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Show m Arthur N. Howell, Metropolitan Inwr-onc- e Consultant, will bo at Dugway Anny Depot, Marttt18 to nevww and mdta policy changn. Anyone dewinfl MMtance call Mr. Langendorff, Personnel Affairs Officer, as this service is available on your request. Post Keglers Take First In Tourney TEST RUN, Dugway Proving Ground, Friday, March 11, 1966 Two DPG Personnel Attend Executive Seminar Lieutenant Colonel James T. Waters, DPG chief of staff and Sterling Nelson, scientific contract officer. Logistical Operations y Executive Seminar held in Directorate, returned from a Calif. Berkeley, APPROXIMATELY 50 persons attended the Personnel Man-- 5th Army Show , . agement for Executives seminar which is held once every quarter Scheduled at 10-da- Five poet bowlen bested seven other teams from Utah and Nevada in the First Annual Polar Bear Handicap Classic held in Elko, Nev., Feb. 26. THE KEGLERS were Red Kirk, Walt Cooper, Bob Solomon, Eldon Brooks and Mike Minard who rolled their way to a $500 first prize in the tourney. High man for the team was Red Kirk with a 627 scratch score and a high game of 235. It was a team effort as die Dugway fivesome had a pin total of 2802 scratch and 3023 handicap semes. THE SECOND place' team was 31 pins down from Dugway and were the A1 Lounge bowlen from Wendover, Nev. the Dugwayites were down 68 pins going into their last game and had to toll a 1,007 pin fall scratch to beat the Wendover team. Dugway Rifle Team Begins Gallery Shoot Another Expansion For Army Aviation Training (ANF)-Anoth- aviator-graduat- course which was held from Feb. 8 through 18 that. . . it was a very worthwhile seminar and I feel that this course has provided me with a better understanding and insight in overall management techniques. The course is designed for both military and civilian executives and sponsored by the Department of the Army .deputy chief of staff, personnel and is aimed at improving die management of human resources by stimulating executives to want to do a better the graduates 25 pilots each month; that number will be doubled. Because of the drastic increase in the size of training classes, 20 weeks of the program will be shifted to Fort Stewart. The Army Primary Helicopter School at Fort Writers, Tex., now turns out 290 pilots a month; a new total of 375 is planned. The students will continue to take the Advanced Training Rotary Course at Fort Rucker. More than 100 aircraft and 350 military and civilian personnel are being transferred from the Aviation School to the new operation at Fort Stewart. FORT MONROE, VA. expansion of the Armys fixed and rotary-win- g aviation training has been announced by the U.S. Continental Army Command. Beginning in the summer of 1966, the number of "Kway March 29 each month will graduThere will be a special Sixth ally increase to a total of 425 -Army Show, The Best of Hollycent over the a hike of 35-pwood" for Dugway personnel on present figure. March 29. In addition, the expansion calls Showtime will be 7:30 p.m. at for the transfer of some activithe Sandy Acres Service Club. ties of the Army Aviation School Featured as master of cereat Fort Rucker, Ala., to supplemonies is A1 Stevens who will inStewFATHER AMi SOY Frirmlr Fir mentary facilities at Fort troduce the New Folk Trio, Tina Ga. art, Clmaa Kurt T. Marne. I 'SMC. Olson Dancers and pianist SidThe