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Show 4 UNIVERSITY Cr UTAH LI3RA!V.:S. j &F1 i I ' MAP I I I PERIODICALS DiiT i Friday March 11, 1966 Vol. No. 9 No. 17 Published for Dugway Proving Ground, Dugway, Utah Published by the Transcript-Bulleti-n Publishing in no a firm, private Company, Tooele, Utah, way connected with the Department of the Enlisted personnel can no long- R Yoder Whet mey prove to be one of the greatest boons in aircraft fire rescue work was demonstrated here March 7 by two repre1 sentatives of the Ansul Fire Protection Corporation. (pickup die rest from our paper) by Tit crash-rescu- ue there have only been nine aircraft mishaps and in all cases the occupants were saved according to DPG Fire Chief Junes Alcorn. Officials said that this type of fire fighting apparatus was a major breakthrough in flammable liquid fire suppression. A dry chemical knocks down die flames and a water-solubcompound secures die area to prevent flash back. le However, they went on to emphasize that die truck is a major factor in fighting aircraft fires. The one used in die demonstration was a three quarter ton vehicle with drive which gives it speed and the ability to traverse adverse terrain and get to the downed aircraft and save the occupants. THE DEMONSTRATION was held at Michael Army Air- four-whe- el field and Mike Kraus and Roily Lansh, fire fighting engineers from Ansul performed the operation. Visiting fire officials included Allen George and Robert Tanner of die Offirx of the State Fire Marshal; Floyd Peterson, fire chief, Ogden Defense Depot, Major Rumbaugh, fire marshal, Ogden Defense Depot; Darwin Van De Graff, Ogden City Fire Department; Clide Peterson, fire thief Ogden City; Deris F. Porter, fire chief of Tooele and Vernal Swna-ge- r, fire chief, Hill Air Force Base. in fod Ogden Defense De- and len DePot w Al Thompson, Salt Lake City Fire Chief and his assistants Leon DeKerver and Leonard Thorstium. New Impact Area for fnn DDOOt UMl Cl The CBRWOC demonstration team will be using a new impact location for rocket firing demonstrations. THE NEW impact area is located south of the CBR observation point and gun positions, east ot Cherait Road and north of the sand dunes in the 'lower portion of the east wig grid. The impact area will be reto all perstricted and s sonnel. The limits of the area will be posted with signs in the near future. THE APPROXIMATE boundaries of this area are bounded on the west by Cherait Road; on line the east by a north-sout- h two miles east of and parallel to Cherait Road; on die south by an east-weline, five miles north of Baker Laboratory; and on the north by the observation point access road, running along the north edge of east wig grid. For further information ext. 5119. off-lim- its . st New Editor m qj ers herein are their own and are not to be con- sidered an official expression by the Depart Policy Changes On EM Hikes New DPG Fire Truck May Save Many Lives What may prove to be one of the greatest boons in aircraft fire rescue work was demon- strated at Dugway Proving Ground today by two represen- tatives of the Ansul Fire Protec- tionCorjporation. Some 19 fire chiefs and other fire representatives from all over Utah had come to Dugway Proving Ground to observe a. demonstration of a light .S-- Sd ped with die new water" unit extinguish an aviation gasoline Maze over an 1,800 square foot and in a mere 20 seconds. They also inspected e the new station completed recendy. THE NEW fire truck will be added to the $125,000 Air Crash-Rescstation at the airfield. It is staffed by four men 24 hours a day. In the past five years Army. Opinions expressed by publisher and writ- The DPG Test Run has a new editorl Staff Sergeant Ralph E. Yoder will be handling news for the post newspaper for die next several months. He is presently on temporary duty status from Ft Huachuca where, he worked there as editor of the Huachuca Scout Anyone having items of interest to both post personnel andor outside news media are urged to call ext. 2991 or visit die information office in the headquarters building, room 1504. er be promoted to pay grade E-- 5 in less than two years of active service. This and other changes in the Armys enlisted promotion system have crept into the scene via a Information Army Command Fact Sheet no. 44 dated Feb. 18. ACCORDING TO die fact sheet a minimum time of two and one-hayears active duty is now a prerequisite for consideration Of this six for promotion to E-months is waivable," leaving an even two years minimum active duty required before die soldier can be considered. In the new regulations up to two waivers of prerequisites may be allowed. Time in grade for all enlisted ranks remain die same, however, there are now new periods of minimum active duty for promotion in grades E4 through E9: THE PAY grade, minimum time in grade, minimum time on active duty and the maximum time available in die AD area are listed in that order here for information: For promotion to E9, the soldier must have 16 months in grade and 18 years active duty of which up to five are waivable. To E8, 14 mos-1- 5 yrs.-- 4 yrs; yrs.-- 3 E7, 12 mos.-lyrs.; E6, 10 mot. --5 yrs.-- 2 yrs.; E5, 8 mos. 2 and one-hayears. 6 mos.; E4, f 6 mos.