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Show Simple Simon Says: Men seem to avoid known enemies except alcohol or nicotine. - My Sign TEST RUN, Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, May 13, 1966 of Spring Ambition Should Be Made of Sterner Stuff by Helen Fletcher Collins Do I listen for the robins call. Seek the fust wood violet by the wall, by Fr. John F. Kenny There was a noble Basque, one time, who set Forth from his familys feudal cattle. Their fortune having foiled, he aimed to get Renown and fame and money, too. No vassal He, rather a proud hidalgo; by Providence he met A countryman who taught him how to wrestle All those vain and vapid dreams, and not to fret About the gain of all this world; only to lie facile Pursuing one sole goal. His legs already supple. Ambition keen had but to be directed. The journey turned out more than Xavier thought A half a world away. When love and zeal do couple Within a generous soul, no wonder one selected Francisco, who to Chinas shores his Saviour brought. Hear murmuring brook, feel tender breeze? Oh, no! My sign is surer than these. My Grandpa gets a lwttered tin can. His work forgotten. "Just like a man! Mamma sniffs; he simply digs away, "Think likely th fishll bite today." Then out he drags his old bamboo pa And saunters off to the fishing hole. LEONARD HANSEN 49 S lit East L & . this, I have been waiting for," And straight she heads for the red bam door. Says Mom, 882-aHS- Information Card Grandpa, unknowing, blissfully fishes. Daughter bums and cleans as she wishes. Servicing for Lee Durr ants State Farm Customers Can now be handled by Len Hansen 49 So. 1st East 882-300- New Command Rakes, wire, harness, fly into space; Sounds from within, . . never saw such a place I STATE FARM Now Available Shades of catfish and little perch! Nothing escapes her springtime search, And Grandpas plaint is my sign of spring, 5 Daughter, I cant find a - . thing." dad-blam- Instant Captains A new program for appointing graduate engineers as captains has been approved by the Army. To encourage more applicants for the Direct Appointment route to a commission, a waiver of up to two yean in qualifying experience will be granted engineers who desire to enter the Army wearing railroad tracks. Engineers with a minimum of five yean experience may now apply for appointment and should contact the nearest Army Recruiting Station or Army Reserve Training Centers for assistance. In addition, each year of graduate education may be counted as a year of qualifying experience. (BlDlMfefoQiBiffliD quDGMQgiCb GtiuBdD jnCIDGIIlDQllEDGliDfO C30U03 000333 gm fifftepna BiUSSXB Fort Monroe, VA., A handy Unit reference card entitled, Commanders- Ready Reference of Command Information Materials" designed to assist commanders in obtaining materials to support their Command Information Programs has been prepared by the Command Information Branch, Office of the Information Officer, Headquarters, United States Continental Army Command. CON-ARready reference card will be distributed down to company detachment level. Brigadier General Keith L. Ware, Chief of Information, recently expressed concern about unit commander's general lack of understanding of the Pinpoint Distribution System and lack of knowledge as to what Command Information materials are available and how to obtain them. DistribuTHE PINPOINT tion System was designed to speed the delivery of publications listed on the recently revised DA Form 12-- 4 which unit commanders customarily use in ordering Department of the Army produced Cl materials. Commanders forward the DA Form 12-- 4 to battalion headquarters. Upon approval the form is forwarded di- rectly to the AG Publications Baltimore, where an ac- count number is assigned die unit. Units not under a battalion go directly to the Baltimore AG Publications Center. Unit commanders receive publications without delay previously caused by con- solidation of requests at higher 30 April 1790 - First general organization of the Army under the Constitution provided for one regiment of infantry, with three battalions of four companies each; one battalion of artillery with four companies; and a total strength of 1283. A three-yeterm of enlistment was ar This airmobile surgical center (bottom photo) is ready to rePORTABLE SURGERY ceive patients at a forward combat area in the Republic of Vietnam. Large enough to hold fourteen people and support four operations at the same time, the unit permits after a Sikorsky CH-5- 3 emergency surgery prior to evacuation. It is SKYCRANE (top) for movement to its forward location. Air conditioned and equipped with hot and cold running water, electric lighting, and a full stock of necessary supplies and drugs, the compact aluminum-allo- y pod weighs almost. 