Fixed Wing Flight Trainyimlk Marine Regiment. f.'omfMMr, ney Ilurwitz. ' ing Program at Fort Rucker now er 35-we- es er 16-we- T (4(is Teehmirmi Hornes. VSAF. kin milk father .Sergeant Frmmklim Rien Horn AB, HV'.. TSgt. Homes 4 as isoo other sons stationed in Pietnom . One is n .Sendee and the The worlds artesian largest job. IT ALSO provides the op- - well is near Roswell, New Mexico other n ffsrr Corfu man ahttmrtl ike it flows some 13 milium gallons iSS Repoae. portunity to develop a sharper sense of direction and improve of pure water per day. management skills. ' Those entertainment tours by celebrities and college and professional groups are but a part of the annual overseas program handled by the Armed Forces Entertainment Branch. Headquartered in the Armys Adjutant Generals Office, the Branch schedules over 90 units a year in every corner of the globe. At least four a month of the moralebuilding tours are scheduled for Vietnam. - P. The Dugway Proving Ground a new type of marksmanship competition tomorrow when they travel to Salt Lake City and shoot in the 1968 Utah State Gallery Rifle champRifle Team will begin WILSON TRACK SHOE ionship. THE POST team will be shooting the new Winchester 52D 22 caliber match rifle in the gallery match which features four position shooting (none, sitting, kneel and offhand) on the indoor range at Highland High 50-fo- ot Bkw-Blo- ck LITTLE LEAGUE Loathor Uppar White DriKte BASEBALL Outsolt Full SHOES REG. OPEN FACE ari 2-P- 12.50 SPin Rangu 8" REG. 45 6.50 Sin REEL HOLLOW CLASS ROD C. BSW School. The team has been practicing smallbore shooting on the newly completed indoor rifle range in Building 5809. Each member will shoot in the iron sight matches which consist of 20 shots in each of the four positions. In addition, a special two-ma- n buddy match will be shot. All gallery matches are slow Ore matches which allow shooters one minute per shot. . MORE THAN 100 competitors will compete in the matches sponsored by the Utah State Rifle and Pistol Association. Representing Dugway will be Lieutenants C. Hodge, R. Mitchell, G. Roselle, Sergeant C. Picket, and Specialist 4 R. Deren-ard. REAL ESTATE TRANSCRIPT AND BULLETIN CLASSIFIED AD RATES: 5 cents per word - Regular (light face type) 10 cents per word - Business (dark face type) 50 cents per issue - Up to one inch (monthly rate) $1 per inch - Over one inch (monthly rate) $1 JO per inch - Display ads .1,' WILL TRADE equity in three NEW SPINET PIANO for sale. bedroom home in Salt Lake CRI $395. Ph. for one in Tooele. Hunter or DAMACED SALE 15 Many items received slightly damaged. Real bargains: FOR SALE - 3 bedroom home in Grantsville. 194 baths, new carpeting, full basement, fenced. Make offer. 112 McMichael Ave. CRI' PROFESSIONAL CLEANING SERVICE Expert rug and upholstiy doming. Wall washing. Guaranteed Reasonable. Free es3 timates. Call or CRI 882-261- 4. 496-091- 4. MONTHLY RATES are for consecutive insertions only, with no changes. Except with business films and individuals who maintain open accounts with the Transcript and Bulletin, all classified advertisements are CASH IN ADVANCE. AN ERROR in a classified ad should be repotted imme-diatlThe paper is responsible for one incorrect insertion only. SERVICES MISCELLANEOUS 884-347- 882-414- 5. 