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Show TEST RUN, Dugway Proving Ground. ArMOHY ! Ikr WlNf HK STK R IfcPKATI.W ARMS ('ft THE WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO. - Hen is b aitbta conception of the original plant now known ai the Winchester-Wester- n Divirion of the Oiin Mathieson Chemical Corpora tion. Founded in 1808 it manufactured the world's first practical repeating iMW Cer.lB IH AHD DBGIQTGQ TODAY! SIMPLE AND EASY TO ENTER, ENTRY BLANKS AVAILABLE IN ALL STORES 100 YearsOn Target - ProNew York. N.Y., (ED) duct testimonials from Buffalo Bill Cody, President' Theodore Roosevelt and Chief Sitting Bull make more than sales, they make history. And so it was for die new Winchester Repeating Arms Company (W.R.A.C.) a century ago when opening on the last frontiers stretched west of the Mississippi. It was in I860, a year after the Civil War ended, that Oliver Fisher Winchester founded the company in New Haven, Conn. Success was based upon introduction and mass production of the first practical repeating rifle. ACCEPTANCE OF Winchesters early models proved that a demand was finally being supplied. From Mexico Benito Juarez ordered 1,000 of the first Model 86 rifles to augment the firepower his forces needed to free Mexico from die Napoleonic occupiers. A more powerful version of Model 68, the Winchester Model 73 became standard equipment with the Colt revolver for Western pioneers it was celebrated as the gun that won the West.' So impressed with it was Col. Buffalo Bill Cody that he wrote the company in 1875 stating: have been using and' have thoroughly tested your latest improved rifle. I pronounce your improved Winchester the. boas. Believe me, that you have foe most complete rifle now made; Several years later, President Roosevelt wrote in Teddy W.R.A.C. . about the new Model 78, he said: "The Winchester ir die best gun for any game to be found in the United States. THERE ARE no extant writings to document Sitting Bulls appreciation for the Winchester repeater, but it can be believed that he surrendered with reluctance his own Model 68 to the government in 1881 which rifle is now in the Smithsonian Institute in Wash., D.C. The repeating rifle, in fact, was little, more than an arms concept when Oliver Winchester set up shop one hundred years ago. A forerunner, the Volitional Repeater invented .by a New Yorker named Walter Hunt in 1849, long-standi- - 1 - Just register your name, address and .telephone num- BER was ruled out of all but historical value by overweight and an repeating mechanism. The Henry rifle, manufactured by the New Haven Arms Company owned by Winchester before he formed W.RA.C., did serve in the Civil War but mainly as the personal arms of state lilitia- men. Military examiners discredited it as too delicate for the field and incapable of withstanding die explosive force of military ammunition. ON AN ENTRY BLANK. NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. ENTER AS OFTEN AS YOU WISH. PRELIMINARY DRAWINGS HELD SATURDAY, MAY 14. FINAL DRAWING TUESDAY, MAY 17. All WINNERS WILL BE NOTIFIFJ. CONTEST ENDS SATURDAY, MAY 14 1966. over-compl- ex Similar was to the Henry rifle of the first firearm to SHOPPING SPREE at Z.CM.I. bear Winchesters name, the Model 88 (1866), though it was lighter, stronger and could fire two rounds per second to die Henrys one diot every three seconds. The Winchester just naturally became the "extra arm of settler and cowboy, soldier and hunter. Between 1886 and 1872 the net worth of die Winchester Repeating Arms Company rose from 450,000 to 1.1 million. As the firearm industry pew so did the demand for better ammunition. WINCHESTER added chemical ballistics laboratories and special ammunition storage facilities to die plant In 1883, the company erected a brass rolling mill for the manufacture of metallic cartridges. - WRAC ordnance re- search pioneered die most important sporting ammunition development of the ere smokeless powder cartridges, much more powerful than customary black powder ammunition. That same year the company brought out its famous Model 1894. Still in die line, with more than three million produced, die Model 94 "thirty-thirtis credited with for more deer than accounting any other rifle in history. An equally famous Winchester is the Model 12 shotgun, introduced in 1912. More of the n Model 12 shotguns have been produced than the shotguns of any manufacture in die world almost two million. It was therefore, a strong arms company that went to war for the U.S. and her allies in 1915. Winchester firearms served then as they have done in all succeeding conflicts up to the present one in Viet Nam Winner will receive $1,00000 te spend an a gigantic feihien (flopping zpraa. tfi yews free! What would you buy? .Met ta think about, bn? It? Evan nicer to win, and you can win faihian hopping spree at Z.C.M.I in Salt Lola City: m- SHOPPING SPREE Gift cortlficatoi far $10000 will bogivan to 36 lucky AG or Foodfawn riieppan. Thay wM bo ndoamabta at la Sab Lako City. Think of Iho fun that it will ba to taka your awn $100.00 gift certificate to pand on anything you with at Salt lake's most pap ulor deportment store. - GIFT CERTIFICATE 130 third piece wbmaisl Win one of theta $10.00 valuable riff certificates. You con ipend it at Z.C.M.L, Salt lae Cityifnoit papular department y- tor whore you will quality merchandise. GIFTS BRIBES for GroJuotes BISCUITS ( 32 oz botte White King ......... 3to23 5c off ( LIQUID D King Size Box White Xing WATER SOFTENER 10r off GiontPkq. 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Help u celebrate our 2Mt Anniversary end you may ba a lucky winner of one of these valuable prizes. Win MJD COFFEE lb. filcg. WHITE KING MENS Rings .... 64 e 13OZ. jar ESDS3 MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTIONS "D" . . . . . . 72' KIDNEY DEANS Sleero Beef. Chicken, or Vegetable 10 maiveleut (election of slide-actio- UEWEL'RiY e finB--w 19 39' fresh-froze- FISH STICKS.. WEESE 67s mm --) NON FftrttRV |