4,000 pounds and is 30 fact 11 wide. feet and feet high, long, eight g sling-loade- Your last hurrah I May 1813 - War Office printed Military Laws and Regu-Centlations for the Annies of the United States - the forerunner of er, AMSWEE ME HOMBSTLV, PSKINfe-.-Pl- y- - . YOU p EOOTS THlS MOtZNlM? 5HIME THOSE Army Regulations, 1 0St jj KlIIl ad cMHaa ptmiail 1 Dagoajr Ftwia Cnad, BHaijr lUa- by tha TtwaHyl Bubal la fahbiblag Gat, Taaala, Utah. hSaiaa Ua mi abb aril! hdMdaal wrfaaw mi rayianal mim aa an la ha aaaUaaS tbaaa af b Oyataal af tha Any. Ibatb b this ybkHaatiaa 4a aat raalbaH aa afencaat by a Dcpvtaat af Defeat af Cm yafa ar aanfaa afaatlal AS ha aaal la Sa lafanaaWaa OMaat altar far pahUcahoa Daftny riavtaf Grand TEST BUN, Dafaray, Utah, lalaphaaa SSSSSB1. 1th b aat aa cOkfel tmh dmuhiai w ca.aU an h Aw ad a. CRICKETEER baft la rapHat aaa nayjaibal AFFS mi ANF aaalaaW aS5&28ecifl&?e.& ait DWafballaai Oaa aapy per flap aiSBaay pafaaal, aaa eapy par faabiy mi aaa aapr par Baa rMBaa aayiayaea. Advaathiag aapy aladd be aaal laa Tvaaanfpl Balatfa NMkWag Ca, SI Mate. Taaafat ar F. Ol Baa 38B la plaee cbaSbd ad. AS ptrtwrd aaa aflkfal US Aiaqr phalagnphe aalaaa odnwfec aalafL Tha Sea af tbaaa b aat eeetrirled eacapt ia aaaaa larafvtaf lapabSeabaa far al which Urea ptiaiMaa af Ua Dtpaitaaaal af tha Anay aaal ha ahtaiad. lb. n CTKBIs set to graduate. . Good grades, the right extra curricular activities. But, are you ready to step out into that cold, cruel world of business? At least look the part. Put away that old sweater and chinos. Try this cool, lightweight Cricketeer Alumni Dacron and worsted suit in impressive colorings. Go get 'em tiger. All Mimi k tht hM tt 0m H010 PfcOOP.., Rili-E- f Utak, awery aAar a laflaaws ! . d 2 imS DuPont Rag. T.M. FbbDD-Co- D!? 1st PRIZE CHARGER! CREDIT CARD FROM G--El FIVE 2nd PRIZES Win a TEN 3rd PRIZES Win a G--E 21" Mack and white portable TV G--E Partacalar 11" TV! 4th TWENTY Win aE12" white partible FROM. PORTA-COLO- R 2W 11 inch diagonal Magic Memory" Medal M213IWD Would you hellovD color-T- it this tow tube-- 60 tuning antenna prict? Wtt 1. Friat your mm, iddrtss and nwnbsr on in sfficM antiy form obtiin- trisgtaw afele frost any participating G.E. TV dnalnr. 2. Entries must bs rsceivtd by ttw deaiir on or TV Transcript-Bulleti- n offers its Readers this Big Map Bargain! a Sturdy, retractable handle V ' Now 2 for $1.00 briora Miy 31, 19G& No purchnst nqnired. 1 This pstriws is opas ts ri residents of ttw Unitsd cept InFiiaual TVn-- states sscept empteym of Central Bncfric onw 9"fl, R idwitismg sgtneies, dtritrs, distributors pounds HUM and Mr families. Only nan mtry pir family. A picture ... black and white, Front controls, front sound Built-i- n black and TV You could be a winner of a G--E AMFM transistor radio to bo given away right here at our store. Front Controls and Front Sound . . . Easy to use . . . Easy to See . . . Easy to Hear. a Attractive, durable textured plastic cabinet with sturdy, luggage type plastic handle. NOW! PRIZES Fifth prin wimteis trig be selected sq. in. pictura for a perfect color drmaiai by perticiprting dealers. tea tt. in a random Ml other w be selected in a random dnwiig by an nets iadspendsnt judging organization. The decision sf tha judgns wM bt find in ai mitten concerning this after. Sl Women eg be notified srithin eight wssks after the dose of tbs contest For convteta list f wimsn sftsr tfmt data, sand a stamped, imwlope to; CL Sweeps tries, g. L Wb Ca, HI Fifth Mm, few York, N. Y. 10017. & Vtttt of credit cad pertioo of first prim limited to acted cost of trwsportition, moms and meals fthia a 30day period for tha winaar and " i com-P"- nr wirmsr, Decorative Wall Maps - Follow Space News - Use For School Work spouts and diMria livifg it hsnw. 7. Smspstokes Mid outsids ILSA and whin 1. Space Exploration Map, Giant full color, 38 x 26 in., visualization of the solar system. Each planet shown in its correct relationship with all other planets. Additional individual drawings of 10 planets, each with detailed information. Large drawings of spacecraft - Mariner, Empire, Voyager, Mori Expedition Spacecraft and Moonship of the Future. All drawings based on National Aeronautical Space Administration plans. 2. Steps to the Moon. Giant, 38 x 26 in. chart visualizes in full color the three stages in reaching tha moon. Shows launchings and orbits of Mercury, Gemini and Appolo. Excellent explanations of moon program in language. Features seven, full color, photographs of famous American astronauts. Astronaut space suit is TRANSCRIPT-BULLETI- lex 390, Plans forward N Tooele, Utah Sots of Spaco Mops oodoso ..in paymoot at M.00 25 for postago and handling. I soli pins NAME (please print plwiely) STREET CITY STATE ZIP CODE pictured and described. pnNbitad by tew. V |