882-439- FREE PICK UP AND DELIVERY UNTIL JUNE 1 Lawn mowers, precision sharpened. All makes. Small engine repair. Saws, scissors, knives sharpened. Cal Farrington, 287 Marvista Lane. Full time. o May 30 7. y. FOUR UNIT APT INCOME $200 These wont last long. Come in and browse around. per month or owner can have ALL CLASSIFIEDS will be' included in die TEST RUN, three bedroom apartment Radio Electric, 14 N. Main a newspaper distributed to 2,000 Dugway Proving Ground with 2 baths and $100 per PRI Phone 8824)664 residents and workers, twice monthly, without additional month income. Large lot and SACE KENNELS - Boarding charge. garage. Call James R. Williams FOR SALE - 20x48 ft. shop build-inDEADLINE for classified ads is 11 ajn. slay of publication. small breed dogs. 75 cents a 5 CRI or Moved to your lot $600. day. Heated. Complete financing. Call o SACRIFICE split level home. 1V4 March 25 Doran Hunt. SPECIAL NOflCE FOR RENT baths, three bedrooms, carpets, SEWING MACHINE REPAIR-A- ll drapes, fenced, partially finish- BPOE ELKS NO. 1073 FURNISHED APARTMENTS two Chau-doimakes. Dealers in Pfaff, 3rd ed GUITARS level, Marie FENDER sprinkler system. kitchens rooms. New and three MEETINGS 2nd and 4th Necchi and Elna; Sewing ma& supplies. Salt , $18,500. Will arrange terms . Amps TUESDAYS at 8 pm. and appliances, including elecchines. Hemstitching.Cillespies for small down. Ph. Lake prices. 220 S. Main, call CRI1 at 01 N. MAIN tric ranges, automatic gas heat, o March 11 or Sewing Machine Center, 261 air conditioned. Large recreaS. 1st West, Tooele. Phone o 25 March LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE tion area. Rates start at $75 SALE - Split level at 626 N. 8824)661. CRI FOR all utilities NO. 2031 t e per mouth jjvith... Ave'. Carpels, drapes, ELECTROLUX - Americas larBrook . furnished. Rent by day, week, MEETINGS WED. 8 p.m. built-in- s, DRAPERIES Ready Made or Cusair conditioned, inter2 PHONE gest selling vacuum. Let me month or year.' Linen service tom Build AH fabrics, modem and fenced, show com, how landscaped. to do your available. WESTERN APARTyou Gordon Furniture Co. or contact at Call designs. and Tooeasier fester, ROCKY MOUNTAIN LODGE 515 North cleaning Main, MENT, 60 South Main. 166 E. Brook Ave. cleaner. Sales and Service, NO. 11, FfcAM ele. Phone o March 18 CRI Charles M. Palmer, 35 East CRI MEETS 1st and 3rd TUES. ( Main, Grantsville. CRI OF EACH MONTH, 7:30 p.m. HAVE YOUR insurance rates AT THE FRATERNAL HALL FOR RENT - two and three bedgone up? Check our low rates. FOR THE MINDED QUALITY room apts. with attached garINSURANCE PEDERSENS A Crude LOSE WEIGHT SAFELY with pasteurized milk. ages, electric stove, refrig., oil AGENCY, Fresh the at one Tablets. Only 98c Farm, duly heat. Newly painted. Immemile east of Drive Inn Theatre. at Your Drug Store. diate occupancy. $65 and $75. 191 North Main PHOTOGRAPHY o March 11 Monday through Saturday. School bus, mail delivery, - Weddings - Children offers Portraits o April 5 Deseret Chemical Depot. Ph. ia Industrial Specialize WITHOUT ELEGANCE CRI WANTED MARK WORTHINCTON EXTRAVAGENCE NEW SHEETROCK $1.80 for 4x8 3 CRI Ph. Three bedroom brick veneer WANTED building lots or acreBACHELOR APARTMENT for air conditionattached garage, rent Call age in Grantsville or Tooele. ELECTRIC IRON repairing. All FOR SALE - piano console size, ing, landscaped front and side Call Doran Hunt makes. Steam irons deaned cover10x14 walnut Take small over finish, yard light, yard, o and April 1 UNFURNISHED APT. private doors. repaired