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Show j GIFT ZL lUGWAY Friday, May 13, 1966 Vol. No. 9 No. 21 Published for Dugway Proving Ground, Dugway, Utah Published (by the Transcript-Bulleti- n Publishing in no a firm, Tooele, Utah, private Company, the of with the connected Department way Army. Opinions expressed by publisher and writers herein are their own and are not to be con- sidered an official expression by the Depart- - ment of the Army. The appearance of adver- tisements in this publication does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of the Army of the products or services advertised. Annual OPG Saving Bond Drive Kicks Off Monday Dugway Girl In Days of 47 Queen Contest been married, and be between the ages of 18 and 25. She must also have a direct line of ancestry to a Utah Pioneer. Miss Ivie has this ancestry on her fathers side of the family. Her great grandfather, Thor Neve Peterson, bom at Linna, Denmark, coming to America on the ship Monarch of the Sea. He crossed the plains to Utah in the year 1861. The contest will start with a Queens Luncheon at noon at the Hotel Utah and ending late in the evening. Judges will decide on a contestant by the prase, speaking ability, physical attractiveness, resourcefulness and general education the girl possesses. The final judging will be done beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the Assembly hall on Temple Square. The judges will pick the queen and her attendants out of 25 finalists. Afternoon dress and formal attire will be displayed. The Queen Coronation ceremony will be under die direction of The Days of 47 Committee." THE DAYS of 47 queen and her attendants are to symbolize the ideals of Utah and her pioneers. This is a distinct honor for the girl that wins, and she is truly an ambassador of good will. Scholarships are awarded to the queen to one of Utahs Universities. To receive the scholarship award, the queen must be a B average student or higher. Miss Ivie is presently engaged in piano, church choir, die is one of the music choristers of the Dugway LDS ward MIA, Seminary President and Drama Club. President. She has an excellent singing voice and she can act, by Ileen Jensen Vigil There will be a contestant from Dugway this year, to enter the Days of 47 Queen Contest, sponsored by the Daughters of Utah Pioneers, Camp Skull Valley." The contest will be held in Salt Lake City May 21, 1968. SHES OUR own Miss Lanae I vie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilford T. Ivie. Residing at G--l . Miss Ivie East, Fries Park, Dugway, with her parents,' one sister and two brothers. Miss Ivie hails from Spanish Fork, Utah. She was bom the 19th of February 1948, coming to live at Dugway when she was 12 years old. The contestant must neither smoke nor ' drink, never have too. Anatomy of Defense On NBC May 20 The eight commands of Army, Navy and Air Force under die U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff are being filmed around the world-fro- m Washington to Europe and Southeast Asia, and from the Panama Canal Zone to Alaska in a global survey by NBC The program is produced in cooperation with the Depart-- , ment of Defense, but a network spokesman said that about only one per cent of DOD film will be used to show scenes otherwise extraordinarily difficult to News. DEFENSE Secretary Robert McNamara and the Joint Chiefs will appear on the program, which will be narrated by Sander Vanocur. - THE RESULT will be tele- cast in color as an hour NBC-Ispecial report on May 20, the eve of Armed Forces Day. V Filming fra Anatomy of Defense" began March 28 and continued through May 1. Eleven crews of five, or 55 men, shot the film under Chet Hagan, the networks instant hard-ne- obtain. NBC said the story, organization and role of each commander European, Pacific, Continental Air, Alaskan, Strike, Southwill be exern and Atlantic plained in the overall picture of American defense. - - CED High School Lt. Col. Neuman Tells 30 'Keymen Bond Advantages Program Planned The Army Education Center at Dugway Proving Ground has formulated plans for an bn post high school preparatory program of die military for service. The first courses offered will be in American History, English, Mathematics, and Natural Sciences. These courses will help the student pass his (GED) General Educational Development tests which the Army considers equivalent to twelve years of education. The Army (GED) tests do not necessarily mean you have a High School Diploma. If you have passed the GED tests, then you have qualified as far as die Army is concerned for 12 years of Education. Many states have other requirements die applicant must meet before he is eligible for a high school equivalency or diploma. Military personnel who have only die (GED) tests on their records should contact the Education Center for the evaluation of their state of residence. The Army Education Center is working with die Tooele County School District to bring a high school completion program to Dugway. More information concerning the (GED), and high school completion program will be disseminated to the companies in June. Yesterday some 30 keymen from throughout DPG had a special orientation for the forthcoming Savings Bond Drive which starts Monday and ends Friday. The annual kickoff was chairmaned by