Americas selling vacuum. Let me show you how to do your cleaning faster, easier and cleaner. Sales and Service, Charles M. Palmer, 35 East CRI Main, Grantsville. FOR SALE - coul furnace stoker and. blower. Good condition. ' Fowler electric water heater 7 40 gal. glass lined. Ph 884-345- 13 13 ay JERRY'S Freshly baked pizza, 195 No. Main St. Pizza to go. Also sandPhone 882-334- HAINES wiches. REALTY C-3- 1 FOR RENT - six shares of water 7. For more information call 191 North Main offers 882-108- o lar-ge- st 1- . 882-358- H P-t- 1R.SALE - one registered quarter! one mare 7 yean old. Top blood line. Ready to foal; One JUST LISTED IDEAL FAMILY HOME Three bedroom brick rambler, less than 4 years old. Full basement. Finished recreation room, 2 finished fireplaces. Large lot, well landscaped. Near all schools. A must to see! Phone.882-139- Lose weight or your money back. $1.95. BACHELOR APT. for rent. 364 S. 2nd West. Ph. 882-327- 6 882-401- 1 882-455- 6 1 884-505- SEWING MACHINE REPAIR-A- ll makes. Dealers in Pfeff, Necchi and Etna; Sewing machines. HemstitchingCillespies Sewing Machine Center, 261 ' S. 1st West, - Tooele. Phone . 88241661. . CRI , DRAPERIES Ready Made or Custom Build. All fabrics, modern designs. Gordon' Furniture Ca 60 South Main. CRI insurance rates gone up? Check our low rates. INSURANCE PEDERSENS 2. 'GENCY, YOUR HAVE HOMES FOR SALE ' T-C- crT 882-237- 8. P--W TWO LEAF TABLE, six chain, $25; girls 21 in. bicycle $12. 2 Ph LARGE prosperous Tooele Business for sale. Owner retiring , USED SEWING MACHINES $7.50 and up. Free Home Demonstrations by Singer Sewing Machine representative. Fabric Specialty Center, 15 South Main, Tooele. Phone CRI 882-426- 2. 28 C-t- ill Evenings 1 4 882-356- ing ELECTRIC IRON repairing All makes. Steam irons cleaned and repaired. ELMERS; 38 W. Vine. CRI registered quarterhorse gelding 3 yean old. Broke and ready to go; One Shetland Pony 2 year okl. Creen broke with saddle and bridle; One tandum double hone trailer. With cover and electric brakes. G. Pete Frandsen, Erda, Ph. 8 after 5 p.m. 882-459- 7, DEXI-FORT- SAGE KENNELS : Boarding small breed dogs. 75 cents day. Bath- 882-357- ' 882-006- 2. FREE PICK UP AND DELIVERY UNTIL JUNE 1 Lawn mowers, precision sharpened. All makes. Small engine repair. Saws, scissors, knives diarpened. Cal Farrington, 287 Marvista Lane. Full time. o May 30 P-t- P-t- 882-444- 3. -- NEW UNFURNISHED two bed- FOR SALE split level home loroom, gas, furnished apartNo. Brook Ave., 626 cated at be must able to finance Buyer ment. Inquire 259 North 1st FOR SALE - choice weaner pigs fenced, aiicoftdi-tione$20,000 down. Write Busilandscaped, West. built-in- s, Clovness' Box 390, Tooele, Utah. Carth Stookey carpeted, inter-coer. Buy rquity and asCRI ; APARTMENTS sume 5W loan. For informaFOR RENT 6 tion call or contact EXCELLENT BEDDING WANTED Spacious 2 and 3 bedroom du27 at 166 E Brook Ave. PLANTS AT plexes with garages. Stoves KOEVEN GREENHOUSES BEAUTY OPERATOR wanted and refrigerators. Completely 1150 Na Main at Ritz Beauty Salon. Call 9 redecorated. All units being at- SPLIT LEVEL 114 bath, Open 4:30 pjn. to 7:30 p.m. or fenced yard, sprinktractively landscaped. Complete Weekdays and exterior painting in progress. ling system, partly finished ALL DAY SATURDAY 3rd level. Assume 434 percent WANTED: 12 ga. double shotWonderful for children; with 7 between 8 a.m. loan, buy equity, terms. gun. playground equipment and 27 o and 5 p.m. baseliall diamond. $65 for 2 May 20 FOR SALE - 16 foot Crawford lied room and $75 for 3 bedoverhead "Rivera garage 3 or drive FOR SALE BY OWNER room. Call WOMEN WANT WORK door. condition. Good Call two out. Located 12 miles from bedroom brick home. Phone TAD at Deseret. LADY NEEDS IRONINGS. Daily. 12 HAVE TWO SETS new Child-cra- ft Expert work. June Hammond, Will sell one set AmeriTHREE BEDROOM 134 baths, FOR RENT FOR SALE - split- foil basement, double cana, 1958 edition. Warner fireplace, level three bedroom home. Ph car garage. Buy equity, assume plastic laminating machine, WILL DO BABY SITTING. 