ELMERS, 38 W. ed balcony, sliding glass monthly payments. Vine. bath. Suitable hr one or CRI Built-i- n 1 with hood, range WANTED - ride to downtown aged. " othand disposal, many Salt Lake, 8 to 5 Mon thru Fri. 1 PFAFF features. If you have equity WASHING MACHINE Kelvina-to- r er or join carpori. Call Repossessed Pfaff with zig-za- g for sale. $50. Call at 265 in an older home we can sell SMALL 3 room house in Grantswill button, hole, blind hem, this and can move into Date 9 St. Ph. after 5 it you ville. monogram, dam, in slightly soon. Still time to choose colors. p.m. BABY SITTER to come to my damaged cabinet Take over - 882-40Phone home. Call 3 after 5:00 FOR RENT - furnished three payments $550 a month, HAY SALE FOR 6 6 1 . 4 p.m. room apt. Phone Eveninp: ($58.40) full balance. o March 25 Tooele Merc. I INCOME TAX HELP WANTED and State, Fed. FOR SALE - Crantsville LDS Automatic Sewing Machine FOR RENT - two bedroom home, H&R BLOCK CO. Seminary liuilding and grounds. Freight damaged. Completely 349 N. 1st East. $85 per mo.; MEN WANTED: Good opening. Americas largest tax service Ideal business location. Phone automatic. Universal zig-zaBachelor type apt. two room, Sell Rawleigh Products. Year 1 1 9 a.m. to 9 pm 0 Farrel Sandberg, Everything built right in ma$50 per month. Call Swift Inaround. Steady work; good ' 191 N. Main chine. Zig-zaCo. vestment monogram, profits. Write Rawleigh Dept. 1 Phone RABBITS live or dressed. $1.25 blind hem, overcast seams, UT C 71 137 Denver, Cola creative stitches, complete appr. 3 lbs. Tooele portable. LEAVLNC TOWN must sell VEHICLES STEREO COMPONENT system. C-Mere. carhome. Garage, SECRETARY with typing experikit amplifier, preampliDyna S. W. 525 455 peted, drapes. 1964 Valiant. Call ence and shorthand preferred. FOR SALE fier, FM tuner. Bozak speakGUARANTEED CRI Also openings for men in asers, Ampex tape deck. 27 battery starts a day for the life of your car with VX6. sembly and finished departFOR SALE - $14,750. Three ments. Vista Liner, 9 a.m.-- 4 W. I. West,' Box 75, Stockton, MODEL 55 HONDA $175; 21-ibrick veneer, curb and WELL kept carpets show the p.m. Utah. Ph. 8824)901. console TV. Good condition, 29 Swift street. on paved gutter results of regular. Blue Lustre $55; automatic washer $15. Ph Investment Co. 88441635, OPENING - position of Tooele 5 spot cleaning. rent electric GUNS shampooer $1. Cordon FurniCity Recorder. Any qualified ture Co.' 60 S. Main St. C-- ll elector of city, male or female. 51 FORD v8 pickup, 4 speed, new MOBILE HOMES GUNS - BUY - SELL - SWAP -Required to take minutes of paint, tires, $250; 45 foot sale PIANO for $125. othPay $20 to $38 for Win. and UPRIGHT such and council meetings steel chassis, tandem axle, Lever-action1956 MARLETTE, 3 bedroom. Maklin. 1 Ph. pay er duties as the council shall electric brakes $150; radio-t- v 8x50. Price to reduced. for $5 $75 large cal. Sshots; provide. Submit written applirepair equipment, tubes and 1958 CHAMPION 2 bedroom, NEW WURLITZER Pay $5 to $15 for doubles with cations to Chairman Tooele " schematics. Reasonable price. Spinet Pianos 10x45. New Larsens, hammers; Carpet. Pay $18 to $28 for Ph. from $495. Parkers Music Co. City Council, City Hall. 1090 W. 1st N. 45 autos. Other guns accordCRI 56 N. Main. ingly. Buy junk guns. DeYongei BEAUTICIAN wanted at Grants- FOR SALE -- 1955 Cadillac. Phone 7 after 4 p.m. ville. 