-- l and years. --8 mos.; E3, 4 mos. in grade with no active duty time restriction. IN OTHER areas, command- -' ex's of battalions and any similar organization authorized a commander or lieutenant colonel or higher, may not promote up to pay grade E6. Formerly promotion to E6 was reserved for the commanding officer of DPG. For E7 through E9, a unit or activity commanded by a colonel or higher has the authority to promote. If an individual has signed a statement of intent not to is not eligible for reenlistment he will not be considered for promotion. For promotion to E5 or higher, a minimum MOS evaluation score of 110 or higher prior to the effective date of the new regulation is required. Ibis provision remains die same, except now a waiver has been authorized for individuals with evaluation scores not below 70. IN THE same ranks, the soldier must obtain a passing sane on die physical fitness test. If physical limitation prohibits effective performance of duty in more than one geographical area lf 5. O lf one-hal- . - . ip . m m Army of the products or services advertised. Civilian job Openings Established at DPG Twenty-seve- n in position vacancy MOS die in- dividual will be precluded from : promotion. This is waivable. Personnel no longer are re quired to be on the job for 60 days before being considered. Evaluation data and recommendations are now being forwarded by air mail to die soldier's new duty station in the event he is transferred prior to promotion. He then gets immediate consideration rather than the long wait. Another' feature of the new regs that will assist personnel in planning for the future is a precedence" list for promotion at each activity. The roster, now required to be published, will list (in order) those next available for promotion in a certain MOS. In other wends a soldier can check the list to ascertain his standing for consideration, whether it be, first, second, tenth a particular or in ' MOS. In this area a position vacancy must exist somewhere within the command. Provisions governing reductions for inefficiency have also been changed by the message while the current poll&p on Enlisted .Promotions in Vietnam" remain in effect. It Took Onlyt 12 Seconds! mium ... ment of the Army. The appearance of advertisements in this publication does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of the m liOllege WODieil S UllD Announces Spring Plans $125,000 Will Be Added to Payroll Gordon Paxman, distinguished staff member of the Univercivilian job openings have been created here . Twenty-seve- n be die guest speaker for die Dugway College Woas a result of the conversion plan announced last foil by Secremens Club (DCWC) at the next meeting, March 17. Mr. Paxman will discuss the history of ballet and particularly the development tary of Defense Robert S.. McNamara to release more servicemen from support type activities. of ballet in Utah. THE CHANGE affects five officer and 22 enlisted person-- , Guest speaker at the Februnel positions currently authorized at the Proving Ground. was DCWC Attilie ,, at ary meeting The job openings available Azzelio of foe CBR Weapons Oriehere should be filled by May 1. ntation Course. Mrs. W. T. Haslem, president, said in presentNearly all the military positions approved for conversion ing Mr. Azzelio that he is a native of Utah and has been on post six were of an administrative or clerical nature and the civilian yean. She noted that his standing as an artist is widely recogcounterpart positions will be of nized. the intermediate to lower pay po. MR. AZZELIO spoke on WaThera will be a Skeet .Shoot sitions. ter Color He illustrated a deTHE MAJORITY of the Dugsponsored by the Welfare and tailed explanation of this form of Morale Division March 13 from way conversions were located In lO&O a.m. to 2:30 p.m. at the the support type organizations painting with colorful examples of his own work. on post. skeet range. Art should not be limited to A breakdown of job openings Shotguns, pigeons and ammuthe professional artist, Mr. nition will be provided with a include 13 in the Personnel and pointed out, it should desmall service charge for die trap Administration Directorate; three in the Logistical Operations Divelop in all of us an appreciation boys. e of and natural beauty. All children 14 to 17 yean rectorate; three in the Comp- Participation should bring relaxamust be accompanied by an adult, t roller and Programs Directorate; tion and pleasure to every wield-e- r To reach die sheet range turn two in Test Design and Analysis; of the paint brush. west on Staik Road to Resevoir three in Test Operations and three Art is universal and . Street and then left on the Sheet in speciaTsfaff elements. to all, Mr. Azzelio Officials here have emphasized Range sign and follow the signs. added, I believe that in paintthat about 50 per cent of the positions scheduled for conversion ing, man achieves something of are now vacant; thus the hiring immortality." FOLLOWING the evenings of civilians should increase Dug-walecture, Mrs. Haslem introduced current payroll by approxithe officers who will complete mately $125,000 annually. the clubs fiscal terms. Mrs. HasIT WAS also emphasized that lem replaces Mrs. Morris Levin many of the military jobs being who resigned to leave post; Mrs. converted would cause no reasOn February 16, die President of the United States anS. F. Horan becomes the vice nounced an increase in the interest on US Savings Bonds from signment because the individuals president. Mrs. Don Heebner, 3.75 percent tc 4.15 percent This signals the beginning of an involved would be absorbed into secretary, and Mrs. Chester A. intensive effort toward increased participation in this important other positions here. Brown, treasurer, retain their and rewarding program. Information Officers at all levels are Dugway offers some fringe for civilian job seekers. benefits Bond command respective elected posts. Savings campaigns. urged to cooperate folly in Mrs. Haslem also introduced Since it is located some 80 miles