3 make offer. Cl loan. 3 882-172- TOMATO and PEPPER plants for sale. 418 East Vine St. d, 882-201- 0, 882-118- 882-211- three-bedroo- m 882-478- 2. 882-487- 5. 882-440- P-t- COPES RADIO TV SERVICE. Radia Tv, Hi-F- i, Stereo, FM- AM, Two way (CB). 580 Na 1st East. 2. CRI 882-436- REWEAVING ed clothing Sa 494 Repair damagBruce, Sharon 380 W. 882-205- 2. VEHICLES ay 882-302- 882-108- 5. - 882-149- 3. 882-065- 7. 882-326- 1. 882-405- 5. 882-264- 1. 882-192- 1. WILL DO HOUSEWORK - 882-033- 3. P-1- 3 FOR SALE - DeVille camper trailer, 18 ft. Fully contained 882-16Sligjitly used. P1975 Tel. 3 SMALL FURNISHED HOUSE. ' Ph -- M0 882-483- 6. VEHICLES FOR SALE 61 FOR SALE - 3 bedroom home in Grantsville. 134 baths, new carpeting full basement, fenced. Make offer. 112 McMichuel Ave. CRI 884-347- 7. FOR better cleaning to keep colon gleaming use Blue Lustre carpet cleaner, rent electric shampooer $1. Cordon Furniture Co., 60 S. Main 3 C-1- FOR SALE 1966 International Travel all Custom 304 V8 motor, radio, big heater, extras galore. Only 5,000 miles Cost $3,650. Sacrifice $3,195. 882-473- 3 COMPLETE printing COUCH, chair and foot stool J Ph. $65. 4-International speed. Ideal for horses. $700 or best offer. V-- 8, 882-43- 82. P-1-0- FULL SIZE gas range, elect, JPETS 45 hp Mercury Outboard Motor roticery $60. S:nall coal stove with controls and spare prop. 3 ton coal $30. Terra brick lined FOR SALE - German Shepherd Excellent condition. $250. Rex o 13 Kiser. II O May PUBLIC AUCTION -- 1959 Dodge 3 male. 882-13373 Highland Dr. 882- - 1 Silcox, pick up truck. May 18, 10 1136. SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR ; a.m. 84 South Main, Tooele. FOUND - Male Siamese cat on fruit jars 75 cents dozen; 3 quart So. Main Street about May 3 S. J. and E. 54 Ford pickup, $300; 12 20--ft 3 5 before 2:30. Sullivan - Jensen - Elton. We (Miles, $1 each; 6 yr old sorrel 1965 YAMAHA YA-- 6 125cc, 3200 have rabbits for sale or trade. 3 miles. gelding quarterhorse $200. 1 8. FOR SALE - 1954 Chev. Cood Ph Must sell. Phone condition. FOR SALE 1955 Ford. Running ? ' wL. ! . A, ... I condition. Make offer. 504 So. FOR SALE - Holstein milk cow FOR SALE one whole or half '380 West. freshen next month. Call 882-43Com and milk r. Cood 1959 Hardtop, Impala. after 5:15 p.m. FOR SALE - 1964 Valiant. Call 884-345fed. 0 condition. Phone CRI 882-459- - OWNER TRANSFERRED Will sacrifice 1961 Marietta 10x55. Living room expanda Awning lows: and shed included. of Headquarters, Department ONE BEDROOM 40x8 it. Maythe Army flower. skirting extra room, Office of Personnel Operations natural oak interior. Nice. ATTN: EPPAC THREE BEDROOM Columbia Washington, D.C. 20310 10x50 ft. living room expanda Telephone (normal duty hours) skirting awning A Code 202 OX 74066, THESE UNITS are set up and OX or 52855 OX 73930, being lived in. Call Larsen 0X50049 for appointment to 9 Telephone (at other times) 3 show. A Code 202 OX 50163 882-315- 160 South FENDER GUITARS - Marie Chau-doiAmps A supplies. Salt Lake prices. 220 S. Main, call 882-33or FOR SALE - three bedroom home Carpeted, drapes, large landscaped lot FHA appraised at ' $15,000. Owner transferred. Will sell at $14,600. 672 N. P-1st East. Ph. -- 7 FOR NEW WURLITZER Spinet Pianos from $495. Parkers Music Co. CRI 56 N. Main. n. 30-10- 2, 30-10- 3, ' 884-396- 5. MONTHLY RATES are for consecutive insertions only, vjth no changes. Except with business firms and indivi-ual- s who maintain open accounts with the Transcript nd Bulletin, all classified advertisements are CASH IN SPECIAL NOTICE SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS P-1- P-t- -- C-1- 882-133- 882-356- 7. 882-352- 8. 882-027- 5, 882-281- 3, 882-340- 1. P-- pork,-dressed- 882-206- 882-460- 3. . 4. 882-346- |