Lt. Uol. Arthur L. es of Maj. Anderson OPO Visits Post Major Skinner Anderson from the Chemical Corps section of Officer Personnel Director in Washington visited Dugway and held conferences with all Chemical Corps Officers of the Post MAJOR ANDERSON at a special meeting for all OBV officers April 18 discussed Department of the Army policy regarding career development and officer assignments. He emphasized the use of DA PAM 600-- 3 Career Planning for Officers in the developArmy ment of die career planning program. Major Anderson also discussed the officer specialization programs which included. Atomic Energy, RAD, Civil Affairs, Logistics, Foreign Area, Information and Aviation. ALSO PRESENTED at the meeting were the options available to OBV officers to remain on active duty. They were: 1. Apply for limited extension. 2. Voluntary indefinite extension. 3. Apply for regular Army commission. 4 A combination of 2 and 3. e DUGWAY MUNITIONS personnel travelled to Little Cottonwood Canyon and here demonstration of of effectiveness the The a in mortar inch explosives. to fire a 4 considered for use in avalanche control. Shown here are Eldon Ander-tois pre-nai- J n mortar being mortar and Phil Miller, chief of the Munitions (facing camera) Neil Magann (behind last month. (UA Army Photo) to the travelled canyon Branch. The group I Neuman savings bond officer and he pointed out in his remarks e that at the present time the percentage of personnel taking part in the braid program is 692. The goal in the drive post-wid- . 'Vietnam Profile At DPG May 15 per cent participation. He also pointed out that savings braids now collect an interest rate of 4.15 per cent which compares favorably with many other types of savings programs. is for a 90 THE SAVINGS bond chairman emphasized the seven points oin the advantages of owning bonds. They are: They never can lie destroyed, collect interest, offer tax advantages, build security, buy needed items, are owned by millions and can be obtained on EIGHTY MINUTES in easy payments through the paysound-colo- r the documenlength, roll savings plan for civilians and tary film takes the viewer throughallotment form for milifOOELE HIGH SCHOOL Diploma's are presented by Col. Joseph J. Fraser, Jr., DPG out the war-toVietnam, por- special commander to Sgt. Maj. William H. Harolw and Sp5 Tom Michaels who recently compersonnel. tary traying the drama of God at pleted 204 hours of high school study in Tooele. Both soldiers spent 36 weeks driving into work in the midst of the war. Finally, he emphasized that Tooele twice a week to take courses in English, Math and History. The Sergeant Major Bonds are one of the key Savings is a 22 year veteran and Michaels will be discharged from the Army in June and plans Dr. Pierce, President of factors in helping in the Vietto attend the University of Utah. World Vision, Inc., has spent the nam War effort. By buying bonds major part of the last 2 years the American Citizen is showing in Viet Nam filming and direct. his patriotism and backing for the of Nam Viet production ing XlAS oCCtlOD the men who have to fight over ' Profile, while also establishing there. his organization's vast relief pro1 SOlQlCrS The program was wrapped up gram there. In the Proclamation for this years Armed Forces Day, by a question and answer period. Many times soldiers experiSome of the questions asked are President Johnson wrote, our soldiers, sailors, airmen, marines, Viet Nam Profile portrays ence personal problems while here. listed and coastguardsmen, from whom we ask so much, are the cor- the little people of the war-tothey are en route from one duty nerstone of our military might and richly deserve to have a speQ. I understand the President including colorful aborassignment to another. At these cial day set aside in their honor." He also invited the American country,mountain tribes people as has acted to improve the terms iginal times soldiers are unable to obpeople to take part in observances planned by personnel of the well as the Vietnamese people of U.S. Savings Bonds. How will tain assistance they have- - no Armed Forces as a. report to the Nation which they are sworn themselves. It takes the viewer this affect the bonds I am buycommanding officer or personnel to protect. into scenes of actual combat, fol- ing? officer to turn to for guidance Thus, Armed Forces Day 1966, to be celebrated May 21, lows missionaries and Vietnamese A. The President directed that or aid, and they may be isolated has a dual purpose. It is a day to pay tribute to Americans in Christians in their faithful and the interest rate on all bonds purin oversea areas or parts of the uniform. It is also a day when men and women in the often heroic labors for Christ, chased on and after Dec. 1, military ' 1965, there United State where are armed forces can report directly to the American people on their and depicts the ministries of a be increased from 3.75 to 4.15. no military installations to prostate of readiness and dedication to the task at hand protecting typical U.S. chaplain. This is being accomplished by vide such assistance. What can the nation. do? shortening the maturity period they The Armed Forces are like an investment in insurance made THE NARRATION and most rat Series E Bonds from the forWITHIN THE Department by die American