The Presidents statement follows: five members of DCWC who are I AM TODAY announcing an increase in the interest from Salt Lake City and 40 miles from Tooele, (pop. 10,000) the making significant contributions on U.S. Savings Bonds from 3- - percent to 4.15 percent. in the area of community service. This means that the bonds that you have, and the bonds personnel hired would be eligible Mrs. Reginald Kendall and Mrs. for housing on post comparable you buy in the future, will earn you man money. It means a with their grade and family size. J. K. McBride were cited as fairer return for those millions of Americans that are already members of the Curriculum Comenrolled in the Saving Bond Program. And I hope that it will Employees residing on post may mittee of the Tooele County utilize the hospital facilities encourage millions more of you to join. School District, while Mrs. JoThe- - Saving Bond Program is both prudent and natriotic. (just recently renovated at a cost of approximately $500,000) the It is prudent because it strengthens the security of your own famseph M. Clarke and Mrs. Carrol Madsen were honored as Post Exchange and commissary ot our ily. It is patriotic because it strengthens the economy as well as other post facilities. need who to Vietnam in men our waking upon the district-wid- e it fighting supports country, revision of TCSD Remedial ReadAvailable housing on post inbe supported at this very hour, and it supports the cause of our ing Program. Mrs. Kenneth L. freedom everywhere in the world. It helps to preserve the buying clude Wherry and Army conCollins recently received a nastructed quarters which are all in power of our American dollars. tional journalistic award. excellent condition. AND FOR all of these reasons, I believe that saving bond In addition to the appearance are the most For further information contact make. can American that investment any important of Mr. Paxman in March, Mrs. I Office at urge you to invest regularly through the Payroll Savings Plan the Civilian Personnel Haslem said that many exciting at Ground. bank. or Proving Dugway office, your factory, your your events are planned for the reYour President, your Vice President, and the Members of of Two mainder of the year. these, the Cabinet are themselves enrolling in such a dan. I am purthe Creative Writing Contest for chasing bonds for myself and Mrs. Johnson, for Lud and Lynda, Dugway school children, and the and I am instructing my department and agency heads to imme-diatl- y Tea for Senior Girls in May, are begin a campaign so that every employee of the Federal annual affairs. Mrs. Kendal and Government can set an example for the rest of the Nation to Mrs. Jacob R. Hildebrand Jr., are follow. of the writing conFORT MONROE, Va. (ANF) Not all of us are called upon to fight for freedom in Viettest Mrs. Brent Ritchie and Mrs. nam, but we can help in that cause by strengthening our counThe Army is offering more housMcBride are in charge of the seing help to dependents of sotry and by strengthening its economy here at home. nior tea. ldiers assigned to overseas duty. In April, the DCWC will enLimited Announcing that tertain the Womens Club of the surplus family housing may he Officers Open Mess. A Fashion found from time to time at Show full of secrets and surprizes military installations in the conis being readied under the ditinental United States. . . the rection of Mrs. Haslem and Mrs. U.S. Continental Army Command Horan. Mrs. Henry Whittaker has listed several Army posts will be the narrator. which now have housing available dor separated families. CONARC suggested that the best place to get late housing information is the family housing officer at the serviceman's last CONUS post. Applications can then be submitted directly tn the family housing officer at the 12-1- 9 post on which the family wishes to live. The Girl Scout cookie sale Units are now available basis will be on a through the St. Louis, Mo., Supwith the scouts canvassing Eng- lish- - Village and Fries Park housport Center; Fort Story, Va.; U.S. Army Support Detachment. next tomorrow area through ing Pa.; Fort Stewart, Ga.; Oakdale, Saturday. Fort Lewis, Wash.; and , Fort Orders will be delivered beAWARD PRESENTED - Harry S. Sloaoe, a mathematical Riley, Kansas and Dugway. tween April 14 to 30. statistician for the Test Design and Analysis Office is the This housing is in addition to The cookie sale Is an annual service of a Department of the Army recipient the Girl Scout recently announced program affair and winds up award and also a Sustained Superior Performance award at Schilling Air Force Base near Week which was celebrated Mar. which were presented to Mm by Col. Joseph J. Fraser, Jr., Fort Riley where the Army has 6 through 12. DPG commander. Feb. 17. (US ARMY FHOTO) over 700 Capehart housing units set aside for separated families. sity of Utah will Skeet Shoot Here Sunday Az-zell- io man-mad- cosn-munica- Statement On U.S. Saving Bond Program By President Dependents Can Apply For Housing Girl Seoul Cookie Sale March pre-ord- ANSUL FIRE PROTECTION engineers apply the new PKF and light water fire fighting equipment recently purchased by Dugway Proving Ground to 1800 square feet of burning gasoline in a test here March 7. The equipment, first of its type in dm State of Utah, is designed to giro fast control of gasoline fires to allow the rescue of aircraft crews involved in midlaps at Dupvays Michael Army Airfield. The time of fire control allowing rescue operations was a mere 12- seconds in the test, burning more than e 350 gallons of (U.S. Army Photo) gasoline. high-octan- er 30-ye- 1 j |