6 REFRIGERATOR - double door. 1. or 10x50 NASHUA two bedroom I960 offer. Best Good condition. model, partly furnished. 53 C-- ll FOR SALE - 1957 Ford, fully Ph. BUILDING LOTS See England Ave. anytime. j equipped. Excellent condition. WOMEN WANT WORK See at 125 S. $250. FOR SALE - dresser .with mirror, CERTIFIED SUBDIVISION - W, 1 2nd St. and highboy. $20 each. Call Grantsville: High ground good IRONING DONE. Pick up and I CHILD CARE 1 one large business P-- ti drainage; 18 delivery. 59 OLDS Station Wagon - Very lot' on Main Street; nineteen -mothers ATTENTION working clean. Good mech. $595. i ALFALFA HAY for sale. Phone good 'dome building lots; buy a WILL DO IRONINC. Frances Will give your children loving lot today, start building to. . Yeaman. care and supervision. 719 morrow. Title insurance all 1 Stanxhtiry Ave. refrigerator-freezFROST FREE ready. Nine new homes already in CHILDREN TEND ILL my pETS 14-- 2 cu. ft. Reg. $329.95 built on this subdivision. home, Call Beautiful view and setting. Call Only $199.95. New damaged ADORABLE Pekingese puppies. Radio $219. Mrs. Lucile Sutton, $79. Reg. range I Reg. and Fed. Shots. $35 and and Hardware, 14 N. 421 West Clark St. Electric $45 o Main. March 18 P-t- g. 884-663- 884-394- 8. 884-505- 882-351- 6, 5. P-t- n. 882-437- 5. P-t- 882-108- 1. 882-33- P-t- Hollow Glass M rm . TOTAL VALUE . ifteOO 22.95 SUMMER SCOUT SPECU1S I ALUMINUM Back Pack Pack Frame D RING TYPE WITH SHOULDER STRAPS REG. 399 2.39 4 POUND DACRON LARGE AND FULL REG Full) W LOFTY ZIPPER VALUE (20 89 CAMP AX Sleep Bag Made in 1333 U.S.A. SOUTH BEND REG. $19 by Kelly Bearden Dugway High School, with a 7 win --5 loss record finished third place in the Jordan Division of Region Five. Grantsville, 12-finished first and St. Joseph, 9-finished second. These three teams from the Jordan Division will meet die first three teams from the Summit Division of Region Five. These games will be played at Viewmont High School, located at 120 West 1000 North in Bountiful. Region Five will qualify four teams for the State Class B Tournament. Morgan and Grantsville, already assured of a state berth will play at 8:30 p.m. tonight, to determine the region championship. Dugway and North Summit will play at 6:40 pjn. to determine a state berth. St. Joseph will meet Wasatch at 5 p.m. to determine the other state berth. 3, Reg. 1.49 KIDS FISHING POLE AND REEL OUTFIT COMPLETE 882-108- 882-11- Lino Great Lakes 2 Piece Spin Rod and Polar No. 31 Reel With Disc Drag, Full Bail, Chrome Plated Handle - Dugway Mustangs Take Third in Jordan Divirion 70 882-006- 2. P-t- HAINES REALTY Dex-A-Di- et 882-357- P-t- P-t- 882-302- 3. 882-439- 882-249- 3. 882-238- 3. 882-351- 6. P-t- 882-385- 0. dish-eash- 882-367- 0. 882-252- 1. 882-206- 884-504- 6. 882-139- 4 882-290- 882-323- 4. 882-455- 882-356- P-1- 882-286- 2. 882-227- P-t- C-R- $5-U- p 884-505- REEL T-C- It Only Takes A Minute To 884-663- P-- 884-394- 9. 882-401- 882-351- 3. 882-227- WITH LINE Get A Better Deal At SPECIAL Mantes Chevrolet 882-253- 1. 882-460- 3. bed-roo- m n. 884-394- 9. - 882-410- i)gi 9B3I6 -- k s; 882-487- 5. 882-436- 882-315- 9. 882-438- 884-552- 882-060- 3. 884-501- F-C- . 882-421- 5. 882-272- 2. T. A. BURGESS 882-130- 5. 882-118- 0. Stop in Today Call me or at 882-314- 9 Save time - Save Money MANTES CHEVROLET 882-356- 7. 882-251- 4. 882-326- 1. 882-023- 7. er 882-240- 1. Commot Printini 884-505- 5. k P-1- r- - 884-349- P-t- r ifm |