people. Billions of dollars and hundreds of of the filming were done by Dr. mer 7 years to an even 7 years of the Army, the Personal Acthousands of young men and women have been poured into this Pierce personally, assisted by Interest checks on Series H Bonds tions Division, an integral part investment. The desired result of all this is a firm assurance that Cameramen Nguyen van Due of will be larger beginning in June, of the Enlisted Personnel Directhe nation which they built, and are building will continue as a Viet Nam and Y. B. Tang of Hong 1966. torate of OPO, is the point of force working toward the betterment of man. strong Kong. Original music was comcontact for the Armys personal Q. How does the interest inDuring Armed Forces Day 1966, the American people will posed and directed for the film of enlisted personnel aspect be able to see the results of their investment. The armed forces on Savings Bonds affect crease Carmichael. under the format, A Report to the Nation," will present what by Ralph the older bonds which I own? management. a This division is will amount to a stockholders report to the people. What happens to them? charged with the responsibility World Vision, with its interIt is the people from whom the men and women of the of overseeing compassionate A. All outstanding Series E armed forces draw their responsibility, resources and support. As national headquarters in Monrovia, change of assignment problems the people honor those in uniform, it is fitting they should be ' California, cares for over 20,600 and H Braids purchased prior to of the individual enlisted Army able to see that the trust of the nations defense is being carried orphans in 20 countries. It has Dec. 1, 1965, will earn 410 of member. It is equipped to aid program one per cent more interest than launched an all-oforward with energy and dedication. (AFPS) handle most situations regarding in Viet Nam, building refugee before for the remaining period die personal problems of the to next maturity, starting with the to Page Seven first interest period of 5 months centers, providing hundreds of or more which begins on or after for war crutches and wheelchairs 1965. December 1, area the English Village Housing countless Munitions Personnel On May 9 post taxi service or the Fries Park Trailer Court. amputees, distributing thousands of relief packets and Q. In the light of the interest again resumed for official The taxi drivers will not deliver Stop Snow Hazards war widows as well rate increase on Savings Bonds, supporting use only. It has been emphasized mail, packages, or similar items as blind students, orphans and shouldnt I cash in the bonds I by Phil Miller that taxi vehicles will not pick between destinations. bought 20 to 25 years ago, and Will a 42 inch morter bring Call ext. 2952 for taxi service. up or discharge passengers in slide? The buy new ones? down a potential snow U.S. Forest Service would like A. Absolutely not. In the first to know. the interest rate on your place, In response to a request from old bonds has also been improved. the Forest Service personnel from In the second place, you would Dugway Proving Ground travelled lose the tax deferral benefits to Little Cottonwood Canyon on you have enjoyed on these bonds April 4 to demonstrate the use since you first purchased them. of a mortar in mountain snow. In other words; when you cashThe specific question to consider ed the bonds you would be obliwas the mobility of the piece, gated to report for Federal insafety use, fuze penetration come' tax purposes all of the indepth, accuracy capability and terest that has accrued on these effect on the snow in potential bonds over the years. This tax slide areas. deferral feature is one of the maTwelve rounds were fired jor attractions of Series E Savwhich were observed by personings Braids. nel from the Wasatch National Forest and regional Forest SerBond Sales Up vice officials. 691 Million The requirements are based on shortage of ammunition and Treasury Department reports weapons for the recoilless rifles public holdings of Series E and II United States Savings Bonds presently in use, necessitating investigation of additional posgained $91 million in March. sibilities. The Forest Service is E and H Bond sales were the highest for any March since charged with the responsibility to bring down slide hazards for 1956, officials said, while E Bond the safety of the public in Nasales were the highest for any tional Forests. March since 1949. Sales of E and H Bonds this Dugway personnel effectively demonstrated that the liest methMarch represented a 10 perod is to fire explosive charges A SPECIAL RED CROSS citation was awarded to de- - parted Post Sergeant Major Alvin Pucek cent increase from the 8414 into the slopes to cause slides bemillion sold in the same month for Red Hill AFB American field Cross, Maj. assistant Sgt. director, fore the buildup reaches danger- from Richard E. Maynard, last year. Puccks outstanding help in ARC work at Dugway for the past six years. ous proportions. Vietnam Profile, just completed film production by Dr. Bob Pierce for World Vision, Inc., will be presented in a special premier showing at Dugway Post Chapel at 7 p.m. May 15. -- m Armed Forces Day May 21 DA A-Repo- 0 Help To the Nation m - - ut Post Taxi Svc. Starts t |